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400 · Nov 2011
Just friends
Sometimes I wonder if you know
Exactly how I feel
Our love is not romantic
But still is very real

We’ve held each other and cried out loud
And shared a kiss or two
But every time you walk away
I lose respect for you

You come to me when you feel bad
And everything goes wrong
Always expecting happiness
And to hear a cheery song

I sympathize and pull you close
And try to ease your pains
When the sun comes back, you are gone
‘Til the next time that it rains

I’ll always be here when you hurt
I know you know I’ll stay
But I’m not sure you’d miss me
If I ever went away

Friends in deed are a very rare find
Not too many stick it out
Through the good times and bad
Giving no cause to doubt

So don’t take that friend for granted
Tomorrow you may be alone
With no one around to help you
And pain like you’ve never known
398 · Dec 2011
These Word's
I don't know how to say this,
The word's walking through my mind.
I can't put pen to paper,
The sentence I can't find,
For the feeling's deep inside my heart.
I pray to god above,
For the right words to tell you,
How much I have fallen in love
397 · Mar 2012
We Share This Feeling
I See You
I Know That Face
That Face Of Sadness
When You've Been Hurt

He's Hurting You So Much
Still You Can't See Me

From You
I've Learned A Lot
You're Looking For Something
A Fire That's Not Hot

What I Hear
It Isn't True
I Know It Isn't True
How Could It Be?
You Wouldn't Do Those Things
Would You?

I Feel Your Pain
I feel The Very Same

It Still Keeps Coming And Going
A Never Ending Game

Your Eyes Are Like Clouds
They Hold A Lot Of Rain
Cry To Show Your Pain

Some Have Too Much Blissfulness
To Really Care For This

I'd Really Love For You To Love Me
Love Me Like The Way I Love You
But I'm Hoping For Something That Will Never Be
Friendship At Most Will Have To Do

I Really Saw It Coming
I Really Feel You Crying
Seeing Him Hurt You Was Like A Knife
Now I Feel Like I'm Dying
I'm losing All Hope In This Life

You Were Hurt
And So Was I
To Prove What You're Worth
Now, We Can't Help But Cry
396 · Jan 2013
I'm drowning in a pool of self loathing,
Had everything I needed...
Destroyed it with my greed and foolishness.
My rock and my love,
The thing that made my life worth it,
The person who made me feel like I mattered.
I've gained a girlfriend yet the void is still there,
I now realise that the love I felt for you will never be shown again.
Why is this so hard...
Why did I have to think with my ego and my ****!
392 · Nov 2011
What I can't have
I want him but I can't have him.
He's so sweet and nice.
When I am around him I feel complete.
He makes me smile, laugh, he's there when I need him or when I need anything.
He helps me to get through everything in the past and in my way in the present.
He's a guy that everybody wishes to have.
A guy that would be there for you, he won't lie to you, he's honest, kind sweet, funny, and special.
I want him but I can't have him.
I'l just have to have him as a friend right now
I wish I could be the most special thing that will ever happen in his life.
And that he wants to be with me forever and love me like everybody deserve's to loved.
I want to have him But I can't.
I want to be his partner.
I want to be the one that holds his hand everywhere we go and even around his friends.
And for them to point at me and say he's the one.
Ans be there for him when he needs someone, to cheer him up when he's sad or mad.
And be there for him when he is right or wrong.
The person that would hold him tight, and love him.
Just to be there for him and love him like no other has loved him.
Just to be there for him until the last day of our lifes.
I just want to be his man.
I want him but I can't have him.
390 · Nov 2011
The Open Door
Your weakness gets to me
makes me want to rip
your heart from your chest
and trample on it
You are a coward
A fool to your own truth
a puppet on a string
being dangled
by your faithful followers
You never listen
Do you see my eyes glisten?
Can you see my angry soul? ,
my hungry mouth?
Do you feel the earthquake
in my heart as it bleeds out on the ground?
Do you even care?
Sometimes I wish you were never there
I hate you but I love you still
And I'm guessing I forever will
It takes a cruel soul to ignore
The meaning of the open door
375 · Dec 2011
My mind recall's the essence of your touch
Although I try to forget , I see you when I close my eyes
Your warmth and gentleness have engulfed my soul,
They illuminate even the darkest shadows of my being.

The forbidden love I have for you will not die,
Neither time nor man can stop my heart from beating,
My lips speaking your name.

Do not turn from me
For if I can be nothing more to you..
I desire just one breath that you take
To feel you completely, to be in your heart for one moment.

Perhaps one day you will treasure me
Hold me, Never leave me
Proving to me that my love is not in vain.
374 · Nov 2011
who will gift
love from heart
to be received

as gifts
in return
for gifts

love embraces
receptive souls

love embraces
beating hearts
sharing minds
366 · Dec 2011
Sweet American Love
You say we tried
Now we must say goodbye.
Tell me, what’s you definition of trying?
Goodbye, goodbye my dear friend
My feelings for you will never end...

Your final words are knives;
The knives you stick in my back.
Now my only antidote is crack,
As I slowly die inside,
I lay beside
The corpse of what use to be.
Now that you are free,
Stay away from me.
348 · Jan 2013
I Try To Be Happy...
But Depression Is Now My Best Friend.
My Only Friend.
291 · Dec 2011
Well I'm sorry but I am who I am,
And most of all,
I'm sorry, I'm not sorry.

— The End —