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ConnectHook Oct 2024
Oh Trump's a ****, you're a ****, I'm a **** too!
Elect the führer/chancellor: the righteous thing to do.
He's got fantastic plans for us, like jobs and close the border.
He'll stop those endless foreign wars. I'm down with Trump's New Order.

Neurotic whiners may despise this dawning glorious day;
They might mistake it for the night and fight it all the way.
Well, let them disembark the train... and call us names again.
We're used to childish temper-tantrums. Christ is King. Amen.

Of course, they may miscount those votes, then stir up revolution.
Or astroturf a civil war,  their desperate solution.
But what would you expect from those who can't tell girls from boys...
Or light from dark or truth from lies or music from foul noise?

So let them whine and plot and seethe. They've done this act before.
We racist nazis know their brand. Vote TRUMP. Then vote some more.
And if the minions skew results-- well, God's still on His throne.
The U.S. gets what she deserves when Truth is overthrown.
Big Daddy Trump will give us all free money and candy. YAY !
ConnectHook Oct 2024
If you love Haiku,
Go to Badhaikudotcom.
You can join the fun.
  Oct 2024 ConnectHook
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                     The High Priest Kisses King Herod’s (Hands)

                         His Eminence the Cardinal of New York

The High Priest kisses King Herod’s (hands)
And joins him for a feast of mockeries and lies
Giving the tyrant for his crimes a pass
Laughing at Truth as civilization dies

Over lobster and beef they pity the poor
While robed in white ties and evening gowns
And silken ecclesiastical couture
(One of them has visions of papal crowns)

Gluttony and scorn at a rented manse -
All that is missing is Salome’s dance
2024 Al Smith dinner raises record $10 million, but decorum takes a back seat: Photo gallery - The Dialog
ConnectHook Oct 2024
I’d rather worship with the dull
Than rise, with fools, in the rapture.
I’ll grab it by the horns—such bull;
And false theology capture!

They claim to have the “living waters";
I’d rather have Christ alone--
Than build with His fake sons and daughters
Who missed the cornerstone.

I’d rather swim with other schools
In different currents, seas and deeps
Than get caught up with fishy fools
And float with charismatic creeps…

I’d rather know some history
And doctrines of God’s sovereign grace,
Than perish in their mystery—
Another Christian basket case.
Shudda bawta honda budda bawta kia shandara bo bo bo etc.
  Oct 2024 ConnectHook
Najwa Kareem
America, The ****
America, The ****
America, The ****
Israel, It's *******
Israel, It's *******
Israel, It's *******

Biden, The ****
Biden, The ****
Biden, The ****
Netanyahu, The *******
Netanyahu, The *******
Netanyahu, The *******

US Government, The ****
US Government, The ****
US Government, The ****
Israeli Government, It's *******
Israeli Government, It's *******
Israeli Government, It's *******
*Protest song 'America, The **** & Israel, Its' *******' I made and sang for the first time on Wednesday, 7/24/24, the day Netanyahu spoke to Congress in Washington, DC. This protest song I've also made into a poem.
  Oct 2024 ConnectHook
Najwa Kareem
Fatima Showkat,
with a caring heart
wherever oppressed Palestinians at.

Fatima, a Showkat
raising her Palestinian flag
and if she needed to defend others
would use a cat virtuous herself bat.

Fatima Showkat, a cat of purebred
bred from parents of the same looking, pro human rights activists for those too many unfed
a bred we recognize, a strand we know, Fatima Showkat
nurtured from Muslim communities of the same front stage act.

Mahdi's beautiful cat at a show turned beloved household pet
and one of Kibbutz Blinken's best fighting for justice and equality winning bet
purring No to settlements on a stolen land
hissing No US taxpayers' dollars to Biden's and Blinken's right filthy hand.

Showkat's water bowl filled of fake blood to dump swiftly on US Secretary of State rolling in corruption and lies command,
she with his hated Atefeh 'Rockband'
hardworking, repeated meowing, awarded pedigreed
chasing ***** of red, black, white, and green yarn and running with her fellow active kibbutz cats to successfully proceed.

Pro ALLAH's Adl, pure blooded Showkat is regularly scratching the rug of Zionism and colonialism
Her low-pitched meowing and long stretches to put an end to Israel's terrorism
Jumping at times and when necessary slow moving in the day or in the night
with her eyes glowing to outstare and rebuke America's funded Zionist imperialism.

Fatima, a Showkat worth thousands of ajr
purring, finding her cat's paws' way wholeheartedly with the people of Palestine
to God's heavenly canopy at dawn or fajr.

Fatima Showkatian,
the Showkat for the fight for oppressed peoples' freedom
we applaud you, Kat, for the world knows your bravesome
and it is better for your sacrificial bigsome.

By: Najwa Kareem
*I have published this poem I wrote in March this year and finished writing on May 21, 2024 on this site in memory and in mourning of the one year anniversary of the genocide in Palestine by terrorist Israel following the 'Hamas' October 7 attack in Israel.'

Thank you, Fatima! May the gates of Paradise open for you easily like that of curtains to begin your show, like that of curtains to begin our show.
  Oct 2024 ConnectHook
Najwa Kareem
Gaza, almighty Gaza
where are you
to the wind
have you returned

Gaza, almighty Gaza
Will you be our next bird
to fly us up again
or down to underneath the ground
where bodies lay flat

Gaza, almighty Gaza
where are the shades of the earth
with you
they sparkle
refusing to stop shining

Gaza, almighty Gaza
your limbs with bones like the worlds
our hands like yours, his, and hers
cockroaches aren't what we see
when we see plain, beautiful human anatomy

Gaza, almighty Gaza
thoughts of you
fill our hearts
with tears
and sweat

Gaza, almighty Gaza
we love you so
we lament
that you have helped us to see
what we couldn't see before

Gaza, almighty Gaza
keep everybody in the town and outside of it
knowing each other
walking together
working in unity
resisting as one

Gaza, almighty Gaza
run, run, run
faster and better than
your palm trees' leaves dancing to the sunlight's tease

Gaza, almighty Gaza
go knock on Baital Al Haram's door
to ask it to knock on your Al-Aqsa door
so its worshippers and occupants and the globe's will be set free

Gaza, almighty Gaza
we let you down
but now are we
on the right track
what did you say

Gaza, almighty Gaza
the guy, the security guard in Target
I think like you said
we need to strategize, be proactive
not just blacks coming together
or some from this group coming together
or some others here and there

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
the guy, the security guard in Target
everyone or many from all over the world
need to come together
and all of us work and strategize

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
Your words remind me of Mecca in what we know as Saudi Arabia
you know it, yeh, talks even about it in the news in the past few days
where people from all over the world congregate
for the pilgrimage
but its colonized

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
You sound like
the Quranic scholar, Imam Asi
he reminded us of what GOD'S last and final Prophet prioritized and did
Liberate Mecca
Mecca is the heart and the soul of the Muslims,
of the oppressed people of the world

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
do what the best human did for all humans
turn to Mecca
turn to Medina
turn towards The Kaaba
turn to Masjid Al-Nabawi

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
Liberate Mecca
from the confiscation of Bani Saud
from the corrupt power centers
internally and externally

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
Liberate Mecca
when we become the moving parts of Mecca
nation state barriers and boundaries
are going to go
colonialism, imperialism, fascism, racism
and their destruction and poison
will go
will harm us no more

Gaza, almighty Gaza
your horrific pains and startling cries
will lift us up again
and like a mountain's roar
we'll go wild
to end injustice and oppression
to manifest freedom and peace

Gaza, almighty Gaza
we'll go wild
listening to our Highest Priority, GOD
listening to His Final Prophet and Messenger
listening to our world's people
and listening to you

By: Najwa Kareem

1601 11-28-2023 Latest Developments In Palestine

"...I know that all of us, I hope is focused on what has happened in THE HOLY LAND. There's a genocide that has been unfolding, in progress the past several weeks now. And all of us have our own source of information, I'm sure. We've been watching or listening to those who are involved in all of this and as I've remarked before and I will repeat, the best source of information that anyone can have about what is developing in the world today is information that comes to us from ALLAH SUBHANNA HU WA TA 'ALA and we happen to be living in real time the meanings of the AYAT and I know I've visited these AYAT before but sometimes, they need more explanation and sometimes, some of you were not tuned in to these explanations so I will try as much as possible to expand the meanings of these AYAT and the beginning of SURAT BANI ISRAEL otherwise known as SURATUL ISRA, THE 17TH SURA OF THE QURAN. As a background...because these AYAT were not revealed in a vacuum; these AYAT were not meant to be theoretical, cold, conceptual, mental constructs. These AYAT were meant to be integrated into the movement, the activities, the action, and the decisions of men or societies, peoples, and populations...this is what is meant by the revelation of these AYAT. So let us try to revisit THE CONTEXT which is most important to understand how these AYAT are speaking to us about what is happening today. These AYATS begin by ALLAH SUBHANNA HU WA TA 'ALA saying..."

"...So, we should ask ourselves, if he knew that, then why did he not emphasize and prioritize those other powers beyond MECCA who were instigating against the PROPHET?


Today's world, similar things are happening. There are other forces at work outside of our let's say Islamic countries that are supporting those who have power in our Islamic countries to try to finish us off rendering us the Muslims of the world without self-determination. They didn't want the Prophet to have an Islamic determination, and they don't want us to have an Islamic determination.

So, what do we do here? If the PROPHET (PBUH and those who were and are with him)...If he kept his efforts, concentrated on liberating Mecca, on dealing with the threat in Mecca, then if we say we are following the Prophet, why are we not doing the same thing? Today, the powers that be, they want to scatter our attention, and they want to divide our resolution, our willpower. These Ayats were revealed in that context, similar to today. So, the question is do we concentrate, and they were, look, let me be, let me break this down even more. There was a Yahudi power center in al-Medina. There was a Yahudi power center in Khyber. There was a Yahudi power center in Al-Quds, in The Holy Land, in the North. There was a Yahudi presence in Yemen. There was a Byzantine power center in the Levant. There was a Persian power center in what is called today the Persian Gulf area or Iraq. And all of these were not friendly to this Islamic divine spark of willpower in MECCA. ALL OF THEM WERE HOSTILE; ALL OF THEM. So, if that was the case and as we see today - You can correspond today with fourteen centuries ago...look at the powers around. So, the question is why have we departed from the methodology of the PROPHET, and we don't concentrate any longer on liberating MECCA? MECCA IS THE HEART AND THE SOUL OF THE MUSLIMS, OF THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE IN THE WORLD - ONCE WE DUST OFF ALL OF THE TRADITIONS AND ALL OF THE COBWEBS THAT HAVE BUILT UP THROUGHOUT THE CENTURIES; ONCE WE'RE FINISH WITH THAT TASK, WE WILL DISCOVER MECCA TO BE OUR MOTIVATION. TO BE OUR REFERENCE. TO BE OUR CENTER. TO BE OUR DIRECTION. TO BE OUR STARTING POINT. TO BE OUR ENGINE. THAT'S WHAT MECCA, AL-KAABA, AND AL-BAIT AL-HARAM ARE ALL ABOUT. BUT NO, IN TODAY'S WORLD, THE CONCENTRATION IS ON, BY AND LARGE, LIBERATING PALESTINE. AND I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO MISUNDERSTAND ME HERE AND SAY THAT I'M TRYING TO DEESCALATE THE ATTENTION FROM LIBERATING PALESTINE. THAT WOULD BE LIKE SAYING THAT THE PROPHET (MAY ALLAH'S PEACE AND BLESSINGS BE UPON HIM) WAS CONSIDERING THE POWER PRESENCE OF YAHUD IN MEDINA TO BE MARGINAL OR SHOULDN'T PAY ATTENTION TO THAT. HE KNEW FULL WELL AS WE SHOULD KNOW FULL WELL THAT THOSE WHO ARE IN CONTROL OF MECCA TODAY ARE SUPPORTED BY THE SUPER AND REGIONAL POWERS OF THAT AREA, THE SAME WAY THE SUPER AND REGIONAL POWERS 14 CENTURIES AGO WERE IN SUPPORT OF THE MUSHRIKS AT THAT TIME. IF THIS CANNOT COME CRYSTAL CLEAR IN OUR MIND, WE ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO MAKE MANY MISTAKES AND LEARN THROUGH TRAIL AND ERROR UNTIL WE REACH THIS CONCLUSION IN THE DEPTHS OF OUR HEARTS AND IN THE RADIATION OF OUR THOUGHTS..."

"Yes, that's an important question and to answer it in a few minutes, the Islamic movements in the world theoretically have their vision focused in the right direction, generally speaking, and the Islamic self-determination that has been in progress, the Islamic country of Iran for the past 40 plus years, these are the places that have more or less, I mean these are not, you know, angels, we are all human beings, and there are slips here and there but more or less, they have a sense of what has to be done. From my humble, as I have explained in the past hour, my humble opinion is...whether it concerns the Islamic movements in the world or The Islamic State in Iran, my humble opinion is they have not concentrated their efforts on the issue of MECCA. Of course, all of us agree, the AYAT in THE QURAN (there are other AYAT in THE QURAN) that speak about the DIVINE RIGHT of any of those who are being oppressed anywhere in the world to fight back that oppression, and injustice, and tyranny. (QURAN read). The Palestinians have a right to fight back and to defeat those type of enemies that they are dealing with. Those who are in Kashmir have the right to fight back and deal with the type of enemies that they have. Such is the case with other Muslims all around the world. No one has any right or any say when it comes to their legitimate action against their basically genocidal enemies, but we don't want this type of immediate, emotional entanglement to refocus our attention away from MECCA. What is happening in Gaza and has been happening for the past almost month and ½...what's been happening there, coming on 2 months...WHAT'S BEEN HAPPENING THERE SHOULD HAVE CONCENTRATED THE MINDS AND THE ATTENTION OF THE MUSLIMS ON MECCA. What are these? Not one of these rulers when they have all of this petroleum...Imagine if they just come to say, Look, if there's 100 more deaths in Gaza (this should have been said the first week) before now 15 to 16,000 who have died in this bombardment. In the first week, after the first 100 deaths in Gaza, they should have said, After every 100 deaths, there's going to be 1 million barrels of oil cut off. And you would have seen the response. BUT THEY CAN'T SAY THAT...THE ROYALS IN ARABIA, ALL OF THEM, AND THE RULERS IN OTHER COUNTRIES THAT HAVE THESE NATURAL RESOURCES, THEY CAN'T SAY THAT BECAUSE THEY DON'T BELONG TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE. THEY BELONG TO THEIR SPONSORS, AND THEY BELONG TO THEIR MANAGERS IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, TO THE ZIONISTS AND IMPERIALISTS. THAT'S WHO THEY BELONG TO. THAT'S WHY THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. IF THEY WERE INDEPENDENT...IF THEY WERE TO SAY...DID THE PROPHET (MAY ALLAH'S PEACE AND BLESSINGS BE UPON HIM) SAY, WAIT A MINUTE, THERE'S TWO SUPERPOWERS IN THE WORLD - TO DEAL WITH ONE SUPERPOWER, WE HAVE TO ALIGN OURSELVES WITH ANOTHER SUPERPOWER. IS THAT WHAT HE DID? CAN WE JUST MANAGE TO BUILD ENOUGH CONFIDENCE IN OURSELVES? ARE WE DUMMIES? ARE WE HALF-HUMANS? ARE WE INCAPABLE? ARE WE HANDICAPPED? ARE WE LESS THAN WHAT ALLAH SUBHANNA WA TA 'ALA EXPECTS US TO BE? I SEE ALL OF THIS UNFOLDING, HAPPENING IN FRONT OF US AND NO ONE'S FOCUSING ON THEIR ATTENTION ON GETTING RID OF THESE PEOPLE WHO HAVE CONFISCATED MECCA AND AL-MADINAH. WE'RE NOT DOING THIS BECAUSE WE HAVE A GRUDGE. I DON'T KNOW ANY OF THOSE PEOPLE PERSONALLY WHO ARE IN CONTROL OF THE AL-HARAMAIN ASHARIFAIN. I DON'T KNOW ANY OF THEM. BUT WE'RE LOOKING AT WHAT THE PROPHET DID AND THAT'S WHAT HE DID. LET'S NOT BE BLINDSIDED BY THEM WEARING ROBES...BY THE WAY THEY WEAR ROBES FOR CAMERAS WHEN THEY'RE IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES AND THEN WHEN THEY GO TO EUROPE AND OTHER PLACES, THEY HAVE 3 PIECE SUIT AND THE NECK TIES AND ALL OF THIS STUFF. ARE WE DECEIVED BY THIS? I MEAN, YOU KNOW, JUST AAH, SURFACE DEEP...WE CAN ONLY SEE PEOPLE BY THEIR APPEARANCES? WE CAN'T PENETRATE AND JUDGE THEM BY THEIR DECISIONS AND BY THEIR POLICIES?..."

"Yes, social media, Al hamdulilah, that's one thing we have to say has made it possible for those who control information to be put in their place. Social media has cornered the mainstream media to a very large extent, and people all around the world, we've seen this in the past couple of months, people all around the world are breaking away from the mainstream media..."

"...So, materialism on the one hand among these groupies in the world and sectarianism on the other hand, that particular area, and MECCA right now is enjoying the confiscation of Bani Saud that has been going on for the past century. Confiscation; they've confiscated one's able to address this issue when there are 2 billion Muslims who are...they're not rationally reaching this conclusion - if they did, I wouldn't be giving this presentation but deep down emotionally, they are yearning for the day when MECCA IS FREE. No, this thing is...Look. Look. If. Let me put it this way. Let's say we liberated Palestine; Insha Allah, it's going to be Iiberated. I don't have any doubt about that. Liberated Palestine. How about all of the other Muslim issues in the world? You take the Muslims, the Rohingya Muslims. You take the Muslims in China. You take the Muslims in Russia. You take the Muslims as minority communities around the world. You take the Muslims in Kashmir. You take the Muslims in India. You take the Muslims in the Philippines. You take the Muslims in Thailand. You take Muslims all over the place. You take all of that...What do you think is going to happen? When we liberate Palestine. So, you think, Oh, everything is done. You say, Ah, now we've accomplished everything and we're on our way to freedom and independence and everything. No. It's not going to work that way. Actually, if that happens to a lot of...if these people stay in control, these illegitimate rulers stay in control in Muslim countries and stay there, they're going to say, You see, we liberated Palestine...We have no more problems. It's done; finished. That's what happens. That's what will happen. And we can't permit that to happen. So, the first step in the right direction is accurate information, proper knowledge, contextualization of the information that has come to us from ALLAH and the teachings of HIS PROPHET..."

"...When MECCA disappeared as a base for Muslims, as a reference for Muslims, as a pacesetter for Muslims...When MECCA disappeared, then all of a sudden, we had all of these nation states imposed on us. The Euro-American centuries intruded into our lands via colonialism, and imperialism, and Zionism, and they imposed on us these nation states. That was done. Remember, that was done. When MECCA was not sidelined, we didn't have...A Muslim could go anywhere in the Muslim realm without, you know, having to show a passport or an identity card or anything. A Muslim wanted to travel from Jakarta...He wanted to go to MECCA, he didn't need any permission. He didn't need any visa. If he had the wherewithal, if he had, you know, whatever it takes...if he was in good health and he had the money to spend, he could go to MECCA, and he could come back. He could live in MECCA if he wanted. That's how MECCA was. MECCA was a melting *** of the Muslims of the world because there were no such things as these nation state barriers. And thus, will be the case, when MECCA is repositioned. MECCA, itself is just, you know, a geography. It's US. When WE become the moving parts of MECCA, then all of these boundaries are going to go. The political boundaries. Economic boundaries. Now, when it comes to languages, and races, and colors, and you know, these things. (QURAN read). From ALLAH's demonstration of HIS prevalent power is the differences that we have in language and in colors...that's, you know, the will of ALLAH in which we were born. Those are going to stay with us, but they're not going to be divisive. No one's going to be discriminated against because they were born into a certain language group or because they were born with a certain skin color. When MECCA becomes MECCA, that's gonna go. It won't exist any longer, but now, that, you know, they've reduced MECCA to, you know, a Muslim has to go through a course of procedures to be the end, if he's lucky, he can make it to MECCA to go to... Where did it come from that any Muslim in the world needs permission to go to MECCA? That itself tells you something is wrong; I, a Muslim - I need permission to go to MECCA? You got to be kidding me! What's going on?! Where did this...How did this happen?”

"So that people cannot express their aspirations by watching what is unfolding in the real world. We have people who are very evil. Evil is a real thing in the world. You know, they said, 7.10 was like 911 which means that what happened in Gaza is similar to what happened in New York. And we knew what happened in New York brought about two major, among other things, two major wars, in Afghanistan and in Iraq. That happened in the aftermath of 911. What are we going to expect to happen in the aftermath of 7.10 in the world?! I think in the past, yesterday and today, some high ranking Yahudi officials are here in Washington, D.C. They’re discussing stuff. They don’t come here just to talk small stuff. But whatever they have, ALLAH IS THE BEST OF PLANNERS, and Insha Allah, you know, there will be a breakthrough, and we will see, eventually, the Muslims of the world will see that the ruling classes of the world belong to each other and the peoples of the world belong to each other. The ruling classes are not united because of their religion or their ideology. They are united because of their tyranny and oppression and so the peoples of the world should be united by their suffering and do away with the oligarchs and the tyrannical ruling classes all around."

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