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I've Finally Done It,
I've Finally Fallen Madly, Deeply And Passionately In Love With Someone...
Someone I Can't Have,
No Matter How Hard I Try There Is No Possibility Of Anything.
I've Been Betrayed By My Own Heart,
My Brain Can't Even Help Me Out This Time Seeing As Its To Clogged Up With Thoughts Of You.
This Feeling So Intense,
I Miss You Every Second, Of Every Waking Moment.
You're Smile Is The Ultimate Endorphin Catalyst,
My Heart Rushes When You're Near.
I Have Purpose With You,
It All Makes Sense.
We Have So Much In Common,
We Share The Same Sick Sense Of Humour,
The Same Music That Most People Don't Understand Or Like.
I've Actually Been Asked If We Were Together,
I Had To Force Myself To Mutter The Unfortunate Answer That Was No,
Then I Get The Even More Bewildering Question, Why Not?
Well The Answer Is Very Simple,
But I Shall Not Say.
It Is Not My Place And If I Did And You Happened To Stumble Upon This It Would Be Up,
There Would Be Awkwardness In The Friendship Leading To It's Demise,
And As Much As It Destroys Me To Only Have You As A Friend I Would Rather Have That Than Nothing At All.
I Just Wish There Could Be A Way To Express My Feeling To You Without Fear,
Without Fear That It Might Back Fire And I Might Lose You Permanently.
The Thought Of Your Love Is Making Me Itch,
Even As I Write These Lines You Haunt And Pollute My Mind,
Never leaving
Always Near And Never Far,
Not One Thought To Be Forgotten.
I Think I Shall Just Have To Wait This One Out,
See Where Your Heart Will Come To Rest And What I Can Do To Assure You I'm The Right Person.
It Seem's Like A Wasted Love I Know,
But It's Not,
I'd Rather Be Like This Than In A Relationship And Unhappy While Thinking Of You.
It's Time To Go Now,
Not That You Will Be Going Anywhere Soon,
I Have A Feeling You Will Be With Me Until The End Of Time.
So Vicious,
So Vindictive.
This Whole Time You Have Been Conspiring Against Me,
Plotting My Demise With Her,
I Thought You A Friend,
Trusted You Like A Brother.
I Told You My Weakness As A Sign Of Trust Now You Wield It Against Me,
What Have I Done,
I've Created My Very Own Judas.
My Heart Play's Me Fool Once Again,
Trust Is My Biggest Fault,
Now You Shall Use This Gift Bestowed On You To Take What I Loved,
I Gave You Everything You Asked For,
I Shared What No Other Would And That Just Wasn't Enough,
Like A Child Once I Gave You An Inch You Took A Mile.
It Destroys Me That Someone I Loved Could Do This To Me,
What Has The World Come To When You Can Trust The Ones You Loved,
The Ones That You Thought Loved You Back.
You Play Me Like A Fool,
Now You Wish For Conflict,
This Is Unwise For Sure You Know,
There Shall Be No Challenge In What You Try To Present.
I Have Bested You Before,
I Have Fought With And For You,
So Why Question My Capabilities When You Are One Of Few Friends To Have Witnessed Them,
I Am Not Proud Of What I Can Do,
I Just Accept It And Apply My When Needed.
I Do Not Enjoy This,
I Just Do What Is Necessary,
For Soon You Will Rue,
Rue The Day You Opened That Mouth,
Had To Brag About Your Plan For My Demise,
You Would Have Been Better Off If I Had Not Known,
I Wouldn't Have Suspected And You Would Have Gotten Away With It.
Now Though,
You Are Mine,
You Are Forsaken To Damnation,
Now You Shall Water The Ground With Your Tears Of Blood,
You Shall Scream My Name And Beg For Mercy,
But I Have Been Gifted,
Or Cursed Of Which I Am Never Sure,
I Have No Remorse,
I Shall Not Regret My Actions,
You Shall Not Bear Witness To The Privilege Of Mercy,
Only The Weak Show Such Things When In A True Moment Of Power,
I Shall Dominate You,
No Hope Shall Remain,
I Shall Take Everything You Ever Had,
I Shall Show You Everything You Could Of Had.
Then I Will Destroy It All,
I Will Make You Understand,
These Material Things,
They Mean Nothing.
It's Things Such As Friendship And Loyalty That I Cherish,
The Things I Cherish Cannot Be Given Or Taken,
They Can Only Be Earned.
This You Will Learn,
I Shall Dismantle Your Life Around You,
Piece By Piece,
Making Sure You Are Ever Aware Of My Presence,
Of My Work.
You Shall Wished You Had Never Alienated Me,
You Shall Realise I Am The Sort Of Person You Wish Not To Hurt,
The Sort Of Person That You Don't Try And Take For An Idiot.
I Am Very Cruel,
I Am Very Precise,
I Am Vindictive,
I Am The Worst,
I Show No Signs Of Remorse.
I Am The One Who Will Enjoy,
I Am The Sick, Twisted Sadistic Person Who Should Never Have Come To Be.
But Here I Am,
And Here You Are,
Your Times Is Up So Lets Meet Up.
The Game Is Just Beginning,
So Let Me Show You The Ending.
I See You
I Know That Face
That Face Of Sadness
When You've Been Hurt

He's Hurting You So Much
Still You Can't See Me

From You
I've Learned A Lot
You're Looking For Something
A Fire That's Not Hot

What I Hear
It Isn't True
I Know It Isn't True
How Could It Be?
You Wouldn't Do Those Things
Would You?

I Feel Your Pain
I feel The Very Same

It Still Keeps Coming And Going
A Never Ending Game

Your Eyes Are Like Clouds
They Hold A Lot Of Rain
Cry To Show Your Pain

Some Have Too Much Blissfulness
To Really Care For This

I'd Really Love For You To Love Me
Love Me Like The Way I Love You
But I'm Hoping For Something That Will Never Be
Friendship At Most Will Have To Do

I Really Saw It Coming
I Really Feel You Crying
Seeing Him Hurt You Was Like A Knife
Now I Feel Like I'm Dying
I'm losing All Hope In This Life

You Were Hurt
And So Was I
To Prove What You're Worth
Now, We Can't Help But Cry
Some days you seem so close
like you stand right before me
But then the next day you seem so far
like each other we can't see,
Each day is like a roller coaster
with my stomach turning upside down
You stand there looking
but yet you don't utter a sound,
I feel so confused and
my heart is being torn at its seams
And every night that I sleep
you seem to linger in my dreams,
Every time I look at you
I forget all my thoughts
And right then and there
it's you that my heart has sought,
Every time I hope
it turns into something bad
So for right now I'll stop thinking
And maybe things won't end up sad.
I want him but I can't have him.
He's so sweet and nice.
When I am around him I feel complete.
He makes me smile, laugh, he's there when I need him or when I need anything.
He helps me to get through everything in the past and in my way in the present.
He's a guy that everybody wishes to have.
A guy that would be there for you, he won't lie to you, he's honest, kind sweet, funny, and special.
I want him but I can't have him.
I'l just have to have him as a friend right now
I wish I could be the most special thing that will ever happen in his life.
And that he wants to be with me forever and love me like everybody deserve's to loved.
I want to have him But I can't.
I want to be his partner.
I want to be the one that holds his hand everywhere we go and even around his friends.
And for them to point at me and say he's the one.
Ans be there for him when he needs someone, to cheer him up when he's sad or mad.
And be there for him when he is right or wrong.
The person that would hold him tight, and love him.
Just to be there for him and love him like no other has loved him.
Just to be there for him until the last day of our lifes.
I just want to be his man.
I want him but I can't have him.
It’s only been a few days but I’m losing my life
I can’t cope without you, I turn to my knife
You’re bringing me down, but you make me high
You make me laugh and then you make me cry

I’ve tried to forget, but I’m addicted to you
Sometimes I neglect, the things I should do
I know you pain me and I need to get out
But the hold you have is making me doubt

Can I get through this, can I be free
What will it take, to get me to leave
When will I realise it’s making me down
Can I be strong when you’re not around

You’re just a bad drug that I’ve let in my heart
I’ve got to get through this and keep us apart
I need to regain some control and belief
Give me a month and I’ll feel the relief

The days seem so long but more so the nights
My misery stops me being able to fight
I used to be tough, I used to have fun
I used to be happy, just look what you’ve done

You stripped all my joy and left me in pain
I don’t think I’ll ever be the same way again
I feel so depressed, don’t know what to do
I know what I want but I can’t have you
death life
love hate
what's the difference
they all end the same way
people live then they die
people love then they hate
people smile then they they cry
its like reading a book only backwards
it just never makes any sense
death life
love hate
what's the difference
they all end in the same way
Who is he?
The question I ask myself every day.
Am I the sweet, bubbly person, who
Makes people laugh and have fun?
But no, I am not.
I hate being the centre of attention,
But I do it any way to at least be noticed.
Am I the lonely guy,
Who hates life and wishes for death every day?
But no, I am not.
I like to live and experience new things
And maybe at one time I hated life
But then I decided that I will make it
What I want it to be.
So If I am not these things,
Who am I?
I don’t know the answer.
For so long I have pretended to be funny,
To be smart, to be perfect
And in all my pretending,
I have lost myself, if I was even myself to begin with.
Work is never easy
to do or accomplish

Yet many wish for it
As something very light
That don't need burden
In doing a work or two

Yet many wish for it
As a means to gain
That worth a fortune
In doing so little work

Yet many do not realize
That work need not be hard
For as long as you love work
Then it becomes easy to do

For work if done willingly
And with interest that persist
Then it will be the only solution
To obtain a meaningful and fruitful life
Though i don't know what you love.
Though i don't know whether you love to wear jeans,
but what you can't speak I can always read,
I don't know which program you see.
I don't know which novel you read.
But I always get to know when you need me.
Though I don't know what is you favourite accessory,
Which song you hear?
But I always get to know when you are in tears.
May be I don't know which is your favorite subject,
Which is your favorite sport,
But I know you are nothing without my support.
I know when you are angry,
I know when you are sad,
I know what you want,
I know what makes your day.
Maybe I don't know anything,
But still I know what you think.
Who you are,
And what you care about.
As I know our friendship is rare,
Maybe I don't know anything about your likes and dislikes,
But I know you are my pride
I remember
Vividly those serene eyes,
Shining bright,
Emotion in them
Sparks my blood to rise

Thy teary eyes divine,
Speak with love and tenderness,
Eyes, a million stars in them
The picture of innocence.

Eyes seeking me -
Like that first dew,
On the new viridescent blade of grass.

Your eyes my matinal star
Your eyes my middays sunshines,
Your eyes my vespers twilight,
Your eyes an oceanic depth,
Your eyes my autumnal hues,
Your eyes wild jasmines
Fragrant at nights,
Like that sunflower
Gazing the afternoon sun.

Let the peacocks vauntingly dance,
Let the nightingales melodiously sing,
Let the flora and fauna flourish,
Like spring in prosperity,
In felicitation,
Let me always
Through Your Eyes

— The End —