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Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
In the crypts of Winterfel,
Lay the bones of men that fell,
A rich harvest for Whitewalkers,
Day of doom for living talkers.
255 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Gloomy days are behind us,
The longest nights of fright,
Sweaty inbetweens,
And uncertain mornings;

Today the sun shine,
On her angelic smile,
Ran around on pretty feet,
And gave the warmest embraces.
My two years old daughter fell ill when she began growing new molars. The period, for me, was end-to-end worry, my wife was stronger.

Then she turned the corner and being the bravest two-year-old ever, she did so with vigour and so much Joi de vivre!
255 · Sep 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2014
Ego nailed to boot,
Sow to this precious root,
Your coin will travel,
Far to our place of marvel.
255 · Aug 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2015
As she turned a year older,
And I thought the time was perfect,
Those four words left my mouth,
Never spake 'em before, and ne'er again.
254 · Mar 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2015
The sight was shocking,
On a beautiful Monday morning,
Greeting the rise of the golden sun,
Was the stiff, cold body, of a mother' son;

Dressed in a hat and suit to match,
He wore, on his right hand, a ticking watch,
Many walked by and wondered at the scene,
Eyes questioning what could have been his sin.
253 · Nov 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
Glorious moments of pure pain,
But with everything to gain,
The night may endure long,
But the morning comes with brilliant song!
My wife is in labour. It has begun...
252 · Nov 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2015
Love is not a two way street,
For when you get in,
And pair with whom you see fit,
Then you give and give, even through the thick and thin.
251 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
We speak without words,
Talk without saying anything,
We fight without swords,
Yet we are our everything.
251 · Mar 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2016
Some, I have liked and loved,
Others,  I have loved and had,
But somewhere, in there, all my emotions dissolved,
Leaving me very cold, miserable and sad.
250 · Dec 2020
FORWARD, 2021.
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2020
And as we leave behind,
The past year in memoriam,
Dearly beloved, keep in mind,
There is no reason for alarm;

The times shall be kinder to you and yours,
In the most unexpected of places,
Ye, none of your labours,
Shall turn to ashes;

The new decade shall count up,
Unto moments of joy and laughter,
Yahweh's mercies shall not stop,
And his protection shall burn brighter;

Welcome, stride into twenty-twenty-one,
Keep hope well alive and kicking,
Despair? No, entertain none,
The heavens have got you, and don't stop believing.
2020 has taken so much from us it's only fair that 2021 give back in kinder measures.

Happy Better Year, 2021 to you all.
250 · May 2013
The Beautiful Escape
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
When it all gets too much,
I run into Sanctuary,
Here, I am in no hurry,
To get in touch.
250 · Aug 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2018
Taking my affections for granted,
Laughing in the face of my feelings,
Jailing me in the friendzone forever,
Ignoring my obvious sufferings in this matter;

I can barely face the sun,
Praying the golden ball never comes through,
The darkness has become my companion,
Not interested in any other opinion;

Until I found something quite interesting,
Never knew I had it all in myself,
There, in the corner of my resolve,
The mustard of strength to evolve;

I shall outgrow this phase,
Loving you is not a criminal offence,
Now that I  have turned this corner,
I really do not have any bother.
250 · Jun 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2014
The perpertuating expanse of the skies,
The love in a woman's eyes,
Mysteries man will forever contemplate,
More so, with you, since our first date.
To Miss Winkieboo with plenty of Winky affection on the celebration of your...2014 birthday :D :D :D
249 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
If wishes were fishes,
Everyone would swim,
But I drop like lead,
Even when I tread like mad.
248 · Aug 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2015
That all my life,
To you I devoted,
But only rewarded,
With sorrow and strife.
248 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
Imagination that's pure,
Heavenly sweet sensation,
You, my friend and companion,
To share with, to care and dare for;

You alone matter to me,
The two of us basking,
In the sunshine of our loving,
Being the best versions we can be.
248 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
Green words of healing,
Spoken since before time borne,
Enemies knew but not revealing,
Blinding powers like the amazing sun.
247 · Dec 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2015
From hell came an amazing light,
A spectacle, a bedazzling sight,
It went out in to the people,
To cause many a deceiving ripple.
246 · Mar 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2016
Almost missed penning,

Something to mark the day,

My thoughts roam very far away,

Happy World Poetry Day to Poets around the world.
246 · Oct 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2015
And when the demons,
From your unlikeable past;

Drink sodas and lemons,
With your present cast;

Know ye that time calls upon thee,
To make peace your cup of tea.
246 · Jun 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2016
The day we are born,
And when our job is done,
Between is a grey mix,
Of fix and break; break and fix.
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2017
But whence hath humanity's milk of kindness,
The drowned hopes and expired ambitions?
Affluence eats up everything but portions of poverty,
Served daily to depressed, frustrated orphans of benevolence and sincerity.
245 · Nov 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2015
Searched through the ages,
For the other pea in the pod,
And whenwhen she was found,
The whole world came around.
245 · Mar 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
I am involved,
With this girl,
She'll be the death of me,
But do I care?
244 · Nov 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2020
The people have been plundered,
And their wealth wickedly squandered,
But the people have not the heart,
Even, to demand a little, for a start.
Nigerians are the most docile creatures on planet earth, they take everything from a hard life to a hard death.
244 · Dec 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2015
We sleep daily at the pumps,
And get crushed by failed brakes,
This country staggers to the dumps,
And everything is up for cheap takes.
Nigerians will NOT celebrate the Yuletide but spend endless nights on fuel queues at gas stations.
243 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
Umbrellas to hook,
The skies are crisp and blue,
Oh, what brilliant hue,
Out in the air, or laying by the brook.
243 · Apr 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2015
The staleness of your emotion,
Irritates me much,
No bearing on my condition,
Enough of such and such.
243 · Dec 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2015
How impossible to remain with the one,
But penguins do it, and eagles, too,
Men say it cannot be done,
And women pray for just us two.
242 · Oct 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2015
What if the world is ended,
And we are condemned,
To suffer trials and tribulations,
And the warring of many nations?
End of the world.
242 · Feb 2013 motion.
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Death holds me not in remembrance,
Sickness holds me not in remembrance,
I have become THE ADORED,
Not to be mocked, by the ENTIRE world.
241 · Mar 2014
Shapes and Phases.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2014
The feelings for a girlfriend,
When she becomes a wife,
Should not end,
After she brings forth life.
241 · Apr 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2014
The almond of her eyes,
And the sweetness of her thighs,
The spirit in her laughter,
All make her a rare wonder.
240 · Jun 2013
One...not the same.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2013
My shadow and I are in great dispute over you,
He says he loves you better than me,
I say I love you better than he,
We both cannot seem to know what to do;

Thus we ask:
He says he loves you more because he will be with you during the night,
I say I will love you forever, and always, when it is bright,
Now, we beg you, put an end to this aching task?
239 · Feb 2013
Woman...of mine
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
She is such a woman,
And am I her man?
She believes in me,
And is this what I see?
On a date with Fisayo
239 · May 2013
Day Seven.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
The end begins,
When I take up my cross,
Redeeming my previous loss,
The beginning of better endings.
238 · Mar 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2016
Among the clouds raining down,
Delivered after a decade's wait,
His mercies are never late,
Oluwaseunfunmi, mentioned without a moment's frown.
The Turn of Another Season. I am a year older, March 14.
238 · Oct 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2015
When mother screamed at me,
Father broke into a wide grin,
By heavens, I am not sixteen!
My bald head should indeed make me free!
238 · Mar 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
This one, puts a smile upon my face,
That, wears me out, much,
I am in this questioning phase,
Between them, who to take to church.
237 · Aug 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2015
But between the high and  sounding,
And the lowly quiets,
Rests a place for poets,
Bedecked of beautiful writing.
237 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
But this woman found power,
From the voices of others,
Marching down fear like soldiers,
In the sunshine, she's a proud tower.
236 · Jul 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2016
He came around every Thursday for alms,
This old ***** beggar from the North,
Father would host him under the tree,
He never missed his weekly sadaka;

But father breathed his last on Sunday,
Mother was distraught, besides herself,
Everyone said one good thing or the other,
Plenty tears to last his eighty earthly years;

So he ambles in like he would,
Sits under his usual shade,
Then someone says to him, "Baba yamutu..."
And he jumps up in raw exclamation!

Never seen such genuine show of surprise,
He truly expected the old man to live forever,
Much later, in quiet sorrow, pays condolences,
Picks up his satchel and stumbles into the sunshine.
"Baba Yamutu" in the Hausa language means the old man has died.

There's this beggar who has been coming to my father's home since 2002. But my father died on May 22, 2016 on a Sunday. The next Thursday when the beggar came around he heard the news of my father's demise and breaks apart. Of all the show of grief and sense of loss expressed, that of the beggar struck me as the most sincere and true.
236 · Aug 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2015
Sleep is my only drug,
I get vitality, not from a mug,
Deprive me not of my snooze,
For I make no friend with the *****.
236 · Jun 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2016
On every fourth cycle,
It puts the sickle,
Out to harvest men,
In hundreds and thousands of ten.
It took my 80 year-old father on May 22, 2016. And I laid him to rest on June 10, 2016. Now, I am fatherless.
Many prominent people have also died this year, and many more will follow suit.
235 · May 2013
Day Five.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
Felt so much power,
Although I swung lower,
I could reach higher,
Although I still walked slower.
Still walking with the Lord
235 · Nov 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2015
This maker of craft,
Draws an angry blank,
Shakes off this annoying shaft,
And misses out on smiling to the bank.
235 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
When you work really hard,
As though the next minute,
Is not a guaranteed linear measure,
And the past is a waste of time.
234 · Dec 2017
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2017
The complexes that afflict  my sensory synapses,
And the torments that assail my mental imbalances,
All contribute to the ambivalence of my thought processes,
And unwillingness of my backside to leave the warmth of my complacent recesses.
231 · Nov 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2015
Give me a gun,
And I shall draw a hole in your mouth,
This ain't no pun,
Or a jolly trip to the south.
231 · Aug 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2016
Fire is never hot enough,
Water can not drown me,
That mountain is but a spec,
And failure is not that tough.
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