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David Lessard Jul 2017
Give us now, our daily bread,
feast upon the staff of life;
know the peace of love,
that subdues all strife.

Know the bliss of joy,
that stems from Him alone;
that lifts your every burden,
from which you can't atone.

That removes all blemishes,
that used to bring you down;
that caused you all the pain,
that caused your brow to frown.

Be blessed by His abundance,
that never knows an end;
that shelters you from harm,
that comes around the bend.

Give us now, our daily bread,
the food that Christ can give;
the strength to face tomorrow,
the happiness to live.
David Lessard Sep 2016
The whole world is spinning, out of control,
who is in charge? Does anyone know?
the President's golfing, the V.P. is not,
the whole of the core, is going to rot.

Now we're faced, with two different choices,
two unpopular people, two ugly voices;
both want to be first, in charge of us all,
and once more it's true, we're ready to fall.

Once a great nation, we've fallen aside,
due to stupidity, arrogance, pride;
the gap between rich and the gap between poor,
seems to be widening, just more and more.

The rich get richer, the poor, more worse off,
when we all plead our case, the skeptics just scoff;
they're blinded by money, and typical greed,
for crying out loud - how much do they need?

We're sinking in quicksand, and sinking quite fast,
where's the control? How long will it last?
there's only one fact, for this old, hardy soul,
the whole world is spinning and out of control.
David Lessard Nov 2017
I swear, I never saw it coming,
just the note that said goodbye;
now I've left with only questions,
who and what and where and why.

I searched for answers, there were none,
no pieces of a puzzle could I form;
left with nothing I could hold,
I could only weep and mourn.

Mourn for what we had and lost,
mourn for love that disappeared;
mourn for happiness, now gone,
inheriting all things I feared.

In the silence of the night I cried,
my heart and soul, they were in pain;
I wondered if I could hold together,
wondered if you'd return again.

Love hurts too much when it is over,
from joy, it falls to desperate grief;
the hurt is, it might last forever,
and that this pain will never cease.
David Lessard Aug 2017
Oft times, your ways are hard Lord,
but they are just   and fair;
you help in times of troubles,
to show us that   you care.

Some only see the sorrow,
some only see the pain;
but those that know your truth,
have everything to gain.

We sometimes do not understand,
the way you show your plan;
but a sunrise and a sunset,
is one creation...Grand!

We suffer in your name Lord,
from human persecutions;
from skeptics and from fools,
under false delusions.

We must be overcomers,
to run the race and win;
tethered to your word,
we overcome our sin.
David Lessard Jan 2016
I know that love can lose its luster,
by things we do not do;
by words we never say,
or those we speak, are few.

I know that hope can fall apart,
by the obstacles we face;
by roadblocks in our path,
by life's insistent pace.

And I know that dreams can die,
by pressure to keep going;
when we lose our vision,
to conclusions of not knowing.

The hectic race is to survive,
and we must overcome;
in love and hope and dreams,
that are placed aside by some.

We must be monarchs of our fate,
and rulers of our soul;
for the body, mind and spirit,
to keep our being whole.
David Lessard Dec 2020
I see the lights of village dwellers
of gaudy, festive Christmas glee
that honors not our Savoir
but invades the Bible's truth we see.
Celebrating Jesus's  birth
they have the date all wrong
it's in the Autumn He was born
when angels joined in song.
The people give away their gifts
they drink the new year in
foolish resolutions made
as they frolic in their sin.
Pagan holidays fly by
forgotten in one night
they live in utter darkness
blinded by God's light.
Ignorance is bliss they say
but is that really true?
in ignorance they perish
for a world they never knew.
David Lessard Sep 2016
There is sunshine in the rain that falls from heaven,
golden sun-drops that you cannot see;
in the wetness of an autumn storm,
behind the clouds, waits clarity.

There is perfume in the air, when the rain is gone,
when earth stands fresh and washed, anew;
a colored bridge shines in the distance,
against a sea of vivid blue.

And like life, each storm is slowly passing,
some are rather brief and some are long;
we bid farewell to Summer's magic,
now we relish in September's song.

There is sunshine in the rain that falls from heaven,
through the mist that cools and covers all;
and we are ready for another magic season,
that will herald in, the reign of fall.
David Lessard May 2020
Winds are sweeping through the pines
as I drive to Aspen Creek
exit the car, taking my dog
edging to the trail I seek;
It's a cool and quiet place
not too far from town
but different here with trees
and nature's to be found;
The sky is blue and brilliant
the path before us calls
we stride with quickened steps
as we merge into its halls;
As majestic as a temple
with a babbling stream nearby
air that's sweet as perfume
pleasant breezes sigh;
We spend an hour walking
on the ridge the town's in view
we pay it scant attention
after all, we're passing through.
David Lessard Jul 2017
You're really too **** far away,
to realize,  I matter;
too aloof from contact,
for my heart to shatter.

So I send you unread messages,
don't know if you got them;
there seems to be indifference,
we cannot mend or hem.

That's the way you wanted it,
me cut off  -  and ostracized;
I tried to swim to safety,
but the water was too wide.

Your forgiveness never came,
you seem to stay within a shell;
you taunt me with your silence,
for me  -  a living hell.

You're really too **** far away,
to reconcile the matter;
my poem is now in limbo,
just useless,  wasteful,  patter.
David Lessard Aug 2014
Peace fills my heart,
when I think of You;
content with life and love,
Your presence make it so,
and always see me through.

Peace reigns in my mind,
when I sing Your praise;
safe in Your loving arms,
with Your armor on,
as I live out my days.

Peace dwells in my soul,
my thoughts are free from sin;
I block the barbs of harm,
turn aside the lust of eyes,
don't look back at where I've been.

Peace is my great spirit,
from the anchor of this flesh;
avoiding paths of pitfalls,
resisting great temptation,
of things that cannot mesh.

Peace that passes understanding,
it's the only peace worthwhile;
to follow His commandments,
and it's to Him alone I answer,
through all trouble and all trial.
David Lessard Mar 2016
The dawn is fast approaching,
the pink gives way to yellow;
the morning dew is fading,
the world is still yet mellow.

The splendid sun is shining,
is anything more grand?
let's take off to the meadow,
and climb the hilltop, hand in hand.

Let's forget about things pressing,
throw all caution to the wind;
laugh and kiss and tumble,
like the day will never end.

Gaze at the setting orb,
as the shadows creep on in;
walk down the grade at twilight,
when all the brightness dims.

Catch the coolness of the evening,
on the porch, upon the swing;
gathering thoughts of love,
and what the night will bring.
David Lessard Sep 2017
I was amazed,  when long ago,
I saw my boyhood home again;
it was so much smaller than before,
or is it the mind that often rends?

The roads had shrunk, the bridges too,
was it really miles,  to the sandy beach?
things were not so far away,  but,
seemed well within my eager reach.

I used to think the world was mighty big,
the village miles and miles from end to end;
but what I once thought so far away,
was almost there, behind each shadowed bend.

Now that I have left and gone out west,
things are getting bigger - like before,
the sky goes on forever, not a tent at all,
the horizon, now unseen, from my front door.

The world is only larger from perspective,
how it's really viewed from where you are;
the studded lit-up skies, they look so close!
but it's an endless journey to the nearest star.
David Lessard Aug 2017
Over my morning coffee,
I read the poems that flow;
the heartache and the happiness,
of people I don't know.

It stirs the heart and tugs the soul,
emotions words do capture;
the pains of life,    the joys,
are lovely in their stature.

Poetry's the gift of God,
rhymes for every season;
lyrics for the wounded heart,
for,   whatever reason.

The seeds of every thought,
now printed on each page;
in celebration of the day,
the madmen and the sage.

Poetry walks hand in hand,
with God's uncertain lovers;
it blankets them in peace,
what love the world discovers!
David Lessard Jul 2020
Hello Poetry, how things go for you today?
ready for thoughts that come your way?
expressions of pain and love and strife
that hurt and heal and cut like a knife.

Ready for confessions that say enough?
for the things of life that do get tough?
for the constant battle of passing days?
for those that leave and for those who stay?

The world's a stage as Shakespeare said
a famous line from one that's dead
the greatest writer you never did see
he was good for some, but not for me.

My best loved poet wrote of the north
into the snows,  he ventured forth
under the aurora  borealis he strode
in search of a good poem...not gold.

To each, his own, the saying goes
when a poem comes, it often flows
making the writer feel real good
but isn't that how, poetry should?
David Lessard Oct 2017
Never though I'd be a poet,
but then the words just came;
some you can't obscure,
there a like a burning flame.
Soon, you've lost control,
so you've got to let them come;
or they interfere with life;
till you've become undone.
Till your a ragged mess,
that walks and talks and sleeps;
but you don't own a soul,
you just sit around and seep.
With poetry I found my soul,
now I give it my best voice;
not because it matters,
but because I have no choice.
I don't relish being soulless,
I'm in need of God, like you;
perhaps you do not notice,
but you will, before you're through.
David Lessard Aug 2017
Forget iambic pentameter,
or rhyming every line;
your a poet or your not,
if you think you are-that's fine.

Forget the mystic musings,
let's call a *****, a *****;
just give it all you've got,
hey, we're not getting paid.

Forget the morbid statements,
they don't get you anywhere;
and if they ever did -
who the hell would care?

Call the glowing rose, a rose,
not some flaky, foolish flower;
call a downpour- heavy rain,
not some puny shower.

Call it love or call it hate,
not some stupid choice;
but shout it from the mountaintop,
in your strongest voice!
David Lessard Apr 2018
Poets are a common breed,
they're a dime a dozen;
my uncle was a poet,
as was my second cousin.

Some are mad romantics
some are crazy, like a loon;
they write at all the odd hours,
morning, night, and noon.

The good ones leave you gasping,
at each turn of phrase;
you envy their technique,
strive to learn their ways.

The bad ones leave you laughing,
as they offer empty blithering;
you tend to scratch your head,
is there such a word as glibbering?

But, bless them all for trying,
to say what's on their minds;
it only goes to show you
it takes all different kinds!
David Lessard Oct 2024
Don't care much for politics
let me tell you why
they make too many promises
they smile at you and lie.
They slander one another
with ******, cold remarks
revealing absolutely nothing
they go off on their own larks.
The economy is awful
the border is a mess
abortion is outrageous
who's winning/ It's anybody's guess.
No one likes our choices
Trump is mad at everyone
Kamala should be a model
they're is no one else to run.
Vance and Waltz keep dancing
vying for second place
the whole caboddle's rotten
a total grand disgrace.
That's my take on politics
it's not something I adore
it's slimy and it's crude
alas, a dismal boor!!
David Lessard Oct 2017
Strange, sitting on the porch,
at six,  in the evening time;
skies have gathered darkness,
as I start, my budding rhyme.
October's spell,  nigh over,
ahead, lurks gray November,
cool winds and leafless trees,
the sensations,  I remember.
I wish fall would never end,
alas!  nothing lives forever;
life-it's like a breeze blown leaf,
whatever its endeavor.
Pages opened, pages closed,
the book of souls,   roll on;
with laughter, tears and love,
the remnants of its song.
Hold fast each golden moment,
of its lovely, shining gift;
that stands above all others,
and with the heart,  does lift.
David Lessard Jan 2019
Howdy George -
Here I am in sunny Arizona,
the heat is fine and mellow;
it warms the bones real nice,
I'm a fortunate, happy fellow.
The sky is very blue and clear.
I can see for miles and miles;
the people here are friendly,
they're tanned, full of smiles.
The women, are most lovely,
light-browned, very charming;
and their smiles are best of all,
totally disarming.
In the distance, purple peaks,
twice as high as here;
in the clearest air I've seen,
they seem to be quite near.
There's something special here,
that old-time places lack;
I'm already indoctrinated,
and I might not make it back.
See, I've put all cares aside,
and I'm drinking ice-cold beer;
but still I say to you, old friend,
sure wish that you were here.

- Dave.
David Lessard Aug 2016
Pour the words out slowly,
like wine into a glass;
speak your tortured soul;
and this in time will pass.

And let the tears fall freely,
do not hold them back;
and I will give you comfort,
from what your heart does lack.

Say goodbye to precious love
that comes but once for all;
retain the varied memories,
when first you heard its call.

Bow your head for just a while,
and let the sadness seep;
but remember what you had,
and what your mind will keep.

Pour the words out slowly,
in a cherished elegy;
to the one you dearly loved,
then simply, set him free.
David Lessard Oct 2024
Father from above, you called my name
brought me out of darkness, to the light
forgave my sins and lasting shame
strengthened me for the daily fight.
Showed me truth when there was doubt
gave me blessings, showered me with love
when I found what life was all about
when I looked and found You up above.
You gave me hope and not despair
Your Holy Spirit gave me power
now I have love ad strength to share
and I am safe, in Your high tower.
Father God, King of Creation
You are the refuge I do seek
You are the Rock of my salvation
the Great Eternal, of which I speak.
You are the Father of us all
and very worthy to be praised
with Grace and Joy, we can stand tall
and in the resurrection, we will be raised!
David Lessard Jun 2017
Father bless this brand new day,
of summer's sun and ample shade;
may my heart but praise Your name,
before the evening shadows fade.

Keep me strong, in times of turmoil,
may my path be filled with light;
keep the evil always from me,
watch me safely through the night.

Let my soul reside in gladness,
against discouragement, my foe;
free my soul from worldly *******,
toward the truth, my mind does know.

Grace my ancient days with wonder,
to the holy majesty of You;
guard me from all gross deception,
to the things I see are true.

Be the rock of my salvation,
let me lean upon Your staff;
so that I might dwell in peace,
so I'll never know Your wrath.

Guide me on this awesome journey,
keep my heart from doing wrong;
so that I may know You ever,
to sing my joy to You in song.
David Lessard Apr 2018
Let the light of God shine through,
in praise or in thanksgiving;
in blessings made brand new,
for another day of living.

Sing the song of His great love,
that keep the fires burning;
grace that's sent from up above,
for what your soul's been yearning.

Peace that knows no boundaries,
joy that knows no end;
faith that knows no quandaries,
stays strong around each bend.

Cast out fear from daily strife,
with the presence of His being;
with each aspect of your life,
and the glory you are seeing.

Let the light of God shine through,
with each word you share;
with knowledge of the things you do,
you can show you care.
David Lessard May 2018
Father give me courage,
to face my daily trials;
give me the endurance,
to walk the endless miles.
Let my light shine forth,
to those who cannot see;
let me have the strength,
in the place I want to be.
Hear my fervent prayers,
bless me with your might;
keep me safe and secure,
through the dark of night.
Father   -   grant me love,
the refuge of your peace;
the shelter of your arms,
the joy that will not cease.
Let your presence,   flow,
like an ever-living fountain;
and rid me of the obstacles,
of the ever present mountain.
David Lessard Aug 2017
Your day begins at sunset Lord,
when the twilight, fades away;
as we begin our winding down,
to let the darkness have its say.

Again we wake, again refreshed,
to pink-tinged light of dawn;
to the quiet of the morning,
to the warm robe we put on.

We say a prayer to start the day,
thanks for blessings, well received;
our praise to God for every breath,
thanks, we've not been deceived.

Your righteousness is always there,
in the time and place that we exist;
your strength endures, when we are weak,
You give us vision,  in fog and mist.

Your path is light, to bring us home,
a lamp, that helps us,  find our way;
a rock, to build our faith upon,
an anchor on which, we gladly pray.
David Lessard Feb 2017
Father, You know what each day brings,
You know my thoughts before I think;
can you hear my heart?   It sings!
my joy is filled, up to the brink.
I praise Your name with much thanksgiving,
for the sunshine of each day;
for the graciousness of living,
to follow God's sweet, wondrous way.
All the beauty, stems from Your mind,
all of the world's great, vast array;
all humans of a varied kind,
at work, at leisure and at play.
Give me wisdom and compassion,
to seek out the best of You;
fill me now, with love and passion,
make me Yours, before You're through.
I acknowledge my Creator,
I am blessed, because of Him;
keep from the instigator,
who incites the thoughts of sin.
Give me peace and understanding,
give me shelter from each storm;
give me insight in my planning,
by Your fire, keep me warm.
David Lessard May 2017
Father, we thank You for this day,
of sun and wind and cloud;
for love and joy and hope,
for a weary head, unbowed.
For the taste of maple syrup,
on pancakes, as a meal;
for the varied foods you give,
for the way they make us feel.
For music of our choice,
for the poets that make rhymes;
for the happiness of sharing,
the outcomes of our times.
For the solitude of silence,
far away from city sights;
for the brilliance of a sunset,
for the coming of the night.
Father,  great Creator,
we offer prayers to You;
almighty God,  Prince of Peace,
we praise You through and through!
David Lessard Nov 2017
In the mountains I can
lose my thoughts,
escape from daily care;
at peace with sun and shadow,
knowing He is there.

To guide my wayward steps,
to keep me on His road;
to lift from off my shoulders,
my weary, heavy, load.

In the hillsides I am lost,
yet my heart can find the way;
my soul is filled with love,
for the living of this day.

For the blessings of His Word,
for the promises He gives;
for a quiet, restful mind,
for the faith in Him that lives.

In the ridges of the peaks,
and wherever I do roam;
I can say I'm never lost...
He always walks me home.
David Lessard Nov 2017
The Lord's my Hope and my Salvation,
with Him, I do not need another thing;
He is the head of each and every nation,
in Him alone,  does my voice sing.

In the green grass of home, I often lie,
and in the face of death I do not fear;
at ease, by the waters that flow by,
He's in my heart and He is always near.

He keeps me from my wicked enemies,
at His table, a feast He does prepare;
though they are close, they cannot see,
they have no God, and can only stare.

He anoints me with His precious love,
and my glass is filled up to the brim;
my thoughts are floating there, above,
and I have contentment just in Him.

Knowing faith will be my chosen path,
and that His mercy in me will not fail;
that alone will keep me from His wrath,
through all the mountains and the vales.
David Lessard Jun 2020
All Your ways are truth Lord
in righteousness You dwell
You heal the unforgiven Lord
and make the sick ones well;
You make the mountains high Lord
and the valleys sweet and low
You make my heart at peace Lord
and make all waters flow;
You bless the faithful people
Your power keeps them safe
the winds of trouble still do blow
but they no longer chafe;
You are the way to heaven Lord
and the the glory is all Yours
You make Yourself available
to those inside Your doors;
The Prince of Peace is Your crown
all else is mass disorder
I thank You Father for Your call
within salvation's border.
David Lessard Oct 2018
Father, you sustain my life,
from beginnings to the end;
when You called me out -
what day, I know not when.
Your word gives me the truth
to me that is sufficient;
it led me to believe,
where once I was deficient.
Father, I will thirst no more,
Your words, a living fountain;
enabled me to overcome -
each and every mountain.
I grow in grace each day,
You are the one true vine;
soaking in the autumn rain -
and in the soft sunshine.
Father, you sustain my life,
I sing my praise to You;
and lift my voice in song -
You make each day brand new!
David Lessard Jan 2018
Father, all I see ahead,
is Your supreme creation;
forgiven, when Your Son bled,
to form a Holy Nation.

Grace given as a token gift,
truth that speaks as Love;
stable, when the earth does shift,
from the mighty One above.

Light that shines on others,
Faith that keeps us strong;
strength that seals and covers,
like a Rock to lean upon.

Blessings flow from sacred word,
the knowledge of Your power;
music that we've seldom heard,
Your joy is one great tower.

I will always praise Your name,
in times of peace and trouble;
You transformed my sorry life,
and lifted me from rubble.
David Lessard Nov 2017
Thank You Lord, for this day,
for quiet meditation;
for sins You've washed away,
for joy... and for elation.
For the blessings I receive,
for health and happiness;
for strength when ere I grieve,
for fortitude when I have less.
Thank You Lord, for this night,
that gives us restful sleep;
for guiding us to do what's right,
as Your promises we keep.
Let us always praise Your name,
in any situation;
for being our continual flame,
in this Godless, stricken nation.
Thank You Lord, for Your Word,
that as a light, shines through;
for precious love that's always heard,
wrapped in arms we seldom knew.
David Lessard Sep 2018
Father, you know my suffering and pain
yet you sustain my life again and again;
you ease my suffering with silent laughter
and ease my pain for what comes after.
You are the reason for my songs of prayer
for without Your love, who else would care?
most people live for just themselves
they've food, but nothing else upon their shelves.
They bow and serve a different God than I
but never comprehend the very reason why;
they sneer and curse and say that God is dead
and live for pleasures that satisfy their head.
I am one isolated,  far from worldly being
but I know truth and what it is I'm seeing;
the soul that avoids the Lord is dying
for lack of empathy, for lack of really trying.
Father, I 'm safe when I turn my heart to You
because I know full well You'll see me through;
and I sleep, without an earthly, troubled care
knowing in my heart and mind, You're there!
David Lessard Apr 2018
Father you know well,
the things that trouble me;
the things I overcome,
just wanting to be free.
I sing to you in praise,
let my soul be glorified;
hear my fervent prayers,
know my heart has tried.
Let my voice be heard,
by angels in my keep;
give me peace of mind,
when inside,  I weep.
Keep me strong in Spirit,
and let my lamp be bright;
let me feel Your love secure,
in the forest of the night.
Father guide me on the path,
that leads me to salvation;
so that the day will come,
when I reach my kingly station.
David Lessard Mar 2017
Father, I have trust, Your truth will long endure.
for Your word is honest,   strong and pure;
it rests my heart, from doing wrong,
my soul sings, Your praise,  in song.

You lift me high above the sinful earth,
and I give thanks, for my human birth;
to learn Your laws, that keep  me sound,
to keep me safe, where I am bound.

You give me peace, in the midst of storm,
You give me shelter, to keep me warm;
You bring me joy, and ease the sorrow,
so I stand tall, and face tomorrow.

You give me beauty, to where I turn an eye,
You cause my thoughts,  to rise and fly;
to where the mind,  can  find its  rest,
to find the bliss,  that I know best.

These are the lyrics of my thoughts to You,
for You are with me,  in everything I do;
there is no other life,   that I can truly see,
and so Your precious love, abides in me.
David Lessard Jan 2018
Father, I will know you,
much better after death;
when my soul has died,
when I've taken my last breath.
For all of us must die,
before we truly live;
and like your precious son,
our souls to you, we give.
And in our offerings,
we have expectant hope;
that in what we all encounter,
with You alone, we cope.
Down on earth, below,
we all must pass Your test;
knowing that which follows,
will surely be the best.
Your blessed word is
our great light,
that sees us through,
life's constant fight.
A lamp that shines forever,
for our hurried feet;
where hearts and minds
are mended,
to the glory that we'll meet.
You are the true, eternal dream,
that we can clearly see;
we ask that You do keep us,
in Your sacred memory.
David Lessard Apr 2021
Thank You for this day my Father
full of cool and windy weather
we face the usual trials and tribulations
with joyous heart and merry measure.
Knowing that Your still in charge
though the devil is deceiving
causing turmoil, causing strife
setting wayward hearts to grieving.
But he will run when faced with truth
where God's light is brightly shining
where God's people spread His love
and His word is strong and binding.
We will praise His name forever
repenting of our sin and guilt
singing loud His songs of glory
till the edge of heaven tilts.
Till the sun goes down in darkness
till the dawn returns again
we will pray and ask forgiveness
till the Second Coming's end.
David Lessard Mar 2017
Birds chirp at dawn's break,
their varied voices sing;
for the rising of the sun,
for what the day will bring.
Light becomes the norm,
as shadows fast recede;
the fish come to the top,
of waters, where they feed.
The night is all forgotten,
with blessed, restful sleep;
our pulses quicken motion,
our energy begins to seep.
The best of time is morning,
the hope that springs eternal;
that started at our birth gift,
of a being called...maternal.
Made in God's great image,
like the Father and the Son;
to all things, give Him glory,
as our human race is run.
David Lessard Apr 2019
You are the king of all that matters
watching what we do we trepidation
as we break Your Ten Commandments
and fall apart, divided as a nation.

We seem to think that we don't need You
sinning, throwing caution to the wind
forgetting where in the world we came from
pushing away memory of where we've been.

Killing daily, babies while in their womb
accepting things, we never did before
becoming strangers to ourselves
as we walk, mindless, out the door.

Forgive us Lord, for our stupidity
have mercy, on our heedless soul
as we break, into useless pieces
all the things that once, had made us whole.

Have pity on the way we view our lives
with no reflection on our godless heart
forgive us, for our wicked, shameful ways
of which, by our mistakes, we form a part.
David Lessard Dec 2015
When the first light of day,
is but a glow on distant peaks;
I walk my friend, my canine,
discoveries of day we seek.

The crescent moon above is lovely,
Venus glows with its bright light;
high above and further out,
Jupiter's a startling sight.

The cold is nipping at my nose,
the wind is quiet at this time;
I pack away my thoughts with pleasure,
for the making of a rhyme.

Dawn comes up and throws its rays,
canceling the darkened skies;
I see the Dipper fade from sight,
imagine stars that weep and cry.

Angels sing for this sweet morning,
heaven's choir praise all creation;
jubilant for God's great Son,
who watches over every nation.
Thoughts on my early morning walks with Jax.
David Lessard Oct 2020
Hi Judy -

Here I am in sunny Arizona
a mile high, up in the hills
bought myself a ranch house
nothing fancy, no silly frills;
Hope you are doing well
sorry that I left so fast
but our marriage was a shambles
and I knew it couldn't last;
I bet you hate my guts, for leaving
please tell the kids - hi for me
I'm hoping to be back for visits
but for now, I'm enjoying being free;
I will call you when I can
but do not hold your breath
you know I'm irresponsible
and you said it best;
Just a postcard from the wild
so you'll see that I'm all right
gotta say so long my love
forgive my sudden flight.

- Punch
David Lessard Jul 2021
Always...the questions in my head
why we live- What happens when we're dead?
Where do I search, where do I look?
man has no answers, but they are in the Book

The one rejected by those who walk the earth
of real and certain truth, there is a dearth
Man's problems hidden from their view
answers are before them, if they only knew

Along the way there's a bump, a poke, a ****
the time to stop and listen, a call from God
Everything becomes both bright and clear
answers are provided for those with ears to hear

The Way's not easy, the price of change is high
but you'll possess true knowledge before you die
Trials and tests still come each day
but wisdom comes to those who walk His Way

With peace and assurance you'll be blessed
great rewards will come when you confess
God has a plan to save us in His way
Satan loses, when Christ returns to stay

Let's live each day in service to the King
walking in God's way, eternal life will bring.
David Lessard Feb 2019
Thank you for the rain Lord
that fell throughout the day;
refreshing, and much needed
in your own time and way.
So,  resting from not walking
I played music gathering dust;
mellow jazz and Frank Sinatra
slow, sweet melodies I trust.
I read from books of culture
of you, God,  and daring men;
it relaxed me to a great degree
in my warm, secluded den.
I read your treasured word
of truth and peace and grace;
hopeful of the coming time
when I might see your face.
I gave you thanks and praises
for all the blessings in my life;
that brought me out of sin
and kept me free from strife.
Like rain that cleans the skies
my heart's been cleansed by you;
who took me from the filthy pit
to worlds I never knew.
David Lessard Dec 2019
New earth will be an Eden
like it was so long ago
when our parents knew no evil
and had that God-like glow;
when the air was pure and clean
when the animals were tame
before the serpent's touch
before we knew of shame;
when  angels clapped their hands
at our glorious creation
before they wept in sorrow
at the sins of every nation;
before man slew his brother
before the sin of Cain
when God protected us
when we had all to gain;
There is a new world coming
when again, the angels sing
when Christ returns in power
to reign on earth as King~!
David Lessard Aug 2020
Father thank you for this day
that comes softly and quietly
I stretch and yawn in my way
enjoying my coffee silently.
Watching Venus light the morn
before Old Sol takes reign
as the rays on the hills adorn
just as you first ordained.
I take up your book and read
the gospel is full of good news
your words are  mighty indeed
in me - the Spirit renews.
The world continues to falter
confusion and chaos and hate
people have left from your altar
abandoned themselves to fate.
I still pray and repent of my sin
I still ask for forgiveness from you
you've erased where once I had been
forgotten the man I once knew.
David Lessard Dec 2018
I repent of all my sins,
greed and lust and malice;
give me grace and knowledge,
to enter in Your palace.
I repent of anger Lord.
of lies, of hate and cheating;
make them problems of the past,
let the memories be fleeting.
Forgive my carnal mind Lord,
wash clean,  the heart of me;
remove the veil from off my eyes,
so that I can truly see.
Let me be Your shining light,
for others that are lost;
let me spread the truth of You,
no matter what the cost.
I repent of all my sins,
make my creation new;
alive instead to Jesus Christ,
one of His chosen few.
David Lessard Feb 2018
Rain falls, glistening,
on the tall brown grass
of winter,
I look and see a rainbow
to the east;
the day is ending on a
note of dying beauty,
will nature's wonders ever
one day cease?
Man pollutes, all around,
the earth's eroding,
the air, the water and the
bleeding ground;
yet in the magic of a rainbow,
there's still loveliness around.
The slanting rain are like the
tears of angels,
weeping for the magic that
now dies;
cleansing earth once more, again,
I tell you, I can almost hear their cries.
Lights are now so bright, they hide
the stars,
the cities gleam and chase
the stars away;
they swallow children in the schools
and in the streets,
we fight them,  but we just get
in the way.
We welcome soon, the prince of heaven,
to restore the beauty, truth we've lost;
to give peace to every living creature,
to purge the old, whatever it might cost.
David Lessard Jul 2017
Basking in the summer sun,
warm breeze against my face;
spring is now an afterthought,
of spring... there is no trace.

The heat is dry and sauna-like,
there's no moisture in the air;
the humidity is nil,
in cloudless skies so fair.

The shaded porch is refuge.
to Sol's intensive rays;
a novel "kills" some time,
of endless, sunny days.

My day begins at five a.m.,
with coffee and a walk;
it ends at nine p.m.,
with mundane, t.v. talk.

This is my retirement,
the golden years fly by;
at peace, with solitude,
that's me, myself and I.
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