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May 2021 · 210
The Eventual Tanka
Colm May 2021
This truth be told to the world
Gray skies come for us
All beneath one and the same
None ever escapes from rain
Deter Me Not Set (4)
May 2021 · 154
The Act
Colm May 2021
Saying it isn't feeling it
And feeling it isn't breathing it

Breathing it isn't living it
And living it isn't being in it

Being in it isn't believing in it
And believing in it isn't seeing it

Seeing it isn't abiding in it
And abiding in it isn't contentment in it

And the act (therein)
Doesn't begin without the feeling of it
Deter Me Not Set (3)
May 2021 · 52
Before you fall asleep
Colm May 2021
Just a look is all it takes to keep
My mind from drifting off again
Into what promises tell me
And yet my heart knows not will be
An eternal sleep

Just a second alone
With those eyes of yours will find
Within me burning like a freshly struck match
A fire so humble and a wisp so keen
To been seen for an instant more longer than sleep

Just to tarry with you here, my love,
Is beyond that of the summer afternoon dreams
Deter Me Not Set (2) .
May 2021 · 306
Time's Lie
Colm May 2021
No second ever existed
Without a human mind first
Trying to tie at knots and count creation
Deter Me Not Set (1)

This is a collection of works written in a vary familiar place. Albeit three, or maybe four years after one of my initial revelations. This place is like an office to me. And I am thankful to be able to think, here by this oak windowsill.

May 2021 · 52
How she wears clothes
Colm May 2021
Were I to be
Even an inconstant breeze
In the sails of your chest
I would never be lacking
In joy or breath
Or in breathing or sense
I would never be without
Or separated from want of
This breathy desire

The way you wear clothes is killing me slow
Of mine
May 2021 · 380
The vaulter
Colm May 2021
His standards
No pole vaulter on acid could touch
So high
May 2021 · 188
Colm May 2021
seeing you
in minds eye now
and your winding ways
of browning trees
makes me remember and breathe
in the taste of cold
which November only knows
and December wishes it could be
(or was)
Colm May 2021
I pulled out a tiny little cathexis stick
and toasted the sky with your words of gray
until they bubbled in brown
and could breathe sweet again
having been sent home
to heaven where they belong

Yours were never mine to keep
Colm May 2021
Wish myself upon
A distant hillside growing
Though in no ways near
I am in showing myself
For a desire to be there
May 2021 · 101
Colm May 2021
We are springs of refreshing mind
Reaching out
From the cooling rock and reaping soil

Not cloud and thunder
Oak and root
Or spring and flower without song

Not star or fire
Grass or mire
Or ocean rumbling as a throng

Yet it's down below from which we pool
The thoughtful self most fulfilling
From which we ought to base and pull
May 2021 · 184
Plastic Ball Haiku
Colm May 2021
This plastic fire burns
Into a melted mixed bag
Of ***** and strikeouts
Colm May 2021
There are days when I am in love with eyes
the world in looks
and the passing by glances
of a newfound friendship, and fondness revived

And then there are days
like this one en which,
there is not enough dirt on the surface of the entire earth
to cover all of you
Colm May 2021
to hold your image (in my mind)
is more difficult than I could know,
or you, could even begin to search,
[let alone find]

to hold a hand (once not your own)
no self can lend a moments peace
when searching for a hold in stone
[a fragile piece]

a gift is not always to keep

May 2021 · 81
Colm May 2021
Our eyes see stars
Our earth her neighbors
Just as near and far are subsequently born
Of human terminology
Colm May 2021
I don't know why...

The moon in its endearing way
Encircles us on breathless string along
Or why the tides cry ill each night
Only to be in court for the hearing at dawn

The rushing lawns of browning green
Or why they need a trim to fall
Or the crisping leaves of sweeping scenes
And why they whisper around me at all

The rock and stone the smoothing ore
Beneath waters rushing to and fro
No crackling snow left sparks alive
No mountain stream running by itself alone

But out of all of these things which I do not know
Of what and why and whethering seems
Like the lines of growing seeds to sow
Why it's your eyes behind that I wish to know

I don't.
She rejected me, but it makes me smile. Because if feels better this way. I remain unchanged.

whethering - | the act of repetitive self-doubt (whether you should or shouldn't) specifically when you should.
May 2021 · 300
Upwards, in the distance
Colm May 2021
Mountains are not mountains
You neither climb
Nor longingly look
Their present absence
May 2021 · 472
A sight
Colm May 2021
I love the reflected sheen of light
Which glows and grows off of floors unclean
And creates horizons unhigh

My eyes know these sights most well
And like them most ardently

This censor of mine, alone
Colm May 2021
Deep water found
In a wellspring of being
Would you be, and want
To be refreshed and renewed
Not as immortal songs
But as the sound of running water
On a washboard bed of stones
Turn over again
I, in sleeping here, next to you
May 2021 · 135
Colm May 2021
We see the results
Not of what we want
But of what we do

In the quiet hour when instead of reassurance
Our heart wants pizza
And we are in need of all things renewed
Colm May 2021
When a window closes
It doesn't mean
That you're banned from the breeze
Or from the appreciate and growingness
Of the height of trees
No, less is meant by such an explicit shift
When a window closes it only means
That your sight is obscured
And only partially

Yes . Your eyes, your sight
Is still free (to be)
May 2021 · 232
Your smile, about me?
Colm May 2021
I see your smile
so subtle and fine
And I am selfishly founded
on this belief of you, in us
And I
I want it so badly to be only for me
Apr 2021 · 205
The day a page went missing
Colm Apr 2021
Tear out my heart like a missing page. I turn and turn to live again.
Her will to read in nature's storm. Once born of being, is there and then.
When your eyesight was ever mine to upend? Or to try and mend.
You see? It never was once me.
That is until your rain begins again. Anew.
The day I realized a page was missing. LOL
Apr 2021 · 328
Colm Apr 2021
is the discovered place. when a friend moves on in a walking fashion, and your feet, unbudging, with all of their reserved and well-padded soles,
Been there.... Too long probably.
Colm Apr 2021
Your star
No matter how far
Or in nearness, how bright
Though time does dim
And wear away at
The corners of your eyes
Near the edges of life
And galaxy's end
I, fear not lonely your presence
Only your absence of light
For it's within the sky
In this ocean of goodnight, alone
In which I could never shine
At least therein, without you
Apr 2021 · 109
Colm Apr 2021
His tune returns — Anew and ever strong
(like telephone wires in the wind)                                              
Not infallible —but swaying still                        
With a lyrical cadence there
(he is ready to begin)
Colm Apr 2021
spin me like an old record fine
with a crackling sea
in an endless summers day to see

and hear what you will
I, between these vinal keys
humming brightly refined

wherever memories may be
there also you will find
the shores on which our oceans first met

not sure where these come from, but I'm glad they visit occasionally
Apr 2021 · 197
Colm Apr 2021
A sense of self better known?
But in the company of those others found, and in the investment free. These betterments and attempted others, will in time, be.
Counted as blessings abound, be they only in the attempt.
In unearthing, we are found or hidden
Colm Apr 2021
the most human question in the ever, is not how ... but why?
Apr 2021 · 305
Colm Apr 2021
These very words - are weak and sore - at the attempted expression of all that which - Christ is . In him - I am - both free in death - and life - to be - what I am meant to be .
Apr 2021 · 192
A Lost Breath Breathed
Colm Apr 2021
We forget to breathe and thank God for that freedom of ...

And yet the being (which is).
Is also you, and not.
The breath is yet to be, yet also not be.

What is freedom?
Colm Mar 2021
Catch me like the flickering waves
Melding seamlessly into the horizontal sea
Where your memories stare back at you and
Your unconscious eyes of being seek to be

Catch me, my newfound find nearby
For I seek to live flyingly here in your eyes
For just a moment in being this order to free
And in your sight to see

Because the words are my why
Just as these mine are me
Sometimes I write and describe
Just to see if you will read
Mar 2021 · 128
A grain of nothing
Colm Mar 2021
Opinions are like grains of sand
they're going to exist
regardless of if you're at the beach or not
Mar 2021 · 159
Colm Mar 2021
Unfeeling is no cloud above
Though ground unwilling to hold you fast
Like stars and fires and ocean sands
We turn and burn and age unto ash

Mar 2021 · 129
alone on this
Colm Mar 2021
saying I have been through a lot
is like saying my lungs have been through oceans of air


Being . Is . Fair
Colm Mar 2021
The willow strands fall gently down
And sway in unseen breezes felt
Such humming souls among the bees
In awe like stars, awash like waves
And beneath like clouded warmth about
They breathe their breath both in and out
The cooling trusting reflective earth
Which grows and grows beneath the feet
Around such mortal feelings felt
An embrace as such is heavens grace
I wish I want when we're without
One being
Mar 2021 · 175
be tired with me?
Colm Mar 2021
like a scratching record
around I cannot break
and in circles find nothing
more than our something should
this unwaking headache
with its cold sweat and migraines
is the only thing left
the only path to take

until we are left therein
that parallel state of unbeingawake
Colm Mar 2021
My heartache aches
In a streaking falling façade of a homeless soul about-face

Like ink dropped strains across a dripping chest
Revealing no tissue but the clouds and clouded paints

Like a comet dying in the atmospheric life of nothing
Tempting no one to look, but everyone under the sun to see

My hair above me and in moonlight come alive
At the electric touch of your skylight fingers

find me
Colm Mar 2021
Into the night there.
My voice erupts to no-one
close, without you near.
Mar 2021 · 92
Broadhead Sun
Colm Mar 2021
I swear S O M E T I M E S that
   I'm the only one who see's the sun
   like an arrow dart
   erratically beyond the target of time
   and A R I S E into the sky of life

We all who miss (just high)
Colm Mar 2021
when darkness comes
with every closing day in eyes
and we must face, about-face
the restlessness of our untrusting lives
it's in arms and beds and promises
in which we hope to hold and sometimes find
a kindly, sorted, trusted self
a bed on which we all must lie
Mar 2021 · 152
the girl I breathe in
Colm Mar 2021
in sketch or smoke or clouded streak
I just want another draw of you
(to etch and breathe)
Colm Mar 2021
eyes as sharp as shining hooks
deeper oceans than wellsprings
of talking could ever be

so this hope is set onward
free into this prospective
sight whatever sea could be
Mar 2021 · 116
the artist Indefinable
Colm Mar 2021
You're not captured in your paint,
compelled by stills,
or encompassed by song at all, my friend

No descriptive words can color your sky,
no sprinters length catch you without breath,
or fail to float the fly on the wind, no less

That is unless you let them say
what you are not,
is all you are, untrue

For you are the essence, embodied, reborn
not what anyone else says
or thinks they know of you
Mar 2021 · 84
compounding presence
Colm Mar 2021
pressure is a coin to pass
between train and screaming tracks beneath
with the force of fiction and heat pressed between
so it is in my soul when you are near and unknowingly dear
to me - passing by in fast
Colm Mar 2021
the harp of my heart
waits quietly for your breath
breathe into me warm
we were evergreen is underrated
Mar 2021 · 46
Colm Mar 2021
when doubt turns back
from gray to blueish hue
the earth itself stops son from spinning
and in directional ways found
bounds down like fog over the mountains

turns on its end like the books overthrown
by shifting night and confusing gloom
you were there and saw
the night when it first went missing
(the moon)

and if anyone besides me heard it first
(it was you)

Cackling above the trees like a crow
Above the earth
(which will not grow)

the look beyond
which turns away
is there
(at the end of all our exploring)
Mar 2021 · 36
Wings within
Colm Mar 2021
There are days when I, could swear that my, wings were live, and wide awake, from another life. And I there find,
[{(within myself)}]
the flight of which I always knew, I had throughout all the of sky’s placed before me.
Mar 2021 · 704
Colm Mar 2021
WELLING UP inside your eyes
A sky is born above you
And ANEW your stars cry out
Mar 2021 · 322
Crashing as we are
Colm Mar 2021
There is no sun                          
In the morning of us                
When you're not there beside
  And the night breaks slowly  
On the rocks of dawn              
Crashing as we are
Colm Mar 2021
Catch me like the flickering waves
Which glisten and meld seamlessly
Into the horizontal sea out there
Where your memories stare back at you
And your unconscious being seeks to be

Catch me, my newfound find nearby
For I seek to live hetr in your eyes
For just a moment to be
And in your sight seen
I created you for me

Because the words are why
Just as these mine are me

Sometimes I write and describe just to see
If you will read

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