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 Mar 2014 Corinne
Pushing Daisies
You're the devil,
On her shoulder,
Clinging to her,
Fragile bones.

You're the devil,
On her shoulder,
Breaking her,
With sticks and stones.

You're the devil,
On her shoulder,
Pushing her,
Away from home.

But you only,
Want to hold her,
So you don't feel,
All alone.
As the locusts sang in the twilight heat
The Sun no longer baked the city-street,
The lonely last was her to repeat.

Her lonely soul ready to bare
Trying to hide her utter despair,
She wouldn't mind if there were someone to share,

Seeing lovers in the park
Who would hold hands without a care,
She would cry inside, 'It just isn't fair."
In August.

May never comes too soon
June is the month to spoon
July just right for a honeymoon

But August?

July 16 1963
I'm snoozing my best in the morning
Along about sun up,
When I hear someone a-callin'
Wake up, it's time to get up,
I lay there stretching and yawning
So nice to stay in bed,
I see the Sun is shining
Over the back woodshed,
Crawling from under the covers
Cheeks so nice and cool,
When the Sun gets over the chickenhouse
It's time to go to school,
Then sometimes
After I am up out of bed,
The moon comes over
The same woodshed,
If I'm still
And quiet as a mouse,
I'm asleep before it reaches
The old tinhouse.

August 2, 1963
 Mar 2014 Corinne
Like an hour glass tipped on its side
She waits
Time. Stands. Still.
tick tock
tick tock
Dreams shelved
Filed in an alphabetical index
allowing quick retrieval
for when she is free
to dream again.
 Feb 2014 Corinne
Music notes float softly one by one from the ceiling while I lay in bed dancing between universes.
Thoughts of sadness, thoughts of madness, creep up my spine like the knives of Brutus,
while joyous dreams and hopeful themes flow through my blood like angels unraveling blackened seams...

So in this state I lay in patience while the music rains softly down and emotion trickles all around but I'm not scared for somewhere in the shadows you are there...
 Feb 2014 Corinne
Anna Pavoncello
As I've said before, and I'll say it once more,
My heart was born in the ground,
Raised by the sea,
And housed in the trees,
And that's why I love them so.

In separation,
My soul was lifted on wind,
Traveled by light,
And slept in the clouds,
And that's why I love them so.

For my heart and soul are one,
One that has yet to meet me.
One that carries nature on his shoulders.
And that's why I love him so.

He and I are separated still,
Distanced by time,
Lost in the woods,
And brought closer by opposite currents.

We are carried by will
Followed by fate,
Inspired by others
And freed by blue skies.

And that's why I love them so.
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