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I open my blinds for a bit o' moonshine ..
If a 'Peeping Tom' meanders through
our bushes sneaking a peek at night ,
his criminal eyes could quite possibly lock on to
a fifty three year old , portly , farmer tanned
Old Buck wearing absolutely nothing , holding
his favorite coffee cup ..
My case study in Criminology .. ****** Prevention 101 ..
Copyright April 12 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Jonquil rain bar approach , delta method
time beau stargazer in earnest
Fine line arcadian pest derecho , pinpoint
waiver unit substitution Jericho
Albamarle sinister unit torrid recuser perpetuity
cisco propulsion Easter wig nam propulsion
Archangel rock deliver jetsam
Harold ****** sonic shift mercury wind bag space
candidate turquoise nine beam analyzer Sinbad nine
Winder ground archer nine sound pet neighbor tyrant
dime loser terrier loose figment stroller ten nimbus
Copyright April 11 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Cameo -pink splotches lightly touch backcountry roads , lighting pastures , trimming hardwood baselines , forgiving wounded -
spirits on hidden , vine infested shore
Retrieving the cacophony of woodland musical notes
Sharing the harmony and perpetuity of the wind fueled rote
Reaching for pearl complexion atop wisteria -
blue vistas , faint Sunlight incarnations , boundless ,
cloudburst driven streams , foaming western rivers ..
Copyright April14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Beer freed inhibitions
Blue tobacco smoke , half -
price Monday nights
Inebriated , lonely locals venting -
frustrations on aged billiard tables
Southern rock blasting through house -
speakers , music legends come to life for -
a little while , small town cliques
Their table becomes another time brought -
back to life tonight , if only for a few tearful -
Time controls .. Hurts .. Brings needed venting , laughter ..
Reveals shared pain among quick , one night friends in stale bar room surroundings
Copyright April 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The three o'clock shift empties , fills the parking lot
Factory people heading for cars , some on foot
The war is over , no ennobled cause of freedom  -                                           fought for in the textile mill , no bastion of democracy  on a hill
Shadows facing the ground , economic yellow lights ,
security guards waving goodbye
Headlight illuminated , neighborhood dogs running fence lines
Stopping for milk , beer and bread , hometown newsprint
Watching utilities .. Paying rent ..
Another quiet Dalton evening , gone ..
Copyright April 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Children dash for mother on picture postcard
Crossing guards whistle instructions to -
Friday drivers on the move
Friends wave goodbye from the big yellow bus
Dogs act confused over the afternoon rush
Basketball and hopscotch take over the streets ,
soda pop and candy , little league athletes
Friday night football , Saturday mornings at the mall
Movies in the early afternoon , teenagers 'hanging out' at the game room , waiting for their ride home ..
Late night phone calls by the light of the Moon ..
Copyright April 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Tonight I'm an A minor with a touch of chorus
A piece of blues contoured with the reverb call of -
the devil , wah pedal contortion at the seventeenth
fret of misery ...
Copyright April 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Where are my mind crafted inventions
My cure to **** the triggers , stop the white noise
Spinning thoughts , anger blocking the poets -
peripheral vision , angry dogs at the foot of the bed
Words that add color to black and white -
landscapes , a lake of images for a
child in his fifties , nailed to the weathered -
pier by his own disability
My back to the hard crowd
Naked and ashamed
Faced with the killing night
Unwavering noise that only -
I can hear
One bullet .. Sound or fear ?
Copyright April 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
To be privy to the language of
the trees , akin to the honey laced
backcountry , awash in the curative
morning dew
Knowledge of every young drop of rain ,
every newborn seedling ..
Master of the woodland trigonometry ,
songbird musicology
Raptor shadow figures circling 'neath
nimbus billowing blankets , technicolor
grasses , earthen molasses
Copyright 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Lake flies lighting reflective glass
Olive eyes focused on the blue earth
Training the purple wild flower fields -
of western Chattahoochee river country
Whirling , advancing , rock patterned shoals ,
river dancer hideaways , painted turtle middles
Mud cats , rock bass and sundry panfish skim -
the shallows harnessed in Georgia granite , indigenous
red , white clay banks , clear running waters and every
colored flower imaginable
Dandelion seedlings and dragonflies hurry downstream , lit
by the afternoon Lamp of the Almighty
Pipers of every pitch occupy every inch of the surrounding
heavens with emotional song
Ever watchful Crows burst into joyful laughter with each
Smallmouth topwater explosion
Herons work the rock island summits , Blue Jays station the crags
as the pace quickens to the Gulf , curious livestock command the bluffs
South as cascading waters grow ...
Copyright April 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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