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Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Seated in a half circle,
Around their recycled leader
Men and women of ignominious calibre,
Ruminating over matters of state;

Out of touch minds,
Ancient recluse,
Trapped in stone age idiosyncrasies,
Blind to present shifting paradigm;

Six decades of backwardness,
Circular movement without advancement,
Left behind by peers,
Now poverty capital of the world.
Nigeria boasts of professors aplenty but nothing tangible to show in terms of development.
709 · May 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
She floated on my consciousness,
Dancing on my hair strands,
Veiled by ***** darkness,
Taunted by ghostly bands.
707 · Mar 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Life's an undefined sequence,
Mixed series of complex situations,
Permutations of irregular occurence,
Combinations of tramsmuting mutations.
703 · Apr 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2014
'Tis my undying, ageless love,
As mysterious as the deep,
Forever, to hold, and to keep,
Ready, always, for any life's curve.
703 · May 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
Ginseng, I'm gonna be your rocker!
Ginseng, I'm gonna be your lover!
Ginseng, I ain't gonna be a sucker!
Ginseng! Yo! We never go under!
701 · Oct 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
To the damp, dank dungeons,
Prodded with kicks and slaps,
Limbs broken with spiked bludgeons,
Then onward, to the belty straps.
700 · Apr 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2016
The drums of secession,
Beat cold fear across the land,
Visions of peace are in recession,
As the south east threatens to leave the band.
The revived clamour for Biafra & recent killings of Igbos in Enugu by Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria threaten the peace.
698 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
Is who you are,
When the world turns cold,
And without remorse,
You serve with steely cadence;

Nothing to lose,
The die is cast in blood,
The shadows bleed crimson,
And the light is as dark as night;

Only one can stop,
This ominous fiend,
The being in himself,
His conscience when sated.
697 · Mar 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Fire burns her with cold tongues,
She dances naked to the leaping flames,
We both play the fiery games,
Dowsing the heat with ***** moans.
697 · Oct 2013
She said.
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
Scion child of the house,
Gentle, kind and gay,
He makes me smile all day,
With joy impossible to douse.
694 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
The impotence of government,
Exposed on the night most needed,
They perch on trees to tweet untruths,
But cower behind powerful iron bars.
693 · Oct 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
But considering Solstices and Equinoxes,
Life can be full of paradoxes,
The future left in the past,
Or time, a function, of dies cast.
689 · Oct 2013
Filial Affections.
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
The stories of others,
Will spur your prayers;
Thankful for present fathers,
And the warmth of loving mothers.
688 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Moving at a spot,
Stuck in some stupid vortex,
Horrible like dry ***,
Or a quickie in a packed parking lot.
In traffic for over two hours
684 · Feb 2013
A moment in time.
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
My eyes are open,
But do not see,
This path's not unfamiliar to me,
It's the one I've chosen;

My mind's shut to many things,
Those that naturally appeal to me,
The freshness dawn brings,
The time I spend under the shady mango tree;

But today, I stopped,
To drink in the ambiance,
To gaze upon hedges beautifully cropped,
Basking in the moment I found by chance;

There, I said a prayer,
Of thanksgiving to the heavens above,
To the Alpha and Omega,
For these great gifts of life...and of love.
Those rare moments to really feel.
680 · Oct 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
I have a band,
Tied around my hand,
Smell reminds me of him,
Like a constant dream.
665 · Oct 2013
Bite a Bit.
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
Don't start what you can't finish,
Don't begin what you can't end,
Don't initiate what you can't shutdown,
Don't conceive what you cannot execute.
662 · Mar 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Baby screaming in the dead of night,
As fiery tongues lick at its feet,
Helpless, frozen by the blazing light,
We watch, distraught, gnashing our teeth.
10-03-2013.Fire at Sauka
656 · Jul 2021
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2021
For long they had waited,
Many years for the patter,
Of little feet and joyful screams,
The morning seemed long from dawning;

Grandma never stopped praying,
Grandpa, too, as much a could be offered,
Then Grandpa left for the heavens,
Soon after, Grandma joined the celestial train;

Not long the news broke,
Adorable bundles of sweetness,
Sounded their cheerful arrivals,
In what remains the wonderment of several decades.
A lady well beyond mid fifties just put to bed twins after several decades of waiting for fruit of the womb. The miracle was announced the day my mother was laid to rest on July 17 2021.
650 · Jun 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2013
Awake, staring into nothingness,
I listen to the terrifying darkness,
With huge eyes, wide open,
Begging...sleep, please, happen.
648 · Dec 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2013
Green, and red, and gold,
Merry chills from the Yuletide cold,
Oh, my dear, what is going on?
Behold the heavens! A child is born!!
645 · May 2013
Fired UP!
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
Nothing is more powerful,
The force of hope,
The needed push or pull,
Stronger than dope.
641 · Nov 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2014
This bald man stares at me,
In the mirror across the room,
He had dreadlocks at seven,
A full haired Nazarene.
641 · Feb 2013
The road calls.
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
The dusty road to work,
Rough, dusty and hazy,
Hustlers chase their luck,
No greens for the lazy
Off to work
640 · Oct 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
I want to make you,
A better version of yourself,
Always, this I want to do,
Only seconds on any shelf.
I feel again.
638 · Sep 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2013
And when I toss and turn,
Feeling my passion boil and burn,
I want to douse myself in your arms,
Surrender, all, to your alluring charms.
634 · Sep 2013
When I Fell in Love.
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2013
I couldn't think straight,
Every emotion bore weight,
I just couldn't wait,
Everyday, whistling at her gate.
633 · Sep 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2014
Aye! A look alike?
Such fearsome semblance,
He boasts untamed advance,
Daring a counter strike.
630 · Oct 2013
Gold fish.
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
Cakes, flakes and stakes;
Here we are to celebrate;
Pretty, Yes; intelligent, no doubt!
Happy birthday, and here's a big shout!!
Happy Birthday, Ify LastChild
619 · Jun 2013
Fresh Air.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2013
I feel good,  I have luck on my side,
A fresh kind of breeze ruffles the trees,
Outside, there are butterflies, hummingbirds and bees,
And inside, this clear feeling of warmth, borne on a pleasant tide.
I was very optimistic when Pres. Goodluck won the presidential elections in 2010 :(
617 · Nov 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2015
Red dust everywhere,
In the wake of every gear,
Now the rains are gone,
Time to have some hot, dry fun.
614 · Apr 2013
The Portal
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2013
Going through the files of my life,
All the scrapes, near misses, and strife,
It is a wonder I still can find my way,
To a directory full of sunshine, beautiful,  everyday.
612 · Sep 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2014
With bags of gratification,.
We sell to them four years,
And live through the pain and tears,
Not learning, we go through the motion.
611 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Drenched in flavours,
Of many colours,
I smell hues that make me blush,
Leaving my face, high, in crimson flush!
608 · Nov 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2013
She floated on my consciousness,
She danced on my hair strands,
She veiled me with ***** darkness,
She taunted me with ghostly waist bands.
606 · May 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
The fever that held me bound,
When you promised me that kiss,
Oh, I waited, heart racing, for you to come around,
It was wet, it was sweet; and I am glad, I did not miss.
602 · Feb 2013
Deep joy
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
My personal joy's all I have,
Difficult but it's mine after all,
Depression's  not easy to stave,
I dig deep and walk tall.
596 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
Collapse your differences,
Unite those preferences,
Form a mould of unity,
With our colourful diversity.
592 · Dec 2023
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2023
Sometimes the skies aren't bright,
And things seem not alright,
The misalignment of the stars,
And success held behind bars;

Then the sun shines again,
And we're not reminded of our pain,
Glory to the heavens!
For the renewal of the seasons!
On the road to perfection, we're at the eight milenof our journey as a couple, my wife and I, traveling with our children on this journey to greatness.
590 · Oct 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
So I surmounted the obstacle,
That did not make us cool,
I want you in my arms,
Even If I have to pull down a thousand dams.
589 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
The weight of your emotions,
Is taking a burdensome toll,
Sorry, we no longer can roll,
Alone, I'll sail life's oceans.
585 · Apr 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2015
Olympus is in mourning,
Pedestrian lowlifes have assumed,
Proportions only fit for dwellers,
Of that celestial firmament.
584 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Because you’re not in the orange overalls,
Does not make you a saint,
Don’t smear me with red paint,
Because you walk the hallowed halls.
Pen robbers that call gun robbers thieves.
583 · Mar 2013
Behind the balaclava.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Spirits, faceless vagabonds,
Cowardly ghosts that wreck havoc and destruction,
Spill innocent blood across our nation,
Now they starve us of goodwil and much needed funds.
Islamist insurgence in northern Nigeria
Kano bus bombing; March 2013
582 · Sep 2014
THE REST OF US. (Part 4)
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2014
High in the hills,
Down by the creeks,
Voices drowned in sludge,
And by devils who would not budge.
580 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
Leathery vermins,
All over the place,
Smelly rotens,
Invading my bachelor space.
574 · Feb 2013
I don't give up.
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
When my soul folds up,
And the world crowds me in,
Wondering where my spirit's been,
I don't give up;

Friends and family desert me,
The job no longer feeds me,
Afraid for the coming dawn,
I don't give up;

Don't let me go,
Oh, my Lord,
Don't let me go,
Dear Lord, I cling to you;

Storms threaten my industry,
Tongues wag at my childlessness,
The pressures press me in on all sides,
I don't give up;

Don't let me go,
Oh, my Lord,
Don't let me go,
Dear Lord, I cling to you;

I don't give up
'Cos I know my tomorrow's bright,
I don't give up
'Cos I believe help's in sight,
I don't give up
'Cos I see the owner of my soul coming to my fight.

Don't let me go,
Oh, my Lord,
Don't let me go,
Dear Lord, I cling to you.
A song
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2021
The many, undeserving dead,
Deserve national outpouring,
Every single poor soul,
Cut untimely from fame or fortune;

No one soul is made more,
Is worthier than the other,
All came from the earth,
And it hath the last say;

So why demonstrate double standard,
Roaring silence when calamity comes afishing:
Abductions, medical neglect, ritual murders,
Innocent blood shed wantonly daily?

The transience of power is earth bound,
Only the heavens will forever stick around,
The sun rises on the day of reckoning,
Be prepared, oppressor, your time is nigh.
In commemoration of a black day in the history of Nigeria, young people express disappointment that after one year nothing has changed about the brutality of government against unarmed protesters exercising fundamental human rights on 20-10-2020.

The hypocrisy in high places is evident with the way government pampers terrorists and cracks down on peaceful demonstrators.

The collective spirit of the people of state has defied all kinds of intimidation and continues to fight for a better nation-state that respects human life and makes living in Nigeria a permanent sweet experience.
568 · Mar 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2015
And the day you gave me ten naira,
With love;
And made the most delicious fufu with okra on Christmas day,
With more love;
And sold all your crates of soft drinks just so we could feed,
With inexplicable love;
And although you would baby this man and annoy me! Gosh!
All with undying love;
I deserve no other mother but you,
And I love you, mummy.
GOD bless you everyday of your selfless life. Live forever, mummy. Muah!!

Happy Mother's Day to Mama Dada <3
Happy Mother's Day to Mama Dada.
565 · Feb 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2014
Dost thine heart palpitate,
At the sight of me?
Wilt thine congregate,
Where the land meets the sea?
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