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 Apr 2013 Daniel Kenneth
I cannot deny
That coming here
Makes me feel better

And I'm not the only one.

As I look around
I can see friends,
The whole community
Brought together
By the shared belief
In an afterlife.

But is that the only reason
That we come?

Could there also be
A little bit of guilt?

Or do we just fear
The judgement of others?

I suppose it really is
A question of faith

Because none of us
Really know for sure

Whether any of it
Actually gets recycled.
Just to be clear, I'm not "anti-green".
I still think that recycling makes good sense. However, when I hear reports that the material I take to a recycling centre actually ends up as foreign landfill, it does rather test my faith in the whole process!
The *** is empty
But it’s still hot
The room becomes hazy
The liquid streaming down
My face is salty
With sweat beading
On my forehead
And the stars and skies above me
Enjoying the infinity
The smoke clings
Kick off your shoes
Forget your name
I’ll take it.
 Apr 2013 Daniel Kenneth
Maybe I'm trying
To grow up
A little too
Fast, because
When you push
Me against the couch
And arrange me
The way you
I never seem to
Have the courage
To softly speak,


I just think
I tried to grow up
Too fast, and now I'm in
Over my head
Screaming only to myself,

This isn't me
I must be an angel, though I don't always believe it
I must be a princess, because you are my prince.
I must be beautiful, though mirrors and society cloud my view of myself.
I must have an amazing voice, because you like to listen to it.
I am perfect.
And I know this because you tell it to me.
You must be right, because you deserve the best, so I must be the best.

Today, I am wearing my socks inside out like you do.
Isn't it marvelous how things so unusual and imperfect can become things we can't live without?
 Mar 2013 Daniel Kenneth
You can almost hear it.

The deceit,
The torture,
The truth.
*I loved you, but you left.
Recently began to feel the pain of losing someone. No she didn't die, we just fell apart. Best friends should call each other, and not replace each other when they're gone for just a small while. Dearest, I miss you. But my heart cannot take it anymore, it feels as if you tore it out and stomped it into the ground. If only you would read this.
 Mar 2013 Daniel Kenneth




                                                                                              P O E M.
I don't know... I think I've lost the plot.
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