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 Dec 2011
John F McCullagh
I found myself in darkness there
My hands reached out
and touched concrete.
I could smell the wet cement
and the odor of dead

At my feet a wooden box
and a brass plate displayed my name
(Useful for Archeologists
though I doubt if any ever came)
my heart raced with anxiety
there in the crypt none heard me scream.
Where is the border beyond which sleep
would end my fear and ease my pain?

I woke in the darkness of my room
The sheets were dripping with my sweat.
It seems I'd been to hell and back
and seen the eternity of regret.
 Dec 2011
John F McCullagh
She was careful that she was not seen
There, in the graveyard,
deep in the night.
A single rose in her left hand
A bottle of Cognac in her right.
She knew the path to his grave by heart,
How could it be otherwise?
The two of them had shared one heart,
Now in his tomb the Master lies.
Libation poured upon the stone.
She wets her lips with Hennessy
He, of course, Edgar Allan Poe
She, of Course,his Annabelle Lee.
 Dec 2011
John F McCullagh
Fortunato, I am called.
My friends rate me a connoisseur.
Tonight I wear a jester’s garb
for the feast day of misrule.

Tonight is fine, the wine flows free
With honeyed sweetness on my lips
My headgear rings with happiness
as I enjoy another sip..

Montresor came to speak with me
He wore a mask and monkish gown.
I shook the hand he offered me.
We spoke about a cask of wine.

A cask of sherry, dark and sweet
Amontillado- so he claimed
My friend had paid a premium.
Wished me to judge and share his gain.

He thought he’d ask Luchresi’s help
But that man is no judge of wine.
Give him grape juice in a cup
And Luchresi would exclaim “How fine”

I took his arm and off we went,
Not knowing how this night would end.
I went quite willing to my doom
with this fiend I thought a friend.

Montressor’s servants were away
Leaving he and I alone
He poured for me a warming glass
then led me to the catacombs.

We sampled others of his wines
to keep the cold and damp away.
I coughed and could not catch my breath.
But from my goal could not be swayed.

In the darkness of the tombs
Among Montressor’s ancestral bones
He victimized my drunkenness
I found myself chained to the stones.

I quickly learned it was no jest
I screamed in vain- none heard my cry
As he with brick and mortar built
this prison tomb where I will die..
A retelling of Poe's classic tale from the victim's point of view.
 Nov 2011
John F McCullagh
In the cold damp stairway
of the Tower I saw her:
Lady Jane
the nine days Queen.
she walked right through me
heading for the Tower Green.
Escorted by an unseen Parson
to the block, likewise unseen,
Her translucent body
bends before it
Lady Jane, the nine Days Queen.
How many times, I wondered then
has this poor ghost played out this
bereft at once of crown and life
there upon the tower Green
A visitor to the Tower of London has an unsettling encounter with the Ghost of Lady Jane Grey, acting out the day of her execution at the hands of her cousin, Mary Tudor
 Oct 2011
Vishal Dogra
Now, the Sun is again setting;
with fading beams a frenzy knight who shone & lit the dark with awful might
That shine is now punning and the Sun is again on verge of setting.
Shall the dark win the light?
Shall thou live in the night?
‘O’ Sun don’t forget thyself truth of fighting the dark to bring the light

Why leave hope?
thou sow those seeds and reap that crop
that Sun again shine – the purely white
who can win over the night;

So the Sun may again set in
 Aug 2011
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
I walk the miles,
ruining smiles,
people throwing stones;
I find the hours,
failing powers,
spiteful hateful man.

A lazy man,
adoring fan,
watched God with pride;
yet his lord,
wielding sword,
slices low and wide.

Ice-age glacier,
species erasure,
nothing here for me;
I am above it,
I am summit,
I am Lord to thee.

Bow before,
come adore,
all smitten by my grasp;
death to all,
'gainst my pall,
striking as an asp.

And still...

I walk those miles,
body piles,
bearing a disease;
I am true;
Lord to you,
it is I you must appease.
 Jul 2011
The mad hatter
you bare your heart
you share your soul
you write all day
and it takes its toll
you cant withstand
you cant let go

all your dreams start to die
you want to leave
but only cry
its sad to say
but i cannot lie

youve made you bed
now go to sleep
give up your dreams
but do not weep

although its harsh
you must agree its fair
nothings left but an emty stare

I must warn you
do not cry

go to sleep, its time to die
 Jul 2011
The mad hatter
into the morgue
away we go
not a word is said
even hi or hello
we stare into the devils maw
where bodies are burned
or cut with a saw
out of the corner comes a man dressed in white
a living ghoul
who gives us a fright
he goes inside to see what went wrong
and slices the body
while humming a song
im clearly on earth
but something feels wild
who can go on
after loseing a child
 Jul 2011
The mad hatter
cAnT sToP                                          
                                 *CaNt sLeEp

                                                                     EyEs ClOsEd
                                                                                                          BrAiN oPeN                                    
nO rUnNiNg
                                   No EsCaPeInG
                                                                       CaNt BrEaTh
                                                                                                           CaNt ThInK
                       JuSt StUcK
                                                              iN hElL
                                                                                            *wItH mY dEmOnS
 Jul 2011
Jeffrey L Buford Jr
To the discontented dreams walking through the dismal decadence of a generation’s misplaced sincerity, along the corners of empty markets and abandoned townhouses and drug-infested parks and housing projects, the blanket of eternity warms the contemporary chills of sadness along a stranger’s spine,
To the soulful singers and the tired poets, the dreamers, idealists, and the hobos whose dust clings to the ghost engines of locomotives of Southern melancholia, along the thickets of thorns coated with the blood of the Negroes and their unchanged magic and blood soaked karma, the America we know must confront such chilling histories,
To the woeful songs of the youth, spilling across the timeless waves of devolution and unspoiled shores of lost memory, the melodies churn with thunder within the basin of toxic sewage and the lifeless poets dare to dream the dream no man can find satisfying,
To the sun and the moon, the two entities in the sky passing by the horror all eyes wish to pierce with flame and melt the plastic Hollywood images of our time, with the serrated edge of a knife’s blade flickering like a silver jewel in the moonlight, where Hamlet’s laughter stimulates the rhythm of consciousness like the quickened excitement of a perfected sonnet to the empty epiphany brain of our reckless care,
To the mothers who long to smother their little boys and girls with the cradle palm and the warm breast, for her eyes weep at the chaos with folded arms and crooked necks, and to gaze at the unemployment lines are to follow the coiled stems of the snakes and the thieves, the politicians and their two-faced theories,
To the father’s who have lost their fathers to chance or depravity, to the neglected sons whose hearts must pump concrete with panic, their soccer ***** and toy guns have yet to be touched by the jolt of masculinity as the father climbs his mountain of abandonment and carelessly invokes the same demons that destroyed his father,
To the lonesome drunkards, the  feverish crack dealers, the dismal ****-heads, and the 9 to 5 dead end workers, I shall greet them with a glass of enlightenment and reason, but their skin is far too thick to be punctured with the spike that shimmers on Liberty’s head,
To my generation of apathy, how unchanged the afterlife must be, for you know nothing of oblivion but you know everything about the technologically advanced systems of dishonesty, you utilize such things to mask your insecurities and dismal glares and vacant grins and fake smiles, but we pray for you in Time magazine and the newspapers hate both of us,
To the madness in every age, that horrid illness that touches the infant and the elder, that rapes the ****** and the *****, and pushes time and stops it, we have crawled far into the prison cell to escape the shadows that are our shadows,
To the innocence splattered on the sidewalk, the blood flows imagination twisted, images of the worse kind, marketed and packaged by the hands of those who work mindlessly in the factories of tyranny, who have wept at the clock longer than the clock has wept at them,
Who have played the guitar with ****** fingertips and poured truckloads of sweat into their musical dreams as the mirrors on the walls reflected a howling skeleton beyond the gates of Eden, who have slept with friends and a friend of a friend as the world turned them against each other by a simple twist of time,
Who have challenged the social order with a gesture or a pen or a bullet as the world broke out against the police and the Pagan feasts, those ragged Bleeker Street dwellers that mopped the Village with ****** hands and hopeful poetry, Simon and Garfunkel’s Sparrow died because of them, those misguided souls that turn their face from the *** who remind them of themselves more than their own reflection, bones, and mistakes,
Whose false impression we are admiring on the vacant walls of impossibility, where the nurturer and the wicked step-mother run circles around the fiction of truth and the books you shall never read but read anyway,
Who have walked the road no one else would walk, but crawled as they talked and walked as they barked beneath the haunted turns of memory wooded wandering, therein lies the hollowed caverns of abyss, the holes within you that turn out to be true, truer and finer than anything you could do,
Who have fought in the wars called upon by the unbearable static currents, those who have lost ears, eyes, fingers, and legs, the wheelchair bound poet in his muted expression, the condemned man and the electric chair, to the barber, teacher, priest, judge and his wife,
To the children at school and the dancing childless fool, who have witnessed death passing by, the lovers and isolated writers, even the aunt and uncles who sigh, we watch, we eat, we challenge what we greet, and the nameless shall remain nameless through the obscured faces of the shameless,
Undertakers reveal their hidden identities as the wealthy man’s child wanders in confusion, to the traveling blues men who have sold the man in the long black coat more than a few songs and strained strings of struggling strumming sorrow,
Painless pandemonium within the pipe-dreaming poets, who have watched houses burn in haunted hapless hoping, but the Nun knows not to place her loyalty with the **** and the sinful nature of our universe,
To the weakened hearts and the heavy souls, to the oversaturated handkerchiefs and the pain very few shall ever know, who have promised the great promise on a lonesome night and waited up for the end of the world as the world ended them,
Who have waited for assurance on the front of the daily newspapers, it is the soundlessness of ignorance that writes all these papers, and the ink reads black, glazed, political, right, left, middle, left, right,
To the editors in chief and the homeless firetrap, to the wrinkled feet caught on nails  throughout America’s chest, the dreamers have dreamed and you shall all wake, to the findings of truth on every corner, to epiphany’s immortal idealized intelligence, the poetry written on dead-end walls and the forgetful shall remember what was lost,
This intoxicating fume of poetry caught, the flame of predication, and all that assuming has deeply wrought.
 Jul 2011
Vishal Dogra
The storms that frightened me even when I were on shore,
now surrounds, tries to blow and mingle me through its course;

On the shore, I prayed long and long for a port
to stand against all adversities, whether or not there a storm;

What shall I do struggling with the storms;
but to wait for that moment when can I win over the storm.
This is my prayer to God to please protect me from impurities.
 Feb 2011
Steven Forrester
And twirling
My thoughts do fly
I jump to conclusions
I'm not sure why
I act like a ******
Its how I get by
I don't cheat
And I try
Not to lie
My brain
My logical remedy
Lets face it
Not erase it
My mind is my enemy
(c) Steven Forrester
 Feb 2011
Steven Forrester
an image

locked away and lost

gone yet vivid

until my block is tossed

all at once it consumes me

so much that i cannot see

anything in future or past

i cannot last

i remember the pain

striking into my back

i remember the rain

falling like tacks

my mind is frazzled and gone

i cannot see to the new dawn

my mind suffers many casualties

do to uncensored and vivid memories
(c) Steven Forrester
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