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 Jul 2013 CRH
LD Goodwin
And now, as the sunrise opens my eyes,
I wander through the memories
of the night and my love's embrace.

Of her warm and tender touch,
and kisses sweet with passion,
the moon glow on her face.

Satin skin, opalesque,
her scent is with me still,
imbued upon my mind.

I close my eyes, and again I am there,
her smiling face to see,
so wanting, so kind.

Once entwined bodies,
now wake to love another day,
stretching and yawning.

Peacefilled hearts
at one in love.
On this, a lover’s morning.
Harrogate, TN  July 2013
 Jul 2013 CRH
nothing is more violent than
love, but i would reconstruct
mountains just to have another
chance to break them down
again with you
(but while you're around, i forget my demons)  
it's been so nice and rainy this week c:
 Jul 2013 CRH
 Jul 2013 CRH
i can't break fear
when it's being
built into
i'm really just trying to distract myself because i'm getting too many blows at once and i'm so tired of talking and i don't want to talk anymore but i'm so scared of relapsing right now and i don't know if i can stay clean this time.
 Jul 2013 CRH
 Jul 2013 CRH
i am so tired
of staring at these four walls
that define my existence
but whenever i leave them
i wish i was
in their stranglehold
everyone wants to know
why i won't do this
or why i don't do that
or why i can't sleep
and i always tell them
that there is nothing wrong with me at all
and that would be true
if the small movies
of my childhood
didn't play against my eyelids
every time i try
to rest my tired
i am not
"There was once a boy named Milo who didn't know what to do with himself — not just sometimes, but always.

When he was in school he longed to be out, and when he was out he longed to be in. On the way he thought about coming home, and coming home he thought about going. Wherever he was he wished he were somewhere else, and when he got there he wondered why he'd bothered. Nothing really interested him — least of all the things that should have."
 Jul 2013 CRH
i've long since
that letter
you sent me
but it came back today
in a notebook
i bought
at walmart
your words live on,
you *******
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