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Jul 2014 · 983
Pipe Dreams
david jm Jul 2014
A slab of wood
Entwined with copper and nickel.
That's all you are.
I feel your humanity at times.
It could just be the heat from my hands
Still fuming off your glossy surface
Like boiler room pipes.
Pipe down your pipe dreams sonny,
You're no Kurt Cobain.
For my guitar.
* A "pipe dream" is a common expression for a fantasy, not a metaphor for drugs.
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
Bedroom Blinds
david jm Jul 2014
Gaping valleys,

Spaced enough to
Let daytime prevail
And to let horrors imagine themselves
In the black lung membrane
Of 3 a.m.
For my blinds.
Jul 2014 · 652
david jm Jul 2014
Without a doubt
The faith was lost
Below the salt.

Dawn's eyes
Not so much Viridian,
Slightly less...
Dusk swims up its favorite tree
And collapses
Dead as death.

Dragon's Breath
Cascades the mountainside
Red fury.

The Sun sweats
U.V. afterbirth,
Drought frenzy,
And carmine fissures.
Flooding eyelids,
And my minds eye.

Ethereal starkness
Sunbathes in the
Of a maniac.
my favorite i've ever written.
Jul 2014 · 713
Milky Way Mausoleum (10w)
david jm Jul 2014
Dreaming death,
I chase the Sun,
To earn my urn.
Just noticed how much of my writing revolves around the sun.
david jm Jul 2014
at the sight of you
moons are dull grey spotlights
flat, dimensionless, and known.
which could make us akin
if i let the end begin.

but i drag it out and twist it tight
all strapped in place
i dig a tunnel in my soft spot.

stretch the truth until it breaks its back.
bones of sugar
clumped together like lonely hydrogen
in a coronal marsh.
i thought i could tame it.

i see
silver and black wind
builders and watchmen.
your world famous carousel hugs
turn to languorous shrugs
but they both make me dizzy.

a gaze eclipsed for the moment
you're less a mind, more a slogan.

when his eye meets yours
it leaves behind
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
Love Like Leprosy
david jm Jul 2014
Too much time at hand
To see my life unravel.

Although I travel eyes to ground,
I seem to get around quite sound.

So it seems my life's a Monet,
Money killed me in a way.

Chimeras cannot fill my belly,
Soon my soul must get to selling.

Govern oceans with the moon,
Until our axis turns with death

Gravity will leak its pressure
As lonely lovers live as lepers.
Jul 2014 · 751
Bad Timing Buddah
david jm Jul 2014
Life's too short to hold a grudge,
But that doesn't make it short.
It's quite long, mundane and pointless,
If you gain objective focus.
Some greet this view with grief and damns,
"I'm free to suffer at my hands".
I'm also free to **** my mind,
The ***** where illusion thrives.
But I'm fond of our condition now,
At peace when lost in the Bermuda,
Don't save me now, I want to hurt!
You've got ****** up timing,
Don't you Buddah?
the human condition.
Jul 2014 · 469
Bathroom Thoughts Vol. 1
david jm Jul 2014
2000 years ago,
If you sneezed around Jesus,
Were you guaranteed a spot in Heaven?
Jul 2014 · 513
Omnicreep (10w)
david jm Jul 2014
I see television as a sort of
Socially acceptable
Watching other people live life, instead of living your own is strange.
Jul 2014 · 767
Pattern Atrophy
david jm Jul 2014
I can recognize the symbols now,
A God complex is simple thought.
A happy night.
A Saturday.
We're number three from Mother Sun.

Sister Nature is my father,
Brother Earth in animus.
Out of line,
Just out of spite.
A blackout can't account for this.

Taping up the horse's mouth,
Reality is not relieving.
If this was real
I wouldn't have to hold on like it's leaving.

Awoke but never fell asleep,
The endless sleep has found a stop.
I can be your cellophane,
If you'll be my Salem's Lot.

Avoid the windows,
Faith is burning.
Too alive,
And too unnerving.
the circles I live in.
Jul 2014 · 660
david jm Jul 2014
If we're all the same,
Why do i bleed blue?

If you knew me well,
You'd think something else.

My rhetoric is rhetorical,
I'm not a ******* horoscope.

No two trees are alike,
No two things share a life.

I'm more than a species,
More than an area code.

Will consume me soon.

Living my dream,
Or dreaming my life?

Climbing clouds feels angelic,
Coming down hurts like Hell.

Why can't we be lonely

I'm finally rich,
Buried under pyramids.
These were all separate one liners. They look good together. Less lonely and meaningless.
Jul 2014 · 699
david jm Jul 2014
I approach,
And carve a "Hello"
Out of my marble voice.
Before an exchange is made past introduction,
I stand there,

Plunging inward,
Hands crawling through the dark,
Gliding between muscle and nerve,
***** and blood,
Wrapped between and under
A bouquet of bone,
Traveling the tunnels behind my chest,
Spiraling humbly in and out of every rib
In the shape of the Special Beam.

Coddled in a diaphragm home,
My voice rocking back and forth
With a death grip on its shins,
Knees under chin,
Mumbling grievances of social disorder.

Courage dilutes in exhales,
Each breath shorter than the last,
Only enough brave in veins to utter
As I turn and walk away.
Its about looking for my voice, and failing.
Jul 2014 · 664
Moment Hunter
david jm Jul 2014
You stalk your prey
With a lens in hand.
The shutter is your bear trap.
Scratchy surface lens,
Warping the ambiance,
The years blew that glass eye for you.
Capture the intangible,
It's a
Magical Palpable,
Illusion Impossible,
Transparent Magnificent.
But you just call it your camera.
Standing in light
Is the only way to make a shadow,
Can you capture that?
Jul 2014 · 1.8k
Nancy Thompson Syndrome
david jm Jul 2014
Dream is but a life,
Severed from congruence and chronology.
Did I imagine my memory?
The adolescent blizzard,
The tar pits of first love,
The prepubescent honeycomb,
The shedding of innocent skin,
The infant cobweb spun by genetics.
Death at the leg of my mate,
Birth among a thousand siblings.

Climbing to the ground
From the sky where i was buried,
Resting in rapid eye ether,
Transparent atmospheres solidify
With ruby whips of gravity.
My reflection in your fingernails,
My face askew in distortion,
Your hand's a house of mirrors,
Peeling at my silhouette.
I'm drinking fire,
As we cremate the sea.

Nirvana becomes panoramic,
The air ripples.
The topaz pillar i held becomes my body pillow,
And I wipe the sleep from my eye.

The dream unstitched,
We sew reality back up,
But the thread gets thin
At night.
Jul 2014 · 497
david jm Jul 2014
I thought you were a cat,
but now I see you're not.

You have my favorite haircut,
Its reminds me of important women I knew,
Like a teacher I vaguely recall
From my hazy infancy.
My brain was still soft.

But I do remember her hair,
Even though her face is blurred.
Lemon yellow,
It was years before i heard the word blonde.

I picture you,
Slipping fingers through your mane,
Like a cat slips through a fence.
Jul 2014 · 399
david jm Jul 2014
I want to look
myself in the eye,
See myself upside down,
Like a fruit bat,
And I want to know
What I'd think
If i was my shrink,
Paying myself
For an hour of my time.

I want to pray to me,
To see if I'd respond.

I want to **** myself,
To feel if I was good.

I want to lay on my chest,
To see if I'm comfortable.

I want to be at my funeral
To know if it's blue.

Blackout for nine months,
I'm growing inside me.
Pulled out of myself,
I put me in hiding.

If I saw myself
Walking down the street,
I honestly don't know what I would think.
Jul 2014 · 1.0k
A Cosmic Barren
david jm Jul 2014
I'm your mother,
You're my son
In fantasy we are as one.

Stay away,
We cancel out,
Keep a distance safe with me.

I'm contracted
To contract,
I can't let you out again.

I'm a black hole.
I'm infertile.
Won't you please
Just be my sun?
sorry if this is offensive.
Jul 2014 · 774
Forest Fire
david jm Jul 2014
As a child
I burned grass for fun,
Killing insects along with it.

As a man
I burn grass for fun,
Killing memories along with it.

When I grow old,
I'll burn grass for chemotherapy,
And laugh along with it,
Bet you can't guess what its about.
Jul 2014 · 446
Decidophobia Haiku
david jm Jul 2014
I'm either living,
Dead or dying quite slowly,
I just have to choose.
Jul 2014 · 533
david jm Jul 2014
Love cannot be mapped,
It cleverly conceals its tracks,
Lab rats be ******,
I cannot smell a meal.

Loves bites like bear traps
Our ankles cannot feel,
It burns bright as witches,
And swims like one too.

Love tests the waters
With dives and somersaults,
The Summers that we fall from
Cannot be counted real.

Love's a picture puzzle,
Puzzled by itself.
"Look through me and see the world"
Love told me in a dream.
Jul 2014 · 616
david jm Jul 2014
I'm a children's dish,
I'm gaping abyss
I'm a circle feeling out of my element.
I'm an orphans drum
I'm a nameless son
I'm the broken tusk of an elephant.
I'm your swollen eyes
I'm a sacrifice
I'm Mr. Kennedy's last day as president.

I'm an aching head
I'm a dying dog
I'm the feeling that someone is watching you.
I'm a body bag
I'm a copycat
I'm dishonest and I'm the dreams that you hate.
I'm an open wound
I'm a *****'s pet
I am your furniture, show me some respect.

I'm a shadow and a shape
I'm a sheep
I'm awake
I'm you're teeth
I'm alive
I'm the field where you died.
Jul 2014 · 890
Circus Story
david jm Jul 2014
Guilt was my new device,
Left outside my habitat.
Falling chest first,
Heavy hearts killed the acrobats.
Jul 2014 · 295
Knew Language
david jm Jul 2014
Back in a time
When we knew language
Peace was inevitable.
Jul 2014 · 356
david jm Jul 2014
Draped in wings like curtains,
We fall like feathers hard as stone.
The pure wastes itself, tainted,
And youth will pay the children's toll.
We turn our pages endlessly,
The pages turn us old.

— The End —