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7.6k · Feb 2013
Goodnight, Goodbye, Goodluck
Daniel Feb 2013
Having hope, I await your call
looking to my phone.
Hoping you'd change your mind
and without me you feel all alone.

It's foolish to have hope, I know.
It will never happen.
I told you to give me time.
My heart you had flattened.

We've been through four weeks of pain.
And now we've finally ended things.
I'm still shocked, it came out of nowhere,
and to think I was going to give you a ring.

I miss you every night, Annie.
And that's the honest truth.
How long will this pain go on?
Who knows. Just know I'm feeling blue.

You've hurt me terribly,
more than any woman before.
I hope you made the right choice,
But I can't wait for you anymore.

Some days are better than others.
At a slow pace I will find my way.
Someone who deserves me will come
Someone, somewhere, someday.

We were entwined in bewilderment
to put it at the very least.
But I talk to myself every day
to convince myself that we have ceased.

The other half of me is my voice of reason.
Encouragement, love, and hind sight.
He talks to me constantly,
to remind me to hold with might.

That's what I push to now:
My voice of moving on.
To forget and forgive
make you and I forgone.

I'll leave you with this sentiment, my dear:
We parted ways and it *****,
Someday we might change but until then,
Goodnight, Goodbye, and Goodluck.
6.3k · Feb 2013
Daniel Feb 2013
People whom take pictures called "selfies"
are too easily dismayed.
A person who has true humility
wants not their image displayed.

Someone who has to put themselves
out into the world,
across the screaming gulf of the internet
really makes me want to hurl.

A true person with humility,
humbleness and jest.
Let's someone to capture their image
unprepared, and not at rest.

A true person's form
comes not from a mirror pic
but from friends and their smiles
preferably not when they're shick.
4.1k · Sep 2013
Daniel Sep 2013
"Press and hold to view"
I hope it's naughty..(touch screen.)
Quick, take a screen shot!
2.5k · Sep 2013
The Hipster Equation
Daniel Sep 2013
Ironic wardrobe.
He only drinks PBR.
The complete hipster.
2.0k · Sep 2013
Social Media
Daniel Sep 2013
It's "Throw-Back-Thursday."
Share your pictures of days past.
No one gives a ****.
1.4k · Feb 2013
Daniel Feb 2013
Take a long drive to see the theater production
called "Your Life" in front of me.

I take it in letting my imagination float
and get wrapped in the reality of you and me.

The plot will thicken and the suspense grows
the desire will bring the ******, then resolution.

But by the time it leads to the final scene, I'm upset,
as there is no happy ending, just confusion.

So now I leave the stage with disapproval and hurt
thinking how I just wasted my time.

Unwilling to accept the fate of this show
I wish to re-write it with my own rhyme.

Spending hours upon hours pondering new ideas
of how to end this show perfectly

Rejecting every possible outcome I write
trying to elude the feeling of misery.

However, I can't give up or stop trying
this play must not go sulky.

I must keep on making endings
to complete the thespian in me.
1.3k · Sep 2013
Sawing Logs? No More.
Daniel Sep 2013
Asleep, mouth agape,
with that obnoxious snoring,
smothered by pillow.
1.2k · Mar 2013
Vertical 8 by sideways 8
Daniel Mar 2013
A revaluation occurred
just the night before
an answer that I could not see
an answer that I could not bore.

It all started
with the simple number 8
at first it did not seem significant
at first it did not seem to translate.

Gradually and gradually
It began to haunt my life
and I began to wonder about it
and it provoked me like a knife.

I watched many flicks
and went to the gym
I did everything I could
I did everything on a whim.

Just to forget
the blinding and boundless pain
that you have brought upon me
that you sought to make me drain.

One movie stood out
and it eased my depression.
I then continued on with my days
I then continued with my aggression.

That movie had a scene
about seeing the solution out of a problem
Could you be the problem I've faced?
Could I live with out them?

Again I thought nothing of it
and week after week went
the number 8 persisted
the number 8 made me vent.

So then, So then
On a drive, in the night
to the city, with my best music
playing to my minds sight.
The answer hit me right when recalling the movie Patch Adams.
How Arthur Mendelson tought Patch
about seeing the good in every day.
How to get out of the depth of drought
Out of fear, conformity or laziness.
and then I thought:

Annie was my problem
I've sought out for a solution
but I was too focused on the problem
and could not look beyond.

In Patch Adams the answer was 8
To see what nobody else sees
To see what everybody chooses NOT to see.
See the world anew each day.

That's when it hit me like a punch to the gut.
The combination of "Big Fish" finale music,
"Patch Adams",
I worked it out in my brain.
Was no longer driving me insane.

That this divine message
of constantly seeing number 8,
was not a lucky number,
nor  a date.
Nor a month,
or a time frame.
Just a reminder
to not be lame.

If I died tomorrow
what would I leave behind?
Cannot be this willowing self-pity.
What would people say of me?
That my last few months were ******?

So whether it was God, Allah, or a cosmic sign
Annie is the problem, and my solution I must see past.
The 8 was telling me to move on, no more should I whine.
I should no longer look to the past.

Infinitely this sign fed itself
and made complete utter sense.
I am strong, and full of love.
None of which to you I give.
No more, No more.

No no, not any more...
1.1k · Feb 2013
Daniel Feb 2013
She walks without fear
and pushes her path clear
do not go near
cause she will make you shed a tear

leaving only the slights trace
where your heart once held place
and beat with a loving pace
and you feel like such a disgrace

you've been caught in her grasp
now it stings like venom from an asp
and there is no antidote to clasp
your voice begs for relief which is rasp

yet through turmoil and pain
silently crying in the rain
there is nothing for you to gain
come on man use your brain.

"she will only let you down"
wipe off that sagging frown
and get out of town
you are everyones favorite clown.
1.0k · Feb 2013
Annie Girl
Daniel Feb 2013
We were both in dance class,
all I did was stare at your ***,
while I plunked on the piano.

I was such a dweeb back then,
actually I still kind of am,
but I felt like I had no
chance with you.

But here I am today
with no women in my way
my roommates were still my wingmen.

Apparently you thought I was cute,
in your spandex you felt like a ******
and were to afraid to give me your number then.

Today is my final chance
to see if we can make this last
and let me take you out.

You look great in your summer dress
I'm in my Sunday best just so I
can find what you're all about.
980 · Mar 2013
Daniel Mar 2013
Medicine induced hallucinations,
body quivering with ache,
and I'm hearing the sweet chime of bells
In this hour of pain my mind orchestrates.

The next drop from the IV,
helps even greater than the last,
a constant drumming in my head
a beat which was not meant for dance.

The others around me dressed in white
say I'm doing fine and that I should rest,
but when there's music pouring into the room
Sleep is what I must detest.

Can they not hear the wondrous sounds?
The vibrations that reflects my pain?
Those invisible waveforms move visibly
or have I just gone entirely insane?

There is no music, they tell me.
It must be a side-affect to the medication.
The ambiguous tune that rattles my brain,
is death knocking, it is by my orchestration.

But who is to say what I hear
is not real?
The tune in my head I wish to transcribe
but I'm weak,
and barely clinging to life.
So no one will hear this stirring melody.
This is the song I hear towards the end of my life.

In these last precious moments
laying in my seemingly sterile bed,
the tune haunts me 'till I shut my eyes.
but the tune is my comfort, I do not dread.

So take me with you, oh humble melody.
I welcome your amplitude with open ears
Let's take a listen to what you're telling me,
I dare you to move me to tears…..

The warm blanket of the strings comforts me,
the brass section: a foundation, a rock.
Oh, but hear the timpani? It taps to the beat of my near-ending biological clock.
The woodwinds, a sympathetic harmony that aides my despair.
Their aloofness like the machine by my side, filling me with air.

The main theme speaks to me directly, and I've been worn thin
but I swear the main line is "I've fought valiantly, but this battle I could not win."

I do not have to open my eyes to see,
that the director of this symphony is myself.
I've created this music on my death bed,
and it was not meant for anyone else.

When I close my eyes this final night,
take a somber breath and leave.
I'll have my tune in my head,
and nobody for me to grieve.

Goodbye to this world around me,
now the nurse come to medicate.
One last final wave of my arms.
This song I hear, mine alone, I orchestrate.
935 · Mar 2013
Vague Memories
Daniel Mar 2013
borderless shapes
shapes and indefinite shades
are slowly coming back to me.

blurred shades
shades and bits of color
are all that come to my mind's eye.

dull colors
colors and images
are depicted in my head.

brittle pictures
pictures and old movies
are recalled to my consciousness.

Take those Shapes
Take those Shades
Take those Colors
Take those Pictures
The collection of the senses grow into

vague memories
memories of my past. Nay- our past.
good and bad. There's not much left.

sweet bliss
our time I will cherish
in fondness and thanks.

dumb mistakes
your mistakes are a teacher
and I have learned an important lesson.

valued lessons
a lesson I learned from you
is to only love those who deserve it.

deep regrets
regret and remorse
I pray you feel when you think on me.

no hard feelings
I hope you discover yours
and no longer bury them deep down.

bittersweet goodbyes
you finally shut me out
cold, harsh and to the point.

dear friend
to you I will no longer be
just a fleeting, vague memory.

*"Ta ta"
868 · Feb 2013
I'm Sick of Dating Girls
Daniel Feb 2013
I'm sick of dating girls
in a constant internal struggle.
I just want a woman
one who knows how to cuddle.

I'm sick of dating girls
even though they entice me very well
I just want a woman
who won't put me through this hell.

I'm sick of dating girls
conceded, and emotionally immature.
I just want a woman

833 · Mar 2013
Marvel At The Moon
Daniel Mar 2013
Marvel at the Moon
The ultimate protector,
the watchmen of the evening sky.
How the moon comes so stoically,
asks for nothing,
gives all he can,
all because he can.
Illuminating the evening
deep into the night,
Watching over the night workers,
construction engineers,
a nurse's late shift.
Marvel at the moon
the night-light of the dark.
Some ask him to leave
so they may glance at the stars.
His light is too obstructive
and they'd rather him be gone another day.
but yet he holds firm,
with a stone look on his face,
he cares too greatly,
to let those people get him down.

Marvel at the moon
he turns to a sliver to a whole dollar,
without doing a thing.

Marvel at the moon
his light guides the evening,
when we sleep and are washed in dream.

Marvel at the moon.
He sometimes shows up along side the sun.
Out of the suns way.
And can suddenly take day-notice,
by standing in the suns path.

Marvel at the moon,
for his presence is needed for those whom are lonely,
a poet, a musician, a warewolf.

Marvel at the moon.
Marvel at the moon.
757 · Dec 2014
This Girl
Daniel Dec 2014
I met this girl; humble, beautiful, and compassionate.
Not ashamed, I'll admit that we matched up over the internet.
Our first meeting was shy, jittery as one would expect.
It ended on a sweet note, I leaned in for a good-night peck.

I'm seeing this girl, who appreciates my nerdy tendencies.
Her eyes light up sometimes, making me weak in the knees.
Scored a second date, brought her out on the town.
She let me hold her hand, knew I could make her my own.

I'm with this girl, she is the antithesis of myself.
Surprised we even click at all, but I'm not looking at anyone else.
A young woman truly inspired by history and books,
Me? I'm a gangly musician that cannot cook.

I'm dating this girl, the operative word I will now gladly say.
She wishes to be my girlfriend; asked me on that hot August day.
I want nothing more than a steady, loving, relationship.
but in the back of my mind I fear when I head for that ship...

I'm dating this girl-nay-woman, we have developed a regular trend;
three months later and driving to her place each weekend.
Here I am always checking my phone to see if there's a text,
A message from her, about how she's longing for ***.

I'm dating this woman, and there are three words I want to tell.
I should just keep my mouth shut, for this won't end well.
In our pillow talk, dazed in the middle of the night,
"I love you" she said, "it just all seems right."

I'm dating this woman, where I have shreds of doubt.
Do I tell her how I feel? Even when the end is coming about?
The three words I was afraid to say, I blurt out in agreement.
"What have I done?" I think, "You can't say that, even though you mean it."

My girlfriend and I, seem to be two peas in one pod.
We are both awkward in our ways, our interests are odd.
Birthday, funeral, weddings, Halloween, movies all in 19 weeks.
More and more each time I leave, endless tears fall down her tan cheeks.

My girlfriend and I, now proud to be her adoring boyfriend,
remind ourselves that our time is finite, so soon after it began.
My job is taking me across the sea, for six months at least.
Her mask of happiness is cracking, and my ignorance is cease.

I'm dating this girl, who cries probably more than I know.
She is anxious for me to leave, and it's really beginning to show.
I hate myself every waking moment for what I've done,
by mutilating a beautiful relationship right as it had begun.

I'm dating this girl and I don't want to hurt her anymore.
I cannot express how much I really love her, she's the one I adore.
Fantasies of dating, moving in, being a couple for years,
proposal, marriage, a pug, I have to fight off my tears.

I'm dating this girl, and the pain I've caused is heft.
Neither of us could go on, even with 6 weeks left.
I kissed her tears and sorrows goodbye, hoping for a future together.
Started my car, drove away, fearing one together might be never.

I dated this girl, and three weeks after it's gone,
I still want her back, but I can only have one.
The woman I love, or the job to start my career,
Please don't make me pick, I've waited an entire year.

I dated this girl, and no moment have I had an absent thought.
She's consumed my heart and my mind, like an illness I have caught.
I pray and hope that a new future for us might unfurl,
for when I'm gone all I'll be thinking of is this girl.
For Shannon
Daniel Apr 2013
100 days ago you dropped me.
I felt like I could never regain,
my strength or balance;
you were solely to blame.

All the weight I lost,
and the insomnia-filled nights
left my brain over-thinking
"Why can't I ever get it right?"

Initially it was horrendous,
the anger that boiled inside.
Wished that you'd get AIDS
and stabbed in the eye.

01/30/2013 - 4/25/2013
Secondly, I was overcome with sorrow,
which consumed most of these days.
A sadness which I basked in,
a never-ending melancholy maze.

02/05/2013 - 03/20/2013
I tired to win you back,
something I now regret.
We could have avoided that storm
and all the confusion, nonetheless.

02/05/2013 - 03/21/2013
Over the weeks we maintained
(or tried to at least)
to be more-so friends,
hoping the pain would ease.

But you knew I wanted more
I just wanted to have you back.
I'd forgive you for your mistakes
your cracked soul I wanted to patch.

03/21/2013 - present
Then it happened:
You stopped talking to me.
As if you had the control,
You disappeared.Vanished.
****. And so..

I've stopped talking,
the Facebook stalking,
the phone number blocking,
Now don't come back knocking.

100 days ago you dropped me.
It took that long to get up off the ground.
My heart is mostly back together,
I am waiting for a real woman now.
690 · Sep 2013
"Uh Oh"
Daniel Sep 2013
Bike tires whirring.
Downhill, my speed uncontrolled.
Uh…bike malfunction.
666 · Feb 2013
Rivers (Cuomo)
Daniel Feb 2013
Today I witnessed something spectacular.
What it means I'm not too sure,
It's not that clear.
The story will come in time.
I happened to meet my hero,
in a dream that's for sure.

Next I was gonna die
he was there and it made me cry.
But I was not ashamed
nor was I sad.
Glad he was there for me
almost like my dad.

My family at my side,
also Annie and my fiends Sam and Mike.
Into the room,
the four-person crew,
immediately I grew teary eyed.

Oh can it be?
Weezer is in here next to me?
But how did they know?
Who told them so?
They've come here to complete my life.

Laying sick in bed
tubes bulge from my arms
no hair covering my head
but I've never felt so alive before.

We created a song together
and now it's fading fast
I awake from the dream
and grab some paper fast.

Few notes linger in my head.
Lightly I whistle the the tune.
It's not quite close
but it will have to do.

I've awoken from the dream,
the melody is in my head
but words to me
are as heavy as lead.
649 · Mar 2013
Daniel Mar 2013
Beard upon my face
Rubbed over intense thinking
pondering my life.
578 · Feb 2013
one side to another
Daniel Feb 2013
One minute I'm fine.
The next I'm not.
I'll be completely composed
Then I'm completely shot.

This disarray we have here
Has left me to unfold
You're all I think about
You're all that I hold.

One moment I'm dying to hear from you
The next I hope you die.
What you really want is a mystery
How could you leave me for another guy?

I'm tossed between two thoughts
And its really a brother.
I want you to take me back but I don't,
I go from one side to another.

One day I'll be perfectly content
Changing my health for the better
But then I ask rhetorically
Am i doing this just to upset her?

The worst moment is knowing
That I can't get you back.
I should just move on
But that ability I truly lack.

You've set you decision
And there's no persuading your choice.
But every second of the day
I can't seem to shake your voice.

I'm tossed between two thoughts
And its really a bother.
I wish you were mine and yet I don't,
I go one side to another.
576 · Sep 2013
Any College Campus
Daniel Sep 2013
My pants are throbbing,
gorgeous girls are all around.
Lots of yoga pants.
539 · Apr 2013
There's a Man in My Mirror
Daniel Apr 2013
There's a man in my mirror
he seems familiar.
but also a complete stranger.

Perhaps in the past
I knew him
and we were the best of friends
but I cannot recall.

I fear this man
for he has grown thin
and worn raw from prolonged exposure
to the elements of emotion.
There is no reflection of me in him.

I should avert my eyes from his
but I know he will still be there.
On the other side,
he is still waiting.

Yet I'm drawn by his gaze into mine
as if he is asking me "Well, what now, Daniel?"
What he means? That I have no clue.

His 1000-yard-stare
magnified from the
charcoal glasses
look back into mine.
Into me.
Right into me...

"It's just you and me now.
Traveling together.
Nobody sees you
like I do.
Nor you do I.
Each time you leave me
know I'm still inside.

We were apart for a while.
We've grown from one into two.
Now that you see me again,
remember that I love you."

His words are simple.
His conviction is true.

This man I fear,
is just a poor soul
wanting to be pain-free.
So, I love this man in return
for that man in my mirror,
is me.
493 · Feb 2013
In progress
Daniel Feb 2013
What are you trying to prove?
Why are you so stubborn?
This hardened shell of yours is not normally you.

Just let me in,
I promise to help,
I know you ****** up
when you said "Welp,
I'm done here"
466 · Sep 2013
Friday the 13th
Daniel Sep 2013
Friday the 13th.
Another teenager dead.
Typical, Jason.
463 · Feb 2014
I Look At You
Daniel Feb 2014
At first, I was not looking.
Nor did you even begin to cross my mind.
Lucky for me, you started conversation.

But more and more, you came into sight.
With each late night text I saw what was actually there.
Maybe it was just a blanket of doubt that you removed.

I look at you and I see things I can't put into words.
I see a future, your past, my past, our quirks and flaws.
I look at you and see a new color.

Being that I'm colorblind this might seem odd.
But I cannot articulate it any other way. All my other senses seem fine.
I just look at you, and I see a new dimension. A realm of possibilities.

I look at you and I am not afraid.
I look at you and I am terrified...

I wouldn't have it any other way.

I look at you and see my own potential,
I see you guiding me to do by best.
You have given me strength in all the ways which I felt weak.
I look at you and know you are the one I want to keep.

Let me keep you, I'll let you keep me.
I look at you and bliss...that's it, bliss.
Bliss is all I see..
409 · Apr 2022
Unfinished Op. #1
Daniel Apr 2022
There is nothing I'd rather do
than to just stay here.
Bu my hand has been forced
Now I must disappear.

Vanishing into the ether
Gone before your heart will notice
There's no shade of my soul you haven't ravaged
But I must go, I must. I MUST.

throwback to the year of twenty
383 · Feb 2013
Daniel Feb 2013
Potential that is between us
like butter and bread,
and for whatever reason I cannot
get you out of my head.

4 am messages
bringing me out to you,
even if it is early,
there is nothing I'd rather do.

Why must we dance around so much,
when I know you're just begging for my touch?
Don't deny your feelings it just makes them show more.
Now I'm in so deep I'm not walking out of this door.

So open up, tell the truth
No more games, no more sleuth.
I've sung to you, and you knew why.
Why oh why, can't you give us a try?
It's the smart thing for you look and see.
"I'd be good for you, and you'd be good for me."
351 · Feb 2013
It's What We Have To Do
Daniel Feb 2013
Astonished at what devastation can do
to one's mind, body, and soul.
The effect can last what seems a lifetime.
Eventually I'll come to a point where I'll know.
The point where our paths no longer meet
and you'll just be a memory living in me.
It does not make it any less valued
and it will teach us, don't you agree?

This is what we have to do,
No matter how much we hate it.
Our parting will make us anew,
Even thought now we cannot see it.

For we must continue on,
no matter what the cost comes to,
Eventually I'll be your friend again,
The one friend that will be true.
For now we should not talk
that much is clear.
It will help me move past my feelings
for you. I mustn't go near.

This is what we have to do
And it is never easy
the right thing is always hard
but you cannot please me.
349 · Mar 2013
No Matter
Daniel Mar 2013
It's no matter how much we don't speak
or how far away you may be,
Every single day you find your way back in
to my head and you won't leave me be.

It's no matter how much we don't visit
or how little we see each other
Every single moment you're in my sights
and it's become really a bother.

It's no matter what I seem to do
and no matter what I say
I'm still truly in love with you
but I don't want it this way.
327 · Feb 2013
Fall To Me, I'll Catch You
Daniel Feb 2013
You are broken.
I am not.
You have fallen.
I am your cot.
286 · Apr 2022
Daniel Apr 2022
Flames of deceit engulfed the vast fields of my heart.
Composed of slender dry blades of trust and love; that danced to that old song together like watching sea of hopeless romance.

The blazing fire grew hastily; greedily feeding.
Leaving no survivors.

All of my fields reduced to wisps of ash in a mere instant. The grains are no more and the harvest shall yield no food this season.

Fearing the worst, I prepare for the work ahead to replenish my crop. In good time, the new growth will sprout. If I am patient, if I tend with care, I will confidently provide an abundance of new produce.

Insurmountable quantity and resilient to the elements.

I say, sometimes the brushfire must be burned in order for new growth to take its place.
Remaining ever vigilant and keeping the inferno from ruining my fields again.
Throwback writings in the heart-wrenching months of early 2020...
151 · Mar 2020
Daniel Mar 2020
The devil has a silver tongue.
Oh, she has coated me in chrome.
Awake now and embrace the ache.
150 · May 2020
Bullets & Tears
Daniel May 2020
"It seems like you dodged a bullet," intuition tells me.
In an instant I am stunned at that thought.
My tongue swells; throat holding an unquenchable lump.
Inside I can feel my heart circling the drain.

This is the pill I cannot seem to swallow.
I am choking.

"She seems quite toxic," guidance implores.
That black vine growing, ensnaring my mind.
Hyperventilating, and my vision goes blurry.
Tears swell and I'm fighting them back.

This is the blind eye I am turning.
I am denying.

Pain cuts the deepest
through clarity of
the agonizing truth;
becoming an irritating splinter
unable to be pluck from tender skin.

Dodged a bullet? A bullet's only purpose is to ****, I thought to myself.

She is the bullet.
And the irony?
She is the only one
I would have taken a bullet for.
140 · May 2020
Flame of Her Lies.
Daniel May 2020
Flame of deceit engulfed and destroyed the vast fields of my heart.

Composed of slender dry blades of trust and love; that danced to that old song together like watching a sea of hopeless romance.

The blazing fire grew hastily.
Greedily feeding for its own agenda,
it leaves no trace of remorse.

All of my fields reduced to wisps of ash in a mere instant. The grains are no more and the harvest shall yield no food this season.

Fearing the worst, I prepare for the work ahead to replenish my crop. In good time, the new growth will sprout.

If I am patient, if I tend with care, I will confidently provide an abundance of new produce.
Insurmountable quantity and resilient to the enviable elements.

I say, sometimes the brushfire must be burned in order for new growth to take its place.

Remaining ever vigilant, I fend off the selfish inferno from ruining my fields again.
For Shay.

— The End —