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Modest is but to shield the eyes from the
Bright Star that is our innocence that we
Might not be blinded by the  of the light
With the all consuming desire to claim it
Drawn like a moth to the flame.  Seeking
Seeking the light that seeks us.  Surely this
Is a happy death.  We are drawn to Love- A
Consuming Love is to be together at last the
Dream fulfilled; to be together.  To be  One
With our hearts desire: Innocent forever We
Are but God;s Love Song.  Rising to heaven
As the smoke of prayers  is writhing upward
Returning to Him the gift of our Innocence
Back when I was young and The Village
Was new there was an old and broken apple
Tree just over a little hill  
Less than a hundred yards or so from my
Backdoor.  It was small, a crab apple I think
But I do not ever seeing any apples.  It was squat
Almost split down the middle of its short trunk.
Probably struck by lightening.
Still in the Spring every year it produced the most
Beautiful white blossoms.  No one seemed to notice
Its been more than 70 years since we moved in there and
Almost as many since I left.  I understand that the Village
Goes on but it seems impossible that the old apple tree
Still lives but in my memory it will always be part of me.
After my time there my life changed 'n when I I came back
I was married.  Now I too am broken but still I try to live
Putting out little blossoms from time to time and though
There are few I know who take notice some will think
Back on their youth and  will remember I was part of it

For my sister Sue; and for all my and her old friends,
some remembered some gone but still remembered from
The Village.
Is it that thou should be considered great; famous; rich ;powerful?
Here on earth?  In Heaven?  Become as little children for theirs is
The supreme gift. Life eternal in the Kingdom belonging to all of
The children of God.  At the end of this mortal life  who would not
Forsake all earthly glory to know that that child'd place had been
Given.   To play forever  happy  content at the feet of  the Lord..
Remember this My brothers and sisters that Day of the Lord is ,,,
Therefore be as you will be knowing from God Our Father we are
Having loved thru the darkest night
Loved the night and even then knew
The Star of a love that over came to
Believe and know you would return
I loved you all in all.  Whole  you are
All your parts I adore the more not to
Reject anyone Love abides and is One.
What I would not give to see you
One more time just as you were
In Berkeley but we both know
That would not be enough.
Play the flute for me when
I  Am gone

For Elizabeth
What could be more real
Than the old real..;  than
Dying Old...A rear guard
Action.  Who's only Raison
De etre is to delay the advance;
To allow the Retreating a bit
Of time to escape from the
Inevitable,  Between the now
And then...  A  time to live
Do you want a pear
No I need but one
Do you want a pear
No I prefer one
Do you want a pair
No I already have one.

For Ed Ross, Dream Librarian,
My First friend in the Golden State
In the Golden State
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