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229 · Jul 2016
Ravenlimit Jul 2016
I never wanted to end my existence more than I did when you told me we should end it.
Two years of constant heartache and tears because I thought you would change.
Do you think everything is a game?
Am I even sane..
For still loving you.
My heart is beating out my chest.
You have my heart and you chose to eat it.
Now there's nothing left in me because you chewed all my pieces.
229 · Aug 2016
Do You Understand?
Ravenlimit Aug 2016
I'm sorry for I tend to speak my mind.
I'm sorry it's not what you want to hear.
I'm sorry I do not care much for politics.
Rather than why we are all here.
I'm sorry I tend to gaze up at the sky and wonder if the moon and ocean are distant lovers that cannot be.
I'm sorry that you think I don't make sense to you.
I'm sorry for being me.
I'm sorry I believe in being faithful through the eyes as well as the heart.
I'm sorry I fell in love with you.
I'm sorry I still loved you as you tore me apart.
I'm sorry that we argue and I'm sorry you don't understand.
I'm sorry that I am a woman who understands the ways of a man.
I'm sorry that I can never be good enough for you.
I'm sorry you deny it.
I'm sorry that your heart wonders else where even though you try so hard to hide it.
I'm sorry I'm so observant.
I'm sorry I'm not a fool.
I'm sorry that I long to spend my life with you.
I'm sorry I'm incomplete.
Do you understand?
I'm sorry my explanations aren't good enough for you.
I'm sorry that I feel more than most.
I'm sorry for you.
I'm sorry that you can't see what's in my mind.
I'm sorry that you'll never experience what it's like to truly live.
I'm sorry you'll never understand my words of nonsense.
And you still don't understand?
226 · Apr 2017
Wretched "man"
Ravenlimit Apr 2017
Thank you for the memories. The once wanted touch that is now a memory I wish to erase traced on my skin. The constant thought of you cheating on me.. grasping my throat I couldn't breathe. "I would never cheat on you, why don't you 'believe' me"... Cowardly "man"
You lie to get her thighs.
You lie
You lie
You ******* lie
Hatred etched into my heart.
I hate you so much, yet, I have a fresh start.
Admittance is all I asked.
But your own acceptance is what you lack.
Another pair of thighs to whom you also lied.
Rip out my eyes I'm tired of the treachery.
You lied to me to protect me?
Yet your lied killed me.
226 · Apr 2015
Another Lie
Ravenlimit Apr 2015
Heat building up fast.
She's looking for an escape.
Heart pounding.
Ventilation taking place.
Tears of emotion flowing down her face.
Feeling the thumping pace.
She loves him.
You can see it in her eyes.
The way her face glows.
She only sees one guy.
Her whole life, feeding of lies.
Looking for an escape.
Using *** as a way out.
Knowing his "I love You." is a temporary thing.
That's if there was any meaning.
Looking for love in all the wrong places.
Hating herself.
Finally there's Him.
She believes that He is the one.
But that "I love You." turned out to be a "need"
On her knees she cries and pleads.
Hating herself.
She's cries and cries.
Hands shaking as she pulls out a gun.
Breaking her own heart sounds like fun.
All due to another lie.
223 · Apr 2015
Tomorrows gone
Ravenlimit Apr 2015
You said you'd love me like there was no tomorrow, yet, tomorrow is here and you are gone.
223 · Apr 2018
My What If
Ravenlimit Apr 2018
My heart is full of words I'll never speak.
I will carry them with me to my grave even though they're slowing killing me each day.
That what if.. that I think of everyday.
Have all of my decisions led to this or is there more for me in my journey in this never-ending life.
Was every decision I made..
The right choice?
I'm not sure anymore.
I've lost my own voice.
My life is worth living due to holding my world in my arms.
Fragile being that looks up upon me
Eventually will call me mom.
Maybe my choices were destined to led me where I stand.
What about the what if's..
Is this my final destination or is there more that has been planned?
212 · Jul 2017
Watching Myself Lov(s)e You
Ravenlimit Jul 2017
I watched myself falling in love with you.
The short distance felt like miles
A far stretch from your warm touch.
I watched myself fall in love with you.
When your voice soothed over the voices that told me harm
When I realised I could only fall asleep in your arms.
I watched myself fall in love with you.
The moment I cried in front of you for the first time
Being the first person in a while.
Tears flowing down my face
Your gentle touch wiping them away.
So why am I now watching myself fall out of love with you?
The constant reminder of hurt from my past again
The beginning of the cycle which killed me then.
Forever haunting me.
I'm watching myself fall out of love with you.
I don't know what to do.
I do love you?
Watching myself fall out of love with you.
When your kisses are a reminder of aching lies that you think you're hiding.
The child in my womb that has me crying.
Your kiss used to burn me with a burning moon.
Never too bright just enough to make me swoon.
Now your kiss is just a vacant space.
Each kiss from the lips of which lies trace upon me.
Am I really falling out of love with you?
I'm so confused.
Scared of being hurt again.
I'm having a child with you.

Maybe I'm overreacting
Maybe.. I'm just a loon.
But I hope that these feelings I have are wrong about you.
And I hope you prove them soon.
I am at a point where I am stuck in a hole.
I am with child with a man whom I do love, but lately so much has been going on and I'm starting to doubt these feelings. My past relationship left me with some serious scarring and I'm not sure my current one can handle it. He knows of my insecurities that I'm still trying to adjust with. I don't know what to do..
211 · Oct 2015
To Her
Ravenlimit Oct 2015
No ordinary being.
The light in the darkness.
Her silent tears at the thought of you leaving.
Heart stops beating.
To her.
Her everything.
So many feelings
You don't see them.
Loving you more than herself.
To her.
Her poison and her remedy.
Her smiles and her tears
To her..
Loving you...
Her greatest fear.
You leaving.
204 · Sep 2016
Ravenlimit Sep 2016
Your eyes are like a painting and I love getting lost in your art.
195 · Mar 2015
Oh "Father"
Ravenlimit Mar 2015
Oh, "father" do claim me as your own? Claim me as your forgotten child, 17 years, alone..
A shame, you miss me grow. Turn into the beautiful woman that leaves men in woe.  
Oh, "father" I think I need some help. Words cannot explain to you the pain I felt.
Innocence lost of such a young age.
A father who doesn't even care whether his child's a victim of ****.
Knowing you are alive and you truly don't care.
What, do you think that a holiday card would get anywhere?
To make up for the things you've done.
No matter where I go, I have nowhere to run.
Oh,  "father" I wrote you just once, a call out of distress, a call from my heart.
The things I've heard.. is what they say true?
Should me being raised to hate you, truly be where  my heart subdues?
I wish to believe there is good in a "man" who roams around freely without grasping his child's hand.  
Oh, "father" I have it much more to say.. I'll leave the rest for another day.
182 · Mar 2018
Ravenlimit Mar 2018
He welcomes me with a selfish grin.
Couldn't contain the thoughts he had within.
"My Lord I've waited until this day"
I shall join you and together we can play.
I will be another tormented soul as long as you personally torment me.
Send a fire up my spine.
Waiting for the day where you said "you're mine"
Hot embrace.
Smoke trickling down my legs.
Sudden realization of a ***** dream.
Until the day I do not wake
Then we can truly be.
178 · Mar 2015
Still There
Ravenlimit Mar 2015
Hot breath.
Leaving me restless.
Slow heartbeat.
I lay out in defeat.
Messy hair.
Clothes everywhere.
I fall asleep and to my surprise when I wake..
You're still there.
Looking at me.
Gazing into my eyes
"I'm falling in love with you" is the first thing you say.
My heart tells me to run away, but I lay unable to move.
Then the craziest thing happens..
"I already fell for you"
164 · Jan 2018
By The Time
Ravenlimit Jan 2018
By the time I realised I loved you the stars had already aligned and our fate was written in stone. 
By the time I realised I loved you, 
I had realised that you hated me.
I hate me..
I was scared and I felt alone.
Pushed you to the side.
For a guy that led me to my demise.
I loved the energy and the sweet embrace in which you gave. 
I wasn't ready for love.
I dug my grave. 
My life is a spiral that led me to my son.
Undying love 
Beyond the moon and the sun.
The soft touch which before I oftened miss.
Now I look back at the memories and thank you for this.
You led me to a path that gave me the world.
I just hope that the path you chose led you to yours.
161 · Feb 2018
Ravenlimit Feb 2018
Unbearable heartache.
Pierced trust.
She learned to cry in silence.
No one cared to hear her speak.
Her tears flowed in silence.
Distance being not even a few feet.
Cried so much she couldn't breathe.
She didn't make a sound.
False claims sworn by those that are lovers
Those that are friends..
Claims that are broken.
Leaving her at ends.
Heart beating out of her chest.
Tears now flowing down her neck.
She learned to cry in silence.
Deep breath
Crooked smile
Turnt over as though she wasn't crying all this while.
Inspired by Marie Love
136 · Feb 2018
Ravenlimit Feb 2018
I wake up tired going on 9hrs of sleep.
Always tired.
Nothing wrong with me.
Left my hair in the bun that I slept in.
Haven't brushed it in weeks.
I just want to sleep.
It's nice outside today, but I'd rather stay inside.
The sun hurts my eyes.
Why do I always cry?
Thoughts in my mind are always on repeat.
Please cease.
Maybe I should eat.
Nothing to make so I go back to sleep.
Why do you haunt Me?
Leave me be.
Only thing to look forward to
And even then..
You too will leave me.
124 · Nov 2019
Slowly Killing
Ravenlimit Nov 2019
The slow killer that I can't escape.

It constantly waits

And waits


For me to make my final move.

Each time I get closer, yet, each time isn't as soon..

As I hoped for it to be

Depression is killing me slowly

I just want to be free

Free from this feeling

From this world

The ounce of hope I have in my seed

Couldn't survive without me..

I can't live within me..

Let me be

Please let me be

I know I'm dying slowly

Why me..
113 · Apr 2022
I Still Try
Ravenlimit Apr 2022
He called it love, while I stood here bleeding.

Pleading.. For this pain to stop.

"I love you, but I can't show it"

As your words dug deep in me like knives

Barely alive, numb to your touch

I'm dying inside.

Throat swells..

Bloodshot eyes

I have no more tears left to cry

Tired of exposing your lies

You still deny..

I still try...

I'm sorry..
My pride, my little sprout

These weren't my intentions

A broken family wasn't the plan I had planned out

I still try..

I still try, staggering with the will to survive for you

My seedling

My entire being

I've had enough of the constant bleeding

We'll be leaving
107 · Dec 2021
Last Embrace
Ravenlimit Dec 2021
Sun on my skin

Envisioning him

Warm breeze flowing in my sleeve

Where have you been?

Down in dirt

Bury my knees


Let me be..

I miss your embrace

The way your touch brought bliss to my face

But you're hurting me

Let me be

Buried to my knees

Cold wet nights

Trembling hands

What I would give to feel your warmth again..

You come with a shovel and weeds

I tremble

Your misdeed

You bury me


How I miss your embrace

Tears flowing

Blood draining

My body is no longer aching

Cold hands

My heart is no longer breaking
100 · Nov 2022
Your Faces
Ravenlimit Nov 2022
You lie to your peers

They don't know how you behave behind a closed door

Your encore.

Twisted face

You painted man.

Is this part of your ever scheming plan?

Outside serenity

Hidden anger

Hard working "family" man

Inside you always combust

My soul


Calm with them

A storm with me.

You are "happy"

While you're hurting me.

Your withering trophy.

I'm left to die.

Desperately try to leave.

Your grip tightening on me.

If only they knew.

The real you.

The quiver in your lip when disrupted.

Shaking our seed.

His lip busted.

Your anger out of control.

This home feels so cold.

The things you've done to me.

To our seed.

Taking our leave.
97 · Dec 2021
My Forbidden Nemesis
Ravenlimit Dec 2021
Tangled mind,

Kisses down my spine.

Physical touch

Forbidden heart that I cannot reach

Your words..

Your actions..

Hurting me.

My dear nemesis, I love you so

You spew your "love" towards me so you can gain control.


I fall.

Frozen as your hand hits the wall

I try to leave and you lower your guard

Just to leave me shattered as you become explosive


Tearing me down, never missing a beat

I will take my leave..

And in the end, you will taste defeat.

Not me.
92 · Nov 2021
Ravenlimit Nov 2021
The trembling has begun again

I'm covered in a mist of sweat


Pounding in my chest

Can't forget your stench

Vague whispers

Venomous breath

Tears dripping down my face


Sweet salt drips from another place

Warm fluids of ecstasy

Inside of me

Gone without a trace

I still shake

Everytime I still break

I can't even look at your face
91 · Oct 2022
Our Scars
Ravenlimit Oct 2022
I know I am not the first person you loved.

You are not the first person I longed for.

We have both suffered loss in which..

The blood on our blades is thick.

Dealt with more scars than we have skin.

The sacrifices we've made..

No appreciation.

Our love came unannounced

In the middle of a cold January night.

The soil under us in which our first seed was planted.

Love came to us.

We took it for granted.

But we can heal..


I will write to the salt of sweet sweat that lingers on your skin.
And I will not be afraid
of your scars..

The ones that remain within.

I will love you.

I do love you.

Your warmth grips me at last

And the days ahead of us are within our grasp.

As long as you allow it to stay.

But I will not love you when you scorn me with a thousand blades.

Your words forever branded to my skin.

Trying so hard to hold onto you while you just pull away even harder.

The rope tearing my flesh

Shredding to the bone.

I can only hold on for so long..

And I'm afraid.

Not of your scars, but afraid of mine.

Afraid of wasting my time.

Our time is on the line.

My scars pressed against your scars.

I mean you no harm.

I know I'm not the first person you've loved..

I'm hoping to be your last.

Growing old with you

Our withering scars

All in a flash.

You aren't the first person I've longed for..

If given this chance.

You will be my last.
91 · Nov 2022
Ravenlimit Nov 2022
How I want your hunger to be exclusively for me.

I want your attention.

My selfishness..


Is it bad to not want someone with wondering eyes?

Wants and needs,

I so desperately, need..

I want..

You to think of only me when we're apart

Apart from being between my thighs

Tires of being fed your growing lies.

I want to be desired.

I plead,


Swallowing seed..

Feed me.

Only me.


Let me be.

The vacant touch

I hungrily ache for.

Your hidden secrets

I'm not her.

Your screen is your being

Within the same home

I'm left to wilt.


I wait . .

I hungrily wait.

While you envision

Other women.

My body aches.

Is it too much to be desired by you?

Desired by others

I turn them down.

Only to be left alone

Your face buried while you turn down the sound.

Desired. .

I'm tired. .

My wants.. Needs..


You don't care

Hurting those you "love"

I cannot bare.

My sanity

I'll protect it.

Your lies

Can stay over there.

We can both have our secrets.

If that is what you choose.

I will be desired. .

And eventually I won't care if it's not from you.
86 · Nov 2022
Mouth Full of Rust
Ravenlimit Nov 2022
Waking with rust in my throat.

The red stain on my pillow.

Just waiting to choke.

Aching bones

High pitched tones.

Pierced my head.

The living dead.

This illness.



Let me be.

This pain

No endurance.

I can't tolerate..

It's taunting me.

Mouth full of red

Sensitivity to light

I'm dizzy.

No longer am I able to sleep.

Open sores

Bleed some more.

Drain me


Maybe then I'll sleep peacefully.

Mouth full of rust

Heart with no trust

This pain engulfs me.

Aching hands

Broke mans land.

If only my rust could turn to gold.

The only thing I haven't sold

My dignity..

Just take me.
75 · Nov 2021
Ravenlimit Nov 2021
1 in the chamber

Just 4 chambers to crack

The numbness amplifies the silence I'm about to give back

Hollow bones in an empty chest

Dying womb

Can't bring back the dead

Longing to join

Can't take the steps

So much closer to my last breath

Take me instead..
73 · Dec 2021
Ravenlimit Dec 2021
You disgust me.

Wondering snake

Full of deceit.

I'll bound your hands and gut you out

Wretched, filthy, you stink.

You blinked

Cut your eyes open

You mustn't miss a beat.

Forced to watch as he hungrily stuffs me with meat

Warm and juicy he stretches me loosely

I moan
I cry

as I watch you die inside.

You weren't so displeased when the woman wasn't me?


Don't stop looking at me.. Baby

Watch this bull take me for a ride

Hot fluid building up inside

Positions you were too small to reach

Forbidden territory

My juicy fruit dripping down his cheek

Laughing as I watch you struggle to touch your ****.

Your fantasy is finally a reality.

If only you didn't disgust me

Then it wouldn't be the last thing your eyes would see.

— The End —