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Can you see the space?
Or maybe you can feel it's weight.
The space we've filled and emptied
Like a tank of gasoline.

Beginning with nothing,
Clear space,
But on the drop of a dime
Filling it full,
So full the we spilled a couple drops on the way out.
Though they weren't wasted.
We filled it and we used it,
Burning, sparking,
Igniting the thrill with the easy push of a pedal,
Speeding through miles of adventure, of the road.

Then the car starts putting
Because the fumes in the space are all that's left after all this motion
And that's not enough to move forward anymore,
But only enough to dally on down the road, real slowly, a foot at a time.
The fumes are the most dangerous, the most toxic,
And it's weightlessly filling our space.

Soon, the fumes filling our space will burn,
And ultimately leave nothing behind,
Nothing, but an empty, motionless body.
No movement.
No vibrations.
No humming.
Just still.

So the question remains,
To fill it, to do it all over again,
To take care and refill when
Your Space,
When Your Tank
Falls half empty, just in good care,
Or not to fill it,
Our space, Our tank,
Ever again, Ever at all.
Leave it as an empty tank,
Leave it motionless,
Leave it cold,
Leave it's remains to rot and to mold.
Allow for it's eventual decay,
Like it was a degenerative disease of a vehicle all along.
That, my friend, my love, that is the question.
Taking stock
I tuck this year inside
the first little furrow-line
across my brow.

Hm. Skin's changing.
I'm changing.

There was more anguish in 24
than the Doc ordered.
Somehow, the endless easy wealth
endless easy employment
and eager entertainment
evaded me.

But there are also little dents on either side of my mouth now.
A ripple between lip and dimple.
There was joy on this face-
enough to carve its name forever.

24 and time has begun to speed up,
people talk a bit quicker
fleeter of foot
and calendar has begun
to foxtrot-

And I sit on the side of the Hall
watching the days dance on and on
how selfish they seem
How quickly Spring woos Summer
How fickle is Summer, as she whirls to Autumn
How chilly, Autumn as he falls for Winter,
How feverish, they dance.

24, a left-footed wallflower.
24 with wide eyes that try to capture
the entire world and hold it STILL.

This ball lasts forever and never.
There's no break.
24, I guess it's time to give Life my dance card
surrender and cut in,
24, ready, steady-

*let the dancing begin.
I turn
and I turn
keep closed as I learn.

You and your path,
me and mine.

I've a thirst for amnesia
I drain the bottles, their emptiness rings like a shell in my cochlea
resounding with your breath, present, reassuring.
on those long winter walks to nowhere, our silent miles.
Those drinks only ever numb the outside,
blurring the lines
a smudge of a woman wandering through the night.

The inside is so very loud.
And so I turn
and I turn.
Closed for the night.

I place my eye on the lip and peer through the glass

my world, distorted.

Why couldn't my love save you?
I need to feel something new.
To suffer death but not die
How tragic that must be
To be caught up in a web
Spun sadistically for thee

Each spindle spun
And delicately placed
You didn't even realize
When it was constricted around your face

Until you were stuck
Left there to die
But we know the black angel's lips
Never told you goodbye

You were never given the courtesy
To go off in peace
I suppose that is the punishment
When all your life you lived as a beast

Now you lay there still
Only your eyes allowed to blink
And we watch as your heart beat slows
But it will never slow enough to sink

An eternity with your blood pumping through
When you would rather be left cold
You are now forced to remember
Those deaths placed in your hands to hold

Now you wish for their deaths
That came by your hand
But you must stay in this misery
And never be six feet under the land.
What’s that one thing you’d fall completely in love with over and over again?
Is it a feeling? Is it a sound? A person?
Could it be the morning light that you catch seeping into your room from the partially opened shutters right when you open your eyes and relax your weak arms from that brutal stretch? The way the room automatically becomes a shade of blue from the cloudy sky?
Maybe the way you feel when you take a perfect glance at your surroundings,
that feeling of relief.
Relief because not only are you waking up alive but,
to a room that glows with “New start” written all over it.
You’re not just slouching there like a room full of sorrow just hit you in the face. You’re thinking all things bright and beautiful are coming today.  In that moment, I don’t need your help. I don’t need your sympathy. You’re not even a use to me anymore in that moment because I’ll be by myself at the end of the day.
You’re not my possession.
Honestly, you shouldn't even be important but, you seem to always know your way around this town. All I’m saying is at that moment, nothing matters, not you or this ****** up world. But, at the same time everything matters. And you’re not on that list, just my coffee and I in this room for the rest of the day.
When the sun sank low in the midday sky
And the clouds came in from the south,
He knew that the winter was coming in
And it made him down in the mouth.
With a hint of rain in the morning dew
The breeze cut in like a knife,
And he went to fetch the firewood in
For the sake of his invalid wife.

She sat and shivered before the hearth
When he opened the outer door,
As the wind whipped icily round her legs
A trail of leaves on the floor,
‘My love, be still, I’m lighting the fire
And you’ll soon be warm by the hearth.’
‘I fear it’s settling into my bones
And I’ll soon be deep in the earth.’

‘You’ll not get away so easily,’
He said, and gave her a smile,
‘We’ll settle this ague with bark and tea,
I’ll heat your bath in a while.’
‘I’d rather not leave the fireplace
While my thoughts are making me brood,
So put your spill to the wood fire, Will,
Then sit, and lighten my mood.’

He lit the fire and he made it roar
And he checked each draught, at last,
Jammed the rug right under the door
And he made the windows fast,
Then he sat and held his Helen’s hand
That was freezing to the touch,
And said, ‘Now winter’s sat on the land
I needn’t go out so much!’

She smiled, and ran a hand through his hair
And said that she loved him so,
‘Tell me a tale of foreign lands,
It will help the time to go.’
So he plucked a single hair from his head
And he said, ‘Each hair’s a tale!’
Then he told of sailors swinging the lead,
Of mariners under sail.

He told of pirates, walking the plank
Of treasure chests in the deep,
And saw that she was slumbering there,
Was slowly going to sleep,
He sat beside her all through the night,
Was piling wood on the fire,
And nodded off in the broad daylight
Right next to his heart’s desire.

The squalls came in, it began to rain
And the rain then turned to snow,
He only went out to chop some wood
And to make the cabin glow.
Each night he’d sit there, holding her hand
And he’d pluck a hair from his head,
‘Now here’s a tale from a northern land
Where the snow lies deep,’ he said.

He thought that she’d get better in time
And he brought her gruel and soup,
Fed her a tincture of laudanum
Made from the ***** group.
But she still sat listless, pale and wan
And she slept more than she woke,
Though he plucked a hair from his head each night
And he whispered as he spoke.

He spoke of the place that lovers go
Away from the world of cares,
Of bubbling springs, and diamond rings
And a love that everyone shares,
But the snow outside was packed in a drift
Right up and over the door,
He couldn’t get out for the firewood
But shivered, asleep on the floor.

He woke next day when the sky was grey
With the cold set deep in his bones,
And looked at his wife in a mute dismay
For he knew that he was alone.
The undertaker was there by ten
With a coffin as cold as ice,
And he wept as he plucked a hair from his head
And wished her in paradise.

They buried her down in the cemetery
Not far from their cabin home,
And every day he would make his way
To her headstone, on his own.
The snow had finally melted when
They found he was there, stone dead,
Draped all over her headstone, but
There wasn’t a hair on his head.

David Lewis Paget
The city was laid like a wasteland
Like a rusting, crumbling sore,
Half of the houses were boarded up
Along a neglected shore,
The spirit had long gone out of it
That had made the city great,
Men fifty miles to the south of it
Were determining its fate.

Way up on the Presidential floor
Was a group of greedy men,
The czars of the old industrial core
Who had bled the town back then,
‘The real estate’s a disaster,’ said
A man who had been the Mayor,
‘The auto plants are a rusting heap,’
Said the man who held the Chair.

‘We’ve got more pensioners on the funds
Than workers in the plants,
There’s crime and violence in every street
And the Unions make demands.
So what’s the conclusion, gentlemen,
Do we give this plan its head?’
‘Whatever we do, it’s much too late,
The city’s as good as dead!’

And that’s how they came to build ‘The Tower’
To illuminate the sky,
‘There’s plenty of work for everyone
At a hundred storeys high!’
Nobody knew just what it did
Or what they were building for,
They only knew that they had a wage,
Could hold up their heads once more.

A central lift in The Tower went up
And down ten times a day,
Taking tools and materials
To restrict the Tower’s sway,
‘They say we’re going to go High-Tech
And they’re closing down the Plants,
The days of auto’s have gone for good
But they won’t tell us their plans.’

The Tower was built within the year
With a gaping hole up top,
A semi drove through the streets one day
And by The Tower, it stopped.
It carried a massive box-like thing
With a mass of flashing lights,
Was loaded into the lift, and sent
Up on its maiden flight.

They took it up and it crowned The Tower
While the people watched in awe,
There hadn’t been people in the streets
Like this since the Second War.
A massive counter was counting down
As the people stood and cheered,
‘I hope it’s not what I think it is,’
Said a man with a long, white beard.

While down in the Presidential Suite
Just fifty miles away,
A group of men put their sunnies on
And stood by the window bay,
‘Well how do you clear a festering slum,’
Said one, as he watched the clock,
While back at The Tower a sign lit up
And the word was ‘Ragnarok!’

David Lewis Paget
Once remembered as beauteous blue-eyed angels
Who assiduously served the creator
Now they curse him from the pits of their cold hearts

Once deemed the holy ones
Who shined the brightest

Free will and they chose evil over good
The greatest sin, unpardonable!
Defiance against heaven itself

The fallen and their father, the angel of light
Whose actions gave way to torment
Cast down from heaven down to the
Unholy unions with humans they created and sired the nephilim

God descended upon them and brought the flood
Wiped out all of mankind from the face of the earth except for a few holy ones who weren't tainted
The fallen did not all perish
Some seeked refuge in the seas
They inhabit the waters as demons
Seeking retribution
With rayless halos and ruptured wings
They continue to sin
Polluting mankind

Come judgement day they will be cast down into hell into the eternal darkness
To melt in the sea of fire
For all eternity

They cannot be redeemed for their sins will remain

Listen as God cries at what has become of his creation
You sat on your throne built from the fear you instilled in us
Proclaimed yourself sovereigner of our minds
Shackled us to the hem of your blood stained trousers
Created a prison built on futile wrath

The multiple personalities you own swapped roles
The good, the bad and the ugly
When the good revealed  itself all of our hate melted away and we saw this beautiful side to you
You would then play the victim
Appealed to our emotions prompting us to abandon all reason

The vicious cycle recurred, like they always do
It's as though you fed us ****
Fed us full
And yet we still came back begging for more
Such fools we were to believe your redemption could be found

We burned in our rage
Broke the mental chains
The ******* king with a murderous game had been overthrown

Now you lie on your death bed made of thorns
The crows are cawing in the distance waiting to feast upon your remains
Not a ounce of guilt over  my utterance of the fact that you got what you deserve and more

It's not hard watching you shrivel.
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