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sometimes i forget
that you don't have time
for me anymore
and that maybe
i should just
then you come back
it's like a roller coaster
and i can't seem to get off
because the thrill is worth
the disappointment when the ride stops
and you have no idea
but i just can't seem to tell you
what am i so afraid of?
because anything would be better than this
i'd rather you completely reject me
than sit here
not knowing
i want to tell you
i really really do
but you have to understand that i just
and it's only hurting me
as far as i know
i just wish...
i  just wish that  there were more time in a day
© Alysia Michelle
 Oct 2013 Connie Buchan
SE Reimer
these golden days 
with cool, crisp air
finds me dreaming 
of days more fair
when our golden boy 
raked golden leaves
your work now ceased
you rest in sleep

i looked out today 
on an autumn-colored lawn
but you’re not there 
they say you’ve gone
where once you stood
on grass so green
now lies a stone
you rest beneath

the seasons change
while I cannot 
for without goodbyes
my heart’s in knots
my fall is passing
my eyes still weep
my winter dead ahead 
while you rest in peace

*rest, my sweet son 
rest in peace
today the sun came out for a few late afternoon hours to highlight the autumn colors collecting on our green front grass. seeing it, i grabbed my camera to snap a photo and while doing so was instantly taken back to a similar fall day four long years ago, our Daniel’s last Fall, when he enthusiastically raked these vibrant colors of orange, red, gold, brown and rust, into mounds of beauty cascading across the yard. we memorialized the moment that day with a cherished photo of he in his wool stocking cap, rake in hand amidst a sea of color.  

like color contrasts create turbulent beauty, so life when contrasted with loss shows the beauty that was, making the ache all the more poignant.
i miss you... terribly, Son!
I spend most of my adult life*
by the shore
Gazing at the pounding waves
Like life, I see how
they push as they pull
the foundation
that has been laid

The grains of sand
are like splinters of my soul
that have been worn down
with time

Eroding edges
by a mothers' control
a nature dissimilar
to mine

I watch as a child,
too close to the shore
builds a castle in the sand
What the waves wash away
she tries to rebuild
In this I see my childhood
once again

With the setting of the sun,
thoughts come to mind
of my life's beginning
as well as its end
Where the things of the past
I find so hard to forget
and even harder to forgive

I know what I must do
it's there in front of me
Forgiveness can be
my only release
I leave it all behind
as I stand to my feet
*And walk further down the beach...
I have a friend that struggles with forgiveness...
She asked me if I would write something for her in hopes it would help...
I'd like to thank her for her trust in me and the friendship we share...
Being a girl *****! :(
I'm one big ball of emotion
Being tossed back and forth
On the waves of this female ocean

Just when I say I'm doing okay
Another tsunami comes along
Washing away the sanity I saved
Swept out to sea, it's gone

Being a girl *****! :(
All the makeup that we wear
Who are we trying to impress anyways
And do those jerks out there really care

All they do is treat me like a piece of meat
With desert on the side
Would you like some tears with that
It doesn't take much these days to make me cry

Being a girl *****! :(
With some of the things we have to wear
This over the shoulder boulder holder
Wasn't built for comfort that's for sure

And is it already that time of month again
I've about had it with these cramps
If I hear another man explain my mood to me
I swear I'm going to reach up and pull his tongue out through his...

Being a girl *****! :(**
But one thing that I can say
It sure as heck beats being a guy
Where stupidity always gets in the way
I saw this moniker on a friends "kik" site and being a guy had to wonder just what it is that ***** about being a girl.
This of course is from a "REAL" mans perspective...I could be wrong.
I'll shut up now before I get myself in more trouble...
Oh...did I mention I'm a "REAL man?  I did?  
Just making sure...
When life has finally done me in
Put me in an old tin can
Toss my ash into the wind
When life has finally done me in

Say a little prayer for me
Just before you set me free
As I float upon the gentle breeze
Say a little prayer for me

So my memory will not be lost
And I'm forever in your thoughts
Purchase the field in which I was tossed
So my memory well not be lost
 Oct 2013 Connie Buchan
SE Reimer
a dear friend asked just yesterday
how does your marriage last
thirty years and counting, friend 
would have to challenge even the best
two words said i
that's all it takes
“making love” a marriage makes
but please consider my definition
before you reach the wrong conclusion

they call it making love
but when synonymous with
one night stand
a party grand…

inflicts only a world of hurt
a soul bruised and burnt
call it what you want
but for certainty
love making it is not

you may disagree with me
but you’ll not disagree with this
the objectification of
our dear and fairer gender
never built a civilization
a community
or a family
only a heartache

love making then is work
love making begins
by dating those we love
not just for the win
but for life

more parts are we
than only one
love making it cannot be
until all three
a body undressed
a soul vulnerable
a spirit transparent
are undone completely

love making
the complete package
the whole enchilada
it’s a full meal deal
and inseparable from
sending cards
holding hands
tender whispers
kissing softly
hugging gently
need i go on?

because when done right
amazing are the nights
but oh, even so much more
are the days,
the months
and the years!


**go make love!
a couple of words added, and credited to a man with Soul!

Post Script:

to any naysayers...
please know that i know this is an opinion rendered by this writer
it does not reflect the views of the sponsors, advertisers or management of this station
furthermore, while i may feel sad for those who believe otherwise,
i neither judge nor hate anyone who calls it something different.
i merely hope to challenge those beliefs and suggest
that a less painful path lies just over yonder hillside
Woke up this morning
To a powerful draw
Stepped out on the porch
Heeding the call

All of my neighbors
Were out there with me
Willing and able
To fill the powerful need

All went to the right
Not a one turned to the left
Came to the towns edge
Then went straight ahead

We walked on for days
We were far out of town
Not knowing the way
Nor where we were bound

We just  followed the pull
That tugged at our hearts
The roads became full
All with the desire

We came to a field
People throughout the land
The world came together that day

~And interlocked hands~
You and I have been us so long
That's all I know how to do
But since you said goodbye, I'm gone
I'm having to learn something new

I'm too old to go back to school
If you must know the truth
This is the hardest thing I've ever done
Learning how to un-love you

Falling head over heals was the easy part
It's all I ever wanted to do
Love with you was a work of art
With the lines drawn out so smooth

Not sure I would have started this
In hindsight if I knew
How hard it'd be to study this
Learning how to un-love you
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