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 May 2013 CRH
Megan Grace
 May 2013 CRH
Megan Grace
We've been talking
for longer than normal
and it feels sometimes like
there are bits of my heart
dripping onto my stomach
and I'm worried you can
see the warmth spread to
my face from the
sensation. I'm torn between
telling you and letting
this be a secret I share with
only my insides.
 May 2013 CRH
Kyrz Beerz
 May 2013 CRH
Kyrz Beerz
as we laid there
in the false light from the ceiling
I felt the need to ask you
how there came to be
two oceans on your face
above a smile when parted
let out pieces of your mind that
I tried to catch
how, in fact, did I come to know
you under those black-rimmed glasses
under a once impenetrable wall
of stone and ivy
how can I drink in
every decibel of your laughter
while knowing I will never drink
from your mouth
 May 2013 CRH
Jenna Marie
I can nearly hear your soul
It rumbles like a storm.

I feel it when we collide
It batters me like a hurricane,
Meeting the shore.

You move so quickly that I stumble,
Buffered by the wind you stir up.

No part of you is made from solid ground
You're an intangible being, like the sky.

I pray for a sign, a miracle,
Something to help me handle you.

Yet over and over I return
The helpless child drawn to the flame
Reaching toward familiar fire
Only to feel the same old burn, and shame.

There is no lesson to be learned
It is no life,
But it is mine.
Never forget
there is poetry in dirt
in greens, in beets,
especially in rutabagas.
Three-dollar-a-bag spinach,
you are a symphony of compost
with which an old man’s teeth are smitten;
Rosemary sprig, beneath all your flavor
you are the staff-lines of a madrigal written
in loving anticipation of the mason jars, weighed down with water
where you will grow and swell and bud and spread out strong purple flowers which elate
that you are part of a song
which sings every year
a little louder.

My beautiful, daredevil vegetables,
This coming September, I will miss you dearly.
I will be days of travel away from your world of roots, of mist,
of six-in-the-morning-before-classes tonic of rain
which saturates my skin so good I’m surprised when I shake the dirt from the leeks
all over my bare feet, that you don’t crop up green & white from between my toes,
that my arms don’t grow heavy with peppers
after they cake with jalapeno & bell seeds from all the half-rotten miracles
to whom I have given baptism in shallow plastic tubs of water
floating like elations of fire
in the grayness of the morning.

Know how to tell if a pepper’s rotten? Wash it & shake it
& if you can hear the water swishing inside,
if you can make a maraca of its innards,
then give it back to the dirt.

This is the wisdom of peppers:
when you grow soft
when you have been chosen
& plucked,
& washed
& thoroughly loved
& shaken,

when you have called out like fire
beside your brothers in a basin,

lay down in the compost
the kindly compost,
& listen, just listen,
(there will be nothing left to do
but listen)

to the poetry of dirt.
 May 2013 CRH
Ting Jun
 May 2013 CRH
There's a poet here you may have missed
go check her out I must insist
encourage her as you all did me
and welcome her into our family.

I just feel that as a family we should welcome newcomers with open arms.
 May 2013 CRH
 May 2013 CRH
Your eye
is the single thing.

I will fill it
with summer weeds
little stalks
no wrinkles
weighed with rain, like lungs of June.

I will fill it
with the hush of grass
with sun
your quiet lips like prayers, on my tongue.

You must never meet
puckered soil
wasted stems
no sickness
in this summer age.

Your eye will never fill
with these
wringing hands--
this ceiling without a star.

I will care for you.
 May 2013 CRH
My dog told me
in his sleep
  he invented the telephone
and walked on the moon ...

I just nodded
and walked away

it's better

to let
sleeping dogs lie.

After reading RR Richardsons poems about his dog Daisy
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