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 Dec 2013 Connie Buchan
SE Reimer
          ­                  2013 ...

                             .. .pursue
post script.

cheers to the last 10w Tuesday of 2013!  may the coming year be our best... ever!
Market square died down this afternoon,
the day of trading over and over all too soon;
and the now the trolleys have been left out,
lights left on waiting for those customers to come again.

They'll hurry into their jumpers the traders and customers of tomorrow,
weather'll kick up and run up the coast in a rainy fuss.

Temporary clad walls that are there all year round
are dressed up from the ground every day, tied at the ear
of the frames that hang over corridor of cobbles,
scuffed with the muck from Armani plimsolls
and the heels of this week's Alexander McQueens.

*When the rain comes trading will cease and
they'll flick out their notepads to calculate this month's lease.
She doesn't care for my bow legged walk
Nor can she stand my nasal twange talk
She doesn't like much of anything
That she has found out about me

She doesn't like my cackling laugh
Or my toothless smiles in photographs
There is not an awful lot
That she likes of what I've got

She really hates my funky smell
The long drawn out stories that I tell
And the company that I keep
She likes even less than me

She doesn't like me for who I am
I think I'm the only one she can't stand
The very sight of me makes her ill
There is no cure, there is no pill

I've come to the conclusion
It's plain to see
I don't think she really likes me
Where there's a broken heart over a breakup
I am always standing by
With the convenient shoulder to lean on
On which a girl can comfortably cry

If there's ever any problem
I am quickly on the scene
Where all the ladies like to call me

Mr. In-Between

I've grown accustomed to this name given
Not bothered all that much
I'm always ready for the rebound
With my bag of tenderness and love

Filling a much needed position
In today's society
Someone here to sooth and give a listen

Mr. In-Between

Not concerned with being the first choice
Sometimes not even the second or third
Though I often have the last voice
When Mr. Prefect turns out to be a ****

I'm always willing and able
Just waiting in the wing
Ready to give it all that I've got

Mr. In-Between
This is me

This is me missing you

It is the one reflection

Of what it is that I once knew

Pull ever so tightly on the strings

Of this heart that still holds true

To the one reflection

Of me missing you
Has been nourishment for me
Since the first time that I read

It out of the jar
From behind the pantry door
When I cracked open the lid

I took out my knife
Stirred the insides
Then over my life I evenly spread

Where the delicious taste
Of poetry has not gone to waste
I've thoroughly enjoyed it ever since then
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