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 Jan 2015 Darklordiablo
I love you

I love you with all my heart and soul

But do I love you enough to let you go?
***** tastes better than the thought of you and her
For so long I wanted your beautiful lies, and you fed me them
Now I just want the ugly truth, why can't you give it to me?
Don't make a girl fall for you unless you plan to catch her
Don't change and then expect thing to stay how they were.
Don't break her heart and expect her to give it to you again
Don't mess up and then  look for someone to blame.
Don't yell at her for having a friend who's a guy
And if you tell her you love her, don't let it be a lie
I look at the bed, where you once pinned me down
and in memories I begin to drown
Like ones of the happiness, that you used to bring
how can that have not meant a thing?
How can you say you love her now,
when it used to be me, who made you say "wow"?
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