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Apr 2015 · 309
Just Fine
Daniel Magner Apr 2015
words evade me
unless depression drags me
into the mud
or despair threatens to swallow me up
so take my silence as a good sign
see my blank page as a message
that I am doing
just fine
Daniel Magner 2014
Apr 2015 · 301
Daniel Magner Apr 2015
how many times have I quit smoking
just to burn my insides out again
revert to a bad habit that cages me
in a pen
it feels like being loved
it feels like loving
deep breaths and a spinning head
it feeds a hunger
that has been long left unfed
Apr 2015 · 277
Daniel Magner Apr 2015
I'm a wreck
it feels so real
in a facade
It's like breathing underwater
Mar 2015 · 417
To The Poets I Once Knew
Daniel Magner Mar 2015
All my favorite writers
are vacant from this space
there is no trace
their heart felt out pours
crushed under a wave
of generic love poems
of fast writen mud
I scroll past
empty rhyme after empty rhyme
where are you?
where did my poetic friends go?
We broke like the last splash
on the shore of a dried up lake
These new words feel fake
to those whose souls I loved
I hope you are still penning
I hope your ink still stains pages
and that someday
I'll read your names in a book
or I'll find you on a journey
and once again hear your words
that sent my heart
into a flurry
Daniel Magner 2015

Sorry HP, you've succumbed like the rest of the world. Some of you strive on but most of you who gave me hope are gone...
Mar 2015 · 294
Feeling of the Day
Daniel Magner Mar 2015
Daniel Magner 2015
Mar 2015 · 382
Daniel Magner Mar 2015
In an hour and quarter
I'll be officially older than you
I don't want to
I don't want to


Daniel Magner 2015
Mar 2015 · 418
Wander Woes
Daniel Magner Mar 2015
It hangs from my shoulders,
not torturous, but not forgiving,
my camping chair groans
under our combined weight
in the evening,
quite the opposite of merriment
it is never fleeting
a constant cloak
partially soaked with choked words,
a strikingly dissonant chord
accompanied by a melody
"It's high time to hit the road again
it's high time you leave."
Daniel Magner 2015
Feb 2015 · 453
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
It's been four days
**** free
only had one respectable beer
for the flavor
already feeling upbeat
new melodies
pour from my finger tips
instead of alcohol
into a cup to forget existence
I must have been such a fool
for so long
good riddance
Daniel Magner 2015
Feb 2015 · 821
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
It's a terrible struggle
knowing what is just
and fighting for it
knowing what is just
and giving up
Sometimes I am so beaten by peoples' inability to love and understand I feel like forgetting the fight to seclude myself, to give up on trying to inform others and try to be happy knowing that, at least, I am kind.

Daniel Magner 2015
Feb 2015 · 539
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
One last thought from a withered mind
I have to stop this chemical grind,
the *****, the ****, the cigarettes
made me a fiend for substances,
I ran out of my last tobacco pack,
today I caught myself digging
through my trash
for a **** to light up
that's when I decided
enough is enough
Daniel Magner 2015
Feb 2015 · 575
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
Sometimes I just get high
and drift away
for a couple of hours
like the coward that I am.
Then I bake a cake in my birthday suit
got out for a smoke and I'm zooted
feelings totally muted,
it's gettin' late and
I can't find a way out of this
game that I'm losing,
sometimes I just get high
and drift away
for a couple of hours
like the coward that I am.
it's so nice to fade
become a shade that passes through
flits from room to room
with nothing to do

Daniel Magner 2015
Feb 2015 · 927
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
Maybe if all soldiers
had to look their enemy in the eye
before they killed them
they wouldn't
or maybe not,
my head's just full of thoughts
where is peace?
what does this all mean?
what does this all

Daniel Magner 2015
Based off a story my grandpa Gerry told me about the war in Korea. He had a man in his sights but they locked eyes, in that moment he saw something and missed on purpose. The man was captured and tortured for 3 days before he died. He said he never forgot the man's eyes....
Feb 2015 · 267
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
I miss all my old friends
Feb 2015 · 349
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
having the natural dyed,
echoing the color of my eyes,
has added blue blood to
the clear waters while I shower
the hours, days, and ever on
fade away
like the sky from my hair
I think I want to go back
greet the blonde with a welcome
look and old grin
I want the outside to reflect
what is in
Feb 2015 · 289
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
i just want to write
pour out this feeling in my gut
I can't keep it stomached
but a good line
I can't seem to make up
Feb 2015 · 370
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
foggy images invade my sleep
I groggily creep into a new day
then fade, transparent, shade
flirting from bed to bus
bus to desk and back again
am I like the crew seen
by the Mariner in his Rime?
Has the flow of sublime powers
slipped like a frog to water
left me feeling, further and
Feb 2015 · 789
Full Moon
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
A wicked wind carries a witch's spell
it's chill belying
the magma of hell
brought forth by incantations
drawing deep
from a dark magic well
The willow's sigh combines with the whisper
beckoning  me tither
to an alter made from black iron
crowned by scepters
on which two crows perch
the earth around me seizes and spurts
with dead hands erupting from
the earth
Daniel Magner 2015
Feb 2015 · 553
Open Doors
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
Rest easy weary hearted traveler,
you can lay your dusty shoes
at my door, hang up that beaten coat.
I'll put some water on the stove,
tea or coffee if you'd like,
I'll sleep on the couch
so you can have my bed tonight.
In the morning it's eggs, bacon,
red bell pepper and toast.
The shower will warm up quick
to rid the grit betwixt your toes.
Any who are in need of a pit stop
can call my place
a home on the road
Daniel Magner 2015

Just remembered how nice it is to have a spot to rest with good company while traveling. I'd like my abode to be such a place.
Feb 2015 · 579
Daniel Magner Feb 2015
I am an intelligent being
made from star dust
my insides don't hold to
male, female
straight, gay
or any orientation
there is no combinations that defines
not human, not white
which is why I feel most at peace
while gazing at the night sky
longing to throw off this curse
of being neither here nor there,
to go back home
into the universe
Daniel Magner 2015

I plan on editing this till it captures my ellusive identity.
Jan 2015 · 413
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
mumbled words induce a trance
a sullen glance at annoyance
then decide on smoky existence
Jan 2015 · 260
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
Something is missing
Jan 2015 · 474
Horror Story
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
Tomorrow I present a story to class
about a man who cremates himself
they will
ask if he is a reflection of myself
I'll have to nod my head slowly
taking in my fill
of "why's he so grim" and
"his mind is so ugly"
but I describe death
better than anything
I'm sorry for the horror story
that is
Daniel Magner 2015

When people read my short stories they worry about me. But grittiness is what I'm genuinely good at...
Jan 2015 · 418
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
chairs don't get enough credit
nor do beds, who witness
ever accumulating sleep debt
we've let flying with the clouds
go from fantasy to unnoticed
head bent constantly because of phones
speaking in hushed tones to
the person on the other line
while we decline away from the public
a distructive inability to communicate
face to face
or hold conversations
completely connected, yet disconnected
is what this world has become
Daniel Magner 2015

A feeling I have about sixty percent of the time
Jan 2015 · 691
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
got back to my apartment
got ****** up as hell
to remind myself
of all the things that are me
stars and mountains,
an idividual gravity
sang sad songs
filled with Eddie, breathing
and seasalt
to bring forth my occult
the little witchcraft in my skin
I washed it down with a cigarette
to remind myself
*don't give in
Daniel Magner 2015
Jan 2015 · 371
Make 'em Dance
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
Grandpa left me his keyboard
I left it in the corner for years
when late this very night
my spine grew chill with fright
for the keys clacked
of their own accord
as if wanting to be heard
then my spine did thaw and a smile bloom
for this phantom wasn't bringing doom
It was just a reminder from 'ol Grandpa
to let music fill the room
Hi Grandpa, I miss you, I promise to brush up on my piano playing

Daniel Magner 2014
Jan 2015 · 379
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
Seething in me
troubles aggravate
so irate
******* A
now I want nothing more
than to be no where at all
ditch this town
give the finger to Long Beach
be a ******* ***
under an over pass
the last stop on a bus
going abso-*******-lootly
no where
Jan 2015 · 466
Desperate Delay
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
I've stayed at my mom's
an extra week and a half
because my car's transmission crashed
anxious to get back
but laying late in my old bedroom
which nibbles at me
filled to the brim with
eighteen years of my life
I start to cry, to pray
that the mechanic calls
and tells me it'll take him
a few more days
nostalgia is eating me up, making me forget to

Daniel Magner 2014
Jan 2015 · 716
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
My parents might say
I've grown up since I left the Bay
that Long Beach has seen me mature
sure I'm older, more composed
but if you ask me,
I just feel detached
and lonely.
I always end up back on this topic, I need to stop it

Daniel Magner 2014
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
wake up with a hangover charm
not grumpy but maybe five yards from
being up beat
lazy strums on my old guitar
didn't bother with pants or
socks on my feet
only had the nerve to
brush the left half of my teeth
I make breakfast in my boxers
at a quarter past five
finally a touch of feeling alive
by still too wounded to go for a drive
stay inside sounds more like the ticket
stay awake too late with all of the crickets
take my pick, lick it and stick it
won't do the body no harm
have a goodnight beer
to give me another morning
of my hangover charm
Daniel Magner 2015

Just playing around with words
Jan 2015 · 793
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
my fingers don't move
quite fast enough to melt faces
my voice doesn't go
quite high enough to send shivers
through folks
my words only capture
the gist
it feels like I'm always
not quite
good enough
Daniel Magner 2014
Jan 2015 · 586
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
I sit on the hill
seeing Martinez light up
as the sun passes behind the cusp
of Mt. Diablo
this dirt witnessed me turn old,
has stories to tell,
a well of sorrows spent and sorrows kept
it's seen the laughter
along with emptiness
my souls settles like dust
after a gust of unrest, turbulence
while the Great Plains call
my name rustling through the grass
my heritage, past lives pushing
controlling, unbeknownst to me
sitting silent with the
Bay Area
My heart broke on a hilltop
and I can't stop

Daniel Magner 2014
read while listening to "An Interlude" by The Decemberists
I've been paring songs with poems
Jan 2015 · 303
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
it slipped my mind
that January
always feels like a cemetary
Daniel Magner 2014
Jan 2015 · 645
New Moon Envy
Daniel Magner Jan 2015
greetings Darkness
you always sink into the ground
when Light isn't around
only pesky Moon
tries to ward you away
soon Moon won't shine
for just one night
and Light will fail its
daily battle
you'll rattle with inky conquest
rejoice in the hours
at your disposal
all yours
all Dark
I'll envy you then
more than I've ever envied
that pesky Moon
or too bright Light
I want to topple your throne
and be the ruler of quiet
Daniel Magner 2014
Dec 2014 · 694
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
I just want to cry
Christmas Eve came accompanied
by a trip to the ER
dad in the back of my car
his breath
uncovering his secret
"I have prostate cancer..."
Daniel Magner 2014

I just had to get this out somewhere
Dec 2014 · 869
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
I think I've been looking at this
all wrong
she doesn't miss me
and she didn't know
what it meant when she kissed me
and I shouldn't expect her to
because I never spoke my mind
oh god
I'm a fraud
I can only be mad at myself
the blame is on my hands
my hands
Oh ****
Oh ****
Oh ******* ****
I've done it again
misconstrued everything
time to
I'll see you later
when my head is on
Daniel Magner 2014

It's high time I become responsible for my own emotions. When I write poetry I misconstrue everything, create a fairytale that isn't true, so I'll be taking a break till I've opened my eyes, taken control. Bye
Dec 2014 · 335
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
Tonight I hope to dream
of riding fog
out to the sea
where the waves will
greet me
swell up
accept me to the deep
Daniel Magner 2014
Dec 2014 · 388
Say no to Dying
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
Kyle talked of suicide
how he wanted a way out
a release
but he never tried
I looked him in the eyes
and spoke
"In highschool
I poured a handful of Vicadin
down my throat
as soon as my palm was empty
I choked
as much as I wanted escape
I did not want to die
so I forced myself to puke
before it was too late."
I hope he understood
Daniel Magner 2014
Dec 2014 · 431
Is it just a (sex) drive?
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
I'm not sure where I stand,
or if I'm even in the same room,
as him
to her
I might be on the curb
burning my fingers
with cigarettes smoked to the ****
waiting on a new face
to pick me up
and take me for a spin
teach me how to hold hands again
peel away the lamenent
call me human and
far from all the hurt
till it doesn't matter
where I stand
I really don't know how I'm feeling right now

Daniel Magner 2014
Dec 2014 · 390
Still Pages
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
Little frog shot glass
sits staring through me
brought her book
and plans to return it
with a little love from the past
alas, I'm a dreg
hedging in old organic emotions
with sharp edges
whiskey, cigarettes
panic over a manic thought
so instead I'll put the book
in a box
send it to her through the mail
keep my hands to myself
write a little note, place inside
where it may fall from the shelf
with pencil scrapes spelling out
"Sorry I was greedy
and you thought you needed me
but I'm like the dead bodies
in these pages, cover me up
close my eyes, drape a blanket
over me and leave me
Daniel Magner 2014
Dec 2014 · 467
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
I've finally made
a piece of music that
breaks my heart
to play.
Dec 2014 · 572
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
Two days will see
my blue hair clashing
with a red and green glow
back in San Luis Obispo
a holiday bash raging inside
she'll long for me
while sipping a mix drink
watching as I blow smoke
into the night
I'll hold back a wink
keep my tongue in my throat
remembering when I hadn't been
a heart
Daniel Magner 2014
Dec 2014 · 700
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
I can feel it in my hands
simmering deep in my stomach
I'll be 26 and have just lost
the 5th "love of my life"
so I'll grab a knife,
then decide a shot to the head
or I'll be 32
with a newborn
and a happy home
but something in me won't work
so I'll take a whole bottle of Vicadin
determined to leave but
not make a mess
or I'll be 55
looking back on a life
an exwife, a long road of
forgotten dreams
then put a noose 'round my neck
and jump
hung from a second story porch beam
I don't want to **** myself
but I feel it in my hands
simmering in my stomach
clawing at my ribs
a self wrought end
to a laughing kid
who I think died
a long, long time
Daniel Magner 2014
Dec 2014 · 368
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
It's unjust of me
to expect people in my life
to match how I write them down
in poetry
Dec 2014 · 797
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
everyone is the same person
just different incarnations
so really I am just you
trying to love
Daniel Magner 2014
Dec 2014 · 331
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
I try my hardest to stray away
from machine rolled cigarettes
which take away the test
of perfection
of creating the best
I know each one
leads me toward the dead
at least I can say
I died at my own,
supremely rolled, hand
Dec 2014 · 268
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
It seems that human beings
are full of hate
It breaks my heart
every single day and
makes me want to run away
to a cave in the mountains
Dec 2014 · 635
Daniel Magner Dec 2014
two burns decorate my shoulder
due to drunken recklessness
one on my forearm
by a stubborn game of pain
but the second in the same spot
was not in ruckus or fury
it was born from being
terribly, terribly
Daniel Magner 2014
Nov 2014 · 345
Advice For Me From Me
Daniel Magner Nov 2014
the grass is green
where ever you give it water
I feed the pastures
ever further from my farm
so all around me
turns dusty and dry
then wonder why
my crops have withered
and I starve
tethered to an idea
what I wish was
when I should be
living with what is
but I've always been bad at listening
to myself...

Daniel Magner 2014
Nov 2014 · 313
Dead Dan
Daniel Magner Nov 2014
some nights
I still really want to be dead
all stress leaking away
slowly dissipating
like heat from my feet
to my head
till the cold prevails
saving me from lifely ails

Daniel Magner 2014
Nov 2014 · 382
Like Father Like...(Old)
Daniel Magner Nov 2014
How can I tell him
it's not all his fault
he doesn't believe it
all alone
empty apartment
no dog, no son, no wife
Does he cry at night?
Does he hug his knees tight?
Does he cry just like me?
(at the same time?)
Is he gone at the bottom
of a bottle
of a bottle
I feel so weak
I'm just one sad boy
but so is he
a boy in a man's body
his real smile lost to me

Does he cry? (just like me?)
I'm back at my mom's house and found this poem I wrote long ago when my parents split...
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