Alarm goes off at three,
And the day, for me, begins.
As usual, the preliminary fixes,
Before the others come awake;
Quick check on my vitals,
Nothing seems out of place,
Satchet water, three? No, two,
Then a short visit to the loo;
By the time it chimes five 'o clock,
Cereals for the children and teeth brushed,
Then mommy runs them a warm bath,
And daddy packs the school lunches;
All of these appear routine,
But for us, a way of life,
Going on seven moons,
Simply, the joys of fatherhood;
But I digress, many pardons,
For today another year is added,
The heavens have been merciful,
And reflections are no pastime;
Serious matters become frequent,
Issues of the afterlife more apparent,
Leaving a legacy to be proud of,
And making it beyond midlife;
The Mrs, as usual, with pleasant surprises,
Makes the day more than ordinary,
Pulls all the impossile stops,
Leaving stress to look so secondary;
Going into the new year,
The first without Mom and Dad,
Makes me wonder in, future 'spect,
Now, life has surely begun.
I turned forty-two on March 14, 2022. The first time I would have both parents smiling down through the afterlife. It has been a mixed grill of emotion and hope for a better life for my own family.
Although the country that I call home is not working at the moment, there is this strong belief that these terrible times will not outlive me.