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In the evening twilight the  sounds of the
Village are heard from far and wide as echoes
Of an  eternal yesterday fragments of  play at
At the end of a day.  Like sparks before the
Coming dark so clear so faraway speaking to
The Heart of a forever loneliness for what was
Golden-now  has passed; a child's summers day

For my sister Sue Eileen on her birthday with  Love
From the green valley I see the lumbering hills
Of darker green are the forests that like a shawt
Are draped  over a beautiful stranger who's face
You cannot  see but  who beckons you to come.
You know you cannot get there because what you
See will not be there.  It is so with so much that is
Desired.  You cannot always come to what can only
Be seen at a distance; you know this but still you go
When you are young and when old long to return to
The valley where the faithful hills still stand guard
Is also the route of conscious-The sense of
Our special specific individuality is  the same.
All have it. i t is our common inheritance.
There is only I and and the  not I.  All the
Living are the great I Am.  We are born on
The path that leads from the self to the Self.
The I am does not die but who die in it are
Reborn in it.  There is only one consciousness
One individual; One Self.  True Love has no fear
For it knows the truth  that the Truth does not die.
We are part and one of the great whole that is life.
Oh Lord make my words sweeter to hear as water
To the thirsty that your power be known and your
Glory be magnified that our voyage be more joyful
A little child's house
Made of windows that
Look out ont upon the
Wondrous garden. So
Small but with a Vision
To everywhere that the
Heart of' life holds dear

With a tip of the Hat
To R.L Stevenson and
His "Child's Garden of
Verses" ; and L M Wolcott
(as I begin reading}" Flower
If only the man who led a saintly life could
Enter the Kingdom of  God  What hope is
There for the rest of us.  I speak  now of us
The common man but charity asks more  of
Us  Let who is without sin caste the stone.
But if this is so it matters less the road one has
Taken  than the portal he arrives at.and given
Welcome to pass thru.  All that counts in the
End is the end.  Christ's is the Spiritual nature
That one must take on..  Christ the condemned
The villain  that accepted the world's shame and
Guilt and said : Not my will but thy will bc done
While those that loved him could only stand in
Silence, some with tears in their eyes as  He was
Crucified.  Think not that this is some sectarian
Story i am repeating;  it is a universal Truth.  Not
In its particulars but as an iconic meaning. Every
Man's destination and fate as chosen by our Father.

A Fable:
Once there was a cracked dish and after some rough handling it broke in
Two pieces-One was much larger and an argue,ent ensued.  The Large
Piece  said I am not broken it is you that is broken.  The smaller piece said
No it is you.that is broken my guilt is less as I am smaller.  What is obvious-
The plate was broken and no amount of argument about relative guilt would
Make it whole again.  When the pieces realized this and knew not what to do they realized that they were both about to be discarded despite a long and shared history.  Then with a contrite heart they  called out their sorrow to the householder in who's  and for who's service they had been made.  And sharing in their pain He came unto them and said I will heal your parts and ask for gentle usage for their will remain a crack that all be warned that Love
is fragile.
But there is a catch...Day at at time  a knowing
Grows that the farther you go the farther you are
From your beginnings ,Soon you will not remember
The things you lost- that were closest to your heart.
It Is then death comes to seems as  reasonable .But
You are in  La FlorIda  now where  Ponce De Leon
Sought The Eternal Springs..and did not  Jesus say
Seek and you shall find ;and who am I  to doubt
but now here is the Catch where there  is  no peace
Of death: ,no loved ones to mourn and bury,   No
Familiar soil of family and friends to take you in;
Where there is no end there is no home; and in this
Place you will keen for former things  and soul
Oh splendid eternity you are not  all that  there is.
Cannot be for  you are not where my old .
As the old hymn says:
someday "I'll fly away"The
Angels shall take me home.
As my Dad used to say.  The Truth.  Thee.
So I made you  Lies you cannot be so can
Not long stand.  Who is great is not mortal.
Pretense will fall .  A brutal crash but is yet
A kindness not least to him who made of his
Self a fraud forfeiting his soul  for vanity,  A
Child of God no more that could not long be,
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