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So much hss been lost.  But I am  
Surprized I am still whole-Behind
What certainly must be that final
Barrier: after which I will not
I am. Without a defense what am I
Nothing?  But for now I am still me
Quiet now but every ready to defend
If I can against the beyond knowing
One who would not be atomized into
The universe of particles than know:
No God.  No Self.  No Saving Grace
It is not faith I tam talking of but Life
Itself that must go on:  For Love' sake.

But then what do we know? They say:
The good die young.  Could it not be
That the good die old as well- taking
A bit longer to make the journey? If it
Be  the Will of God it must be obeyed.
Love will have its Way anyway.  Why do
I fear death.  If it be the end  and Gods
Will for Love sake why then  not let it be?
Give the molecules of the universe all that
Is their due.  A sleep profound from which
We may awaken to embrace again our life
Thy will Be done.  I go in peace.  Amen

Still  into the night Seeking the Morning light
How could this be  This awful reality
Falling into the fire  burning above and
Below me. a terrible reality from which
There was no escape but one.  it was not
To fight  but to sleep in the midst of it all
To sleep or burn  in a reality from which
There was no escape.  I dreamed I was
By the still water that ran so deep in my
Youth.   Could it be? How could it be?  I
Awoke.  Woke to the morning sun and
Knew not believe again all I thought true.
Knew if it  told me my life was  in pain over
Dead and never to return; all taken  from me
To sleep perchance to wake.  An easy choice
My burden was lite,  Only to let my self sleep
And wake born again giving thanks for my life
And All things made new I gave my love to all
Who sleep that they may in  newness wake again

It is not that I did not fight against the  dying of
the light but in my strength  I failed. but in the
end I found the way to understand the Master"
"My burden is lite...'And in that was the answer

With Thanks to Eliot and all my readers
tMy burden is lite
We must explain the inexplicable
To cease being troubled: Puzzled
Rebury the evidence the only true
Evidence that there is Another Real
Another Place. Our only basis for hope
We deny  Another Place if it exists.  
We do this s that there be Peace in our
Time.  Let it be we say.  We do not
Know- Why let it trouble us now?
This other world if it truly is will be
Revealed , all in good time  What can
I do to hurry it up and if it's not so what!
Is the perfect the enemy of the good?
Better to let the evidence lie for now-
Let there be Peace in our time.

Peace in our time,,,But there comes  to
All a time when the fierce urgency of
Now takes precedence and we remember
That the sign we denieds were everywhere  
It then we cry out: " Oh Lord come, Come

Quickly Lord; We need you  now for the
End is near and what we made an idol real
Is can not sustain us now   Come Oh Lord
What a dream Youth is
You go from A to Z   not
Knowing how you did it
Not even trying- Doing
Things that you had always
Been afraid to do but desired
In the hand of Fate as Desire
Got gets way.  For better or for
Worse two will do whatever
The want to;  and it is better not
To ask if it is right or wrong but
For Now let it be.  Now while the
Rose is red smell the air and call it
Love .  Why wait for another time
This time of ours will not last till
The end of time and when the crows
Come home to roost reminding us
We must say good bye  will you be
More regretful of what you did or Did
Not do.  When you can do no more.
As time goes by Let it be Lord as it was
As it is now and always Shalll be.
In the approaching twilight
My bedroom is a golden citadel
I hear the children playing like a
Song of many birds varied, ,mottle
Repeated cries and answers tireless
Before the coming of darkness.  It is
A forever sound of busy happiness
Signifying nothing but eternal  time
That the children know will never end.
Soon the darkness will call them home.
But why do I stay in my golden room
Listening.  Why do I not go out and join
Them in their joy-because here I can hear
Their poetry; hear their joy; Be their poet
In the eternal present still I hear their cries
In the village of long ago I remember you

For my Sister Sue Remember me.
In that darkest hour;In that timeless
Moment of total loss; and death takes
Hold I cease to care and in that instant
Moment or
Eternity I do not know.
Then within the shroud of darkness
A shining point of light is born .  It

       I must go back even to a world
Of troubles For there is Hope in life
That survives all death..I am with thee
Still a child of our God Eternal I am  
It is my Father's Wiil: I must go on...

' I am with thee
Still; Born again. a child of God I am
Between us and them
There is only One and  
He don see much diff

Time to bow our heads
An'd seek forgiveness.
Both us and them Lord
By and by Lord hear our
Prayer to Love one''nother
To sing  His praises that
We have found the Way 'n
Been given His salvation
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