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The sadness you don't see
The sadness you don't know
The sadness that I'll never show

I hide beneath these shadows  and smiles
Underneath these  lies
Is a sad little girl , confused and dazed

Why she's this way
A secret that will never be uncovered
Hidden away like the dark side of the moon

You can try to find the key
To her heart , the crying sea
And heal her wounds and break her free
the feeling
of your
warm body
makes me loved
the feeling
of your touch
makes me wonder
the feeling
beside you
makes me comfortable
the feeling in your arms
makes me lucky
when you told me
i wish things will always be like this
in that moment
when you're lying
in my chest
feeling my heartbeat
feeling your hug
sometimes i wish
time will stop too
and we're the only one left
in each other's arms
i love you

One day people will leave
And you'll just have  to let go
When they decide that the happiness you bring
just isn't enough
You'll just have to let go

It won't be easy
Because you loved that person with all your heart
You'll feel anger , sadness and resentment
But one day you'll learn to let go

And one day you'll understand
That they did that because they're unhappy
And they just want to be free
You'll understand.

Im not saying it won't be easy
But you just have to understand
That maybe its just not meant to be
And finally you , yourself will be free.
ice cold
white hot
wrecking my train of thought

I say these words as I think
I'm on the brink
of realizing what I feel

I despise , I love
I'm spun around
by your ever changing tides

Your eyes they say be mine
your hands they feel divine
but understanding you

Is harder than moving mountains
so I pray that someday
the clouds won't be gray
 Jan 2014 crowdedinfinity
Sir B
I shall step away
from your life
and the life of others
and from the life of
who find me stupid
and crazy

in short.
the life of everyone..
Because i am not accepted in anything..
I dont know what to be doing
I am at a loss
for whatever I do correctly
because its always wrong
No one likes being around me either, just gah, my recommendation would be that you do the same..

An old poem..
 Jan 2014 crowdedinfinity
Sir B
I looked into some
Crystal clear blue eyes
Yes. They did remind me of you
But I decided not to dwell on that

And.. I have also realized that
Loving someone..
Isn't the same
I realize that you read
These well-penned verses
But, you are missing the point
These aren't all of my emotions.

Most of them.
This is driving me crazy, even before it started. Knew it would be a failed plan either ways, I think i have a good relationship with failing and doing things the are proclaimed impossible and un-do-able
 Jan 2014 crowdedinfinity
Sir B
No. I like her
Yes. Yes, I do.
You are stupid to do so, you will break your own heart

Well.. Not much of it left anyways
I dont see a harm for it
I mean..
Loving someone wont hurt

Cool, good for you, enjoy the pain.
Sure, I will
Its just love
Won't hurt that much
A conversation.. Why, am I not afraid to love?
I don't know
What's wrong with me?
Should you ask me.. know
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