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17.4k · Mar 2015
And lack of social justice
In my opinion
Is the source of hate and rage
So, what do you think of that?
8.2k · Dec 2015
bright little pearls
sparkling white in an arc
i love your smile
7.6k · Jun 2016
shadows deepening
snow topped indigo mountains
flamingo pink skies
camped by a glacial lake
watching the end of the day
a single ****** swims past
its wake a thin silver line
then a loon calls from far off
and my heart disentangles
as the universe floods in
and washes away my pain
in a deep ocean of stars
bliss incandescent
6.3k · Oct 2012
Deep inside of you
There glows a fire, warm and bright
My eyes reflect it
4.7k · Dec 2012
In beauty may I walk…
In beauty may I walk.
All day long may I walk.
Through the returning seasons may I walk.

Beautifully will I possess again.
Beautifully birds . . .
Beautifully joyful birds

On the trail marked with pollen may I walk.
With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk.
With dew about my feet may I walk.

With beauty may I walk.
With beauty before me, may I walk.
With beauty behind me, may I walk.
With beauty above me, may I walk.
With beauty below me, may I walk.
With beauty all around me, may I walk.

In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk.
In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk.

It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.
A Navajo Prayer of the Second Day of the Night Chant (anonymous)
4.4k · Oct 2012
Reaching out I knew
That maybe I'd be bitten
Temptation drew me
3.7k · Sep 2012
She is a flower
And I am a honeybee
Nuzzling her petals
3.4k · Sep 2012
Good Morning
Powder blue and clear skies
Streaming chrome yellow sunlight
Good morning my love
3.1k · Jul 2016
the wealth of your life
is in the love that you sow
and gently nurture
2.8k · Sep 2012
Disco Cougar
In miniskirt she
Dances, streaked hair and all that
but oh, she is old!
2.7k · Sep 2012
The Harem
Lazing peonies
Smooth petaled, plump and blushing
Hummingbird's harem
I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions are generated.
This a quote from at least 50 years ago!
2.5k · Mar 2015
I was there for you
But when my time of need came
I could not find you
A lesson learned some would say
But I am not so simple
2.3k · Mar 2016
All Trumped Up
the politics of stupid
where hate and fear rule
2.2k · Dec 2012
Late August Picnic
A yellow jacket
Pulsed while scaling candied ham
Then braced, sawed a piece
Away it swayed amongst oaks
Cicadas shrilled loud and hot
Tanka  ...needed a little reminder of warmer days and bluer skies
2.1k · Jan 2015
Like the wild, wild geese
Rising high over my head
In soaring chevrons
Loudly calling as they fly
I, love to cruise with my friends
Behind this poem is my love of bicycle riding with my motley crew on my 1924 camel's back single speed. Yup, lots of hills where I live, but it is amazing how easy they can be on a well oiled single speed.
1.9k · Jan 2015
After the rainstorm
The skies' transparent jewels
Strung on spiderwebs
Sparkle and glint like diamonds
Upon an emerald field
1.9k · Jan 2016
turning round, she smiled
with awkward flamingo grace
piercing my heart through
1.9k · Jun 2016
Red Roses
Roses at sunrise
dew covered and succulent
welcoming the sun
warming from its honeyed touch
their nectar's strong scent rising
luring bees and butterflies
to land upon their petals
and taste their rich sweet pollen
in the clear dawn light
1.8k · Jan 2016
Buried Treasure
coloured piece of glass
worn smooth by sand and waves
gemstone of the beach
1.8k · Sep 2012
Dream Succubus
As beautiful as
Otsuyu, lantern in hand
Wending through the fog
1.7k · Sep 2012
Hot Music
At the Firemen's  Club
Dancing to the saxophone
Beer puts the fire out
1.7k · Dec 2014
Such a clever man
He was full of eloquence
And goobledegook
1.7k · Sep 2012
She is visiting
Blue eyed as a Siamese
she curls up and purrs
1.6k · Feb 2014
To Sweet
Aglow, alive
Smiling, touching, flowing
Laughing goddess and woodland nymph
Gray fluorescent sky
Sharp, crisp, cutout horizon
Autumn colours pop
I stop, savoring the view
People hurry past, unmoved
1.6k · Sep 2012
The Sweetest Smell
Roses by the path
Pretty pink and small flowered
Have the sweetest smell
1.5k · Dec 2014
Blossom Dearie
A pretty pink rose
A blossom without peer
Love is in flower
1.5k · Nov 2015
The Fool
i am just a fool
guilty of loving blindly
with all of my heart
1.5k · Feb 2016
Lovers Covenant
and i will hold you
all silk and satin soft
until the day breaks
1.5k · Sep 2012
I will and must dream
but what you think may be right
Loves my ******
1.5k · Feb 2014
Oh you are clever
So full of yourself, I see
Worldly and stylish
And always cooler than cool
Too bad you are so blind
1.5k · Oct 2012
Firecrackers at night
Orange flash, saltpeter smell
Pumpkin flashes smile
1.5k · Aug 2016
Springs Eternal
i cry in the night
with no one to share my grief
just the moon and stars
my tears stream down unnoticed
now that I have lost it all
and my past and my future
blur to distant horizons
and my life seems a mirage
yet somewhere deep inside me
there is a tiny glimmer
that refuses to be snuffed
defiant, ever hopeful
reaching for the sun
1.5k · Sep 2012
Try to separate
The wheat from the chaff of life
But don't try too hard
1.4k · Jan 2016
A Wear
time rubs against me
slowly blurring my lines
till i  disappear
1.4k · Mar 2016
life is
life is so complex
that keeping it simple
takes a lot of work
1.4k · Dec 2014
World Economics
Billions of sheep
Following false bellwether's
To the abattoir
Starving, they jostle for crumbs
While those dressed as wolves eat lamb
1.4k · Oct 2012
And when I touched her
A fiery blaze burned through me
Now aching for more
I no longer cared at all
If tomorrow came or not
1.4k · Dec 2012
Red, orange, yellow
Green, blue, indigo, violet
Fair reflecting arch
Against a dark and brooding sky
Bouncing back the sun's bright light
Look upon that arc within the storm and know the sun is at your back...turn around and all will be bright
1.4k · Dec 2015
A Child's Wish
i want it to snow
so we can make a snowman
with a big big smile
Blown glass Ornaments
Sprinkled with crushed glass frosting
On the fragrant tree
Below, a child stares, beguiled
Nearby the hearth snaps and pops
Christmas at my Grandparents was always a magical time (my mother's parents, English...however, Upon hearing Oh Tannenbaum  I always preferred to think of the Christmas tree as that...funny and wonderful how children make their histories
1.4k · Oct 2012
End of Drought
Finally rain comes
Rivers swell and falls cascade
Clouds cloak the mountains
And in the churning rapids
Salmon shimmer, leap and dance
Another Tanka
1.4k · Apr 2016
Spring Morning
with wild abandon
the flowers of the garden
spill over the verge
rich colours and sweet perfume
a dew covered paradise
full of  birds and butterflies
underneath the morning sun
by the empty house
1.3k · Mar 2015
Ardour Wise
I am a mortal
And there is no shame in that
I am not perfect
And I feel no shame in that
For my love is without stain
1.3k · Sep 2015
My Abandoned Child
whirling little dreams
spining around within me
cutting through the shades
tramsmute my injured psyche
my abandoned child within
bring him from out of darkness
freed from that cold, remote place
where memories become ghosts
where part of us becomes lost
and tell him that i need him
and that i truly love him
and bring him back home
1.3k · Oct 2012
I lay on pine bows
Beneath a star splattered sky
And dreamt and then woke
She came to me in moonlight
Morning cast her far away
1.3k · Sep 2012
The Charming Trickster
You are looking at
Me with that sly smile again
I wonder, but you don't
1.3k · Jan 2016
searching through the heavens
for you my blue eyed beauty
above these darkling shadows
that shroud and ring my heart
come to me in innocence
come to me unbound and true
and take my broken heart
unto your silken palms
and heal me
1.3k · Dec 2015
A Risky Business
don't be afraid
everything is a risk
in this wild sweet life
there is no hiding from fate
take the risk to live life free
and follow your heart and go
out into the universe
on the pathway of your passion
but please always remember
you are surrounded by risk
so hands up and surrender
and get on with it
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