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Poor mister Ted is sick in bed
his nose is oh so dry
he's got the shakes and tummy aches
and that's the reason why

I came down stair to fetch a chair
So I could sit with Ted
I've held his paw and heard him snore
and dabbed his fevered head

I made him tea with sweet honey
and lemon freshly squeezed
some tissues too Atchoo Atchoo
Oh No... now I have sneezed

I helped him up and held his cup
and let him sip it slow
then wiped his chin and tucked him in
and turned the light down low

A water jug and plastic mug
with lots of crushed up ice
Placed close at hand on the night stand
beside some sugared mice

I kissed his brow and said sleep now
just close your tired eyes
and when you wake make no mistake
I'll be here when you rise
We sailed the sea in search of tea
just me and captain Ted
with treasure chest and pirate crest
flown high above our bed

the window view with sky of blue
we made our water way
and clouds in swathes were rolling waves
that caused our ship to sway

Curtains tied tight were sails of white
that billowed in the breeze
and gulls in flight no longer white
but striped like honey bees

The garden shed lay dead ahead
but Ted said its a trick
It is in fact old captain black
So man the cannons quick

pillows in hand and stations manned
we aimed and fired true
and sent their bones to Davy Jones
within the ocean blue

The fighting done we'd fought and won
their treasure on our decks
we sailed away to kennel bay
through reefs and sunken wrecks

a shoal of socks swam round the rocks
and hid beneath their shade
and flocks of shirts and summer skirts
within the shallows wade

Ted pointed out a water spout
that rose from just beyond
a whale maybe hides there matey
within the goldfish pond

My slippers lept from out the depths
and SPLASHED us with their tails
then light bulbs flashed and Windows clashed
and wind whipped through our sails

A storm cried Ted stood on the bed
his finger pointing east
we rose and fell amongst the swell
Of nature's fearsome beast

Waves ten feet high came crashing by
and soaked us head to toe
we clutched the mast till all had past
and never once let go

The danger gone we travelled on
and docked in time for tea
tomorrow Ted I turned and said
I wonder what we'll be
Let me bare arms to protect you

Within their

Bare arms double meaning
She lay by me
sweet symmetry
her body fitting mine

her perfect curves
got on my nerves
tracing a perfect line

the arm and knee
So suited me
a mirror of mine own

Her lips her eyes
her silken thighs
would not leave mine alone

Her touch her feel
her ice cold heel
sent shivers down my spine

but done and said
She's in my head
and in this heart of mine
Now or Never girl
Gets caught up in the plans she's made
Now before it is to late
Never does she hesitate

Now or Never girl
Fly's on a higher plain of consciousness
Never can the girl resist
Now is when she's at her best

Now or Never girl
Knows that the time is now
As much as time will allow
Never girl if not now
I visted with a good friend today
It has been such a long while
I pulled up a bench, reached out my hands
And gave her a comfortable smile

She has never questioned my intentions
Nor asked me the reason why
After so many years I would leave her alone here
As much as she fulfills my life

For when we are wrapped up in each other
A sweet melody so often plays
I caress her ever so gently
Just the two of us as the world fades away

I never realized how much I miss her
Without hesitation she takes me back again
What we have is so far from over
My lover, my friend, my baby grand
Your cleavage is the sum
of everything you want to be:
on show and constantly talked about,
but when you have loaded words in
a shotgun mouth, spewing out
miscellaneous shells to the nobodies
of your street, then you’ll
fail to become that gap between your *******.

Keep quiet and remain dressed;
having numbers next to friends
is a contest you win at,
but count on your hands the mouths
that like you, and you’ll realise you’re
For the girl with the bow in brown hair,

            the heat from the upstairs
restaurant cures the street where we walk,
            the freight’s in on the track,
you can tell by the horns,
            I from the diesel smell below the
afternoon clouds, faint above,
            sometimes when we speak a heart rate
somewhere peaks,
            another graph pinned to an office wall
shows this clear,
            sometimes when we talk tense chests
fear the answer you may say,
            the graph strays past paper and onto
those office walls, in red with a palmed
            smudge where you forgot where
the words ended.

            For the girl with the bow in brown hair,
your eyes are theatre-light reflections in twenty-four hour
window panes sat packed neatly off the corner of West 47th
and 7th, for you’re my central Times Square.
I didn’t see the moss at the foot of the white-clad border walls
because I was holding you by the edges,
so to not crease, rip or crinkle you.

The road is always long, but this street
takes the ****. The same trees grow and repeat,
twisting up into great nothings acting as a canopy,
but not quite pulling it off as the rain broke through.

You looked comfortless in my arms, as though you’d
rather be somewhere different in a lot less clothing, and asleep
waking to a familiar ceiling nearer to the weekend than this weekday
in May.

Sometimes, if the wind is right and ushered correctly,
the crane lights of the night highlight that moss
and only those searching will be aware that
it lives at the bottom of a white-clad border wall
just over there. >> visit now for free poetry.
 Sep 2013 Connie Buchan
I see pictures in my head.
Me with a magnet embedded in my stomach.
Repelling or attracting certain types of people.
A man walking the New York streets
Concerned over his ****** addicted brother.
I see viking ships sailing to protect their homeland
From dragons and crop plight.
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