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I walk the world with thoughts of you
In every place I go
Your voice is on the winter wind
Your footprints in the snow
And every tool I try to use to scrape you from my mind
Cuts your name onto my tongue
And beats me till I'm blind
I layed my head upon your knees and breathed the air you breathed
I cut myself when you were cut to know just how you bleed
Now as I walk this empty earth with nothing but a face
To breathe me and to bleed me
Until I leave this place
 Jan 2013 Danielle
Nika Cavat
My child said today,
“You’d be rich if it wasn’t for me”
and she then smiled that goofy smile
adding, “Why did you have me then? I’m so expensive. ”

And when she later shimmied like a long lean cat
on a thin fence, I replied, “This is why I had you.”

And when she then made up her own word, bestfuzzer, to
describe a friend, I said, “This is why I had you.”

And as she curled into my belly on the bed
nuzzled my neck, and blew holes in my hair,
I whispered, “This is why I had you.”

She has forced me to reinvent myself
to plumb the deep waters of my reserve
my sanity, my will to live even
and bring up one more shining fish
one more favor, one more drive across town
one more strange meal at 2 am

And in cleaning away the thick of leaves, dirt, and grass
from my grandparents’ headstones
I become them, their bones my bones
Their struggle my struggle

How much we could have saved in not having children
would nevertheless have impoverished us in other ways.
We are driven by dumb unseen forces
as ancient as soil to create our children –
accident, intent, it doesn’t matter

so I pay homage to my grandparents - tired, frightened immigrants
barely out of childhood, with the stench of their parents
on fire singing their nostrils

Why did they persist?
What drove my grandmother to marry a man she’d never even met?
to bear his children, to suffer his beatings?

This is why I had you
Because I was lonely
Because I was *****
Because through you I sewed myself back together
Because you are my destiny

And when my child asks why I had her
I breathe milk and honey into her mouth
jostle the stars until they ****** like wind chimes
pulling the continents back together again.
And when she asks me,
I can only offer up the scoop of my palms and
the ticking of blood in my wrists as reasons.
I’m not quite sure these days,

Of much.




I feel like I’ve been craving something,

That has yet to be satisfied.

Maybe it never will be.

I have no reason to complain.

Kids are starving in Africa

I could be homeless.

At least I have a meal to eat every night.

All of these statements are true

I know this.

But they don’t lessen the blow.

Oh knowing,

That someday,

I might not end up where I want and need to be.

I can hope for the future,

And all that it will be bring,

But what if I’m hoping for tomorrow

and forgetting that today was tomorrow too

And so was yesterday,

And it leads on into this perpetual cycle

Of worry.

That I’m wasting.

Wasting my time on things that won’t come to surface.

Wasting my efforts on people that’ll never change.

Wasting my life, dependent on the hope of tomorrow.

Dreaming about things that,

Are clearly out of reach.

Maybe it’s a rough night,

Maybe I’m just sad.

Or maybe I’m just starting to realize

That this is a truth,

That I've been trying to convince myself all along

Was a lie.
You never say a word
As I stroke your skin,
Tracing the veins along your arm -
Just watch my fingers
Traveling the road map of the blood
That courses through your body.
I have tried so many times
To find a different path
Discover a detour
But I have only found a common route -
Whatever vein I choose,
It leads to your open hand, outstretched
The only place I feel at home.
 Jan 2013 Danielle
Benjamin Wilks
I walked out into the sunset and saw wings,
Never told anybody; they wouldn't believe,
How do you go to  church? Even the holy deceive
And deem a boy insane because of angels he's seen?
Because of miracles that hes brought, the way he changes things,
the way he's always right, its just the way it seems,
Society hates being wrong, so to fears they cling,
And bring pain to the different, I'm seeing at nineteen,
Surrounded by brimstone, but I'm still on green,
Not even asleep yet and I'm having dreams,
Beautiful Nightmares as i put on nightwear,
Anticipate another loving day, and i smite fear,
Closing my eyes as i see angels in the nights sphere,
Pray in my head that my future far from cloudy, and its bright clear.....
 Jan 2013 Danielle
Vassana M
No. 1
 Jan 2013 Danielle
Vassana M
A grin as wide as the ocean, his lips the smooth ribbons in waves as the sun undergoes a setting.
A dance with words in greeting, the effortless lack of cumbersome voids
but in them our dancing shapes and laughter.
An embrace embodying our unity in which we have become a foreign groove;
the orchestrated melody in which minds cannot comprehend how to move to.
We, in our own, a language no one else understands.
And if in our foolishness the world around us falls into shambles, I know ours won’t.
But he is only the faint wisp of an echo in the mountains, the mere illusion of an oasis, the waterfall in the far woods under a bright white sky, twigs and leaves interrupting a brook, the last firefly alight in a jar,
the fluttering words on the breath of two seekers.
I was in love with anatomy
the symmetry of my body
poised for flight,
the heights it would take
over parents, lovers, a keen
riding over truth and detail.
I thought growing up would be
this rising from everything
old and earthly,
not these faltering steps out the door
every day, then back again.
 Jan 2013 Danielle
I want fire above this city,
Gaining speed and rushing towards,
Want to burn you up, my sweety.
In your mistakes, i will go forward.

As red as blood i'ĺl flow.
Blow up your bones with bombs.
Smell you, find you, kiss you... slow.
We both know i am a rocket.
And what you want is just a boat.
 Jan 2013 Danielle
Hilary V
Marlboro Menthols, Lights, or Milds
Cowboy-killers, cancer-sticks
Guilty pleasure, a necessary fix
Holding hands with coffee

You get that jolt
Or shall I say relief
Days become more bearable
Courtesy of these,

Alcohol as a 3rd dimension
Aiding in more than just sleep
Take a pull and fill the need
Clear your head for a quick second

Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine;
They’re all I need
 Jan 2013 Danielle
JK Cabresos
The stars are fading,
the moon is still sleeping, tonight.
Wherever you are,
you will remain inside my heart;
we will move the mountains and hills
and we will be forever till the end,
oh my love, I have been captivated.

I will be able to accept all the risks,
even if it will take away my breath.
Wherever you go,
you will always be my soul;
we will walk on the horizons, and stay
and we will be forever till the end,
oh my love, I have been captivated.
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