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David Lessard May 2017
I remember when -
you looked at me
with love,
with desire in your eyes;
you never said a word -
just smiled and
took my hand -
how swiftly the time flies.

I remember when -
your voice was
my delight
your laughter cheered me much;
you looked at me
with love,
you blew me air kisses
you nodded when I spoke
and I melted at your touch.

I remember when -
you wrapped me in
your arms
and a treasured bond we made;
we held each other tight
in between us
smothered space -
some memories never fade.

I remember when -
you looked at me
with love,
the world was beautiful and grand;
that was years
and years ago
but time does not forget,
and nothing worked as planned.

Yet I remember when
you  looked at me
with love,
my nights were filled with sweetened dreams;
now nights are short
and restless,
the dreams destroyed -
undone by lies and petty schemes.

When love unravels,
nothing stays the same;
but I remember when,
you softly called my name;

and you looked at me
with love =

it was long before,
the sorrow came.
David Lessard Mar 2017
Please...leave us the hell alone!
we don't want democracy;
take away your so-called pride,
and your,  morality!
You claim to be a Christian,
but God's not in your schools;
you cannot say a public prayer,
the state, not church, it rules!
You say we are intolerant,
of what we will accept;
but we don't share your values,
(some secrets are best kept!)
What matters to you most?
we tend to's money;
you claim that we are "backward,"
you think our ways are "funny."
But our God is not mocked,
the wages of's death;
so keep your "morals" to yourself,
and your lying, stinking, breath!
David Lessard Jun 2018
Now let us speak of love
for love is what you are
let us also speak of joy
for you are its shining star.
You keep me safe,  awake
you keep me safe,  asleep
warm me with your laughter
it's seldom now - I weep.
You bring the sunshine in
you keep dark clouds away
I never have to worry
that by my side you'll stay.
You bring to me the rainbows
and place them at my feet
you're cause for celebrating
when first our hearts did meet.
Yes,  I must speak of love
for love is what you are
when you send it all my way
then you're never far.
David Lessard Nov 2017
Oh - I must speak of love,
for that's what you are to me;
and I must speak of joy,
for without it love can't be.

I anticipate the morning,
of the coming daily fare;
just knowing I am loved,
just knowing you are there.

That's why I talk of love,
for it nourishes the soul;
it invigorates the body,
and with it, we are whole.

I must speak of happiness,
that nothing foul can mar;
it's a sunshine of the heart,
it's the glitter of some star.

Now, I speak of your love,
a glowing, constant force;
touching me through space,
as it runs its steadfast course.
David Lessard Oct 2019
When I have finished climbing up the ridge
to some secluded green and leafy knoll
where the view is often grand and splendid
then I can say, it's well, within my soul.
When I have reached the summit of success
and realized the elusive, treasured goal
then I'll bask in joy and satisfaction
for it's well, so very well, within my soul.
When I ask myself, the silent question,
for whom and what the bell does softly toll
I think of the captain of my salvation
and it's well, so very well, within my soul.
When I know, that without Him, I am lost
when I know, it's Him, that makes me whole
then there's peace, that passes understanding
and it is well, so well, within my soul.
When I see waves that kiss the distant shore
the white-tipped water on its constant roll
then I have a view of heaven's glory
then all is well, so well, within my soul.
David Lessard Jun 2018
When I have finished climbing up the ridge
to some secluded green and leafy knoll
where the view is often grand and splendid
then I can say, it's well, within my soul.
When I have reached the summit of success
and realized the elusive, treasured goal
then I'll bask in joy and satisfaction
for it's well, so very well, within my soul.
When I ask myself, the silent question,
for whom and what the bell does softly toll
I think of the captain of my salvation
and it's well, so very well, within my soul.
When I know, that without Him, I am lost
when I know, it's Him, that makes me whole
then there's peace, that passes understanding
and it is well, so well, within my soul.
When I see waves that kiss the distant shore
the white-tipped water on its constant roll
then I have a view of heaven's glory
then all is well, so well, within my soul.
David Lessard Oct 2016
There's nothing quite so grand as hiking,
to some secluded, green and grassy knoll;
where views show unobstructed beauty,
then I can say it's well, within my soul.

When I've reached the summit of success,
and I've realized the treasured goal;
then I can bask, in quiet satisfaction,
for it's well, so very well, within my soul.

When I ask myself the haunting question,
who it is, for whom the bell does toll;
I recall the captain of salvation,
and I can say, it's well, within my soul.

When I know, that without Him, I am lost,
when I'm aware, it's Him, that makes me whole;
then there's that peace that passes understanding,
and it is well, so very well, within my soul.

When I see waves, that kiss the fertile shore,
white-tipped water, on its merry roll;
then I have seen, a view of heaven's glory.
and all is well, so very well, within my soul.
David Lessard Nov 2021
I tried kale once    I suppose it is like medicine   if it tastes bad it must be good for you     I am not swayed by that logic.

I don't know much about kale
could they make of it an ale?
I'd consider drinking that
crushed into liquid inside a big vat.
I'd give it a shot, maybe two
if I didn't puke when I was through
can it be any worse than hair tonic?
wouldn't that be a bit ironic?
Other veggies I love to hate
seldom make it to my plate
I taste them with a finger
then let them alone to linger.
Like chock boy and collard greens
I leave them to my putrid dreams
untouched   unloved   uneaten
even when they may be sweeten.
That's my take on kale
I'm still hardy and I'm still hale
take it i you must
but the others I don't trust.
David Lessard Mar 2016
It's a maddening thing,
the breezes of the early Spring;
the pollen thick, you cannot see,
you're knocked out by your allergy.

The constant drip from your nose,
the weeping eyes, the tearful flow;
the coughing, and the sneezing,
inside your chest, you're wheezing.

Your mouth is dry from breathing,
cause your nose is plugged and seething;
your sinuses are clogged,
you feel like you've been flogged.

Comes the night, and you can't sleep,
the blankets round you, one huge heap;
then low-grade fever and the chills,
you've taken too many ******* pills.

Now your up, in the old recliner,
hoping things will get much finer;
alas; now you don't know what to do,
maybe it's the ******* flu.
David Lessard Jul 2018
It's better this way...
ignoring one another
of what we've put away.

I was drawn to love
but not the way you were
mine was from above.

Secrets kept from others
is not what I wanted
that road only smothers.

What we said still matters
though now its put aside
and lies in silent tatters.

It's better this way
that were remain apart
that we keep to ourselves
lest we break each others hearts.
David Lessard Nov 2024
It is finally over
the lies, the smiles, the slander
the false promises of glory
to our emotions they do pander.
The guy they love to hate
has won
the beauty queen is gone
some have fallen by the wayside
some have still, gone on.
The country's still divided
the right to **** your baby stays
the pros and cons are many
they burden us in varied ways.
The ads are finally over
the divide is still as great
now begins the process to
decide what is our fate.
Pray now, for our leaders
it's the only choice to make
let the real BOSS know what's wrong
and be good, for heaven's sake!
David Lessard Jul 2017
It's Your morning Lord,
take me where I want to go;
away from all the politics,
of public face and show.

Away from Trump, Obama,
let me hear the Holy Spirit;
let me feast upon your Word,
draw my soul to where it's near it.

Give me peace of mind,
not the broadcast of a killing;
take me safely to Your shelter,
let Your blessing make me willing.

The choices made are all too wrong
don't they know the path they're treading?
without You to guide them,
they pick roads they now are dreading.

It's Your morning Lord,
I sing out with praise;
keep me free of evil,
all my live-long days.
David Lessard Oct 2017
It used to be,
New England had
fall magic...
of autumn colors
that were unsurpassed;
In Vermont,
solitude and serenity;
Alas - those magic days
have passed.
Two-lane roads,
are filled with
speeding cars;
at least, at night,
you still can see...
the stars.
It used to be,
the pace of life
was slow;
today - it's hectic;
the only quiet now,
is winter's snow.
It used to be,
there was peace,
within the village,
where I would go;
but that was in
the magic of
one's early youth...
decades... and ages,
not so long ago.
David Lessard May 2018
I welcome the night with its quiet
sounds of the rude world, deceased;
the silence is somber, inviting
my comfort level's increased.

The twilight is pulling up covers
I find a pillow, I rest my head;
in a few hours,  or sooner
my pillow will find its own bed.

I'm glued to the tube with a ballgame
my team is down by one run;
whether they win isn't important
it's the play of the game that is fun.

The room is darkened with shadows
one lamp's  sufficient for glow;
I get engrossed in the game
and follow its leisurely flow.

I welcome the night with it's quiet
cast aside, the gist of the day;
and rest in utopian fashion
as snares of the day slip away.
David Lessard Oct 2024
I went to the Feast
everyone I knew was there
for those that could not make it
I said a silent prayer.
For eight days, we rejoiced
with praises of thanksgiving
singing glorious songs to Him
most grateful and forgiving.
It was the Feast Of Tabernacles
what it's like when Christ will reign
for a thousand years of joy
when we'll put away all shame.
Embracing truth and blessings
fueled by God's great power
to the Rock of our salvation
under His strong tower.
When Satan's in the pit
and peace will find it's way
to a new and splendid world
how we'll celebrate that day!!
David Lessard Jul 2015
I'll bring you flowers for your hair,
a wreath of bluebonnets;
to show you that I care,
and I'll put chocolates on it.

Each treat will be a kiss from me,
a sweet to satisfy your ruby lips;
then perhaps, your heart will see,
the way my heart does funny flips.

I'll give you happiness to share,
to let you know that you are dear to me;
and you can have my love, if you so dare,
maybe then, your eyes can see.

See the yearning that in my soul does hide,
see the reticent  aura in my being shy;
know that I desire you by my side,
know the longing that in my heart does lie.

I will give you laughter for your tears,
a hand to hold when obstacles appear;
I'll help to chase away your fears,
all you need to be, my love, is near.
David Lessard Jan 2019
January skies are clear and cold
they hold no hint of spring -
the sun provides no warmth
of what the future brings.

The snow comes without warning
soft and white and silent -
it's lovely to behold
fluffy, wet and pliant.

January skies are pale in color
the blue is often missing -
the night is swift in coming
more daylight now I'm wishing.

The winter seems to drag its heels
it stays around too long -
I'm longing for the green again
and the start of April's song.

January skies are somber
dismal, gray, depressing -
it comes and will not leave
its end is beyond guessing.
David Lessard Dec 2017
With the wind chill factor,
the temperature is thirteen;
I was out for twenty minutes,
it felt angry, bitter, mean.
I had to walk the dog,
he don't stay still for long;
he stares at me and waits,
like he's right and I am wrong.
I cave in to his wishes,
and don my winter gear;
a slave to canine wants,
and the cold air that I fear.
At first it's not so bad,
but then the wind starts up;
and I resent his pit stops,
I'm freezing; he interrupts.
It's testing my impatience,
I tug his leash,  to say,
Please hurry up and finish,
we haven't got all day.
To be ruled by one's own pet,
can be viewed as giving in;
but he makes it all worthwhile,
with his goofy, silly, grin.
David Lessard Jun 2015
Sometimes, it takes a lifetime,
to discover who you are;
sometimes, in life's journey,
it's like traveling to a star.
You think, you'll never get there,
but then, one day you find;
that distances don't matter,
when the goal is in your mind.
When the search is deep within you,
when the puzzle is, your heart;
the heart has no known compass,
so you don't where to start.
You're lost inside a circle,
that keeps coming back to you;
until you finally free yourself,
then, your life begins - anew.
And the end is now in sight,
and you're certain of the way;
it's the place within your soul,
where your certain, you will stay.
David Lessard Jul 2017
Keep me from this wicked world,
keep me from the devil's dare;
mold my feet upon Your path,
let truth be clothes I wear!

Let my heart be filled with love,
let my soul...find peace;
close the door to Satan,
in You,  my faith increase!

Let Your light in me shine through,
may the road ahead be bright;
guide my steps along the way,
to meet the dreary daily fight!

Keep me from this wicked world,
seal up my foolish pride;
keep praise of You upon my lips,
and on the wings of eagles, ride!
David Lessard Sep 2017
Keep me from this world Lord,
it garners too much sorrow;
keep me from the devil's pull,
with hope of God's tomorrow.

Where dreams are made reality,
where there's comfort for the soul;
away from stress and turmoil,
where the earth extracts its toll.

Keep me from this world Lord,
from the violence and the pain;
from man's unkind pollution,
I am sick of its refrain.

To where I drink the waters,
from pure and flowing streams;
the fountains of Your knowledge,
that laughs at mankind's schemes.

Keep me from this world Lord,
from the  war cries of the fools;
that don't know the way of peace,
where their kingdom never rules.
David Lessard Aug 2015
There will never be another you,
Thank God! Hallelujah, we are through;
you were a bombshell from the start,
too bad for you, you broke my heart.

Love is strange at certain times,
sometimes poetry don't rhyme;
but the message still gets across,
you thought today, you'd be the boss.

I wear the pants you see, my love,
be careful what you push or shove;
I don't want you to stay and "fight" it out,
until you know just what love's about.

You were a ballbreaker from day one,
guessed you were sumthin' under the sun;
tried to battle me and bring me down,
I am so glad, you're no more around.

You were unique, that much was true,
but you were a fad, that much I knew;
you tried to rule, and it was all in vain,
you were the one that finally went insane.
David Lessard Mar 2020
Cards and letters, gone unanswered
several questions, left unsaid
no e-mails and no phone calls
I may as well be dead.
Faded memories, ancient photos
now a cobweb in my mind
turned to dust and ashes
down a river I can't find.
Sweet hellos and sad good-byes
linger long in silent thought
of a happier existence
not the hurt that time has brought.
Alas, our love was too one-sided
and the pieces never fit
dissolving slowly in the wind
little fragments, bit by bit.
Now there's just this empty shell
no love; a heavy heart, like lead
words that seem to only echo
I may as well be dead.
David Lessard May 2017
The night is far along,
so where the hell are you?
was there something more
you simply had to do?

Is your phone not working?
perhaps you couldn't find a
something else that mattered?
did you stop to see a friend?

Are there secrets now between us?
must you hide some things from me?
love doesn't harbor secrets,
it must be true and free.

I don't worry anymore love,
you can always find your way;
but the hour's late for loving,
way too late for play.

I will wait a little longer,
but after then, I'll seek my rest;
I'll leave the light on for you,
like I would for any guest.
David Lessard Jun 2019
The wind is at my back
the evening sun is setting
I walk the grass-lined track
easy, carefree - no fretting;
the lake shines in the light
with the granite dells behind
it's a clear and lovely view
that these ancient eyes do find;
a bit of nature for the soul
it nourishes the heart
it makes this body whole
of which it is, a part;
when the day is nearly done
and the heat is on the wane
I say goodbye to sun
on its long orbital train;
here's twilight, creeping fast
the shadows, now encroaching
comes the stillness then at last
sunset,   now approaching.
David Lessard Mar 2019
Walking on the slick and slippery trail
mud was ******* at my sneakered feet;
on caliche ground and crumbling clay
more obtrusive with the morning's heat.

Dappled sunshine played its hide and seek
my quiet, smallish terrier trotted by my side;
and as we broke through the forest glade
we entered grassy meadows high and wide.

The wild, west wind, was blowing very strong
hanging, stratus clouds showed promised rain;
here, the way ran almost razor straight and true
with very little elevation and hardly any gain.

If it wasn't for the slippage and the sliding
this earthly path would be a pleasant walk;
an outing, generally agreeable and grand
without need of conversation or silly talk.

In the distance, long low clouds are crying
with tears formed, from ending winter's cold;
yet I'd not hesitate to come back here again
to but be a lonely vagabond, if truth be told.
David Lessard Aug 2014
The leaf is set to fall,
crimson, yellow, brown;
'tis the autumn of the year,
when all the leaves come down.

I love the crunchy sound they make,
when the foot falls ******* them;
the dying leaves surrender,
now broken from its stem.

They dance across the highway,
they swirl and churn with glee;
but do the people notice?
sometimes I think, just me.

In the hills of old Vermont,
the maples are the best;
so bright, the falling leaf,
so separate from the rest.

Like us, they are unique,
with the fashion show they bring;
they call tourists from all states,
and cause one's heart to sing.
David Lessard Aug 2015
Let it fall,
the moisture from your eyes,
let it fall,
and let it flow;
for happiness in love,
for sorrows that you know.
Let your heart be glad,
for the world that touches you;
for undiscovered treasures,
of things you never knew.
Let your soul be happy,
for love that comes your way;
whether it be fleeting,
or whether it will stay.
Let you mind be peaceful,
with the beauty of your song;
let serenity be yours,
may all your life be long.
Let your voice sing out,
for you are most unique;
let truth be your desire,
in whatever you do seek.
David Lessard Jul 2018
Let the rain fall hard and fast
pelting arid ground
the darkened clouds won't last
before sunshine's found.
Let the tears fall as they may
wipe and dry the eye
tears will finally fade away
and then you will get by.
Forgive the hurt that he deals out
but don't forgive forever
do not weep and do not pout
take on your own endeavor.
Love it comes and love it goes
don't stay in the web
let him flee where no one knows
let the waters ebb.
Let the winter run its course
let the sorrows die
all things go to their own source
we don't know just why.
David Lessard Dec 2017
There's a trail that climbs a mountain,
long and winding, unforgiving;
it's like the road of life,
the daily hum of living.
You may make it to the summit,
or then again, may not;
you may succeed in life,
or you may find it's not your lot.
You're sure to stumble on the way,
watch your step and keep on going;
you may fail at certain things,
but mostly, you'll be knowing.
The view atop the mountain,
is one that's unsurpassed;
the view of life can be as great,
once the stumbling's past.
Life's the mountain you must climb,
you may reach the top,  or not;
yet the journey - that's the thing;
but you must give it your best shot.
David Lessard Feb 2020
Long ago and far away
you came into my life one day
stayed with me - on the run
until we lost our first son.
Shotgun marriages seldom last
due to one's misguided past
subject to a quick demise
full of ugly hidden lies.
Long ago and far away
you were  doomed to never stay
I was running from your arms
indifferent to your wily charms.
Chasing after foolish hope
drinking so that I could cope
Stupid, I threw it all aside
in the event that I could hide.
Long ago and far away
loving you was only play
we couldn't stay together long
when death began its mournful song.
David Lessard Jul 2017
You haunt my dreams,
but only for moment,
the dreams fade fast,
just like you did;
the day you left,
there was no note,
there was no notice,
all things were hid.
I never searched,
to see if I could find you;
what is the use of -
searching for a ghost?
of all the girls I had,
you were my prize,
after all, it was you,
I loved the most.
Why did you leave
in such a hurry?
what was it, I had said
or done?
did I cause you pain,
or sorrow?
what made you flee -
what made you run?
Unanswered questions,
they nibble at my brain;
they sour mind and soul,
they leave me barely sane.
You left me only dreams,
and empty hands to hold;
to wrap around myself,
when nights, they get too cold.
So I am left with memories,
that die with every living day;
wondering why you left,
and went, so far away.
David Lessard Feb 2018
Was it love that made
a fool of me,
or was I a fool to start with,
then fell in love?
Was I blind
before love came or
was it love that
caused my blindness?
Of love itself; is there
just one kind?

Was it at first sight or
did it come about after
several dates?
Movies, walks and dinners,
with love thoughts on our plates

I think analysis falls short
when we try to pigeonhole
the genesis of romance.
Let's listen to our hearts
before we start the dance.

But be aware of heartstrings,
that tug and pull at dreams;
many dreams are shattered,
fall apart, right at the seams.

Yet, don't hesitate to love,
Cupid always took a chance;
explore your soul as well,
in the realm that's called romance.
David Lessard Oct 2017
Love comes in many forms,
in a song or in a poem;
in a photo or a dream,
at work, at play, at home.
The beating of your heart's desire,
framed by love and perfection;
the pulse that quickens,
...until rejection.
The tongue that stumbles,
when he talks;
his sudden lurching,
when he walks;
his confidence,  once mattered,
now falls,  lies shattered;
he smiles, instead of speaking,
his body odor... reeking;
he's embarrassed and struck dumb,
his mind and tongue, now numb.
Love comes in many forms,
in silent words and shyness;
but next time that they meet,
he is at his very finest.
Love comes in many forms,
we take what we are given;
and do our best to give love.,
that's passionate and driven.
David Lessard Feb 2018
Must I be the only one that knows
it's over?
Have you fooled me for so long
I could not see?
now we all know just where it is
you're heading,
What happens, I ask in vain, to me?
If love's one-sided, well then,
my God, it's really finished;
you cannot stay, when love is gone,
you must look for someone new,
you must listen to a new love song.
Love is always there, just look around,
catch someone's eye and show a smile;
speak with modest understanding,
maybe, she will stay by you, a while.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained,
don't be shy, step up to the plate;
you're the one, that's in control,
though others say, it must be fate.
What once you had is now a memory,
some thoughts are good and others, bad;
be thankful for the good ones that remain;
be thankful for the love that once you had
David Lessard Oct 2018
You can't buy my love
my love's not for sale
when love fails or falters
it leaves no human trail.

For love is of the heart
unseen, unheard, unknown
cocooned within the soul
from where all love is sown.

And then, one day, it strikes
from a glance that is returned
and like a fire, starting,
once ignited, it will burn.

Just keep the embers going
or the flame will soon go out
and your left with only questions
what the hell was that about?

You cannot buy my love
I give it of my choice
for if by chance I didn't
would not I lose my voice?
David Lessard Apr 2018
On this gorgeous spring-time day,
I sing and praise Your name on high;
feeling gentle breezes blow,
awestruck at the azure sky.
Laugh at those that say it's chance,
this beauty that we know by sight;
grand design,  it's all around,
a hummingbird, an eagle high in flight.
The emergence of new life abounds,
the budding and the blossoming of things;
flowers, leaves and fruit on trees,
remembrance of what -  April brings.
The heart beats fast, the scent of love,
footsteps quicken at the break of day;
thankful for our friends and health,
thankful we still walk Your way.
Give us this moment for a lifetime,
to dwell, in the shelter of Your arms;
as we make choices that will please You,
assured we're safe - from life's great harms.
David Lessard Dec 2018
You broke my heart too many times
to say you're still my own -
time,  it never really heals
the wounds that I have known;
the battles never won,
the spats that never stopped -
weeds that shrank the flowers sown
grew out of every plot.
I failed to cultivate the ground
whereupon you walked
where you touched the earth;
you hid behind the shelter
of sarcasm and mirth;
buried all your tortured words
with lies and sweet deceit;
and compromise was just a word
but one we couldn't meet.
So I'm wishing you the best
you never really knew me;
though you pretended otherwise
when at last you set me free.
David Lessard Jul 2018
I thought that I could love you
I was wrong
I wasn't on the path
where I belonged;
I fell into the world of love
and drowned
got lost, confused
couldn't turn around;
We were friends but
never lovers
the miles kept us far apart
I thought I gave you what
you wanted
but I left with
little pieces of my heart.
I don't blame anyone
but me
I was far too gone
to truly see;
I love you but
not the way you wanted
but that's the way of love
that leaves me haunted.
David Lessard Jun 2019
How could I ever doubt you
when you showed me how to live?
when you showed me truth
and asked me to forgive.

You were always in my heart
but not often in my mind;
until I heard the call
and love is what I find.

Your the rock I lean upon
the light that shows the way;
the savior of my soul
to whom I kneel to pray.

The anchor of my restlessness
the safe harbor where I hide;
the shelter that I seek
from all angry tides.

How could I doubt you, Lord
when you've turned my life around?
giving me love and power
and now, a mind that's sound.
David Lessard Jul 2015
What do we know of love?
marriage is a 50/50 chance;
that two will stay together,
until the final dance.

We throw it all away,
with anger and with hate;
then do it all again,
with a different mate.

Admire those who stay,
wrapped up in their dream;
who never come apart,
unraveling at the seams.

They choose to stay together,
as the vows they chose to make;
through thick and thin they stay,
from the first slice of the cake.

What do we know of love?
it's a gamble at the start;
we can only hope,
it doesn't break your heart.
David Lessard Feb 2018
I remember my first love,
she came without a song;
no fanfare in her entrance,
but I saw in her, no wrong.

In time my heart was captured,
she was lovely and pronounced;
I was smitten and bewildered,
as my desire pounced.

For twelve years that it lasted,
the cup of love just flowed;
but came the day of reckoning,
we paid back the price we owed.

Love falls too hard for lovers,
when they drift and crumble;
they're left without an anchor,
too proud to say they're humble.

Now, first love's but a thought,
recessed   far in my mind;
as the birth of love is magic,
so is the ending, too unkind.
David Lessard Mar 2019
How my heart ached when you left me!
how the days were drowned in sorrow;
the nights seemed endless, dreary
still, there came, the bright tomorrow.

How my soul cried days without you!
days that offered little hope;
I couldn't think, but of your face
I just sat around and moped.

Then the morning fog was lifted
how good again, to see the sun!
I looked forward to the evening
now convinced my life's not done.

I was saved, that day from drowning
she was like you, in many ways;
but she never left, like you did
she loves me, and she stays.

How my heart was broke in pieces!
when our pledged love went awry;
how we struggled hard to save it
how long it's been since it did die.
David Lessard Mar 2019
You cannot start again
what's gone is gone-
time forgets its place
and moves on.

Days still bright and sunny
nights still dark and long-
strangers passing by
with life's old sweet song.

Love is buried and forgotten
in a place you can't recall-
memory fades with aging
like the trees that grow so tall.

Someone says that time is healing
but you do not find it so-
words are often meant to heal
but they're wrong I think you know.

All but bitterness has vanished
in the void that swallows all-
in the echoes of your mind
when you woke up from your fall.
David Lessard Oct 2024
In the echoes of my mind, you live
unforgotten dreams, of a distant past
of love and bitter moments
of a bond that did not last.
Of a touched and tortured heart
of a human spirit, bleeding
of strong desires, crushed
left with a soul that's needing.
Left with remorse and sorrow
both - empty and adrift
when the differences appeared
and life began to shift.=
Bruised and battered is the heart that hides
ravaged by the hurt and pain
no one sees the tears of spoken lies
they fall silently, like April rain.
Lamentation is the final song
we put away the misery with stoic grace
smile and laugh, as we move on
letting no one see our own true face.
David Lessard Aug 2016
I never asked for love,
it slapped me in the face;
I would have walked on by,
content with my own pace.

But one can't ignore a slap,
when it's planted on your cheek;
when it's a bolt out of the blue,
not something that you seek.

You have to pay attention,
to a thing such as a slap;
to what was not apparent,
on your human map.

I looked and then I looked again,
for once, was not, enough;
you took me by surprise,
my demeanor turned to fluff.

I stammered in my mind,
for what I proposed to say;
and then, before, I could speak,
you'd gone the other way.
David Lessard Feb 2018
Today - we take love, by the hand,
a gentle squeeze, (part of the plan);
a tender touch, as we embrace,
the first time, that I kiss your face.

Tomorrow - we will make it stronger,
for love to last, a little longer;
a sweet caress, I stroke your cheek,
affirmation of, the love I seek.

I hope - that in the years to pass,
we've found a bond, that surely lasts;
two hearts, we share love's golden prize,
that captured us, by wild surprise.
David Lessard Aug 2018
I threw away a love
because it was one sided;
she was not the girl for me
because I have decided.

She was just a dear friend
not the love I wanted;
but we grew too close together
and her pleasant body taunted.

I threw away a love
like tissue I've discarded;
she was too possessive
I left her broken-hearted.

She was like a clinging vine
when I escaped her clutch;
I didn't miss her then
and now, too, not much.

I threw away a love
it was a one-way street;
she was just a friend
I happened to just meet.
David Lessard Jun 2018
Take me in your loving arms
do with me what you will
calm this restless soul
and let this heart be still -

Then kiss me tenderly
and set these lips afire
so I may realize my dream
that's fueled by my desire -

Hold me close, hold me tight
whisper words I want to hear
the night is cold without you
but warm when you are near -

Your eyes are stars that shine
they stun me with their glow
hiding treasured secrets
that I'd like to know -

Take me in your loving arms
it is there,  that I am safe
put your cheek right next to mine
so that I can kiss your face.
David Lessard Aug 2018
Lynx Lake lies quiet in
the early rays of sunshine.
no ripples to disturb the
nor harsh cries of jays,
just a stillness that pervades
and like a painting, is mute
and beautiful.
The tall ponderosa trees
dot the shoreline,
adding stately elegance
and silent majesty to
the cool air that is my
morning drink,
secondary to my two
cups of coffee but
just as pleasing and
I meet three people
walking their dogs
as I am doing, on my
three mile nature stroll.
Two miles north of us,
drivers are racing along
highway 69, hell-bent
for the work that
awaits them.
Too far away to
hear the traffic's roar;
I am content to be
enveloped in solitude,
among a princely forest
lost to the world for
an hour.
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