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Feb 2021 · 880
I don't understand
Craig Harrison Feb 2021
As I lie here and the tears stream
I ask myself the same questions
Why does everyone leave
Why does no one love me

For all my years I want love
I love many but no one loves me
What is so wrong with me that no one loves me?
Not a poem but I'm feeling really low at the moment
Jul 2018 · 696
I can't describe
Craig Harrison Jul 2018
I can't describe the pain
the pain that you feel.
I can't tell what is worse
what drove me to this, my only option of escape
or watching the blood drip down from the blade

I look down at the lines I just drew across my wrists
my body the canvas, the blade my pencil
I do not feel fear, I do not feel sorrow, I feel joy
as I watch the seconds on the clock continue to count
I know that soon, so very soon I will be free

I can't describe the pain
the pain that you feel
Sometimes I hate that I believe that I will be going to hell when I die, funny how fear of an afterlife keeps me here
Aug 2017 · 766
Craig Harrison Aug 2017
I gave up on you
when you gave up on me.
All I want to do is escape
and finally be free,
but I can't leave,
it's not out of love
but out of fear
which is why I will always be trapped here.
May 2017 · 1.7k
It will all fall
Craig Harrison May 2017
This Hell which we reside
is not like the Hells of old
It's something new
It's effecting our heart
and our mind
we're asking so many questions
because it's answers we're trying to find

But like the Hells of old
and the Hells of new
it continues to stand
but like the Berlin wall
one day they will all FALL
Haven't written anything for a while so I thought it was about time, feel like I tried to force this out of me though...

Not sure where I tried to go with this, I kind of wanted to write something about the evilness in the world but as I read it back I kind of felt like it was trying to to tell people to keep hold of hope, hope that the future will be better.....

Let me know how this made you feel
Mar 2017 · 984
Craig Harrison Mar 2017
The heart beats the sludge through the body
while the mind waits to collect more subsistence
feeding and gorging itself
Always wanting more, because it's never full

It's not sludge that the heart beats
It's anger, constant anger, just pushing through the body
the mind sits feeding and gorging itself
not realising that it's become something ugly and unrecognisable
Sep 2016 · 1.3k
The way it should be
Craig Harrison Sep 2016
Why don't we live in a world thats free for all to roam
or a city that's as fresh as the country
after all we call Earth our home
so why is it we persecute those who differ from us in anyway
even in the age we live the world discriminates
are you male, are you religious, what's your race
are you fat, are you gay, what's your political views
all this abuse going on right in your face.

Do you love, because I do
do you want peace, because I do
That's the way it should be
me equal to you and you equal to me
the way it should be
Jun 2016 · 3.5k
Craig Harrison Jun 2016
The world is full of stereotypes, not that all are bad
I don't agree with them, a person is a person not a type
but their's a saying about writers, writers are addicts
drugs, alcohol, gambling. What's your addiction?

Those who choose to write, those with the calling
we're said to be depressed, we use addictions as a way to escape
from the clutches of a world we can only change in our writing.

As a writer, covering these stereotypes seems like a course in myself
I've been depressed, I've gambled, I wish to change the world.
A stereotype or just a person living in the 21st century.
Not sure where I wanted to go with this, seemed ok when I started but didn't know how to finish it, anyway I hope you enjoyed.
Jun 2016 · 4.2k
2 worlds
Craig Harrison Jun 2016
2 worlds, one I wish I lived in and one I can't escape
as a boy running around the garden
playing football and laughing.
The one where I was free, life was happy and fun
waking up in the morning and the sky had no clouds only the sun.

Now the sky is dark and it never stops raining
I see the world of fun, just out of my reach
instead I wonder the streets getting drenched by the rain
with each step destroying all memories of a different world
a world where it's always sunny and life was happy

2 worlds, one I wished I lived in and one I can't escape.
May 2016 · 856
Love story
Craig Harrison May 2016
In Paris this story shall begin
and the 1800's had just set in
the sky was blue with no cloud in sight
so I went for a walk, and walk I did
hours went by, before I knew it the sky was dark, it had become night.
I took a different route home, that day
but with still a distance to travel the sky changed and what had started out so beautiful became, ugly, rain fell from the heavens above and I ran across the road to a coffee house.

I sat at the back, I had my choice of seatting, the property was near empty, at the counter sat a lady, a very beautiful lady, long legs, brown hair, but something seemed to make her sparkle, she lit up the place like a sun in space.
My mind raced to find words to say to her, I wanted to walk over and introduce myself, I wanted, I wanted to get to know this person. But then a smell of what I descibe as a wet dog reached up my nose and grabbed my brain to remind me that I was soaking wet, I didn't look presentable, this beautiful lady sitting only a few feet away from me would have taken one look and laughed.

I told you this was a love story, a story of love, not sadness and self pitty, so where is the love, well a strange thing happened, as I sat their drinking my coffee she came over. Sat down right in front of me she did and asked me how I was doing. Like it did with my walk the time seemed to fly, the owner came over to our table and told us he was closing, I didn't realise it was so late, I must of been enjoying myself, I didn't even realise that the rain had stopped.

Like a true gentleman I offered to walk the lady home, as we walked we continued the conversation that we were having back at the coffee house, we were discussing whether humans will walk on the moon, she believed that we would but I wasn't so sure, maybe, but not in my life time. We arrived at her appartment, a beautifull 4 story property with a sandy color to it. She thanked me but as I turned to walk away, she reached out and tugged my arm.

Never in a life time can woman find a man that she feels so comfortable around, a man that she meets only hours ago, but Sir, I would like to kiss you if I may.

Her words surprised me, not many women of this era asked a man for a kiss, but it was nice to be asked. I leaned in and our lips met, it was like every question I'd ever asked in my life was suddenly answered, the kiss was amazing, I wanted to do it again. I'd kissed women before but this was different, this was a magical kiss.

And that is how I met your great, great, great, great, great granmother
not a poem I know, I started to but then the word just flowed and out came the story above, hope you enjoyed
Craig Harrison Mar 2016
The worlds ment to be closer
more connected
Social media was meant to make us new friends
so why do I feel so lonely.
I have neighbors to the left
and some to the right
I have a family living within my sight
but no one that gets me, no one that truely makes me feel a little less lonely
Feb 2016 · 852
Can a friendship work
Craig Harrison Feb 2016
It's hard to tell when you've met your soulmate
but you've met yours
and I have met mine
but I wonder if a friendship can mature between us.

I find myself realising that we are quite similar
and I believe you have also
so I ask, can a man and woman be friends?
can a friendship work without others becoming jealous?
This is based on when a male and female friendship get ruined because someone becomes jealous, I have lost a friend in the past due to boyfriend being jealous, so I ask can a friendship truelly work, without anyone getting jealous?
Feb 2016 · 897
My lies
Craig Harrison Feb 2016
After a night of wonderful dreams
I wake to find i'm still trapped
trapped in a world that feels like hell
spending hours begging anyone who will listen to help me escape
but no responses as of yet.

Each morning I choose my mask for the day
but I see soulless expressions on the world
with the grunts, and hello's, I follow the majority
but screaming out inside, begging to be free.

I hate the world I was born in
but what can I do.
The only escape from this hell
are the dreams I experience each night,
Spero te amavi hebu matumaini wewe kujibu mundiyese ine kumwetulira
Feb 2016 · 962
we're the ones
Craig Harrison Feb 2016
You say you understand but you don't
you think you know us but you don't
we feel trapped all the time
and alone
we're the ones that con you
not for evil but for companionship.

Have you ever hated something so much
you fantasize about going crazy
just to escape this horrible reality.
We're the ones that don't qualify as normal
we're the ones that see the world differently
and finaly we're the ones that finds society
Not going to appeal to everyone, but let me know your thoughts
Feb 2016 · 6.6k
Craig Harrison Feb 2016
Without hope I'd be dead
my body would be six feet under
and my mind would be left to wonder
as I lay rotting
my mind would travel the heavens
and the depths of hell
Without hope I'd be dead

Without love I'd be lonely
surrounded but alone
no one to get me
no one to understand
Without love I'd be lonely

Without me the world would be
Feb 2016 · 1.6k
Sirius A
Craig Harrison Feb 2016
Looking up at that big yellow star
the one that lights the sky throughout the night
it can be seen from where ever you are
shining ever so bright

You look so close but yet so far
Sirius A the brightest star
The skies are full
but not all can see
the curiousity that exists within me
Feb 2016 · 12.0k
5 senses
Craig Harrison Feb 2016
My eyes do not gaze upon who you are
they see the person you will become

I do not hear your words that time will forget
I listen to your heart

When my fingers tingle your skin as they move down your body
I do not feal the scars that life as given you
I feal the memories that you gained in that life

The aroma that comes oozing from your body
is not that of sweat but of your soul

As our lips touch and we kiss for the first time
I will forever remember the taste of strawberries
for it takes all 5 senses to know a person
My eyes to see you for who you are and who you'll become
my ears to listen to your beautiful voice
touch to feel when you are cold
my nose to smell the perfume you brought
and my taste to really appreciate the meal you worked hard to make
it takes all 5 senses to know a person
I'm aware that for a large amount of people 5 senses is not possible and although this poem lead to been about 5 senses it was actually intended to represent that for a relationship to work properly it takes a lot of effort.. you have to be willing to listen to each other, to tell when they need you with out them saying, to appreciate when they buy something fancy, relationships aren't just about *** they are about 2 people becoming one.. If a person doesn't pay full attention to their partner the relationship will most likely fail.... So this Valentines Day, pay not just attention, pay full attention.

Happy Valentines Day
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
The darkest time
Craig Harrison Feb 2016
You say you're worried
but where were you when the rain lashed against the windows
and the clouds turned black.
The darkest time of my life
where were you then.

The day that the hope drained and the darkness creaped in
when the sun set and the winter came
you say you're worried
but where were you when my heart crumbled
and the tears wouldn't stop.
The darkest time of my life
where were you then.

The day I realised I was alone in this world
when the sadness creaped in
it never left
so you say you are worried
but where are you when you're needed
where are you when I'm screaming out for your help.
The darkest time of my life
where are you then!
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
Craig Harrison Dec 2015
As the heart weeps I strugle
as the years pass and space moves
I wonder how the Earth and I will die
my mind can not control and I do not wish it to
but forcing notice and loyalty into my sole is one
one of many things I can not stop
I can not contol and I shall not whisper
as in the night my heart will linger
the skys will close and stars will fire
but our hearts will surely die
as I age the Earth ages with me
and as blood starts to slow and muscles disapear
the world I live, time is almost here.
Don't ask, I just started typing and this is what came out
Dec 2015 · 836
Sunlight becomes darkness
Craig Harrison Dec 2015
Sunlight shining off her vanila like skin
and birds whistling to welcome us to the early morning
As she slowly opens her sleepy eyes
I muster a smile but she knows
My smile goes and her head drops
what can you do when your wife is dieing
what can you do when the doctors tell you it's not worth trying

The room begins to fill with sounds of tears
and the sunlight which only moments ago lit up her face is now gone
the birds that sang so loud is now only a whisper
and all that remains in this shoebox room are the tears that I wipe away from my wifes face
I hold her close, it is the least a husband can do for the love of his life
for all of time, she will forever be my beautiful wife.
Not based on my life
Dec 2015 · 741
Wonders back
Craig Harrison Dec 2015
My mind wonders back
back to the beginning
to the moment when this began
the day I met you

Like a production played out in my mind
sound so loud I can not hear anything else
but then my mind skips ahead and the sadness returns

I can't stop playing it over in my mind
the moment they told you
"Weeks left to live"
the fear I saw in your eyes
but there was nothing we could do

A tear falls from my eye
hating that you are gone
but there is nothing I can do
except remember you
your smile
your laughter
your big blue eyes
your kindness
so My mind wonders back
back to the beginning
to the moment when this began
the day I met you
At the moment this poem doesn't pressent it's self from my point of view, it is written from the point of view of a person who recently lost their loved one. So many people die each year and there loved ones suffer in heart ache, I tried my best to promote how this might feel to a person who as yet to experience this kind of heart ache.. R.I.P to those who've lost their lives
Dec 2015 · 675
Craig Harrison Dec 2015
Not long to go
till Santa and snow
presents and all
loved ones give us a call
enjoy the day
eat food and have fun
enjoy your Christmas Day

Merry Christmas
A little small, but I was a little rushed while writing this... Merry Christmas everyone.
Oct 2015 · 3.4k
Taught me
Craig Harrison Oct 2015
You taught me to be kind
you taught me to forgive
you taught me to use my mind

so upon the day that I die
when ever that may be
I want you to know that I spent my life
doing what you taught me

Their will be a time when I no longer exist
a day where I am buried
but I want you to know that I love you
Dad, Mom and my amazing brother
Ever since I was a kid I have always known that one day I will die, I have always accepted that. Even if one day they are able to make us live for ever, I know in my heart that their will be a day when I choose I want to leave.

I don't know when my final day will be, it might be today or billion years from now, so the purpose of this poem was kinda a reminder to my family that I love them. So if I am to die suddenly, this poem will be my leaving note.

Dear Dad
We've had some good times and bad times, like most people. One thing that I admire about you is you ability to forgive (especially me) I guess that is where I take my ability to forgive from. At the moment of writing this I am 28 years old and living with you for my life as been amazing, even if we do argue occasionaly, but good kind of arguing, you make me think and question things, any person would be lucky to have a dad like you.. My happiest memory, there as been many but I would have to say, the first time I ever won chess agaisn't you, you never let me win, but I didn't give up and when I won it meant so much more.. I know life hasn't been the best friend to you but I do hope that the next life is everything you wish. I love you.

Dear Mom
Hi mom, like dad, we have had good times and bad times, but every family does I guess. Some good times that I remember are playing monopoly, I love that game. I am grateful for the times when you have given me a lift to places and when a few years ago you loaned me some money. I hope that one day soon, you get the things in life that you wish for. I love you.

Dear Brother
Hello, boooooooo, I'm a ghost, lol. (If you reading this after I die) if not then I will see you the weekend. I have no problem admiting this, I love you more than anyone else on this planet, not only are you my brother but I consider you my best friend and I hope and pray that in our next lives that we continue to be friends. I might not have been the best brother growing up and for that I am deeply sorry for. Nearly all my life I have felt alone, but you made me realise that I wasn't truely alone. I enjoy when we talk, I look forward to when we visit each other and I hate it when we fight. I love you and I will always love you.

To everyone else that as read this, I hope that all your wishes come true, I realise that you don't know me, I try to express who I am in my poems but one thing that you should know about me is that I generally do love each and every life form. (You, cats, dogs, mice, aliens, everything)

I hope that I will have many many many more years left and I hope that they will be fun, but I also have to accept that anything can happen so I wanted something out there that I had written to express how I feel.

Thank you for reading and where every you are reading from I hope you are having fun and enjoying the day.
Oct 2015 · 686
Could you do it
Craig Harrison Oct 2015
Take away your arms
take away your legs
could you survive?

Take away your money
take away your phone
would you cry?

Take away your family
take away your friends
would you be lonely?

Take away your food
take away your water
would you starve, would you die?

Now take away someones arms
take away their legs
could you do it?

Take away someones money
take away their phone
could you do it?

Take away someones family
take away their friends
could you do it?

Take away someones food
take away their water
could you do it?

It happens everyday
someone takes someones limbs
someone takes someones valuables
someone takes someones loved ones
someone takes someones life
If you can't do it to yourself
don't do it to someone else
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Before / After
Craig Harrison Oct 2015
Turn off the light
close your eyes
cover them
(Still not dark enough)

Move your hands
open your eyes
look at the sun
(Still not bright enough)

Turn everything off
put your fingers in your ears
(Still not quiet enough)

Put on headphones
turn up to full blast
(Still not loud enough)

Still not dark enough
still not quiet enough
what could I be talking about?

Still not bright enough
still not loud enough
what could I be talking about?

what could I be talking about?
(The Big Bang)

From a spark to an explosion
from dust to a rock
from a rock to an atmosphere
from an atmosphere to a tree to an ocean
Please DON'T look at the sun

When you think back from where we came you can't help but see how amazing each and every life is.
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
Craig Harrison Sep 2015
Fear, true fear is so painful
so hurtful, your body becomes shocked
your mind is crying

Fear to wake up in the morning
fear that it will happen again
true fear is so painful
so hurtful, your body is frozen
your mind is scared
Sep 2015 · 3.9k
Never Changing
Craig Harrison Sep 2015
In the shadows he waits
looking down upon the world
giving us everything
but taking it away

We **** and keep on killing
we harm and keep on harming
we destroy and keep on destroying
never changing

We were not made in Gods image
we were made in the Devils
the species never changed
never will
So in the shadows he waits
looking down upon the world
giving us everything
but taking it away
all the time
We **** and keep on killing
we harm and keep on harming
we destroy and keep on destroying
never changing
Sep 2015 · 859
This is not Earth
Craig Harrison Sep 2015
He's a demon
She's a demon
Everyone's a demon
This is not Earth

Sep 2015 · 808
Tragic end
Craig Harrison Sep 2015
Lonely blue marble out in space
moving ever so slowly while your brothers and sisters watch from a distance
so many things they've seen
Evolution,  revolution
War, genocide, extinction

Lonely blue marble out in space
one among many
unique, special, amazing
dieing as your brothers and sisters watch on.

Lonely blue marble out in space
slowly being destroyed by the human race
Rest In Peace my dear friend
I'm sorry that one day you will come to a tragic end
Sep 2015 · 8.6k
Craig Harrison Sep 2015
You ask us to vote, we vote
you ask us to trust you, we trust you
we give you your term, sometimes two
but what do you actually do?

We ask you not to betray our vote, you betray
we ask you not to betray our trust, you betray
we give you your term, sometimes two
but tell me, what do you actually do?

Homeless people
Extreme poor
you say you will end them
so we give you your term, sometimes two
but tell me, what do you actually do?
Aug 2015 · 5.1k
Dreaming of Earth
Craig Harrison Aug 2015
Dreaming of Earth we do see
fantasising of a time when we lived free
hating what as become of our reality

Holding back the tears
remembering what became of our fears
how easy things have changed over the years

Freedom is freedom
no mater how big or small
don't give it up
you'll miss it when no freedoms exist at all.
Dreaming of Earth we do see
fantasising of a time when we lived FREE
Aug 2015 · 10.7k
You're not alone
Craig Harrison Aug 2015
You wake up each morning feeling like you don't fit in
you believe no one really understands you
half of you is missing from the world
people find you weird and strange
you find them boring.
You're not alone

You don't have many friends
you never go to parties
a psychiatrist would probably lock you away
you feel lonely surrounded by billions
you feel you will die with no one in your life
You're not alone

It doesn't matter what others think
it doesn't matter if no one gets you
because my friend
you're not alone
Jul 2015 · 2.1k
Craig Harrison Jul 2015
I've thought about it
but chose to stay
questioning everyday
how can I live in a world that tortures animals
be part of a race that kills our fellow Earthlings
Part of me dies, part of me cries and part of prays
but all of me wishes I could stop this cruelty
punish those that do harm
the idea of Hell was designed for people that ****.

Life is life
it deserves to live
it deserves to be free
it deserves to be happy
life deserves to live
if their is a God
then I beg you give us the power
give us the power to stop this cruelty
I struggle to live in a world that tortures animals
I can't stand been part of a race that kills our fellow Earthlings
Jul 2015 · 978
Craig Harrison Jul 2015
Society as we know it couldn't exist without control
from force to manipulation
we've built ways to destroy our sole
fear is what caused the weak to take control across every nation.

History used force
the present used manipulation
future technology will create new levels of control across every nation.
Things like passion, love, thought and independent beliefs
these things can take away the control the weak are fearful of losing
medication is the latest trick they are using
along with advertisements, news and war
turning each of us into a *****.

The fearfull will find ways to eliminate
because they can take away the power they're so scared of losing.
Not my best I know, but something I wanted to write about. Where I used the word ***** I mean in the context of  A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain. This is a meaning of the word that was given on

What made me write this?

Well over the years I have noticed how people that seemed to have independent views of the world and their own independent beliefs that seperated them from the majority of society gradually seemed to lose those beliefs and views and develope new views that seemed to resemble what other peoples views and beliefs were. They seemed to have given up their individuality.. These views and beliefs changed with the changes in medication, advertisements and the news, also due to wars over the years I've noticed also seemed to change a persons personality/views/beliefs.

Also one of the other reasons for these views is because I started to think from a Artifical Intelligence point of view, the ones in the sci-fi movies/shows where they are programmed to protect the human race, but the A.I realises that we are self destructive so puts measures in place to stop us in some way.. Well are thought well the easiest ways to stop us from been self destructive is to manipulate us in some way, and we know we can be manipulated.. And the best way to manipulate us is without us realising, and the best ways are medication we believe is designed to help us, advertisements that we believe us alert us to something we need, the news that we believe gives us independent views, war which (should not exist, I don't care how evil someone is, no one deserves to die) but war increases patriotism which in some weird way increases our effection for our governments.. These things we're how I would imagine an A.I would eliminate our Passion, Love, Thought and independent beliefs so I imagine an other human could also have thought of them..

Our Passion is what gives us the motivation and determination to fight for change (forms of activism) it's also what pushes to be the best we can be.

Love, sadly love is painfull but it is also so amazing but it also what pushes us, our love for fellow lives, our love of exploration, our love for each other. We become and we are protective of the things we love.

Thought, no one likes to be made to feel dumb, but in the world of over 7billion people their is always going to be someone smarter than you. Thought is what took us from a species that was no more different to every other species on the planet into the most intelligent species, we have created some amazing things with the use of thought, but sadly not everyone gets to experience the benefits of those amazing things..

Independent beliefs you only have to look at religion for this.. Athiests and Relgious people they're the two main groups (I have my own views that are accepting of both groups) These groups don't get along, at least not in the way that is show to the world. They may be different but they are beliefs but on the same level they are also someone elses beliefs, some of my favorite people in history were people of both science and religion but in todays world it seems that you are labelled as one or the other. If you tell someone you believe in a God they straight away put you into a religion, many times when I've told people that I believe in a God they have responded with Oh so you're christian.. No I'm not, I do not follow any recongnised religious belief but I am accepting that I may be wrong and someone elses belief might be right.. They usually respond with no, you've got to be a certain religion, you can't just make up your own..... WHY? why can't I make up my own belief?
But I've also tried it where I've said I believe in Science (which plays a big role in my belief structure) I get the response hang on if you believe in science then how can you believe in a God? I usually say well it works for me... Response is usally You can't believe in Science and God at the same time, you just can't.. Why? why can't I? For me Science and God combined works, I might be wrong but at the same time I might not.. I may never find out but while I am alive, if it works for me then that is enough...  So it just seems that Indepedendent beliefs struggle to exist in a world where so many beliefs that are someone elses...

Sorry, got lost in typing their, I hope you enjoyed reading, if not I appologies for waisting 5-10 minutes out of the average of 4.208e+8 minutes with-in a 80 year timeline.. My maths is not that good at higher level so I'm not sure what the e+ means but it is a really really really long time.

Anyway thanks for reading
Jul 2015 · 791
Some call it Hell
Craig Harrison Jul 2015
You see darkness and sadness
nothing but sorrow as you walk around
You're a prisoner with no way to escape
you hear the screams of eternal ****.

Dead bodies piling up
The sun drying up all the land
the planet excisting of only sand
you hear the screams of the ******.

Time is meaningless when nothing changes
when war exists every year
and children live their lives in fear
some call this Hell
I call it Earth.
We're born so peacefull, full of love
We're born explorers
We're born with so much compasion
We're born with so much potential

Jun 2015 · 936
It's so hard
Craig Harrison Jun 2015
It's so hard
waking up everyday
loved ones not knowing what to say.
It's so hard
when everyone is going about their day
when no one can tell you're crying inside.
It's so hard.

Sometimes you look at the clock and pray
sometimes you hope
that today will be the day
the day you don't wake up.
It's so hard
lying to everyone
lying to yourself
You know you need help
but you're scared
you fear what they will say.

It's so hard
going to sleep at night
hoping and wishing that tomorrow never comes
that you never wake up.
It's so hard
when no one knows how you feel
and those that do, can't help you.
Each day, each night
each minute, each hour
it's so hard.
Jun 2015 · 746
Craig Harrison Jun 2015
We're all searching
all across the world we're searching
looking for love
a connection
for someone to end the feeling of loneliness.

From the moment of our births, we've searched
we've searched the world
some find love
some make a connection
and a few find someone to end the feeling of loneliness
but not everyone
no not everyone
Some spend lifetimes searching
but never finding what they are looking for
at least not in life, maybe, just maybe
they do in death.
May 2015 · 1.1k
Craig Harrison May 2015
Never sleeping
no more dreaming
no more hope.

Dragging the souls of the old
whipped by demons
and constant screems in my head.

Flesh stripped from your body
dipped in oceans of salt
forced to eat your own brains
and drink acid water.

That's only if you were one of the good ones
the pure evil
the Hitlers of the world

Torn limb to limb
burned, drowned, hung
no food or drink
given a tiny bit of hope
but then taken away again

Eyes burned with blow torches
and left to dangle out of the socket
An itch that can not be scratched for eternity
you become a zombie
you never sleep
you never dream
you lose all hope
May 2015 · 907
Craig Harrison May 2015
Immense pain shooting from the wound
eyes becoming heavy
anger, hatred, regret and sadness filling the mind
then total darkness, it's like going blind.

Peace, love, happiness had replaced the feelings
anger, hatred, regret and sadness that had filled the mind
A voice in the distance calling out your name
but still no sight, just waves of color washing over the darkness.

The distant voice got closer
images filled the darkness
fields, tress and children playing
beautiful blue sky with multi-colored clouds
animals running free
rivers filled with clear water.

Waterfalls so beautiful, like an artists masterpiece
behind the clouds and the sky, many planets and moons
the planets belong to alien life
the moons are meeting places
the clouds are our homes
and in the distance
the largest mountain you'll ever see
the home of God and his angels.

The voice calls out one last time
"You're finally home"
May 2015 · 12.0k
I am who I am
Craig Harrison May 2015
You call me Lesbian
I say, yes I am
You call me Gay
I say, yes I am
You call me Bi-******
I say, yes I am
You call me Transgender
I say, yes I am
It doesn't matter what you call me
It doesn't matter what you think
you will not change who I am

I am who I am
I believe in equality.
One Earth
One Species
we are all Human
children of Earth
Apr 2015 · 13.9k
Did no one listen
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
Is it true what people say
did the Earth have trees
and oceans
did life run free
for as far as the eye could see.

Is it true what people say
did Humans **** animals for fun
pollute the air they needed,
did no one listen to the warnings
did no one stop them.

Is it true what people say
did we leave Earth
because we killed it?
Based on a conversation that may take place someday in the future
Apr 2015 · 667
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
I am pureness
I am the ocean with out the toxins
I am love without the hate
hope without the need
happeness without the sadness
I am the rain in the clouds
the heat in the sun
the beat in your heart
and the emotion in your eyes
I am everything
Apr 2015 · 811
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
I make music with my lips
I make love with my soul
in my mind the world is art
I create beauty with my hands

I hear the music of the trees
I see the wind as it kisses your face
I feel the pain of the world
I show the tears for those that can not
Apr 2015 · 1.0k
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
Hanging on my play rooms wall
many toys for us all
I have a feather slapper
black rose whip
and a pair of silk rope handcuffs
hundreds of toys
to enjoy my ***; fun
you might be scared
but you'll be screaming for more when we're done
Inspired by 50 Shades of Grey... Which can I just say that if you haven't watched the film yet, you should, it's quite good... Although I was expecting a bit more from it, but that's just me.
Apr 2015 · 16.4k
One Day
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
One day my skin will be wrinkled
my teeth will fall out
my memories will fade
and one day, my heart will stop
my body will rot
and I'll just be another person time forgot.

But while I continue to age
I'll make friends
I'll have children
I'll leave a mark on this world
so although I have gone
part of me will continue to live on
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
Accept your differences
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
Everyone argues
everyone as disagreements
some people blow a fuse
but it's not worth it in the end
so put down your guns
put down your swords
dismantle those bombs.
Have your arguments
have those disagreements
but don't blow a fuse
accept your differences
and work on your similarities
Apr 2015 · 819
If you're listening
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
If God is real then I ask you to help me
If God is real then I ask you to save me
Like glass can shatter
so can my dreams
Like wood can break
so can my heart
Like life can die
so can my soul
Like a person without hope can give up
so can I

If God is real then I ask you to help me
If God is real then I ask you to save me
If God is real

If God is real then protect us all
Help us all
Save us all
at least
Free us all
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
No More
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
No More
so many have died
as you sit in your comfy chairs
children are dieing
families are seperating
no good ever comes from it
No More Wars

Food becomes limited
costs go up
money disappears
luxury no longer exists

Hospitals become full
children become orphans
women become widows
men lose their wives

No body ever wins
we all lose
so please
from the bottom of my heart
as a member of the human race
and on behalf of all life without a voice
Apr 2015 · 7.9k
Remember my love
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
The first time I said I loved you
the first time you said it back
the love in your eyes
and the passion in your soul.
The first time your saw our daughter
her first word
the love in your eyes
and the protection you felt.

You have no idea what I'm talking about
and it breaks my heart each day
While my memories remain
yours are gone
Apr 2015 · 3.8k
Screaming voices
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
A million voices screaming out in pain
not one of them is mine.
Each muscle weighing more than a plane
not able to move, traped in this uncontrollable body
listening to the millions of diffent voices screaming
but no sound comes out, it never does.

Once, along time ago, one of the voices was mine
it was the strongest, the loudest
when I spoke the other voices fell silent
but no more.
What changed?
I don't know but as the days tick on by
I can tell that my voice is dying

STOP, Don't talk to him!!
Don't listen to anything he has to say.
He had his chance and he blew it
now it is mine, my voice is the loudest and all other voices will fall
Mar 2015 · 8.2k
Prediction or fiction
Craig Harrison Mar 2015
Streaks of mist
cars flying over head
no more driving
we're all flying

Our minds hooked up
great big machines
games playing out in our head
changing the meaning of reality

Humans and machines
walking side by side
no physical difference
equally walking the street

The future is unknown
but we can predict
will it be hell
or will it be utopia
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