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25 · Mar 2021
Wings within
Colm Mar 2021
There are days when I, could swear that my, wings were live, and wide awake, from another life. And I there find,
[{(within myself)}]
the flight of which I always knew, I had throughout all the of sky’s placed before me.
Colm Jul 2020
It's September veiled
And Atlantic shale beneath
And saltwater words
In the presence of those who
No longer need breath to speak
Love that view. Envy that feeling.
25 · Mar 2020
Apartment Envy
Colm Mar 2020
The meadowtails know your shoes
So well
They think your walk a world
But in your absence
The earth is turned
And on its apartment head resides
My walls awaiting your eyes
Greedily as they
Are sick of me and yearn only for you
Your wild lights bring them back
And ever into focus
These usually start from just one line
25 · Feb 2020
In My Head Of Hearts
Colm Feb 2020
Moonlit lips I often kiss
Too run around with sunlight
Stare longingly at rainfall out
At leaves Fall down
The ocean and her daughter longing
Calling me to avail myself to their dreams of being
When really, too often there I am found out
Too often called by name
Because I love the same familiar sounds
Of natures romp abound
Hence why the beat of a familiar breeze
In my head of hearts, always pounds
Quiet and
Consistently there
EE said it best - Sun, Moon, Stars, Rain
Colm Feb 2020
In war at least there is an end

When body breaks along with luck
And wingless time refuses to fly

When stranded ground is found and crossed
With your enemies advancing under a sun
Their cries no longer lies

Defeated when
The clouds are stroked with arrows down
And your knees know sunset shown
In the distance

Lay it down
Long tired warrior
Stop existing for an hour or so
And simply
Let it all go
Yup... That's how it felt. And where I went.

Hang in there, all!
25 · Apr 2020
The Introverts Wish
Colm Apr 2020
There's a great big beautiful world out there
Full of sights, and smells, and perceptive days
But to see it enough
Leaves me wanting to not
Being in it too much
Makes me wish it all away
Sometimes I can't breathe the same air. And sometimes the opposite, I need the old familiar walls. Two sides of the same coin. Flip flip.
25 · Jun 2020
When I'm In The City
Colm Jun 2020
I'm not the shadow
I'm the wall casting quietly
My lengthy in a New York alley, temporal

So my time is spent beautifully
And in my own way, passing
25 · Apr 2020
Rebecca, A Tanka
Colm Apr 2020
Radiant your dawn
Untied meaning ever yours
A joyous lifted
Hymnal light as spoken word
Be here not gone from my side
24 · May 2020
Winter Speed
Colm May 2020
Chaos folded into a blade
Paired and piercing air and fury wave
With downward motion
For a spell once cast
Is tumblingon
As you are electric on ice
Flying for mere moments in this
Breaking the conceptualized time with forget
When HePo sends it to drafts instead, and you find out a week later. Hua? LOL
24 · Mar 2020
Inevitable Life
Colm Mar 2020
No matter how hard I try
How far I hike
No hands can hold back waves
Or ears can hear the true skies voice
Just as no trees stay
And no sun remains the same for more than a single night
No matter how hard I try and fight
How high I climb or fast I fall to the ground
No inevitable escapes life
Colm Jun 2020
Paper isn't paper
It's air
And flowers become like seraph clouds
Once plucked from daisy skies
When you are in the hills of mind
And bring yourself to me in pieces
Like the breath of summer laid bare
You are undoubtedly my present air
Eight lines for you I spare
24 · Jul 2020
For You
Colm Jul 2020
Perhaps if I were taller
Standing out more so in a stagnant crowd
Even as PENN DOT lines during a crooked July
Or with deep sweet swallows of pride able to drink in the clouds

Or if I could sing and lull with just my eyes  
If I were mean or kind
Or less drunk with proud
Or loud about if I could bench well over my own weight in pounds

Maybe if I cared more, or cried often sometimes
Or didn’t have the willpower to step aside
And stop fixing things for the millionth time

Maybe then, and if
I looked more like him through your eyes
Then maybe I’d be more or less, motivated to try
I'm not lacking. It just feels that way sometimes. Why? Because of free will and want.
Colm Jul 2020
With memories mine
Soaring higher than kites in the sky
How I yearn to hear the winter fireflies glide
Flickering in the December sparks ignite
"Maybe, just maybe, I'll come home"
24 · Jun 2020
Time, A Tanka Told When
Colm Jun 2020
Wish it well and back
Into the past pockets of
Those who knew and know
Of telling and told alike
Of mind there is no failure
23 · Feb 2020
My Memory of You, A Ghost
Colm Feb 2020
With an open hand I greet your ghost
Set flowers by the curb aside
And reach as I never reached in life
Without regret or doubting eyes
I see you still
Afraid to move away
From the dimming hallway light inside
You are my favorite ghost by far
Just as you were
Once alive
"What hurts the most is sleeping with your ghost" isn't entirely accurate here. I guess sometimes a ghost can be more fondly regarded, due to memories, etc.
23 · Mar 2020
Not A Morning Person This
Colm Mar 2020
In the mornings
The mirror stares at me
In awe and wonder
Miraculously knowing more than beans
Will be needed
To generate the articulate out of this insufficient me
And then I wake up around noon and LIFE.
Colm Jun 2020
Hold my hopes
Regardless of how high or low
Like the towers in the distance hold the canvas sky above

Standing closer now than the reality of how  
Yearning souls alone call out to be found
With each other in their one true home

Don't leave me standing here alone
Don't leave me now
Colm Mar 2020
My life is not free
It is
breath to be breathed
blood to be shed
.      on behalf of
.      me
23 · Dec 2020
Walking Through And Thru
Colm Dec 2020
It was always this way but you never knew that, did you?
Even now as you walk through my world on a whim
On your own terms because you can't handle mine
My own colors and their dark crashing imbued
Shine as a single sunset this particular way
But you never saw it as such
And I know it to be so
Colm Jun 2020
I love the sound
Like first of days
The kind which cuts through fires at night
The kind which echos in the hallow mountains above
And winds down with little candles alive and bright  

And in burning for me
Would you play without fear
Without self or acknowledgement of death

It doesn't matter how or what
My dear
Just Let Me Listen For Once
23 · Jul 2020
When You Walk On By
Colm Jul 2020
As you walk on by
I forget about being
And in this unknowing seeing
What it means to not breathe for an instant
And for a heart to stop beating so suddenly

As if in the middle of a cold river running
You are a full stop for tumbling me
Before cascading into a crescendo fall
With a humming of sound
And a harmonica drum

Lost is a wonderful place to be
Near you
Like a summer storm.
23 · Dec 2020
White Pillow Skye
Colm Dec 2020
Your stars never crossed over into my universe
Not for a second of time shown true
In the upward skylight of my eyes

If seeing this is believing in you
Then I caught only a glimpse
Of the truth in mind

Yet your stars never crossed over into my universe
Of which I am over the not of it
And that's alright
"Okay it's alright with me some things are just meant to be
It never comes easily and when it does I'm already gone"
Colm Jul 2020
Convince yourself there
To be happy and then be
Where noone remains
Colm Feb 2020
It's Virginia sun
And Maryland rain
Southern thunder in the clever skies
The kind which makes the treetops shake
From Eagle Pass to outside Quebec
Where is the earth if not in perfect place

By mother nature's breath
I swear it's true

You were meant to be today
And these also with you
A Setting Son (9) - What is life on this earth, without the reminding sounds of the elements at work? Very comforting somehow.
Colm Jun 2020
With quiet whispers
Hands and eyes most closely held
And wishes loud

Closed off to the world
Like two people as one
Are our most gentle clouds
(which may never meet)

With a friction near and voices mute
Beneath sky covered tones most bold
Which linger over dry heads
And warms the wondering air of what is

And in becoming yours, my mostly you
The hopeful thunder sings its sounds
(of not knowing)
So our aftermath will not stop ringing
In these ears of mine
And yours?
22 · Mar 2020
Some Minds Are As Oceans
Colm Mar 2020
Puddles dry
Rivers run
And streams run out of present being
But the Sea
The Sea is ever relentless
Older than time
And no less in never boiling need
Be it all too deep for me
At the ends of the earth
It is one of many seas waiting for me
No Puddles Will Ever Be For Me
Colm Jul 2020
The hope comes around
Like the twilight gleaming
And flickers in eyes unbeknownst to each other’s being
Ten years at least, and this "cold nostalgia still chills me to the bone"
21 · Mar 2020
No More Than Ash
Colm Mar 2020
I don't have ghosts
Or believe in memories
As an empty closet holds no sway
The past being no more than ash
With a breath to breathe it away
21 · Apr 2020
Colm Apr 2020
A man can only fight so many battles
Be it known

Let so many days run into themselves
Before he remembers who he is
And is home

Even humans must sleep beneath God and sun
Hear songs in the wind when they are walking out

At the courtship an end with a breathless noise
Comes light and truth, not dark for long
21 · Feb 2020
She, A Wave
Colm Feb 2020
A wonderful wave
Was that one
With focused crash and seady swell
Collar crest to ride and grasp
With raven hair and wavering curl
Her earthy eyes
A perfect tide for anyone born of waves
But as for my shores
I couldn't stand the neutrality of the sea
For the rest of my years
And just waved goodbye
Just because I didn't want. Doesn't mean I can't appreciate what was. Who she is. Props.
21 · Jul 2020
Spinning On
Colm Jul 2020
The world spins ahead
Spins underneath
As my own head turns
There in time with the earth
And tears itself apart in search
Of being what quiet serenity can be
(And whatever personal tranquility is)

Though previously known
It had to of been
And madly I go on therein
Beside my own self being in hope
Of my old returning self to be
Full and mildly free
Of this hope built upon hope itself

That I am not spinning, it's just everyone else
We're all different. Yet on the same rock.

The irony. Lol
21 · Apr 2020
The Great Investment
Colm Apr 2020
The greatest gift of all is time
Be it present or in invested thought
Be not offended when their style
Is not to your taste
Your mild mannerisms
Because if they, like you, were all one and the same
You wouldn't know your own or be

Just as the time without time is yet to come
So you should appreciate what's been

Founded in time
Is not waste
But times itself
21 · Jul 2020
Dreams Can Kill (A Haiku)
Colm Jul 2020
Dream of your something
Long enough and you'll die there
In your bed of made
Colm Apr 2020
The greatest canvas
Known as sky
Looks down on us
And sees the drama
The ever-present
Life of mortal
Unfolding and
Unwinding in
It's skyborne
Blueish eyes
The Sky Which Watches Us Unfold
Colm Jul 2020
I am balance
Aimed precision
A conscious living vision embodied
And driven like the snow to fall
The rain to well and burst through clouds
With inevitable hope
And warmth which you will know
My aim as always this to grow
Baseball is magic.
19 · Feb 2020
Stuck In Mind
Colm Feb 2020
Descriptive things
Entangle myself with them
Like fishing string
Bounced ***** of yarn
And poorly folded wings
I am unavoidably yours
My thoughts
Sometime thought. Thought.
Colm Jun 2020
Writing is catching every firefly in the meadow, and holding them all perfectly without holding any at all.
Without holding any at all
Colm Feb 2020
Rushed is not a true
Excuse for making something
As premature as
Life without embodied love
Let alone two lovers lost
Tenth poem in this two hour sitting. Was fun and highly caffeinated. Enjoy.

As I did. (;
19 · Jun 2020
Some Known Quantities
Colm Jun 2020
Competence known
And with confidence found
Standing personal, leads to an exuberance in person
Like new flowers which will never know the ground

I don't grow on change
I thrive
Colm Jul 2020
Do we share this memory ?
Have awakened with horror from this dream ?
Unable to see ?
That intent is always sewn halfway up to the sky alive ?

Are you there with your conscious eyes ?
Do you look for me as I still look yet ?
Or are my shoulders just another silhouette ?
Another shadow in the sky to forget ?
17 · Jun 2020
Words Cannot Wait
Colm Jun 2020
Scribble a thousand, a million, down
Invent and scratch at the surface of create
Paw at the great cats still wandering around
And wait for them to speak in jazz
But leave, and leave a man alone with them
And but a moment later they'll be in his bed
Lying all around

The fat cat words cannot wait to be heard
They are always sounding and acting OUT
17 · Feb 2020
Colm Feb 2020
Hopeless I would not call my romance
Too hopeful perhaps in the face of most
I want, who I am
Who do I desire?

Perhaps, no state
But someone who cannot refrain
Alongside such
"Sun, moon, stars, rain"
16 · Feb 2020
Winters End (April)
Colm Feb 2020
Do your eyes still flair
As a Winter ocean
When the snow reflects this cloudy haze

Does it matter
As all winters settle and must end in such rainy days

Id give any one of these mountains for you
Just to hold a piece of your heart again
Winters end
Colm Jul 2020
Footprints running thin
Is a heavy weight lifted
From my following
Free (:
15 · Apr 2020
Warming Words Leaned Into
Colm Apr 2020
There is a differing motive
In the can and should
Fire should burn just as match can strike
Just as no heat is guaranteed in this human life

No ways unturned in this cloister of if
And in the conversations felt
All that is good and honest and impressive

This is warmth, when really
Can should not always be as should
Just as sould is not being the detail
15 · Feb 2020
How I View The World
Colm Feb 2020
Close your eyes to show you
The slant of the earth
Gradual and complex
The tilt of the head
Simplistic and free
Therein found rounded edge
The view from the corner seat besotted
See that?
I wish the world could see the world like me
Just this once
15 · Jul 2020
The Great Pretenders
Colm Jul 2020
When you dont know who you're supposed to be
Or of yourself whatever was indefinitely
Remember this
Nobody does
13 · Jul 2020
We Want What We Think
Colm Jul 2020
Desire is the strongest drug
Noone can tame
Nor wants to try

For once embedded
And for real
It's seemingly forever there in mind

Even if it's only a memory now

It was
13 · Jul 2020
Sleep Away From Self
Colm Jul 2020
Sick of myself
Doesn't speak to half
Of how ready I am for a few hours of nonexistence
Consciousness gets tiring every few week.
10 · Jan 2020
Colm Jan 2020
You ache due to the most familiar paths
Known well to feet
And even moreso etched in memory

More of the same
More of the same
More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same... Oh Joy.
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