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 Feb 2017 Craig Steele
 Feb 2017 Craig Steele
if time had fingers
I would braid them with mine
and never undo
this dance we call it
Days are dark, nights lay long,
Burning bridges keep us warm.
Wearily walking this road again
We bare the weight of the tinder,
The whispers and the flame.

What was once,
Shall never be the same.
The past floats as ash
Shadows cast on fallen rain.
While the willows weep in vain
The canopies confer in koans
The wind is passing wisdom,
Through leaves and seeds unsown.
Never trust the establishment
They do not exist for our benefit
For they believe  that we exist
For their convenience
Their only purpose is self-perpetuation
And they think that our only function
Is to accommodate that purpose
Whereas our true cause should be
To get rid of the *******

                                        By Phil Roberts
 Feb 2017 Craig Steele
Altoids, Bronners, Composition, and Deceptive Evil
Lay still and mechanically move
closer toward your hands
your glasses are befitting to your face
your eyes befitting to both
you look befitting to me.
looks are nothing but deceptive evil
womans words are befitting of that.
captivated by deception,
sweetly selling certain death,
dosed into a daze when decieved.
your eyes catch mine in two moments of deception
captivating enough to wish that i were blind
your hands and eyes and being before me
befit the deceptions believed
oh so sweetly did i believe.

— The End —