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What music is this
Seems like only yesterday
The happiest of times
Now Again but a memory
A revery that has stayed
With me the longest time
Never again yet I hear it
Now.  What music is this?
In the brief life of our mistakes
The Lord has given us our eternity
In what was never meant to last
here there was yet justification and if
It endureth even the briefest moment
Immortal; Eternal.  Minimal yet
So plenteous they are  they that is
Sufficient to life everlasting; and as
The memory of our mistakes blazes
Unto the unremembered ashes

As by the light of the sun are we given
All of our days on earth as in heaven
For the One who made us is merciful
For by Love all that is made to endures
Endures while what passes away leaves
Us with the gift of  its time  Our time
Be merciful and thank the Lord for the
Gift of what is gone while we yet love

Strange what is heard forever echoing down
The corridors of time is the children's laughter
and a still small voice saying: Come play with
me  Come play with me again One more time".
To take the unbearable burden of
Precious memory from our hearts
But that all be not forgotten forever
To distill from the passing multi-
Verse just the merest essence of
The life that was  so dear and  so
Plenteous that it all could be borne
Forward and to leave some tincture
To solace the broken hearted that all
Is not lost and that there is yet a key
To times past and of laughter long ago
Thoughts so wonderful that from one
To he next they cannot be remembered
No nary a word of what I heard.  Twas
An elegy to an old ball player like the
Babe recited by a boy; made him to be
What we all want to be Our truth But I
Cannot remember a word I tell you the
Truth is a dream too wonderful that goes
On and on The long sought dream with
No  end but ever begins again the Truth
To renew   Ah I am old, what answers are
There but to dream better dreams Take it
All leave nothing behind.  Take to the air
Soar in the heavens on the wings of love
Where you are waiting and I am coming

And yes like Peter leaping off the boat I
Walk on the rough water when the Master
Calls- only to sink into the roiling depths
Crying out to my Friend "Save me !" Oh
Ye of little faith" He says. But it is enough.
I shall give Him thanks for my daily bread
Remembering all the good he has given me
If All we had was the Creation
And never was spoke or heard
Of that great Mystery would we
Be better. be more loving, more
Free and so be more obedient to
Our true natures to love one another
The second is like the first a teacher
Once said but if there were only the
One and that there be no other but
What is so wonderfully given..If I
Do not preach would my words be
Better...could I love more...and tell
The truth more sincerely that I am
Believed-I know not.  A poet I hope
Wondering wavering, wandering
Between two shores seeking I know
Not what and in my troubles  I will
Ever seek him  here,my friend and
Comforter in my time of trouble

For my son who has the key
When I was President ...
President of my time with you, I of
The neighborhood boy's club; and
You though I did not know you so
Well then were president of the
Neighborhood girls club.  Say it's
Not so but it's true none the less
It was you who thought the same
As I did way back when we were
All so young my friends. But there
Was no club; No president.  You can
Call me a liar and you be the same
I still think it was better back then an
When there was no club or president
And we were all just boys and girls
When yet we could all be president
Though only so by our heart's  intent
Oh bland and beautiful afternoon sun
Of  days  gone by it seems I see your beauty
Now for the first time  Everything at peace
In the populated village no one is around You
Are the same but I yearn more than ever to
Draw close  To know you better-this time
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