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David Ehrgott Dec 2014
I close my eyes
and see blue skies
White clouds rolling
in fast forward
and daylight
thoughts of you
Sky in view
speeds up
the life process

wasting time
I close my eyes
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
The wind in the park was strong today
The ducks were floating and dodge-ing
like in a shooting gallery
There were no guns shooting at them
but, they kept ducking anyway
ducking and dodging the wind
David Ehrgott Oct 2015
This is the story of the cola-nut
The cola-nut and the *****-nut
One day those nuts, they decided to race
To see which one could take first place
The cola-nut he took off first
A whole lot of edgy and with a quick burst
Now, who would've thought that fellow was cursed
When the poor cola-nut lay dying of thirst
The *****-nut, he set out slow
Not really wanting to let himself go
He knew he could win, if he paced himself
So, he sang a song, La diddy dee diddy doe
The race continued as the *****-nut ran
Then, took a break to honor his Pan
He rolled up a something delightfully green
And no longer felt the need to be mean
Sitting down resting his back on a tree
He whistled at birds while buzzed as a bee
I must travel further to win he agreed
But, first I could use just a little bit sleep
Now a gingerly fellow, he walked down the trail
And noticed poor cola there, lying so pale
He offered him water, he offered him fruit
And cola recovered, oh, what a hoot
Cola-nut stood up and ran, and he ran
But, the sugar buzz ran out and couldn'ted his can
Hydrated, yet still mighty well pooped
It didn't look good for those in the loop
Ol' *****-nut grazing, still way far behind
Didn't have worries; Had plenty of kind
Decided to roll up more of his hay
Then lit it, and puffed it, but no **** today
Now *****-nut picked up that old second wind
The further he traveled the more he would grin
So happy to have cola-nut for a friend
Yet, beginning to wonder when this race would end
When he found his poor friend lying flat on the ground
From a diabetic coma poor cola had frowned
Here, have some of this ***** said so chagrin
Got him up off his knees, and he raced once again
The long winding road to the big finish line
Was just up ahead according to signs
So cola and ***** did finally agree
To finish the race in a tie to a tee
Those two crazy nuts, what more could they prove
To each other that both are not really that good
So they skipped along happily and hand in hand
In a soft photo-finish, then lit up the band
There isn't a moral to this story told
But, read it while fresh, before it grows mold
It's a little bit different from old woe is me
Alas, here's a story to laugh at, agree?
So, sit back and smoke 'em but, not nicotine
And don't let the bubbles go where you would sneeze
Don't like it?  Make up your own make believe
I'm tired and going to bed now to dream
La ditty da da, dee ditty dee
No nicotine and no woe is me
David Ehrgott Jan 2015
A ball of ice and fire
Floating around in space
Sunlight or darkness
You don't choose for that

We are the earthlings
The current residents
I've got to thinking
What we are at that

We are the Earth (Think about it)
It's what we are
We are the earth
It says so in the stars

We are the Earth
Listen near and far
For I'll tell you a story
That isn't full of yarn


The seed goes into the earth
The earth goes into the seed
The seed becomes a plant
On that is what we feed
And when we're dead and done
And our souls are finally freed
We go back to what we ate from
We are what we eat
Six feet underneath
The worms then eat
The body becomes the earth
A new child is born
The cycle happens again
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
Eighty-seven pennies
not one that was pretty
Eighty-seven pennies
not one Canadian
Eighty-seven pennies
slicing through my body
Eighty-seven pennies
as I walk down penny lane
On the south side sidewalk
of the Empire State
Building blood so thin
How I lived don't know
Yet, I never will, forget
Eighty-seven pennies
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
Leningrad in the spring of '81
Now that was a spring break
Sans the Florida girls
Three nights there
Two more in Moscow
The hotel room in Leningrad
Two whole days of *******
The bosses wife
And the knocking on the doors
By the military dependents
"Keep the noise down,
Knock that off" they plead
"Don't you know what time it is?"
I have no other memory of Leningrad
Because I never got to see any of it
The best time I ever had

in Moscow, the buildings, so grand
I just wanted to take a picture
and was surrounded by guards with
Really big men with very big guns
Upon a pat down the KGB found
A pack of cigarettes on my person
"American Marlboros" he exclaimed
While passing them out to his buddies
"Here, try one of ours" he states
while offering a Russian version
of the same product/not the same product
I choked on it "see" said the cop
"You Americans RICH"

Comrades, have you seen him?
The great imperialist
The man who will destroy us
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
The hotdog poet The hotdog poet
Ev'rybody  Summertime  The hotdog poet
The hotdog poet  The hotdog poet
Ev'rybody kick the dog  The hotdog poet

Misery from a *****
I loved that dog
black as coal
soft brown spots
on her shiny coat

They used to kick these dogs and
Label them as nazis

But, she endured and ignored
the razzings

She had a good life in her little
own **** doggie world
David Ehrgott Oct 2016
Do we make compromises for
Our comforts
When we are everywhere
David Ehrgott Jul 2015
American Sentence

1.  Today I saw a little girl hugging an air-filled plastic snowman.

2.  As she was hugging the snowman she closed her eyes tight to give it love.

3.  This happened in a donut shop around late afternoon near Christmas.

4.  The snowman was wearing a white scarf with brown and orange stripes on it.
5.  I thought that the little girl was giving him a awful lot of love.

6.  Because he is never going to feel it    as he lit a smile.

7.  I realized I wanted to wear the scarf that the snowman was wearing.
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
She was a dizzy little girl.
When I met her at the age of five years old.
My mother would tell me "Stay away
from that little girl, she's dizzy.  Watch her
running around in circles.  She is always running
around in circles.  Look at her, how she is
running around.  Running around and around
and around.  Going around in circles.  She's
making herself dizzy.  Watch her she's gonna
fall down if she keeps on running around in
circles like that.  Dizzy little girl.  Stay away
from her."  And as she ran around in circles
she would shout things out incoherently.

One day she came over to my yard and
introduced herself.  I don't recall what I had
said to her but it must had upset her because
she beat me up over it.  Then I didn't see her
for a period of around six weeks.

When she was seven she came over and
we went into my room.  She showed me
her thing and I stuck her and she screamed.
Then her daddy broke in and kicked my
five year old *** all the way into the closet.  
I think by the age of ten I had divorced her.
That Las Vegas girl.
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
The train has passed
We're glad she's gone
She never did much good

Monarchs, satyrs-butterflies
could ****
But, she could not

Crapping through
a tubed-up bag
Ain't no way to live

Too much weight to bury
Now they burn them
all the dead
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
I hold my pillow, grab it's ***
pretend it's you.  But, I'm in Forever
The time in between with you.  It's
hard as ever waiting, craving for more
you.  Hop on my pistol girl 'cause I've
got shots for you.  I was crazy,
very crazy to just sit there and not
move.  Or, was I dreaming.  How could
I be good enough for you.  I'm just
a dreamer but, i beat Everest
Don't dream that one dream 'cause
even cheaters pay for that and losers
stay there forever for free.  Just free me
from my misery or add to it my sea
All the pain and agony dissolves
when you are near me.  The emptiness,
it disapears even memories of pain.
So come on back and pick me up I'll
give it back with you again.
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
**** MY FIST                                  COPYRIGHT 2011 DAVID EHRGOTT

Lucy Lucy  What have you done
******* a kid
well it ain't no fun
Bashing and gashing
covering him
My right forearm hurts like sin
Lucy Lucy Kiss me kiss
Match the left one by doing this

**** My Fist
**** My Fist
**** My Fist
**** My Fist

Lucy Lucy ******* me blue
Here is all that she did do
Slapped me around; Put me through walls
That mother-******* Lucille Ball

**** my Fist
**** My Fist
**** My Fist
**** My Fist

**** My Fist
**** My Fist
**** my Fist
**** My Fist

Tuesday Weld was not a Ball
She frigged herself and that was all
But Lucy had a *** playpen
For children around the age of ten
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST

Surviving this is not a bliss
and my arm, it hurts like ****
I raise it up to tell the world
That Lucille Ball was my first girl that

****** MY FIST
****** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST

**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST


Little boys of only ten
Should not be used like that again
But you know Hollywood and them
I'll save the world and tell them just to

**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST

Lucy did it why don't you just

**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST

Hollywood Hollywood just kiss this
I've really had enough of your **** so

**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST
**** MY FIST...
David Ehrgott Sep 2015
An honest man's statement was torted the other day
Just for its implications
If honesty is against the law
The Cronies must be laughing

Isn't it odd that when young we're taught lies
Then forced to believe them
You know the sun does not set nor does rise
It is all just an old illusion

If Villon was crying in sventn cntry
Hear ye all God save the Queen
And Ezra got pounded for what he was shouting
Over the airwaves in old Italy

Truth be illegal now tell me all lies
I'm stupid, I just might believe them
David Ehrgott Oct 2016
Yellow, brown, gold, and red.
Colored leaves will soon be dead.
David Ehrgott Jul 2015
Farmer Song

Can you make a chicken duck
I can make a chicken duck
Give me the recipe for that chicken duck
Throw a rock at the chicken's head

Chickens can't duck you stupid head
Now I have a chicken with a bump on it's head
How is any chicken going to ever lay an egg
If the chicken was a chicken with a bump on it's head

Throw it slower this time
Said the man with the red...
Man who owns the chicken
With the bump on it's head

The man threw another rock slower instead
The chicken he ducked and was finally spared
The man shocked the chef when vociferously stating

Can you make a pking duck
I can make a p
king duck
Give me the recipe for that pking duck
Deep fry duck with eyes closed shut

That can't be a p
king duck
A duck can't peek with his eyes closed shut
But if he is sleepy at cockshut
That would be a p*king duck

In the days of Camelot
A king was missing an awful lot
Not a clue had the king until one day
He saw a thief with the loot running far far away

Find me the thief said the king to his men
The knights suited up and found said man
Here is the thief the knight said to the king
Off with his ****** head

Can you make a chicken duck
I can make a chicken duck
Give me the recipe for that chicken duck
Throw a rock at the chicken's head
David Ehrgott Sep 2016
The soap dish behaves as though
she has cancer
Her openly unfashionable drug habit
has gifted her with eleven other
life threatening illnesses
Tobacco has been outlawed
Finally we become a society of progress
Disease remains...
fittingly for a diva
It was a rough go for a while
but, she's better now
Waiting for the day, that they outlaw
high fructose corn syrup
David Ehrgott Jan 2016
I'm proud of my father
Who fought in World War II
He helped save the world
And the red, white, and blue
He brought me up with sternness
Kindness and understanding
And now I see the rules he had
Were there for my good standing
He is an American, true and blue
Looking back when I was a teen
In the nineteen seventies
I rebelled against war
And fought for the causes
Which I believed would change the world
For the better, not the better off  
So, when my father put me down
I had to turn and look at him
And say the only reason that
I do these things is because
I am an American
David Ehrgott Apr 2015
The bigger the bear
The better the rug
David Ehrgott Jan 2015
Mary had a date with the little boy who lived in a shoe.
"Deodorant.  Yes, that's what I'll bring him.  Deodorant."  she fumed
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
David Ehrgott Sep 2015
(14 syllables by 14 lines)

I want to beat up Jimmy Olsen and take all his cash
Leave him left for dead it's all inside my head; a gas
Explosion would take care of the rest and then I would have
Her all to myself the prettiest girl in the world

I'd kick his legs with steel-toed shoes like the referees kid
Did to all the star players way back when we were all kids
Man she looks like she could give eine bier some head, Superman
She looks hotter than a ******* Pet/Playmate, Superman

Come on, let me fly away with Chloe you'll save a lot
more men.  Believe me when I say she's got that rack of lamb
Roast of beef man  She's one sweet piece of meat Yeah that Chloe
She is the Smallville star by far that takes away my heart

Fly away with me Chloe  Fly away with me Chloe
Fly away with me Chloe  Fly away with me Chloe
David Ehrgott Feb 2016
I remembered today
in and around 1968
My stepfather
found me work
at the age of ten
For the mob's
Big Henchmen
Digging Ditches
Digging Graves
So hot in the desert
So much dirt on my sweat
Las Vegas is an oasis
but this is no picnic
Three  today
Too much debt on my back
For fifty dollars
A grave
So long
the wait
For Berman's men
David Ehrgott Jul 2015
Two thousand years and more
No one's learned it's war
The braggarts think they win
The holy call it sin
and make excuses
\Sure, God know's what's right
Why can't people learn
Read the book of John
So war will not go on
David Ehrgott Mar 2016
You say "I'm sorry"
But you don't mean it
You laugh when you steal
Then think you'll get away with it
You said that I hurt you
But, you're the one that started it
Never once, did you you ever think
That I got hurt and over it
So, you live like Satan
Without forgiveness
And teach your children
How to harm with vengeance
They don't know forgiveness
They don't know Jesus
Have you heard the way to live
These four lines, reread this
You can play the victim
But are you really fooling
Anyone but yourself
Who are you really fooling
Forgive us for our trespass
Forgive us as we sin
Forgive all that have trespassed
Or be the devil's friend
I hope you've learnt a lesson
And where you've sent your kids
You welcome me into your home
To rob me, then you spit
It was you who hurt me
When I was only ten
Pretend it never happened
That's okay, I can forgive
We can go on hurting
And never meet again
Or blame it all on someone
And be the devil's friend
I don't want to upset you
I know your only friend
he can never have me
Because I can forgive
The southern sun, it burns you
Because that's where you live
You think you took my money
But all you have is sin
You took all of my money
I made it back again
Because I can forgive you
Even though your dim
You call Bill Brown your father
His labels brand his kids
You call your pills your helpers
Those ****, they have, they did
If you can try forgiveness
You won't need ***** to live
It's all about forgiveness
Can you just forgive
Love is just forgiveness
Peace is all forgiveness
Life comes from forgiveness
Angels know forgiveness
God is just forgiveness
Life is for forgiveness
Love is all forgiveness
Forgiveness is forgiveness
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
I wanna buy a puppy
A really happy puppy
I wanna buy a puppy
A happy big-eyed puppy
I want to buy a puppy
A warm and cuddable puppy
I want to buy a puppy
A pup won't slobber silly

I wanna buy a puppy
One that's so go-lucky
A happy happy puppy
I wanna buy a puppy
I want to buy a puppy
A big fat furry puppy

The warmth and love of puppy
I really want a puppy
David Ehrgott May 2016
I couldn't love you more than
I could. I shouldn't love you more than
I should. I wouldn't love you more than
I would. I can't love you more than
I can. I don't love you more than I do.
David Ehrgott Apr 2017
Painted in tempera on illustration board
Don't know things by heart
They will only break you
Use your mind instead
How as a teen I wanted to die
But could not remember why
And the junkieing of america
Crack baby penquins walking on thin ice
A child being beaten on a bus
The driver runs then, drives away, does nothing
How do you spell deedy

Painted in brown acrylic
over pencil on wood paneling
She's the queen of visa
Knows all the tricks with cards
She said " I like to swim in the rain"
Alligators laughing, like on that Sendak drawing
"Yea" I say "I like the art in" and it was still hot
Dogfights for doughnuts just to shake a stick
The most out of place person I ever met
Was that surfer dude in Michegan
And when I stopped the chair cough
Then maybe I did do the world a favor
And the judge said "Can you prove that
this woman ***** you when you were
a two year old?"  And that is when
The tears began to fall down every cheek
of the jury.
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
George Walker Bush freed the people of Iraq.
Last night I had an eerie feeling that the people
he had freed moved to France.
David Ehrgott Jan 2016
There was a monkey on my back
So often, would he plan attacks
And almost every time would grin
For I kept that simple sin
A ***** rotten nasty habit
In Great Britain called a ******
Caused me stress and some should know
Gave my clothes a few burnt holes
Here I am now, way past forty
Don't care if I'm looking portly
For the urge to eat is better
Then more burn holes in my sweater
More than a year now that I'm free
That little monkey can't hold me
I never get the urgency
To run and light that nicotine
I'm better off now, that I'm free
And this I truly do believe
The devil hid beneath a tree
His name was Sir Walter Raleigh
David Ehrgott Jan 2016
I've never seen a free world
It must be someone's dream
There's always so much fighting
And people really mean
They say we're in a free world
Then please explain to me
How races were so slaughtered
in the twentieth century
Twenty Thousand Soldiers
Marching off to war
Thirty Thousand Dead Already
Why, would they need more?
To claim they're in a free world
Is a fallacy
There's nothing here for nothing
Not even your T.V.
So, if you see a free world
Point it out to me
I'll try my best to get there
if the weather's nice.  We'll see
David Ehrgott Sep 2015
Smurfette.  She hated that
As she laughed in the lights
at the Williams Center
That night in '04
Introduced to me by her co-star
But, we met before
at the stadium in '98
but, not THAT stadium
And we shared some together time
But, not that' way
And she asked me if I did drugs
And I said "No, I like the cure."
And I saw what she was doing
And she said  "C'mon try some."
And I saw the emptiness in her face
Then, a look of fear
Then, giggles
And I smiled but, I wasn't happy
Because I could tell that this loose cannon
Had limited time left
from the bones that stuck out of her skin
And I cried  "Eat something Please!"
"Oh, I'm alright." she replied
From the emptiness
David Ehrgott Mar 2016
Why do I put myself
In this much pain
I stare at your photo
Like a ****** - insane
David Ehrgott Jul 2015
Little Red Robin in the hood
Bang Bang  Shot him down
Shot him down for good

Little little angel now
doing what he should
Crazy!  Ain't we crazy now
with vigilante justice
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
I downloaded
the new love app.
It just doesn't work
without you
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
In Rolling Stone, the magazine
There was an ad that intrigued me
In eighty-four or eighty-five
Find out the day that you will die

I sent away, so curious
To know my fate, mysterious
The answer was so serious
It left me most delirious

Send in your name and date of birth
We'll tell you when you meet your fate
I told them Feb of '58
They wrote me back, Hey that sounds great

They said they'd have to look it up
Said it takes time, don't hurry us
Now listen closely, this is true
They said I died in '62

I said "what that can not be true"
They replied "yes, it is you"
We don't know how you're still alive
If you're still here, you'll never die

Give us the name, one of your friends
We'll tell you when their life will end
I sent the name in of my lover
Whom was married and a mother

They wrote me back the exact date
Of my lover's awful fate
Don't be scared but, it came true
I died inside when my love flew

Ev'ry word of this is true
There is not much that I can do
Just waiting for a life that's new
Existing here since '62

I did not fib, I will not lie
Some killers have already tried
To end my merely self existence
Yes, I'm dead, please keep your distance
David Ehrgott Oct 2015
Tom Hanks goes on the view
and says
Bob the grip is not receiving
his Christmas bonus this year
Due to pirating

Tom  isn't losing money
Brad isn't losing money
Leo   isn't losing money

Julia made her forty million
Jen   made her forty million
Reese made her forty million

Just think,
if people don't stop pirating
The entire movie industry
could go belly-up

People just don't get it
Bob the grip relies on that Christmas bonus
to make ends meet

I'm going to buy my next car
Jennifer Motors
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
I overact in overalls
When overcast jump overboard
I overdo not overdose
I'm overdue and overdrawn
I overhaul my overhead
Throw overhand or overarm
I overthrow the oversee
And overwhelm those overseas
My overshoe's in overflow
An overnight in overcoat
Earned overtime then over-ruled
The over-ride they overlooked
Don't overstep over-the-counter
An oversight I've overcome
I over-run the over-rule
In overdrive I overpass
It's over now; Buy Pepto too
And you will get over the gas
David Ehrgott May 2015
Today, most phones have cameras and
most cameras have phones.  This only
proves that people who take pictures,
also like to talk a lot.
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
Sometimes things end just
like a summer romance cold
and with less daylight
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
I guess a little bit of global warming is alright
After Independence Day
I go back to missing you again
I'll just go and say it "I'm Sorry!"
Okay?  Now will you come back to me?
We can light a fire and the wine
will make everything feel just right
And we'll have a little bit of global warming here tonight

A little bit of global warming is alright
A little bit of "Hey, how are you?"
Never hurt no one
Did you miss it or did you get it right?
A little bit of global warming sounds 'bout right
A little bit of global warming here tonight

Global warming
Let's be friends
Global warming
More than friends
Global warming
A love that never ends all around the world

Just say you'll forgive me
I'll fill the fireplace with kindling
And we can warm each other's lonely hearts
Global warming's more than melting ice
Global warming's here inside my heart
Global warming.  Here, ignite my heart.
Global warming's here tonight, let's start
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
Onion sadness drops
crocodile tears on dishrags:
David Ehrgott Feb 2016
My babysitter ***** me
Tore up all my dreams
Tore up all my blue jeans
Beginning just to see
Was she really mean
To leave me licky clean
Looking for a golden heart in the wind
Looking for a golden heart in the wind
It doesn't matter where you've been
Looking for a golden heart in the wind
Want to make you smile
If you've been through the miles
Like I've been in my mind
When I see you, life's been kind
Looking for a golden heart in the wind
Looking for a golden heart in the wind
Doesn't even matter if you sin
Looking for a golden heart in the wind
David Ehrgott May 2016
I took the photos of you off
My mirror today
I came to terms with being fifty
You are not too young for anyone
And I may or may not be too something
It's not about a difference in age
It's about living a different life
One of happiness or
Escaping darkness
Not in this life
Not for me
No more trying
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
Thirty-six years ago
Singing in the rain
My mind filled with dreams of singing inside

Maybe should have left that dream
Dream somewhere
Maybe somewhere
Like on a Winnipeg farm

Then I left my dream
I fought in secret wars for my country
But, there is no record of it

But, Somehow I managed to glean other dreams
with some (of them) having every color of the rainbow
I guess that that would be all of the colors
Not all the colors are true

I've been told to watch my timbre
How can I see what belongs to the ear?
So, I tell them where to put their pulgar
and number ten my amplitude
Here goes
Go Ahead and chuck-up Miss Bulimia
You're running way too high
Like A12 hertz
I haven't hit and absolute since high school
and that one came with too much f**ng dirt
The true witch, Miss Bulimia
With pendulums for breast
Wanted to entrapped me, slap
Some bracelets 'round my fists
I never could paste saccharin on to dog ****
And if I could it would not change the taste
I hope you find the one you want
Someone that never catches you
While I sit here
and slash both of my wrists
Cutting is such a natural, no frills high
Doesn't cost you much
But you could die
Better than a drug
You bleed your heart
every time you remember
how it starts
A dream
of love
Goodbye Miss Bulimic USA
You never could be true is what you said
Still living in a lie
If you got fat, you'd probably die
A head that gives
Is only just a head
Make fun of me
But, wait until I'm dead
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
For Twenty-Five years we watched
Drug Dealers on the sidelines
in the NFL

In High School
We were told that if we didn't join sports
We would wind up doing drugs

We did not
Those coaches

The chess team did well that year
A football player became paralyzed
for life
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
Mary had a little lamb
She loved to run her fingers through its hair
Ooh, so smooth she would coo
Until the day it pooed in her shoe
Eew, lamb stew
David Ehrgott Jul 2015
In a green field
with the sunset
on a cabin
with the logs on
and the horses
in the prairie
and the cows
in the barn
\took my rifle
to fight for freedom
took my gun
and shot them down
for my country
For Our Freedom
took my gun
and shot them down
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
The ram on the edge
of the mountain watches the fall
in Colorado.

Brown leaves clog the spring
water in the vale below,
winter beckoning.

He charges then kicks
me in the chins as I fall
he growls at me.  GROWL!

As I arise fast
enough to scurry off of
his territory.

I leave nature where
it out to be, by itself
where nature belongs.
David Ehrgott Feb 2016
I climbed a tree today to wish you happy new year
You were nowhere I looked around and you were not here
I hear the sound of old guitars
Remember passings
I think of you. you're not around and I am still here
Why I remember in your bed we had it all dear, all the laughter
I hope the listener can figure out you are not here
And how all the laughter disappeared
'cause you are not here

Sometimes I want to throw myself off taller buildings
I could just let them out
Burst into tears or something
How could I let you out of
what was best for me
Las Vegas nights are brighter
Its night sky now too cloudy
I can not see the shooting stars or hear pal call out "howdy"
Remember 60's acts, the crowd would roar in laughter
How all that laughter disappeared
When you were not here

I spin around, I lose my mind then I fall down
Because my mem'ry is so unkind to me
Keep thinking of you constantly

I know I died when I was three but, that was diff'rent
Before I met you, saw you smile and heard you giggle
I know it's crazy in my mind you're in that blue dress
The one that had that white bow tied
The one that made you gift-wrapped
Now all I do is suffer from gyromancy
I spin around, so dizzy
But, I can't spell anything

And all the people, might be just there laughing at me
But, diddint you hear
That all the laughter disappeared
When you were not here
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