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 Dec 2012
Paul Hardwick
as i look out my window
some days i find there is nothing for me
life seams so rosey in the cradle
but there is nothing at all
at the  end of the rainbow
the older i get
as look once more
i see there is nothing left for me.
 Dec 2012
Paul Hardwick
Look see
the boys all dressed up
all suited and booted
but only a woman can know
where that boy will end up
when his fortunes are down
but when all my packadge is off
look see i am still me.
 Dec 2012
Paul Hardwick
in time
time slipped off
and then just fell off
all the things he had been
down to earth
only in time to see
he could have been in time more
all thought that given time
might have been
all he not been
but time struggled was what was what before
the very time before
time fell off.
or maybe more
Now for me time is as how it was before.
Paul ow by the way that is me.
 Dec 2012
eunsung aka Silas
broken bodies                              with open hearts
call forth                                       inner change
my mind                                       seeking for peace
releases into infinity                   in a simple touch.
 Dec 2012
Paul Hardwick
Lip's met time
now time was gifted
but not as shrewd as as lip's was
lip's puckerd up
and just did what kiss did
and at that time became two
me and you us the we
the we move on.
Lady' s please is this true?
 Dec 2012
Paul Hardwick
i cross oceans maybe all the seas
         i go from this way to that
                i have no religion no, no friends
                          i am the beging and the end
                                   i don't  talk of time
                         i speak of nothing much at all
                                           i just am
                                         i am me
                                                                      and my pants fit.
 Dec 2012
Paul Hardwick
today I signed a contract
and no matter how much I read
that small print
that just dose in your ******* head
i realised there is no sanity cluse.
From the gifted hands of the Marx Brothers.
 Dec 2012
Paul Hardwick
Ow what a beautiful owl you are
I say it again You are you are.
 Dec 2012
Paul Hardwick
when life was simple
and everything seamed new
but in time
people tell you all is not true
and as a kid
I stood and cry'ed, at this
**** you are gay
but I still love you
but not in your way
so rock and roll.
 Dec 2012
Paul Hardwick
tight wriggled
                               trying to move himself
                                                           shift move next to him
                                                           then begin butted in
                                                                                      what's          UUUUPPP!
                                                            tight wriggled
                                                    and told them to *******.
 Dec 2012
Paul Hardwick
well today i licked a frog
i did not know why
i just did like people do.
 Dec 2012
eunsung aka Silas
         presence                            is                               love
         interwoven                      web                            given
         freely                                created                       to
         saturated                         into                             creation
         breathing                         life                              for                  
         infinitely                          always                       illuminating
 Dec 2012
eunsung aka Silas
i fell in love with the Tao,
                        when i wandered the mountains of Korea
                                                                ­                                               as a child.

i cannot name the Tao,
                        or hold it conceptually like religious deities
                                                         ­                                                     unspoken.

i­ love the Tao,
                   when my heart is aflame in the great reality of
                                                              ­                                              now.

                                          i am fully alive,
                                                         when i flow with the great
                                                           ­                                                 Tao.
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