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 Aug 2013 Dan Gray
LD Goodwin
The gardener wakes
to another day of work.
To ****, plant and prune.
He's creating harmony,
his garden is like his life.

Patiently watching,
awaiting its arrival.
And as the day ends,
not the garden did he seek,
but the peace within its work.

*Oh to take each breath in this manner
Harrogate, TN August 2013
 Jul 2013 Dan Gray
LD Goodwin
And now, as the sunrise opens my eyes,
I wander through the memories
of the night and my love's embrace.

Of her warm and tender touch,
and kisses sweet with passion,
the moon glow on her face.

Satin skin, opalesque,
her scent is with me still,
imbued upon my mind.

I close my eyes, and again I am there,
her smiling face to see,
so wanting, so kind.

Once entwined bodies,
now wake to love another day,
stretching and yawning.

Peacefilled hearts
at one in love.
On this, a lover’s morning.
Harrogate, TN  July 2013
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