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Danika Jun 2013
Was that awkward?
That night a week or two ago
I rubbed your back – a mother to and from
the drunk and said it was okay.
You said you missed me – I said you too
But now where’s the missing, the I trust you too?
Danika Jun 2013
Hydrangeas explode, grass spikes the soil
Sun scorches all, water crashes on shores
Ice destroyed, eyes beaten by bright rays
Heat everywhere, blue suffocates the sky
We love a violent summer
Danika Apr 2013
Enter October
we will never leave
and hold tight
tightly hold those leaves
Don’t let the fall fall away
         And autumn leaves
         Reflect the warmth
         In our eyes
Danika Feb 2013
I once said I had it all planned out
The colors the music the numbers the everything
Then you came along
And showed me plans change
     And that’s okay
That it’s not when or what or which one
But simply who
And that it’s him
And me
And we’re happy
And we make no plans
Or rather
we make the plans
Danika Sep 2012
We all love
And holding hands that first time
And guessing, always guessing what the other person is thinking

But you know what?
Climbing out isn’t so bad
It means we got out of that muddy hole we first fell into
And it feels
to be
Danika Aug 2012
I miss you from my toes
painted bright red
red that reminds me of you
since you always looked better than I did in red

I miss you from my knees
the ones we'd compare
and all the bumps and bruises
from playing each other in basketball

I miss you from my waist
the waist you insisted was smaller than yours
at least you had hips
and attracted all the boys

I miss you from my stomach
and the bellybuttons we promised we'd pierce
together once we left home

I miss you from my shoulders
and feeling your arms rest on them as we'd hug
the weight on my shoulders more than that
as I miss you too much

I miss you from my head
and all the memories
As everything I look at
reminds me more of you

I miss you from everything
and just want you here
Sometimes a soul mate isn't a lover or spouse, but a best friend. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder, but honestly, it really *****.
Danika Aug 2012
So I finally get what I want
For so so long so badly
And it’s never enough
Or rather too much
And let’s just stay friends
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