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 Oct 2013 Connie Buchan
The smell of burnt goodbyes
and strawberries
surrounded her

Battle scars displayed
down her arms
up her legs
across her hips

The smile on her face
didn't match
the blue in her eyes
and the red on her skin

She had lost the war
Her mind turned purple
and it all went black
I never did get the memo
That said I had to grow up
I guess I wasn't paying attention
Or off somewhere having fun

Although it looks like age has taken it's toll
The creases and wrinkles are all mine
The kid that lives deep in my soul
Won't let go of this playful mind

So next time they tell me to grow up
I'll say on the outside I have
But on the inside there's really no telling
Cause that's where I'll stay the kid that I am
 Oct 2013 Connie Buchan
SE Reimer
When addiction runs deep,
Like the blood in our veins,
Its impossible to kick,
Unlikely to abstain.
For we are what we love,  
And we love what we are;
It’s said that an apple, 
From its tree won't roll far.

Her parents were junkies,
Generations gone by,
So deep in her blood,
It’d be cruel to deny.
I’ve found in resistance,
I beat my head on a brick,
So no longer at odds,
I embrace life as her fix.

“Honey, can you fix this?”
She says, smiling at the sale.
At the lamp I look closely,
It stands tired and frail;
It's brass tarnished dark, 
Its wire is frayed.
In my head I say, “No," then,
“Sure babe,” someone else said.

Believing I’ve dodged one, 
I breathe a sigh of relief;
We return to our Jeep, and
Drive away down the street.
Then I glance in the mirror,
And what do I see,
It’s that LAMP in my back seat,
Staring smugly at me.

“This dresser will be cool,
In robin's-egg-blue;”

Just describing the hue,
I see her almost drool.
“Yeah, natural on top,
It's frame painted, then glazed...
You’re the best at glueing drawers!”

She adds icing with praise.

“Look, here’s a chair I found,
with pretty calico;
If you fix it's broken arm,
You’ll be my hero!
Cuz I am sure it will fetch, 
Ten times what I've paid.”

I’m a wage earner no longer,
She pays me in accolades.

That bowl with mustard yellow,
Picture frames of wood & plaster;
An old tin box, and this small broach,
A barrel chest with leather straps.
A jewelry box, 
(A lover’s locket found inside)
Each purchase she makes,
Adds satisfaction, and pride.

Her addiction runs deep,
She’s my bargain-maker;
Not a corporate girl, 
But she’s a mover and shaker.
Yes, she's my ******,
And I am her fix;
Together we’re a duo,
"Can we peak in your attic?"

In my chair as I write this,
I feel something, turn and see;
And there pinned to the cushion, 
Is a price tag poking me.
Now I’m nervous as a cat,
Wouldn’t want to fall asleep;
For fear I could wake up, 
In the back of someone else's Jeep!
My wife, born to parents who met at an auction, grew up in her family’s business,; some call in antiquing, some collectibles, some estate sales, but we call it junking.  After years away from the business, she has returned to selling at vintage shows.  We tease and kid each other, but make no mistake about it, she is excellent at what she does, particularly in restoring wood furniture!  I love working with her on those pieces that require four hands.
 Oct 2013 Connie Buchan
SE Reimer
i found someone 
a fan for life
she keeps no score 
this friend, my wife

she is, “my goodness” 
my, “God knows when”
my inspiration 
she is my pen!!!
I started this poem with the ending
That way I figure just in case
I get half way through and don't have a clue
Of what next I wanted to say

Plus it'll save me all that time
Of trying to come up with the perfect end for the ending
Since this idea came around and I've written it down
At the start of the very beginning

Though it does take away all the mystery
Of what this poem is about
Like sneaking a look at the last page of a book
No more need to try and figure it out

I could throw a surprise twist in the middle
Just to try and liven things up
But you already know what's coming so
I'm not sure a twist would be enough

I now find myself deep in dilemma
Since I started the beginning with the end
I clear my throat with a cough as I finish it off
With where it was I should have began
Am I the only one that's sober
In this drunken world we're in
Drunk on fame, power, and fortune
And every other sin known to man

Raising glasses to our elected
As they propose another toast
For more power to the ones in need
But not to the ones who need it the most

As women and children ram the barricades
And men set themselves on fire
Is it not for the least of these
That we put these men in power

Have they crossed the forbiden boundary
As they step over the line
If they make the rules for themselves
Can they not be charged with the crime

The only time they call out to the people
Is for another round if you please
The poor lose their plight to the drunkards top shelf life
Doing shot after shot of insanity
I'm walking this life
In circular motion
I'm swinging my arms
Backwards and forwards

I'm walking this life
Without really knowing
Where I have been
Or where I am going

I'm walking this life
To the right and the left
With the up's and the down
Blind leading the deaf

I'm walking this life
In hopes that I'm on
The path that leads to
Where it is that I'm going

I'm walking this life...
I'm walking this...
I'm walking...
You were my six

I was your seven

I made it odd

While you kept it even

We both had counted

On what's known as love

But when six hangs with seven

There's never much luck
in Scotland fair you must beware
the weathered moor at night
For it is said a thing of dread
hunts neath it's pale moon light

It's small and stout and loves to shout
and scare the tiny mice
It kicks the trees to wake the bees
because it is not nice

it runs amok through herd and flock
and makes the chickens fly
Then opens gates and shakes lose slates
and takes pigs from the sty

It up roots crops and spills the hops
and dances in the flour
Though rarely seen its really mean
and turns the fresh milk sour

It squashes flat each butter pat
and mixers wheat with grain
then ups and screams to spoil your dreams
and runs away again

The Haggis see is wild and free
and likes to cause such fun
Breaks traps and snares and frees the hares
and helps them to their run

The hunting hound that sniffs the ground
Will never find his scent
because he sweats sweet Vi-o-lets
to cover where he went

The Heathered moor and rains that pour
wash away his tracks
and he's not scared he is prepared
for haggis run in packs

With teeth and claws and snapping jaws
they are a sight to see
So think before you seek that moor
where they run wild and free
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