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David Ehrgott Oct 2015
There is a  man at his typewriter
with tobacco product in his mouth
and between his fingers I don't
Know who taught him that plan

He wants to write the next Superman
But, Luther Corp. won't let him
Tess Mercer is at the helm
I'm sorry I wrote down those words

Now there is nothing left but trouble
So that Clark can serve a purpose
For what else would he be if not for his adversaries

We teach our children vigilance
Then wonder why they use it
This push and shoving has to stop
Before we all misuse it

Now he wants to write a love story
About the love that was served
During all those secret wars he shared

When all the love was still there
Before Invasion
And all the feelings that were there

And he holds his enemy in his arms
And embraces her, Compromises and Shares
Looks like a new girl to fly in the air
               a new girl to fly in the air
David Ehrgott May 2015
Hey Hollywood!
How are you ******?
All of you!
Talentless Phonies
All of you!
A Talent?
So sick of your lies
Pretending to be
A Somebody
STOP kidding Yourselves
Not one could compare
Not one
The Somebody died
And you couldn't act if your lives depended on it
All of you are
Actors/******  (pick one)
Taxi Dancers have more skill
Eight Children
With five wives
And all you do is cheapen him
He was referring to Wally
Not some phallus
Somebody never pretended
to act
Somebody never was trained
to act
Somebody once dropped his pants
An Act?
Just bad behavior
Somebody knew how to behave
(take note ******)  (did you get it right?)
A Methodist?
Maybe NOT religious
But so much
Better than some cheap act
Somebody behaved the Best
(even if he did love ***)
David Ehrgott Oct 2014
Monsters from your garden
Laughing at your screams
Candlelit jack-o-lanterns
Happy Halloween!
David Ehrgott Jan 2016
Dear Gov. Chris Christie,

  Years ago, when the citizens of the state of New Jersey voted to
approved medicinal cannabis.  You stated that you weren't quite sure
you should allow this because of children.  And the treatment of curing children's cancers were then delayed, for about two years.  Just this Monday, you passed on signing a bill that would increase the age of tobacco use to the age of 21.  Were you not thinking of the safety and health concerns of the children then?  So, what you're saying is:  Hey kids!  If you want to catch cancer and die young then that is okay
because it is LEGAL.  But, if you want a natural remedy to cure your cancer.. well, you fill in the blank.  So, do you you really care about the health concerns of children?  Do you Governor Christie?  Do you?

Awaiting your prompt reply,

The Poet
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
She showed me all her pictures
And I swore that it was all a dream
I don't know what I said or did
But, her future isn't with machine

I've been to many places
And I regret all that I've gleaned
With all this bad-word baggage
I didn't have a need for all her mean

She knows what I've been through
She's seen it, I been torn apart
What was her intentions
To tear a larger part out of my heart

I love her, even (when) nasty
She's the sweetest girl I thought I thought
So she sent in her model manager
To give it to me up n' up

And he said "She doesn't want you anymore."
Leave her alone
"She doesn't want you anymore."
Leave her alone

Her actions worked but nowhere's worse than others did before
I looked at her and saw a look or lack of disappointment
At least I didn't have to bring out the jar of ointment
Another nail song written down to please the lady so

She doesn't want you anymore
Leave her alone
She doesn't want you anymore
Leave her alone
David Ehrgott Oct 2015
It was early 21st century and in the Saddle River County Park in Saddle Brook, the good one, not the one on the other side.  But, the one where Officer Reycuk lets the postal employees from the Paterson Distribution Center bone-up for lunch.  There, was a duck and he would waddle up to the park-goers (people) and he would harass and berate them.  I was sitting on the bench near the parking lot, (the one that faces the restrooms) and I had my feet turned in and pressed together. I must have spent an hour or more observing this duck as he made sure that everyone in the entire park got a piece of his lip.  Anyway, as he was tiring-out he must have mistaken my feet for a nest and he waddled his way on top of them.  Making himself comfortable and tucking his head under his wing to take a nap.  I felt so for this little lad that I made sure not to move my feet to disturb him.  As passerbys made comments and chuckled.  I imagined just what of this duck could be dreaming.  A simpler time perhaps.  When he had no stress.  No worries.  No responsibilities.  No need to yell at the humans who come into his place of abode and destroy it.  With their littering and smoking and loud rudeness.  Or maybe he was dreaming about some swan he's had his eye on, or flying, or going for a swim.  Then, without warning, I pulled my feet abruptly apart and chided him vociferously "YOU DUMB DUCK!  PEOPLE are dreamers NOT DUCKS!  He just shook his head, then waddled away mumbling to himself incoherently.
David Ehrgott Jul 2015
When I was superman I could fly
higher than a ferris wheel
up in the sky

'All the way up there
Where the satellites could knock you down
where a laser beam can hit your head
make you tumble

When I was superman I was living
out of town
Overseas, somewhere I cannot disclose

And I was looking for that perfect gal
but, all I found were secret agents and spies

Her name was sara foster
and I don't think I've ever had better
than that tech. busted down to SSgt.
or the blonde imitation of her

Many girls lost many stripes
when losing it upstairs
Satellites travel fast
the coffee served made [for] even faster

Running after work
Running away later
Running and Still Running
like the water[fall] [EL] Cap-y-tan
David Ehrgott Mar 2016
Chicks don't dig cigarettes
Chicks don't dig cigarettes
They pull down your capital
They make you smell [bowel]
Where was my money now
There comes a man
Comes a man
And he's not with the plan
Comes a man
And you say
Bash his skull
If you can
Comes a man
You didn't know
You didn't know
He was tricked
In the sand
And you pay with your ways
It's Gods' way
Yea, everybody must pay
So I sing
And this is just one song I wrote
For the poet
And it's all I say
please I don't know the way
And I
Think it's going to be okay
If I ask and then
I pay and pay
So I
Guess it's going to be o.k.
So run
And I run
And I pray and I pray
Guess it's going to be okay
Got to ride another wave
Got to ride another wave
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
Let's not try to save nirvana
It would't make sense to us son
Why would we try to stop the killing
When it's so much ******* fun

And who can blame any one child
Who witnessed twins-a-falling done
Then saw the world's second greatest leader
Shoot his good friend with a gun

Hey that's a human that's not mutton
You call that getting th-things done
Yes the news is also watched by children
That you have only taught a ton

Get that gun off of me now
And stop teaching kids insanity
Have not you learned by now
They only do what they see on T.V.

And look at t.v. greed taking monies
Destroying higher-er learning
Showing games that support violence
**** and anarchy

but us
We can't try to save nirvana
It wouldn't make sense to us son
Why would one try to stop the killing
When it's so much ******* fun
When it's so much ******* fun
David Ehrgott Sep 2016
Thirty-five years to find the fifty
Thirty-five years to find just fifty
Thirty-five years to find those fifty
What did our government due
Thirty-five years to find the fifty
Do the math, it's just plain silly
Thirty-five years to find the fifty
Give the government it's due
You can't feel anymore.  Safer?
You can't feel anymore.  Safer?
You can't feel anymore.  Safer?
When government gets us *******
They need a lot more time now
They need a lot more time now
Three point seven million years
To catch the other bad guys
They sit in their disguises
In a robe on courtroom benches
With their lawyer cladded henchmen
They sit in their disguises
Can you call up the police now?
Can you call up the police now?
The Chief is sitting quietly
Protecting family ties
Anybody out there?  Save us!
Anybody out there?  Save us!
Save our country, save our babies
Give us mob free lives
Forty-seven years of mobster torment
Forty-seven years of mobster torment
Fifty years I've no enjoyment
I may as well just die
David Ehrgott May 2016
Thirty-five years to find the fifty
Thirty-five years to find just fifty
Thirty-five years to find those fifty
What did our government due
Thirty-five years to find the fifty
Do the math, it's just plain silly
Thirty-five years to find the fifty
Give the government its due
You can't feel anymore.  Safer?
You can't feel anymore.  Safer?
You can't feel anymore.  Safer?
When government gets us *******
They need a lot more time now
They need a lot more time now
Three point seven million years
To catch the other bad guys
They sit in their disguises
In a robe on courtroom benches
With their lawyer clad-ed henchmen
They sit in their disguises
Can you call up the police now?
Can you call up the police now?
The Chief is sitting quietly
Protecting family ties
Anybody out there?  Save us!
Anybody out there?  Save us!
Save our country, save our babies
Give us mob free lives
Forty-seven years of mobster torment
Forty-seven years of mobster torment
Fifty years I've no enjoyment
I may as well just die
David Ehrgott Oct 2015
Well, it happened
I shouldn't have posted that' poem
I forgot her daughter stalks my poetry-
like a myspace ******

At this time I must confess
I have no real talent
I just jot down words from memory
It's really not a skill

So my sister karen flies up from florida
She probably has money left over from
robbing me back in 2000
and in the seventies
and in the eighties
and in the nineties

It wasn't good enough for her to smash
My two year old brain in
with her heavy wood doll in 1960

or grabbing my ears and smashing
the back of my skull until
the pain turned to numbness from '65 to '70

or giving her girlfriend Laura the keys
to our house in maywood so that Laura could
steal whatever she wanted

It wasn't good enough
that her daughters would steal
Whatever they wanted
Whenever they wanted

So, I had one request
and they won't even grant me that' dying wish

But, a parasite needs to feed
off the unsuspecting
or they will die

Well, there is no more forgiveness
for any of them

So she tricks the library
into thinking she wants to surprise me
Takes a burning zippo
and scorches the back of my neck with it
I was quite surprised

Just think
If I never let her get away
with robbing me all those years
she could not have been able
to afford her act of vengeance

My sister karen knows how to cause neck pain
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
How's your mother
Down in Melbourne
Doing after these few years
Well, I hope she doesn't mind
That I might bide
And I hope she digs this scene
As we go on our way
On our way
How's your mother in Deltona
Doing with the work she does
Well, you know I don't remember
How you spent the days
But, you sure do know how
in many other ways
And I feel stupid
Yes, I do
How's your mother in West Maywood
Doing after all these years
Well, you know it a cold hard spring
And we're losing everything
And you know it's a cold hard spring
Don't you know it's a cold hard spring
A cold hard spring
How's you're baby in Altoona
Been to Stuttgart or to sea?
But, you know it don't matter why
When you're eating apple pie
And it don't matter why
When you're eating apple pie
The apple pie
The apple pie
When you're eating apple pie
How's you're mother doing
Where's she from?
David Ehrgott Dec 2014


David Ehrgott Apr 2017
I remember days of struggle
eking by by working my ***
off in some fact'ry and going
ten more bucks in debt every
month before the oilmen
declared war on humanity
and the white MAN could not
take this **** Any more so he
quit and 50 million illegals
that were here against the law
were given citizen-ships and
allowed to stay because they
wanted to work (for less than
anyone else would)

as we were all tricked into
supporting our enemies in war

by the american media because
they were told to do so

such nice t.v. scumb-bags
always doing what they are told
David Ehrgott Sep 2015
**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****
**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****  

Army trains them
when they're kids
to do good and to ****  

**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****
"Killing babies pleases us" (this said)
Just one of their ills  

**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****  

**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****
**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****  

**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****
**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****  

Puppets trained without a brain
          to **** **** ****
Then they blame you for your pain
          oh, **** **** ****  

**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, ****-ill
**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, ****-ill  

Puppets trained, a hand, no brain
**** on my command
Another war
Another land
Oh, **** **** ****
****, ****, **** **** **** ****, **** ****, **** ****
****, ****, **** **** ****, oh, **** ****-ill  

**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****
**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****  

**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****
**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****  

Kung-fu Randy, Kung-fu Panda, Kung-fu Raggedy Andy
Army men on soft pink bunnies ****-ill  

**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****
**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****  

**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****
**** ****, **** **** ****, ****, **** ****
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
During the days of Moses
People made sacrifices to/for god

Before the Christ was born
People made sacrifices to/for god

After the Christ was born
People made sacrifices to/for god  

Last year a newly appointed leader stated
"We must all make sacrifices"  

Yesterday another newly appointed leader stated
"Sacrifices must be made in order to cut the budget"

The highest cause is the freedom of humans
This should never be sacrificed by anyone

What the politicians meant to say was
"People must suffer so leaders can live like fat pigs"
David Ehrgott May 2015
The truth is rarely honest.
David Ehrgott Jul 2016
Every day my welts bleed
Like the day I was suspended
In the fourth grade
For disrupting the learning
Process of the other children
No child should be sent home for that
No child should be sent home after that
No child should be sent home back to that
No child should know this pain
Mother said I was faking it
I try to sleep at night
Lying there
My welts still bleeding
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
I've got a hole in my sock monkey heart, won't you heal it for me please.
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
The first newspapers had to be chisled out by hand
with a chisle and mallet.  Not exactly the fine print
we get today.  And if the chisle-er made a mistake,
then that piece of stone would have to be reprossessed.
This would cause a delay in production and delivery.
Another drawback was that those stones were
heavy.  And no matter how greased your cartwheels,
the donkey could only pull so much weight.  However,
if you were lucky enough to get a copy of The Evening
Stone, (at the price of only three dracmas per slab) you
would have a piece of news that could literally last
longer than a lifetime.  (pardon the alliteration)

                                                The End
David Ehrgott Oct 2015
******* Grandma
I never liked her
Making me shoot her up
Right there
In her foot
Into a vein

"Sugar is a *****" she said
"Watch it
Don't eat a lot of it
You control your sugar
Insulin controls mine "
She smiled  

Herself into a coma
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
I saw a bunch of poets
on a line
at the Avalon
in San Francisco

They looked so tired
So, I approached them
then stated
"you guys look beat"

but, at a closer glance
they were just ******

Allen was there
with Corso and Ferlinghetti
Bukowski was around the corner
trading his wife for cigarettes

David Ehrgott Dec 2014
The tumbleweeds
spread the seeds
of the sagebrush
David Ehrgott Oct 2015
  Won't you shine your light
  Spread your loving on me
  My delight
  Send your loving to me

I walked to heaven
and fought the hell to get there
The pictures are the proof
I took 'em
You find them
You'll never see anything like it again
Snowcapped Mountains of paradise
as cold as it was ridged
Sunlight bouncing off of white clouds
The artist broke the easel


I saw your latest victim.  Enjoying summer camp
When colored leaves are falling  Then will you return?
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
  Won't you shine your light
  Spread your loving on me
  My delight
  Send your loving to me

I walked to heaven
and fought the hell to get there
The pictures are the proof
I took 'em
You find them
You'll never see anything like it again
Snow-capped Mountains of paradise
as cold as it was ridged
Sunlight bouncing off of white clouds
The artist broke the easel


I saw your latest victim.  Enjoying summer camp
When colored leaves are falling  Then will you return
David Ehrgott Jan 2016
rich embarrassed plush
spittle-bug recognizes,
recognizes snow
David Ehrgott Feb 2017
I was having a conversation with the Gerber baby the other day. You know, the one on the jars. Interestingly enough, he simply would not stop giggling. You know and here I am trying to get an answer out of him. But, he would not budge. "What's so funny, baby?" I inquired. {giggles, giggling and more giggles.} Well! What is it? He's not talking. Maybe it has something to do with the peas and carrots or the applesauce. I just could not understand his incoherent dribbling. I guess the joke is on me. I just hope he doesn't make me wear any of it. Oh boy! is he a happy camper.
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
Whorepaint does not do her justice
So much prettier than her disquise

As she paints the sound of beauty
in her voice
Singing love's lullabyes
David Ehrgott Jan 2016
Could have done better
But the dealer had it stacked
Little bit better
But it's done
And it's been packed
I've been searching for someone
True, like me she's blue  
I'm telling all my friends
This song, it's for you
Bad draw
I've seen it in my dreams
Bad draw
Wasn't luck that brought me greed
Bad draw
It was cousin's kissing dream
Bad, bad, bad, bad
Bad draw
I was licking something special
Before I was a teen
It seem like it would last forever
But that was just a dream
My baby wore a different card
She'd always been a tease
And why am I here
In the middle
Stuck inside this scene
Bad draw
You've seen it on T.V.
Bad draw
It's been in every magazine
Bad draw
Yea, she was a tease
Bad, bad, bad, bad
Bad draw
Her night gown teased me
Like a soap star on T.V.
She could go from vamp to *****
In a minute minus three
When I fell upon her
I fell down on my knees
I guess I should have known then
Of her power over me
I was never once a man
When she was fifty-three
Yet, the guilt still hangs upon my soul
And she's still my prettiest girl
Still my prettiest girl
Could have done better
Bet the dealer had it stacked  
Little bit better
Now it's done
And it's been packed
I always wondered what it'd be
To live a life that's free
So, now I'm telling all my friends
So they can finally see
It was a bad draw
I was losing it for me
Bad draw
Yea, It could have been a dream
Bad draw
Blood lust beyond your dreams
Bad, bad, bad, bad
Bad draw
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
A Cop Murdered an innocent man yesterday on Summit Ave.
no charges were filed

Hey fella did you hear?

what's that

Construction companies are creating housing
for 15,000 new residents in Hackensack, NJ

for who?

Chris Christie's mob buddies.

Chris Christie doesn't have any mob buddies. He doesn't
have any buddies at all. He just sits there on his fat ***
eating every ding **** in site.

Hey, the press said he lowered unemployment by seven per cent.

Don't believe the press.  The reason unemployment is so low is that the
seven per cent who Were on unemployment are now considered no
longer employable. And were moved off the list to social security.
Resulting in the change.

Hey, aren't the cops there crim.

Shhh, they're trying to get people to move here.

Have they tested the water yet.

They don't have to. Water is something you purchase off the shelf.



in hackensack

Not in Newark Bay where they haven't even looked yet.
In 1970 deadly levels of thorium were found in and around Hackensack, NJ
And you thought Flint, MI was bad. After a 40 year cleanup effort, they are still finding it in a town where the police rob the dying and disabled for kicks.
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
I got a lot of sht in my heart
The doctor says it needs to come out
He said he wants to open me up
Scrape this and that. cut off a valve or two
and replace them with plastic parts
Put in a stent or two to make me feel brand new

I got a lot of sh
t in my heart
I guess it's from all the crap I never let enter my head
Because I did not want to become brain damaged
So somehow it wound up here, in my heart instead
It's easier to replace a heart than a brain
It's a lot less expensive to too

I got a lot of sh*t in my heart
And all I have to blame is you
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
There is nobody more beautiful than you
I swear these words are true
You're all I think of, you
The beautiful it's - you

You're all I think of you
So glad that there's a you
So beautiful / So you
You're beautiful yeah you

I swear these words are true
So glad that there's a you
So beautiful and true
It is all I think of - you

The beauty it is you
You're all I think of you
I swear these words are true
This is nobody more
Beautiful than you
David Ehrgott Jul 2015
Relax now
Go to sleep
Daddy's here now
Go to sleep
\Don't you weep now
'for you wake
Say your prayers
For heavens' sake
\And before you
Go to school
Brush your teeth
And move your stool
\Wash your face
And dry your hands
And give mom a hand
David Ehrgott May 2016
If you were gonna
Then you would have.
But, you didn't.
So, you weren't.
David Ehrgott May 2015
I saw a six-year-old girl turn
foothills into rainbows
Anything can happen
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
The bees make honey
High up in a tree
That golden sweet syrup
Taste so good to me

Your scent so mellifluous
My honey be
So hop on aboard and
Please be on me

Be on me, be on me
Let's make the majic
Be on me, be on me
We need no havoc

Through eyes of a child
One summer in fear
Crying "a bee is on me"

Now all I'm crying is
"Before I'm dying just
Won't you please be on me"

Be on me
Be on me

It's all in your head
You said "It's beyond me"
But, all that I'm saying is
"Just be on me"

Come on pretty lady
Treat me like the King Bee
Now hurry, now hurry
And just be on me
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
Two women work in the
One blonde
One brunette
Both blank in the brain
Sure, they know every code and
every rule and can recite this
and that, but ask them for an
explanation of something, anything.
"We're sorry sir.  you'll have to look
that information up yourself
Like an innocent puppy. hanging
himself by his chain, off the railing
completely. draining life's energy
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
I wanna be your gizmo baby
Handheld all purpose device
Fool with me all you want to baby
Touch me!  That's so nice!

Touch my buttons  Plug me in
Charge my battery
Touchscreen touch me soft and easy
Let me know that you are nice

I wanna be your gizmo baby
Handheld [all] purpose device
Let me help you  All I can do
Baby, you're so nice

Fool with me all you want to baby
Touch me!  That's so nice!
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
I'm a gypsy mother and I got no home tonight
A red nekked gunner and I'm lookin' for fun tonight
Things have got to be better than this
Come on little lady/young miss
We'll get on the stars and ride them until dawn

Well I told you last night
I ran into Dorothy Le May
Whose real name [meunter] Baby, I can't say
There's big money/trouble in this
But, I gotta have my say before I split
Hope that someday they don't crawl up to my door again

Well they all had a plan take the money man's money and leave him
And some got caught and others are gonna be leaving
Because the wolves of the wild ride tonight
and they're gonna stick around till daylight
They'll claw and fight through the night
Until everything is even
Then you will be believing
David Ehrgott Feb 2016
I come to every little town
gonna ****  gonna ****  gonna ****

I'm gonna gun 'em all down
gonna ****  gonna ****  gonna ****

Big News!  Front Page
That is what they'll say of me
and all those other words

Those words   Those words  Those words
They'll say of me

Old school kickin'-misresenting
Don't go to a big screen box
Rent it - safer - don't go there
Madmen gunmen everywhere

Welcome to hell in the 21st Century
It started that way at the turn of the century
Turn around and be shot dead
by a bozo reject doctor with some crazy hair
or when you are buying gerber groceries at the fair

What a world  What a world  What a world
Some parts are just so sad
Hey ya gotta live- ya gotta hide
Stay inside, stay alive

They're bombing everywhere
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
I shot Marlon Brando in his head
Shot Marlon Brando Dead, Dead, Dead
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
God's way of gambling.
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
My doggie he whistles a song through his nose
On this Thanksgiving his story is told
He waits for the birdie to perch on his nose
Then with a swift move he swallows it whole
Feet, beak, and feathers, everything goes
Down through his neck to his stomach you know
Well even a little dumb doggie knows this
The taste of a big juicy turkey is bliss

Bird, bird, bird, bird, bird
Bird, bird, bird, bird, bird
I wanna eat a bird
I wanna eat a bird

Jack La Lane lived a long long time
He told me the secret to his long long life
Don't eat a pig and don't eat red meat
Don't eat a duck it is very bad luck
Don't eat Italian, French food, Chinese...
But you can eat plenty yes plenty of these
A chicken a turkey is all you will need
If you want to live to one hundred and three

Bird, bird, bird, bird, bird
Bird, bird, bird, bird, bird
I wanna eat a bird
I wanna eat a bird
Bird bird bird bird bird
Bird bird bird bird bird...
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
Natural beauty
comes to an end
to create a new beginning
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
I told my mother at the age of five
"If your boyfriend Frankie
Doesn't stop hurting me
I'm going to live with the wolves"
"Well" she said
"Go then, live with wolves"

So I left the kitchen and walked
through the garage and out of the side
door across the rock lawn
and across the street into the desert
Where coyotes lived
One hundred and eighty yards away in measure
But really about ten or eleven properties

I was so mad at being hurt
and no one to protect me

My friends came charging to greet me
about halfway from their den
And they surrounded me
And nipped at me
Two or three of them at a time
And the nips hurt but,
They were not a hurt of pain
I swear
and without imagination

These were bites of love
And the more they would bite me
The more I could feel their love
A love of warmth and tenderness
A caring love
A love which knows no boundaries
So warm the love of the desert wolves

Not of something colder
that would invite strangers into
their home to harm their own

Flesh and blood and bones
They, the yote, so starved
for affection
the somber song they sing of morn
and of moonlight
and the tides
both ebb and flow

Their love, they shared with me
A warmth that none can match
The messenger between maker
and mankind
will never understand nor listen

Paper walls and the wails of wolves
Both whisper in the winds

I have love
It was gifted to me
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
If I were an idiot yoke I'd scramble it up
and then I'd add some chopped-up ham
then pour into a frying pan
I'd pour into a frying pan
I'd pour into a frying pan
I'd pour into a frying pan
scambled eggs and chopped-up ham
But, not from a can of spam
no, not from a can of spam
no, not from a can of spam
I'd have my eggs and chopped-up ham
but not any spam from a can

Then I'd have my eggs with ham
and maybe a little bit of spray from pam
but, not any can of spam
no, not any can of spam
not any can of spam
just my eggs with ham

Breakfast would be grand old man
Eggs with some chopped-up ham
and a little bit of spray from pam
but, not any can of spam
no, not any can of spam
not any can of spam
no, not any can of spam
just my eggs and ham
and a little bit of pam
but not any spam
for we don't like spam
in this merry ol' land
not even in a can
do we want this spam
not any kind of spam
when the man sends the spam
it disrupts the land
and how can a man
be happy in a land
where he's always getting spammed
he can't

not any can of spam
ever again
the end
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
Blueberry Barbie driving away
Lord, I'm gonna miss her taste
She takes the time to do it right
You'll never see her look of waste
Hot dress, high heels, look and touch of taste
Like a fine uncorked wine
A delicacy in a sea of eggs
Her mellifluous scent concealed until she bursts
Blueberry Barbie driving far away
Lord, I'm gonna miss her taste
You know how I say those things when I am stressed
Please let me present my case
Blueberry Barbie Baby I Love You
Come on make the u-turn
Turn around and get back here into my life
I need you barbie, you're my only friend again
Is it my hopes come true that you are here?
So close, a fantasy that never ends
Can't live without you girl nor care t' pretend
Is that her turning 'round, gonna park in my driveway?
Blueberry Barbie's here I'm living again
Man, it's good to be this close to my best friend
Blueberry Barbie never leave me again
For that would be the end oh, Blueberry Blonde Barbie
David Ehrgott Sep 2015
Piles of snow still on the ground
Topped with blackened grit
Can't wait 'till the month of May
to move away from it

Though everyday I feel this pain
and I cannot move away
The skies are dark and full of grey
Blue Rain

I know I shouldn't hold this hurt
I just can't shake its reigns
So whip the horse and trot away
Blue Rain

She's racing 'round the second turn
A quarter length of gain
The leader now has blown away
Blue Rain

Stuck again in second gear
The engines blown again
Smoke-filled tears are poring down
Blue Rain

And every time they knock me down
Get on my feet again
Just to let them knock me down
On my *** again

But, I'll get up and fight them all
I know how with my pen
I'll beat them dead with wit my friend
I will be champion

It's been almost five years now
Laraine was put to rest
I think of her still everyday
Because she was the best

And every time I think of her
My blue tears fall like rain
If I could collect them all
They'd fill Lake Michigan

More than enough to drown a pool,
A brook, a stream, a lake,
An ocean filled with put me downs
Blue blue blue rain

Last summer girl came into town
She put me to a test
I've torn up every inch of room
to look-up her address

I hope that she will e-mail me
I need a friend again
Someone to believe in me
Soak up my blue blue rain

Tell me why she had to leave
Lie to me again
Tell it to the heart that bleeds
The blood of my blue rain
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
As the sun sets over the Hackensack
Bums drink their old English behind Costco
Where the river flows
It snakes upwards towards the USS Ling
A World War Two submarine museum
Where a *** is nesting there
Along the river in a cardboard box
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