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 Jun 2013 Dasha
CH Gorrie
The birch canoe slid on the loose planks.
     Bending lower legs are crookshanks.

Glue the sheets to the dark blue background.
     Cruickshanks gave me the run around.

It’s easy to tell the depth of a well.
     Easier than that to fathom hell.

The postdiluvian era began in Kish.
     These days a chicken leg is a rare dish.
 Dec 2012 Dasha
Katlyn Orthman
We don't know who we are,
We all have are scars
In my heart it's ripped apart
But I'll never let you  know
Though my eyes are closed
The sounds still let me know
That your near, I can hear you close
And your tears still fall
And I say **** it all
We will never be perfect
Never be perfect

Put my hopes on the ground
Get up turn around
Because nothing ever comes my way

Now I see that there far away
Now I know, there's no future day
Might as well just put down the faith
And leave
Walk out the door can't care anymore
I have been broken to many times
To ever rewind

Now I plea to god, that he will save me
But I know that's a hopeless road
And I've tried to see, a light holding opportunity, but it escapes me Every time
And I look for a way, to get out of this place
But it seems that I'm held back in this space

  Put my hopes on the ground
Get up turn around
Because nothing ever comes my way

Now I see that there far away
Now I know, there's no future day
Might as well just put down the faith
And leave
Walk out the door can't care anymore
I have been broken to many times
To ever rewind
 Dec 2012 Dasha
Langston Hughes
I would liken you
To a night without stars
Were it not for your eyes.
I would liken you
To a sleep without dreams
Were it not for your songs.
 Dec 2012 Dasha
david badgerow
i sent a postcard
from a deserted train car
but you threw it away and
wept over the way i wrote your name--
the last time you saw me
i was wearing a pink carnation
in a pin-striped suit
but i traded it on a cold night
nearly three years ago
for a swig of rotgut wine
and a

--now i'm waiting for you
to turn into a paper bird
and burn
 Dec 2012 Dasha
Zita Consani
not so distant dogs bay through streets
an uneasy wind slaps at leaves
and now a wail-whoop of ambulance gloom
loops the dying afternoon
and even in the home
from my room
the dinny grin of television
and banging doors
a dull clang of words
and the beating of my blood
at small impending dooms.
I am held - for all that -
a castle
in the eye
of storms.
Peace is not a white flag.
its molten gold enfolds
the floundering soul -
enthrones it into
a whole eternity of
untold quiescence.
 Dec 2012 Dasha
Hannah Sabine
So this is how the song goes?
Take the long way,
so I can see his light's off
so it hurts a little more.
Does this help, baby?
Does this help or does it just make it hurt more?

Flip a coin,
Every second I'm falling further
But there's a part of your body
That fills up every time.

It's not hope, okay?
Don't say that,
Don't even let me think it,
cause that part of me is my heart
And I can't hope anymore
This is how the song goes, baby.
This is how the song goes, Hannah

Don't say my name like that
Don't say it like I'm the
face you see in the mirror
If he's the sun
It doesn't matter what he is,
The sun and the stars,
or the same compounds anyone else is made of,
Then just answer me one question, baby,
Tell me if it helps

Nothing ever does.

*You'll bleed
to feed
the demon
in me
 Dec 2012 Dasha
Amanda Fletcher
The curve in your hips matches the rock in your heart,
your poor, sad, heart.
Though you're not sad, not at all.
You stand tall on long legs and smile for the camera,
the black, broken camera.

why can't you flinch
or stop twinkling and glowing?
It's all show,
though you're not on stage honey,
the curtains are closed.

Take off your long lashes and your push-up bra,
because the lights are off and the door is shut and the crowd is gone
and I'm here, just me, only me.

What is love?
 Dec 2012 Dasha
I want cheesey garlic bread!
alas, it's all that's in my head-
and if lactose I could tolerate,
this might not be such a debate.

though I'm sure my body could conform,
but it's taken this long to reform!
from the **** and mucus that is dairy,
that will surely turn your knuckles hairy.

I'll eat a piece of gluten toast,
for it only makes my tummy bloat,
but from cheese I must stay far away,
unless I want my **** to spray.

it's a sign, I think, that my body rejects
such a harmful product, my body protects
but god ****** I want garlic bread,
the cheesey kind, it's in my head...
 Dec 2012 Dasha
Alireza Zibaie
Not that I have nothing to say
my words are meaningless in your presence

I have nothing to give
my worth is ashes around the fire,
the heat-waves around the sun
as you are the sun

I am an entity filled with desire
thousand and one desires in one
My belongings are grains of sand, washed away
at the touch of your oceanly waves
The heat of my soul, the energy in my eyes
all drained - courtesy of your coquetry

Drunken, weak, drained, and indigent
wondering if I stand a chance

silly me.
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