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See that girl
She’s a try hard
She likes to play with her hair
She bites her nails off when she tries to talk to people
Such a disgusting and annoying one
She thinks that she’s amazing
But she’s no prima donna
She sings
She dances
She writes
But she *****
She’s not pretty
She’s not tall
She’s not skinny
Not at all.

You see me don’t you?
Your eyes are filled with hatred
I can feel them glaring at me
Trying to **** me with your stares
Trying hard not to tear me up
Pulling my hair to ease up the moment
I bit my nails off to **** the tension
I pretend that I am ok, that I am grand
I sing
I dance
I write
They’re my outlet for everything
Don’t take them away
But, I don’t care anymore
Not at all.

She irritates me
She’s numb
She does not feel how negative we are towards her
Or is she that dumb?
Drama Queen!
Always making a scene!
Attention seeker!
Someone give her a time out!
Enough with her antics already!
You’re just another girl bullying yourself
It’s not our fault
That you hate yourself
That you cut yourself
In fact we don’t give a **** about you
Not at all.

I’ll go away
I’ll vanish
I don’t want your attention
Your attention is focusing on me
The reason why you see everything
The reason why you hate me
You said enough
You said I’m bullying myself
It’s all my fault
I am my destroyer
I am my own demon
I am my ender
I am nothing
Did I care to live another day in this Earth?

Not at all.

no, not at all.
 Jan 2014 crowdedinfinity
Sir B
How harsh does it get you say?
oh, nothing much.
Just have to find the correct person

**haha.. correct person
11 hrs outside of house debating does this to my mind and makes me sadder
I can't ask for more
This is all I'm getting
30 seconds
That's all the time I have
That's all the time I need
It kills me to say these words
But I will never let the sadness show
Not today. Not ever.
Not to anyone else.
Not anymore.

My impossible girl,
Thank you

*and goodbye
 Jan 2014 crowdedinfinity
Sir B
It's happening again
I am spiraling down
Feeling like I am losing memory
Feeling like being a useless
Oxygen consumer

It's happening again
My life being ******* up
Me going and knocking
On the doors I said I wouldn't

It's finally happened
I am there
Everything was blurry
But I am there
Just to sadden everyone.… I am never okay, never have been… everyday feels horrible.… no sleep just study and stay up never sleeping because I fear losing my memories.
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