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Colm Apr 2020
One day when the cattails turn
The clocks unwind themselves in silent sound
And the sun stops smiling back at us

One day then, when the someday is when
And there are no more daunting stars or crashing mountains
Waiting to converse with gravity voice

Day one without when will begin anew with a flower
Seeded in moonlight, born the son of Sun
And all that we did, even the observations will be undone
One day will all will. But the earth will not. Good thing to remember.
Apr 2020 · 45
Memories A Drink
Colm Apr 2020
Cold where it meets the tongue
Warm in the mindful eyes relived
Turn up the heat in this solemn room
As it is all that I can do to relive this again

No home, no food, no time left to return
Let alone option to be a companion
As I of the few who remain
Sum of less who survived let alone to thrive

And in breathing I, no, all of this is against me
Every ounce and pound of reality found
In the noise upstairs and the quite beneath
Down below the surface once paid for dearly

But I can touch my lips to a glass of memories
And taste every Saturday of childhood overflowing
As I am there again
But not there at all
Wow. Standing in this room, even the thought of it brings back the memories strong.
Colm Apr 2020
Humans, we are who
Being of sound voice and full
Speak often not of
And more so now than ever
Of that which is nothing new
Colm Apr 2020
Skies like that
Though coloring eyes for but only a day
Create new perspective in me
And remind me of my happiness
For I am also colorful in that way
The curse of wonderful creativity
Mar 2020 · 37
Colm Mar 2020
With all so near, so real and afraid
Of what could be nothing more than fear

With your lovers' witness, do as you must
And then again not to hate yourself into desiring nonexistence

With humanity comes choice
The trick is not to let your doings or undoings define you. No one gets out alive.
Mar 2020 · 82
A Dreams Remind
Colm Mar 2020
I wish for dreams and when I have
They remind me that my soul yearns for yours
As you hold the only hope alive
Of hearing admits understanding
Of heartbeats within quiet warmth

Do you dream of me as equally alive?
Mar 2020 · 31
Not A Morning Person This
Colm Mar 2020
In the mornings
The mirror stares at me
In awe and wonder
Miraculously knowing more than beans
Will be needed
To generate the articulate out of this insufficient me
And then I wake up around noon and LIFE.
Colm Mar 2020
My life is not free
It is
breath to be breathed
blood to be shed
.      on behalf of
.      me
Mar 2020 · 39
Let's Drink
Colm Mar 2020
Coffee smooth as scotch and butter
Tea to last an hour past
And wine as vineyards stretching out
Let's drink until the cows are stars
The comets turn cold coming home
As a shipping roost will do for us
Let's drink not though we must
Mar 2020 · 103
A Struggling Lover
Colm Mar 2020
How I wish my sorrow wasn't here but would be
In any breath of existence warm
Beating as a distant drum
Humming as a harp or lyre
A wish is not enough to start
Or to turn a fog into valleys below
And yet as a sunrise my hope so begins
In a directional dream wondering where they will go and what we will be
In a chaotic order once again to see the somber thought therein
A Struggling Lover
Mar 2020 · 136
Let Love And Coffee
Colm Mar 2020
Let love
Command what the heart desires
And for everything else
There’s coffee
And for everything else
Mar 2020 · 52
Social Stitching
Colm Mar 2020
Pointed, sharp and searching, ever in. Some people are needles and I the thread. Integrate me if you must, though I will not be sown of my own accord. I would much rather spin in perfectly spooled schools on my own. Thus, is the nature of the singular thread, alone. Sometimes seen. And sometimes integrated in both step and social seam.

But to the occasional social seamstress, sure.
Cut me in.
Colm Mar 2020
Feeling the winding springs beneath
Gravitational pull indefinite
Might leave now
A play on feeling cute, might delete.
Mar 2020 · 32
Colm Mar 2020
No one knows the color of the sky
Our rods and cones decree it is
An abundant place
With waves of clouded wishes warm
And cold hard truths
When it rains and often storms

And yet know one knows the ways in which its true colors go
And show
And show
Mar 2020 · 89
Colm Mar 2020
The human spirit falls
Not because of weight
Or snagging stone
But because of rainbows end
Of water vapors shining spirit
And because our nature is
To go
Something engrained, perhaps.
Mar 2020 · 104
Colm Mar 2020
Just a quick glance
A purple hue the wine a press
Dulcet and sweet
As it takes just an instant to confirm what she sees
That he is lost in waters
Deep in eyes shut
And unaware of all others in this lovers time
**** it Brad Pitt
Colm Mar 2020
Cold clay cannot be coaxed
Without warmth of fingers
Pressed and felt

No mold ever existed without mind behind
Or sculptor without a wheel to turn

Just as fingertip valleys were always meant
Thumb to thumb. Known.
Mar 2020 · 138
No Human Drink Eternal
Colm Mar 2020
At the bottom of every cup
Their is either
Acceptance or ignorance
Loss or desire
For more or less knowing
There is thirst in every human throat
For the drink of mind which will return
For some a nothing ounce
For others all which the senses can possibly remeber and inspire
With fire, and water, and heart to beat
No drink lasts by drink
Or by slow plastic perspire
No Human Drink Eternal
Mar 2020 · 48
All Along
Colm Mar 2020
When you know
You just know
By no human means, no
But when you know
Truly know
You just know
Since you've known
Mar 2020 · 39
The Ownership We Give
Colm Mar 2020
Time does not turn on a dime
No it scrapes
Like shoes on the asphalt
Chalk on the slate
Time is not time
When another man pays
It is a slow and mendacious
Mar 2020 · 31
Inevitable Life
Colm Mar 2020
No matter how hard I try
How far I hike
No hands can hold back waves
Or ears can hear the true skies voice
Just as no trees stay
And no sun remains the same for more than a single night
No matter how hard I try and fight
How high I climb or fast I fall to the ground
No inevitable escapes life
Mar 2020 · 119
Joe Black, A Tanka
Colm Mar 2020
Death came to dinner
One day refusing to sit
As he was hungry
For more than the common man
He wanted time itself, this
Mar 2020 · 27
No More Than Ash
Colm Mar 2020
I don't have ghosts
Or believe in memories
As an empty closet holds no sway
The past being no more than ash
With a breath to breathe it away
Mar 2020 · 44
As All True Friends Do
Colm Mar 2020
Real friends know who you are. And they don't take offense at you being you. They just account for it. See title.
She said she was being neglectful. And I said not in the least. Don't feel bad about being you.
Colm Mar 2020
When the fog finally breaks
    And the dayfever clears on bedded shoals

My heart of sunlight beats again
    Like a vibrant wire,
    Far stretched between out standing poles

There I am no longer on the sands of weighted cold
    I rest in heat, my heart it beats
    Like it did when the dawning days around
    Me were not quite so old

You cannot coax me back into a fever
    Let alone a dream of for you
    When all of these clear skies are calling me
    To see a new light find
    And within it hold
The Beat Of A Heating Heart To Behold
Mar 2020 · 65
Burning Arc Seconds
Colm Mar 2020
To be a star is to burn
Until the end of all trajectories
To be alone but never alone
Adjacent amongst the galaxies invert
Knowing you'll fall
Less because of being human
But moreso because nothing can inevitably burn
For forever in arc seconds time
To be a star is to burn
Burning Arc Seconds
Mar 2020 · 112
Harping On Good
Colm Mar 2020
Like a train track whine
become embodies both peaks and beams
The very best of
If their ruminations on record can bounce
from flowing cloud to star and back again
Without falling an inch but
blooming into down an atmospheric
With peaking echoes so gently drawn
that it can stir the cattails fur
and create rainless ripples across the worlds of

That is when good harping is best
As a sound so fragile that it’s almost human
in its death at last
Regardless of digital

I love this sounding verse to pass
Harmonica sings my soul song
Mar 2020 · 72
Easy Is Already Finished
Colm Mar 2020
In any fight there is a breath
In every battle a sky soaring innocently overhead
Watching us make mindless decisions
Every day upon days unend
We sleepily forget as if anew has begun
When really if it were easy to do
It would already have been done
The difficult thing is that which alludes you
Mar 2020 · 46
Forward My Awake
Colm Mar 2020
Only those
Who have no regrets
Have also no breath
Left or mind to fathom the why

Death and worry go hand in hand
Forward My Awake
Mar 2020 · 55
A Scottish Stranger
Colm Mar 2020
If you ever loaned your eyes
To where such words have been leading these thoughts of mine
Ever sacrificed a second for this side of my discovery
I just want to say THANK YOU
Dearest unco stranger of you
For witnessing this revision of me
Yes, please
Mar 2020 · 63
Am I Just Another One?
Colm Mar 2020
The grounds of my courtyard
The woods of my heart
Have not been trespassed upon for an age
Or trampled unendingly by the masses of protest
The uncivilized, no
But to those who were once invited
To roam
Not a footprint is left
And I more than ever
Wind roundwards in clockwork
Walk the evening machines, friendly
And at pace ever turning

No choice will ever release me from this free
"Did your eyes gleam at my light
Or am I just another one"
Mar 2020 · 98
Like The Sky
Colm Mar 2020
From the height of my eyes
Scraping hair often spiked
And cloudy thoughts
Who’d of thought
That’d I’d wish to be seen
In such a ways as this
Be it always by you
Was the only hope
In me
Like The Sky
Colm Mar 2020
Sit and stay
Until the clouds unravels
Till the hot coals glow
And the night calls you back
Try and try as you may
To pull the smoke out of snow
And it will outlast your hopes
For a clearing of day
Though I would be happier still
If I were creating along thr way
Sometimes the quiet
Is the creation of self
Sometimes all that you can do is just
Sit and stay
Sometimes all the stars align, and I still can't capitalize. Lol. My life.
Colm Mar 2020
The greatest gift a timewinder
Can give is to not give at all
But to let it pass
And exist in
Due age is
Timewinders, Gid bless em.
Mar 2020 · 36
For Want Of A Bite
Colm Mar 2020
Sometimes I can feel
The words swimming beneath the surface
But they will not rise
To the fly of me

Maybe a nymph tomorrow
For Want Of A Bite
Colm Mar 2020
We all shine
Be it from powered stars or reflective moon
Out of conscious or uncommon try
Or peculiarity of mind
Well all are
At least capable of such kind emergence
Mar 2020 · 31
Apartment Envy
Colm Mar 2020
The meadowtails know your shoes
So well
They think your walk a world
But in your absence
The earth is turned
And on its apartment head resides
My walls awaiting your eyes
Greedily as they
Are sick of me and yearn only for you
Your wild lights bring them back
And ever into focus
These usually start from just one line
Mar 2020 · 32
Some Minds Are As Oceans
Colm Mar 2020
Puddles dry
Rivers run
And streams run out of present being
But the Sea
The Sea is ever relentless
Older than time
And no less in never boiling need
Be it all too deep for me
At the ends of the earth
It is one of many seas waiting for me
No Puddles Will Ever Be For Me
Mar 2020 · 45
Waiting Beside Self
Colm Mar 2020
Here one day
Wait, perhaps the next

Waiting is a most conscious thing
Though it's not me anymore

I don't want to wait another second
Without starting this conversation
Sometimes the wave just hits you. And you smile at the power of the ocean. At the smallness of your existence. AWESOME!
Mar 2020 · 111
See Me As I Fall For You
Colm Mar 2020
My heart is in a higher place right now
Though it will fall as all stars do
Until nickel burns cold
And ember embeds outside of sandy towns
Under cloudy moonlit eyes to see
Would you please?
Watch me fall, as all stars do
And in my tumbling known
As if you could not catch
Me my most human ground
Would you?

I only ask because I'm burning
For you to watch
Just take me back to the start
Colm Mar 2020
It seems that I am destined
To love the sound of such leaves
Rustling in the Autumnal memory
Even when another once wished to climb
The very height of my own trees

I am haunted and haunting
Though unconsciously done
Tearing, ever torn between. You do not own the sound of leaves on a voiceful day. But the one thing I can own is my own inability. With pride I take it. Because you know who? I finally do. Though I still hear rustlings in my dreams. RIP me. LOL.
Colm Mar 2020
I forgot how fumes worked
   Being enraptured to be
      Like the endless voice
         Above the clouded though
      How intoxicating you were
   In a dream that was solely mine
To me
You know? How daydreams work? Of course. You do.
Colm Mar 2020
When you stop assuming competence
That people are not people
But still children
Life makes more sense
We're all just kids at heart. Aware or unawares.
Mar 2020 · 58
Colm Mar 2020
Sometime you need to come close
And say no
To what you would be happy with
In order to find
What you will be ecstatic with
There was nothing wrong with her. But she wasn't right for me. (:
Feb 2020 · 128
Her Name In Autumn
Colm Feb 2020
I dream an autumn dream of you
In a winter lasting longer than sun
Burning hotter than stars
In the coldest nights sleep

I dream of an autumn us there too
So much so and so often now
That there's not a rain cloud left in the sky
For me to express myself

I dream and dream
Awaiting the autumn skies
Feb 2020 · 72
Waves, Fire, A Tanka
Colm Feb 2020
Noone says goodbye
At the beach and yet expects
The waves to stay back
For more than a crashing day
As they burn by waterside
Life is short. Just as we all are. Crashing eventually like waves on the shore.
Feb 2020 · 60
Would You With A Song?
Colm Feb 2020
You're very air
Is a voice my ears drink deeply of
Entranced by waters
And by the tales of a home yet known
If I sought out the trees
To sing you back into my own song
Would you hear me from this distance far
And come running
Knowing henceforth and forever
Where you belong

I sing when I'm super focused. Relaxed or both. Also this rendition is amazing. Cheers.
Feb 2020 · 105
Kosk Yn Ta (Sleep Ye Well)
Colm Feb 2020
With a gentle voice
            Like blankets

    Midst stars from flowing ceilings
      With residing smile

          Into blackness of fear
     Unbeknownst no more

   What is joy
         To be a joyful sunset
     In the day of your child's life
Colm Feb 2020
Somedays I just want to sit
At a coffee shop and think
About all of the thoughts I’ve yet to see
All the skies I’ve yet to be
Someday Heart and Soul
Colm Feb 2020
When I write
When you sing
We embody the voice spoken long before
No words ever were or
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