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Dec 2024 · 188
Seeking God's Treasure
The adventure of a Life Time
Where are all our Treasunownres?
Whence we travel Heavenward
Where their worth is now known

And all  our yesterdays Shall begin
.....I pra place the Lord my Soul to take.  Not knowing evil
The victory won.  Peace aplenty Great our Love Is now
And Forever.  I am  happy child in my Father's Place
Dec 2024 · 93
Who we rea;;y are
Mercy Mercy Forget my grossness

Let me forget my grossness/ Let me
Forget your grossness.  Let us be Who
We really are Let us learn mercy .....
Dec 2024 · 298
AStream in the woods
I watch a stream it flows away from me
In a  little ways further down stream I
See the forest is bright in a a bright
Green Luminescence like a promise
But I do not wish to be There.  It is
So beautiful seeing it  where I am
Dec 2024 · 117
A Psalm of David
The stars in the sky..So High.  
So far away.  Singing  Singing
About my life up in Heaven
Sing about my life way down
Here.  Angels Singing about
My life way down here.

Unknown my life and all
It's history  made grande
Things I have done. Things
Have happened to me, An
Imperfect life Fill of broken
Things and the Angels sing
About my life remembered

unknown ***** remembered me
Nov 2024 · 83
All Our Yesterdays
It's only a thought of mind
That you remember but
The thought of youth are
Long long thoughts as a
Friend of mine said and
If All of our memories are
Only a thought of mind
The seem to be long long
Thoughts.  All of our time
From birth to death all in a
Second.  But how do we...?

And if we don' know How can
We Judge?  Was it not Jesus Who
Said:  All righteousness is like
Filthy rags.  Let us be kind to
One another.  Fear the Lord
Know that only by Love are
We saved when we knew Not
To love Him and One Another
Nov 2024 · 86
Why I Write
As Winston Churchill once said
I paraphrase: "I once saw the
Beginning and the End; They

Were both simultaneous and
At the different times  It was
Wondrous and beyond anything
I  had known before  and yet had
Always known. But it was after
A after a lovely meal-and  though
I said I must tell the world I forgot
The words ; and soon what  it was
I understood."  And for other reasons
Too I write when I can not but do so

Before I  forget. Does it really matter?
Perhaps it is better to forget like the
Great man did-and let all things be
Made a new that must be only now

As my old Friend Charlie used to
Say:" It is only a thought of mind"
meaning you an I and the Universe
All and nothing. and as Mark Twain
said in The Mysterious Stranger:
"Let me dream a better dream..."
Nov 2024 · 158
What goes East and West
North and South ar the
Same time?   The Cross.

For my Friend Ed Ross
The Dream Librarian
"There must be another place"
Oct 2024 · 180
Orange Colored Skies
All of
our yesterdays set aflame triumphant
Whether tears or joy we were there at
The times s of our life.  Like a bridge
Spanning eternity.  Triumphant  all our
Days gone to glory is    love's tribute to
What is without compare the parade of
The days of our love; the days of our life
Gilded in their remembrance in my mind
Oct 2024 · 53
Old Age
You have to die to forget old age.
I forget it often but it is quick to
Remind me that it is still around
Spreading rumors of my demise
Oct 2024 · 57
When you are old...
There are times when you are
Surrounded by an awesome dark
Ness.  Then some one lights.a
Match you forgot about and in
The moments of light all seems
Well that was terrifying before
In the heart of darkness a star is
Born  and that star is all that is

I have been there before and I
Know there is trouble in the
Beginning but it is  still better
Than the darkness without end
Oct 2024 · 54
Food and Drink
Work is a a kind of prayer when
Prayer becomes a kind of work
Thy burden is lite and when you
Are confused that is for the rest
Sep 2024 · 62
For All God's Children
All we can ever do has been done before. Not
That it can be as it  was it now remembered.
The ways to our truth may be many but  they
End by being conjoined.and The Way  becomes
One for all mankind ;and we walk single file  a
Narrow path following faith and hope to know
The Divine; the gift of a greater Love to be-and

So become One with the Lord who lives forever;
Loves forever, who is the essence of our being-
Who we are becoming; who we truly are; Now
And for always to be realized.  This is the Way
The gift from God to each and all but know this:
It is a wonder and cannot be remembered. A gift
From God who makes all th.ings  new again

The foolishness of God is better than wisdom of men

Better the laugh of a crying child carried on the
Wind to the ears of God than all that can be said.
May I not be counted wise but as a child of God
Sep 2024 · 47
The Great Unknown
Though you may tell me otherwise
I still do not know Do not know
Otherwise.  The universe I do not
Know is very  large. How large it is
I really do not know.  I really do not
know at all. and i can live with this;
That's just the way I am; and what is
Just Let it be...
Just let it be Your will for me till
We meet face to face and do know
Love's reality
And though I would not Thy judge-
Ment fall on me even that I will not
I will not doubt it be Thy will for me
That I may rise again
Sep 2024 · 45
Feeling Around in de Dark
Fot the  door ****.  I find it.  That is my Faith
I believe what I cannot see yet know is there,,,
Sep 2024 · 262
Dear Woods
Dear woods forgive me for hurrying on
I would stay to know your blessed peace
But I must way; I am not ready now to
Stop and gaze and be gratified. be and be
I must away. Why?  Because I am not yet
Ready to accept things as they are  To let
Be what will ne.  I would return if God
Permits.  If I can but cannot linger now
But must find out if there is something
More Imust dp; that must be done to be
Saved.  God give me rest.  Save my soul
From ever hurrying on to an  unquiet end
Sep 2024 · 151
Better Dreams
Is this a game I am playing myself?
A dream?  If so when shall I  wake?
Falling thru space and never landing
Fear becoming boring then it must-It
It will yield.  This too shall pass and I
Am not dead. Another dream perhaps?
Lord hear my prayer for better dreams
To come,,,and the best  lasr: Be Always

Sep 2024 · 61
Sorting Rain Drops
So much wasteful -tedious
Much meaningless busyness
It's taking the peace I seek
Why not let it all go? You
Know you will in the end
Why wait?  It's not so easy
To say Adieu to all, that' is
Getting swamped going on

Slouching towards Bethleham
Or Jerusalem...I forget which
The morning and the evening
Star they are one.  Birth- Death
One.  Time is rhe mother of all
Change.  In time every healing
Comes and it is a wonder that
Cannot be remembered to  know
God's saving grace has blessed
Us again . All His promises:As in
Heaven we see His goodness here

For Time and Love
For my Mother and Father
Sep 2024 · 135
The green leaves do no turn red and gold in
A single hour. So hope butts against the walls
That holds us within the walls of sickness but
They do not yield at once but only fall after all
Of our persistent efforts. Patience hope is kind  
Like Love says to the beloved until death do us
Part I will not leave thee in the prison of illness
I Wait upon  you with faith and I will be healed
Who gives us hope has created the eternal springs
Where in  I shall  yet drink of the healing waters
I remind myself it is easier and faster to fall down a
Hill and it  it is harder and more difficult to climb up.
Still our God calls us rise. Rise up to know His gifts



ey do not yield at once
Aug 2024 · 138
Wisdom of Youth in Old Age
Some day you may realize that if everything
you wished for were yours.  A beautiful home;
People to serve your every need; etc.etc but it All
Came with a perpetual trepidations of immanent
Death,   You would know that nothing would make
You content without the sense that this would be
yours for an indefinite time to come; that is the
Future, a promise that can be known now but not be
Realized now.  Keep the faith. Be hopeful and give
Thanks for what you have been given; and for all the
Days to come that may yet bring  you greater joy . ...

Father forgive us our erors as we forgive others
Aug 2024 · 446
The Last Barrier
So much hss been lost.  But I am  
Surprized I am still whole-Behind
What certainly must be that final
Barrier: after which I will not
I am. Without a defense what am I
Nothing?  But for now I am still me
Quiet now but every ready to defend
If I can against the beyond knowing
One who would not be atomized into
The universe of particles than know:
No God.  No Self.  No Saving Grace
It is not faith I tam talking of but Life
Itself that must go on:  For Love' sake.

But then what do we know? They say:
The good die young.  Could it not be
That the good die old as well- taking
A bit longer to make the journey? If it
Be  the Will of God it must be obeyed.
Love will have its Way anyway.  Why do
I fear death.  If it be the end  and Gods
Will for Love sake why then  not let it be?
Give the molecules of the universe all that
Is their due.  A sleep profound from which
We may awaken to embrace again our life
Thy will Be done.  I go in peace.  Amen

Still  into the night Seeking the Morning light
Jul 2024 · 427
Hello Poetry
How could this be  This awful reality
Falling into the fire  burning above and
Below me. a terrible reality from which
There was no escape but one.  it was not
To fight  but to sleep in the midst of it all
To sleep or burn  in a reality from which
There was no escape.  I dreamed I was
By the still water that ran so deep in my
Youth.   Could it be? How could it be?  I
Awoke.  Woke to the morning sun and
Knew not believe again all I thought true.
Knew if it  told me my life was  in pain over
Dead and never to return; all taken  from me
To sleep perchance to wake.  An easy choice
My burden was lite,  Only to let my self sleep
And wake born again giving thanks for my life
And All things made new I gave my love to all
Who sleep that they may in  newness wake again

It is not that I did not fight against the  dying of
the light but in my strength  I failed. but in the
end I found the way to understand the Master"
"My burden is lite...'And in that was the answer

With Thanks to Eliot and all my readers
tMy burden is lite
Jul 2024 · 135
Peace in Our Time..
We must explain the inexplicable
To cease being troubled: Puzzled
Rebury the evidence the only true
Evidence that there is Another Real
Another Place. Our only basis for hope
We deny  Another Place if it exists.  
We do this s that there be Peace in our
Time.  Let it be we say.  We do not
Know- Why let it trouble us now?
This other world if it truly is will be
Revealed , all in good time  What can
I do to hurry it up and if it's not so what!
Is the perfect the enemy of the good?
Better to let the evidence lie for now-
Let there be Peace in our time.

Peace in our time,,,But there comes  to
All a time when the fierce urgency of
Now takes precedence and we remember
That the sign we denieds were everywhere  
It then we cry out: " Oh Lord come, Come

Quickly Lord; We need you  now for the
End is near and what we made an idol real
Is can not sustain us now   Come Oh Lord
Jul 2024 · 74
Dreaming of Yesterday
What a dream Youth is
You go from A to Z   not
Knowing how you did it
Not even trying- Doing
Things that you had always
Been afraid to do but desired
In the hand of Fate as Desire
Got gets way.  For better or for
Worse two will do whatever
The want to;  and it is better not
To ask if it is right or wrong but
For Now let it be.  Now while the
Rose is red smell the air and call it
Love .  Why wait for another time
This time of ours will not last till
The end of time and when the crows
Come home to roost reminding us
We must say good bye  will you be
More regretful of what you did or Did
Not do.  When you can do no more.
As time goes by Let it be Lord as it was
As it is now and always Shalll be.
In the approaching twilight
My bedroom is a golden citadel
I hear the children playing like a
Song of many birds varied, ,mottle
Repeated cries and answers tireless
Before the coming of darkness.  It is
A forever sound of busy happiness
Signifying nothing but eternal  time
That the children know will never end.
Soon the darkness will call them home.
But why do I stay in my golden room
Listening.  Why do I not go out and join
Them in their joy-because here I can hear
Their poetry; hear their joy; Be their poet
In the eternal present still I hear their cries
In the village of long ago I remember you

For my Sister Sue Remember me.
Jun 2024 · 101
In that darkest hour;In that timeless
Moment of total loss; and death takes
Hold I cease to care and in that instant
Moment or
Eternity I do not know.
Then within the shroud of darkness
A shining point of light is born .  It

       I must go back even to a world
Of troubles For there is Hope in life
That survives all death..I am with thee
Still a child of our God Eternal I am  
It is my Father's Wiil: I must go on...

' I am with thee
Still; Born again. a child of God I am
May 2024 · 176
Just Between Us
Between us and them
There is only One and  
He don see much diff

Time to bow our heads
An'd seek forgiveness.
Both us and them Lord
By and by Lord hear our
Prayer to Love one''nother
To sing  His praises that
We have found the Way 'n
Been given His salvation
Apr 2024 · 66
No Not One
As the Lord hath said:" There is none without sin.
No not one!"  Who then can condemn?  Who can
Judge?  The judged and the condemned who can
With honesty claim that they have been defamed
By all who dishonestly proclaim that they have the
Right to judge. But who has never made that claim.
No not one.  Lord holy is your silence; Blameless.
"Be still and know the Lord your God."  Then may
You  say you joyfully know He has heard my prayer
Apr 2024 · 185
Who's on First
The wise old oowl told me long ago
God's nane but I did not understand
It was not a question but the answer
God's name is"Who" Who Knows I
Am not sure if my knowing this will
Make any difference.  Who can tell.
Who art in heaven is the only One.
The only One that knows but yet I
Sometimes I wh feel so awful close
To that Who "s on first that like one
Who just got the joke I laugh and like
A small child I feel like I 'm on First.

What a giddy feeling it is till someone
Yells " Your Out" What a spoil sport
II  I had to guess Its envy making up
The rules, but I know it's Who's rules
That all  the children know happiness
It slipped ghost like over  the eye of my conscience
A thief in the night it came unseen and took my truth
How many times I have repented even now so many
Years afterwards.  I do believe God forgave me but
I do not forgive myself for the callous act.  That I can
Not just accept the grace given so freely from my Lord
Is it that I do not  believe as I tell myself not to forget
Saying again and again Never again, Never again as if
That were some voodoo charm with power over all evil
There is still a scar over my third eye that keeps  me
Remembering what I would not have ever done if only
I  had but been true to myself.  Is it my pride that still tells
Me I could never fall prey to that silent ghostly film that
Passed between my soul' and and muted the voice of my
God.  Why should there ever be an eclipse of the sun; and
When it passes and sky is bright blue again why return to
Thoughts of darkness always asking why -Why me?
I who would be with you in heaven still cannot accept
My childhood-that you understood and still loved me
Even when I feet so bad about being bad I do not know
What to do or the reason why ...
Still  I am a child of God and Lord
I need you to tell me again and
Again  that you still love me. 
Again and Again that you Love
Me,   Amen

For all Gods Creatures: May we always show them kindness and be thankful.
Mar 2024 · 174
Love Song
Modest is but to shield the eyes from the
Bright Star that is our innocence that we
Might not be blinded by the  of the light
With the all consuming desire to claim it
Drawn like a moth to the flame.  Seeking
Seeking the light that seeks us.  Surely this
Is a happy death.  We are drawn to Love- A
Consuming Love is to be together at last the
Dream fulfilled; to be together.  To be  One
With our hearts desire: Innocent forever We
Are but God;s Love Song.  Rising to heaven
As the smoke of prayers  is writhing upward
Returning to Him the gift of our Innocence
Feb 2024 · 153
The Old Apple Tree
Back when I was young and The Village
Was new there was an old and broken apple
Tree just over a little hill  
Less than a hundred yards or so from my
Backdoor.  It was small, a crab apple I think
But I do not ever seeing any apples.  It was squat
Almost split down the middle of its short trunk.
Probably struck by lightening.
Still in the Spring every year it produced the most
Beautiful white blossoms.  No one seemed to notice
Its been more than 70 years since we moved in there and
Almost as many since I left.  I understand that the Village
Goes on but it seems impossible that the old apple tree
Still lives but in my memory it will always be part of me.
After my time there my life changed 'n when I I came back
I was married.  Now I too am broken but still I try to live
Putting out little blossoms from time to time and though
There are few I know who take notice some will think
Back on their youth and  will remember I was part of it

For my sister Sue; and for all my and her old friends,
some remembered some gone but still remembered from
The Village.
Feb 2024 · 333
The Gift of God
Is it that thou should be considered great; famous; rich ;powerful?
Here on earth?  In Heaven?  Become as little children for theirs is
The supreme gift. Life eternal in the Kingdom belonging to all of
The children of God.  At the end of this mortal life  who would not
Forsake all earthly glory to know that that child'd place had been
Given.   To play forever  happy  content at the feet of  the Lord..
Remember this My brothers and sisters that Day of the Lord is ,,,
Therefore be as you will be knowing from God Our Father we are
Jan 2024 · 157
It is Spring My Love
Having loved thru the darkest night
Loved the night and even then knew
The Star of a love that over came to
Believe and know you would return
I loved you all in all.  Whole  you are
All your parts I adore the more not to
Reject anyone Love abides and is One.
Jan 2024 · 604
When I am gone
What I would not give to see you
One more time just as you were
In Berkeley but we both know
That would not be enough.
Play the flute for me when
I  Am gone

For Elizabeth
Jan 2024 · 179
The Old Real
What could be more real
Than the old real..;  than
Dying Old...A rear guard
Action.  Who's only Raison
De etre is to delay the advance;
To allow the Retreating a bit
Of time to escape from the
Inevitable,  Between the now
And then...  A  time to live
Jan 2024 · 187
Los Tres Pairs
Do you want a pear
No I need but one
Do you want a pear
No I prefer one
Do you want a pair
No I already have one.

For Ed Ross, Dream Librarian,
My First friend in the Golden State
In the Golden State
Dec 2023 · 191
Riley's Farm Rhymes
I read them as a child.  Sentimental for a far off time
Softened by the long passage  areseen thru the mists
Longing for a lost innocence.  Now that time of my
Youth is as far a way as the time of Riley's old farm
Tales was from him-and it kind of seems they rest in
A place where we are forever young that we loved-
But never quite knew how much until they are gone
Calling forth tears to make glisten all our memories

A tribute to James Whitcomb Riley, The "Indiana Bard"
Dec 2023 · 134
The Mystery
The philosophers have told us
Know thy self.. But how.? Always you
Have known Knowing and not Knowing
Ask yourself what is the difference. Can
It  too  be known  now you are approaching
The Heart of the mystery-where you will find
The Way that is the Mystery of knowing your
Self. and is the Mystery that exists but cannot
Be solved but lives on without denying death but
Is their coincidence each an affirmation of the
Other. The Mystery lives and it is the Love of
Truth and the Truth of Love and it is always
One  and iis both known and not known.  On
Earth as it is n heaven.  But how can that Be?
Oct 2023 · 320
The Best of Times
In general I have found that it is best
To make the best of things until the
Best of things is made for you too

Have faith and let the truth always be
With you...It is a gift from our Creator
Sep 2023 · 122
Birds in the Forest
The sovereignty of now so quickly passes
Gone on to the stillness of the time before
Where in  peace reigns in the silence sung
All is one  All is one; and  so unfathomable
Sep 2023 · 283
On a Summers Eve
I hear the children playing; their laughter most of all. and
Why am I here alone in my bedroom listening.  I too am young
I should be with them but I am not.  So long ago I  hear their cries
Their song so beautiful as the sun goes down and I in my room
Alone -so long ago a witteness still to this memory of my youth
Aug 2023 · 334
Hear: I Am
Here everything Blends
Everything separates
It is wonderful and it is
The blinding sun, the pitch of
Nothing and everything:
Mortal time and eternity
I am and I am not
I am that I am
Thus my Father spoke to me
The eloquence of the broken is
Incredibly eloquent; Hard men
Do cry when the truth is spoken
Time is once we were young; now
We are young still;  that is why we
Cry.  Then and now are One but are
Broken into past and present and our
Heart in two; our soul is given words
That pulse from our wounds like blood

For Barbara remembering you on one starry night; and
||PBS story about young people  going to Casa Susanna
Apr 2023 · 232
Joy is a many splendored being
In joy we forget all our grievances
Hope appears as a bright star in our
Darkest moments to say: I am truth
Joy will come again.  Remember:
Joy in deepest grief.  Do not cease
To believe.  Do not forget Joy.  Know
You will rise again as He has promised
That the sons of man   they shall know
His Love for then is without end. So I
Say to you again Believe and Remember
Where is the Kingdom?  When is the Kingdom?
Sometimes it seem it is not here; not now and we
We just do not know and maybe never shall.  This
Is the dark night of the soul when it seems God does
Not hear our prayers and we left with only our own
Will to survive or not. Resigned or not we endure to
The end. Imagine the Lord on the Cross.  Is not this
Will to survive God  Himself in ours Self? Or not?

Yet there are moments when we realize the Kingdom
Here and now is ever with us .  We believe it is Eternal
That we are Immortal.  When this knowing passes we are
Left with Faith and hope waiting to know Love again.
We do not alway see clearly but as the Apostle said: "but as
Thru a glass darkly"  So much of what we learn of in our
Life : history,  the daily news, and even science  does seem
Antithetical to our belief.  Tells us there is another truth that
Refutes and denies all that we would believe about  Our's
Only the blissfully ignorant are unaffected but even our
Children soon suffer from the their parent's acculturation
To a prideful knowing. Remember it has been said: that the
Foolishness of God is better than the wisdom of man- But
We are not wholly lost to the Kingdom.  We know joy.  We
Know love.  We  are awed by the beauty of the Creation.  
Still we Know what we Know.  Ours spirit, our soul does not
Ever totally abandon its roots in all that's holy.  There are holes
In the dark glass-moments when we see and know the truth
The other more glorious Truth,  The Kingdom is here now on
Mother Earth not to come but always was  is and always shall be
Revealing itself in so many ways.  There is a riddle here an enigma  
There is somethings prevent our constant joyful knowing; that keeps
Strangers, mere visitors to the Kingdom.  Imperfect beings
. A paradox.  Yes and no.  One We are the children of God ever
On the way.  Between zero and One there is nothing.  God has
Forgotten all our misdeeds in the Kingdom.  He who makes all
Things new means that the Divine must constantly be  be discovered.
Perpetually wonderful requires a constant rebirth from the womb
Of darkness.  The time between the darkness and the Light is no time
Thus we are given the Forever.  We are Forever on the Way and
The Way is a constant Revelation  there is no difference between
The way and the Destination are One.  God is Love and our  Father
In us.  Who ever reads this message will be heavily burdened until
He passes it on.  Soon, even now my burden is lite  because I do
This.  Christ said: "It is finished..."  So be it done unto you.  All of
You, my friends  - Each in your own Way.  It is finished.

Happy Easter
Mar 2023 · 359
The Sun at Twilight
Does the setting sun look back upon the
Day and blame those who upon its rising
Were filled with hope; and at its zenith in
The sky did cheer the glory of it's throne
Welcomed it and gradually forsook it for
The coming night think that it is a betrayal,
A fickle love that lasted for so short a time.
Are these the thought of the sun at twilight?
To seek revenge is that its mood in the azure
Rose at the day's end.  Would be a foolish sun
That rues the past or would **** the time to
Come.  Know all it seeks to share with us it's
Peace-Proclaim to all all who have faith to rest
Believing that it will rise again on it' s forever
Journey toward the Kingdom to come till all be
On earth as it is in heaven-Father make us know
Make us know the way is love.  Bring us home.

In memory of my old friend Jimmy Birdsong who
took me from Bend to visit his family and on to the
Orchards of Washington state and back to Bend...
Feb 2023 · 252
In Brief
It is the poets objective to make
The longest waits short; to sum up
History; the whole from its ending
To its beginning, distilling the truth
In its essence and to leave the  chaff
To fall away  So we can get on with it
Let the glory be, to go on and on. On earth
As it is in heaven  Praise and Joy without
End,  It is the least we can do for whom the
Bell tolls that we may tell God we know.
That It is now Now that you are with us.
Feb 2023 · 314
Every Moment
Every moment is a poem
Now or was or will never be
So much it says that among
Them all you have chosen me
I am not that special; plain as
Plain could be,  almost generic
I would say of all that is special.

An old man; a penny candy store
That is no more yet I remember He
Saw me and I saw him.  In my eyes
He saw his youth of days gone bye
And I saw in him the times long ago.

All is poetry as many poems as stars
In the sky- as there moments that can
Be remembered.  Now or Will Be...
Each is special the more so that you
Chose me and I chose you with me
Such is the power of the command to love even
If it be from a God unknown.  Even if if we are
Bidden to take forbidden fruit what are these if
God asks for our love we will give it.  Know it as
The gift, the greatest gift there is.  In it all our  
Transgressions are forgiven and the supremest of
Our sins forgotten and this is the unknown God we
Worship The known and unknown God the One we
Obey. Forever and a day a call to love so wonderful
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