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ConnectHook Jun 4
Haiku is nothing.
It takes no talent to write
And boring to read.
But badhaiku dot com restores the fun
  May 26 ConnectHook
july hearne
piranha, pariah,
He giveth, He taketh away,

for the piranha, for the parihah,
He commands every woman, child, man be destroyed,
in cases of hopelessness too given over to evil to ever be humane again

fairest thing ever.

there is a cuntry called india
there a religion called islam
third world filth that can never rise above
cursed and more cursed
proud, wrong, and more proud and wrong

eating **** in india, machete wielding, stoning women to death in islam
inferior, inferior, inferior
wait until the Americans fully catch on


eternity lasts a very long time. what have you done to curse your children today?

not exactly a news flash for those who have an iq above 80,
but palastine never had a rightful existence

He commands every man, every woman, every children be destroyed

because they are the philistine,
they will always be a problem
they seek to curse their children
they call it love,
they call terrorism love,
they eat ****, and bring the third world with them every where they go.

it's called pride, it's called an appetite for ****, it's called india, it's called islam

every man, every woman, every child be destroyed.
ConnectHook May 18
I'll write some
Vapid ****.
Check the stats.
Try to
Steer you towards
My serious compositions.
(Road signs).
Note my poor punctuation
ConnectHook May 13
And you shall be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed
                           Genesis 12:3

I’ll tell you straight what God is not:
A stench from Babylon’s deep pit—
So foul the angels gag on it.
Bubbling in Judah’s ***:
A nasty and unholy mess
Which poetry and truth confess
To be an anti-Christian plot.
Let Jews be Jews and churches saved;
(Yet most of them still seem depraved.)
Lift up the lid. See what they’ve got
Mixed in with all that steaming gore
And simmering rabbinic lore:
A stew of foul Talmudic rot
Recipe of perverse renown
From some Chaldean bearded clown
Who traded tittles for a jot
Of not-so-learned commentary
Straight from Kosher bestiary.
A pile of vile, and there’s a lot;
Extracting, from Mosaic law
Not gold—but filthy stable straw…
Is THIS what Abraham begot
To be a blessing for the earth?
Or Babylonian trash, not worth
Proverbial Hebrew diddly-squat…
ConnectHook May 5
In habit for the chase array’d,
The hunter still the deer pursues,
The hunter and the deer, a shade
                   Phillip Freneau

Haunted by desire’s mad melodies,
By faces idealized in reveries;
Memory itself is haunted
By photos never taken.

To visualize is to be taunted
By scenarios that reawaken,
Longing for what has never been,
Yet what the mind has seen.

The haunted are mistaken,
Hunting memories and dreams;
Trying to catch that which vanishes
upon awakening. Doomed to realize
That the hunted bird ever flies.
What are you haunted by,
or what haunts you?
Write a poem responding to this question.
Then change the word haunt to hunt.
ConnectHook May 5
Garbage by the wayside…

What is wrong with this town
this city, this nation?
Who are the ones
that fling/drop/scatter it there?
Are they self-aware?
Do they have worth?

Ugly artifacts stare up at me
from the gutter.

I read ripped labels,
avoiding shattered glass.
Bags blow past.

Spring doesn’t care,
flowering in and through the trash.

Dead animal carcass, pierced
By brilliant green weeds . . .

The Lord is He is to whom we are accountable
and He reigns in sovereign omnipotence.
write a poem in which you closely describe
an object or place,
and then end with a more abstract line
that doesn’t seemingly have anything to do
with that object or place,
but which, of course, really does.
ConnectHook May 5
As our craft approached the island's coast, the swelling sea grew rough. Every eye on board was wide watching the darkened beach. We rounded the bluff. The nervous crew began to perceive a stench from a yawning chasm in the hill that no night wind, no downpour could quench. The rain ceased. The moon came forth like noontide from behind her veil of cloud, bathing in ghostly light the seaside; and the night sky at last began to allow increasing illumination, no longer overcast. All on board could tell that a foul shadow, something sickly-sour, emanated from entrance of the hillside bower, and closer view of the pit forced even the captain and officers to admit that the hanging cadaver, head still bearing the crown, was the withered and rotting body of the clown. The crowd of sailors strained and jostled to see: in the moonlight, even from a distance, the clown's face in its grimace appeared strangely proud . . .
We knew the members of the first mission were all gone now—no need to excavate the bodies in the cave. The purpose of the hanging corpse, to motivate us to abandon the encounter was successful. We anchored the vessel  near the foot of the looming summit, and prepared to mount her.
Start by creating a “word bank” of ten simple words. They should only have one or two syllables apiece. Five should correspond to each of the five senses (i.e., one word that is a thing you can see, one word that is a type of sound, one word that is a thing you can taste, etc). Three more should be concrete nouns of whatever character you choose (i.e., “bridge,” “sun,” “airplane,” “cat”), and the last two should be verbs. Now, come up with rhymes for each of your ten words. Use your expanded word-bank, with rhymes, as the seeds for your poem. Your effort doesn’t actually have to rhyme in the sense of having each line end with a rhymed word, but try to use as much soundplay in your poem as possible.
encounter/mount her
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