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 Jul 2014
As we lie dying
the little death,
pull me close
beneath your chin
and hold me tight.
Breathe me in,
feel my heat,
wear me warm
like a well worn blanket.
I will weave you a dream
of dyed wool, desert moons
and a Paiute wind.
I'll dream us through
this long night.
Wrap yourself in me
and rest easy.
Breathe me in,
sleep in me, wear me
like you need to.
And when you awake
I'll still be here
like the desert moon
in a Paiute wind.

r 7/15/14
  |     Paiute wind
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 Jul 2014
Dyslexic God
Andrea Gibson

Introduction:  A couple years ago, I was told a story about a soldier who was set on fire and burned to death because he was gay. After that, I started reading similar stories about people in the GLBTQ community who were tortured or killed by being set on fire and burned. I couldn’t stop thinking about the people who had died that way and couldn’t stop wondering what they might say from where they are now.

The night I was torn from the pages of their Bible
and burned alive
my ashes came down like snow
and a girl who had never seen my face
saw me falling from the sky
and laid down on her back
to make an angel in the powder of my bones.

From heaven, I watched her,
‘though my eyes were still aflame,
and my ribs were still blue.
They didn’t win, I whispered, as her arms built my wings.
They didn’t win.
Look at that moon.
It is a pebble in my hand
Tonight, I could skip it across that fog-drunk sea
to the lashes accordion in the night
and all they know of hate
is that it couldn’t beat the love out of me…

that when they dropped me to the grave,
I fell like a bucket in to a well
and came up full;
carving my lover’s name
into the skin of a weeping willow
that had spent its entire life laughing at the rain.

Hold me like a lantern;
staircase my spine
When they bring the children to my funeral
to scream “******!” at my dust
tell them I was born in to their casket
but I wouldn’t pull the splinters from my heart
any more than Christ would’ve pulled the thorns
from his crimson head.

They can come a thousand times
with their burning matches and their gasoline,
with their hungry laws
and their empty mouths full of prayers to that god
who greeted me at his gates with his throat full of trumpets
and his tears full of shame
as his trembling palms collected the cinders
of his children’s crime.

I know what holy is
I know that the soul is shaped like a bowl;
I know the lies we try to fill it with
and we spill too often
the orchards inside.

But my lover’s shoes were tied with guitar strings
and when I walked beside
there was a silo in my chest,
there was a field full of sun.
there was a river full of gold that we left
to pick our sweet hearts from the trees
that kept uprooting tombstones
so the names of the dead would crumble in to poems.

Write me down like this:
Say my ashes never made the news.
Say the jury was full of shotguns.
Then say the snow that fell on the tip of your tongue
refused to melt away.
Say this to the kids hiding their heartbeats
from their father’s fists.

I planted the garden of my kiss.
I opened the night with my teeth.
I loved so hard that when they pressed their ear to the track
the train they hear coming will still be my chest,
a rumbling harpoon,
a sky they can not bury.

Look at that moon.
I am a pebble in her hand;
a harmonica held to the mouth of the river
where nothing ever burns.
 Jul 2014
John Walker
If you could see things through my eyes,
Even if only for one day
Then you would forever realize
How it is that I feel this way

You hit like a force of nature
I was unmade at just one glance
You opened up my long closed heart
And made me want to take a chance

Seeing that spark that’s within you
Is like seeing sunlight’s first shine
And when I see you smile at me
The entire world to me seems fine

You’re my meaning of beautiful
You’re my reason for holding on
You bring the peace into my heart
When I feel everything is gone

How could you ever feel alone
When you are with me everywhere
I catch my breath thinking of you
I close my eyes and see you there

So ask me once more what I see
And I promise to tell no lies
Let your hand feel my beating heart
And see the love within my eyes

You are where love began for me
It’s been only you from the start
I’ll carry that love to the end
Forever safe within my heart
 Jul 2014
Blue the mountains
holding close in view
sacred smoke of yesterdays
blue fog shrouded trails
beneath the rhododendron

falls of sweet blue water
replenishing the rivers
sapphire lakes reflecting
splendor of the bluest hills
above the peaceful valley

hear the sacred music
of the blue ridge mountains
magic in the songs of old
forever blue my appalachia
blue the hills I used to roam.

r ~ 7/4/14
 |      ^^^^^
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 Jul 2014
John Walker
Against the wind with fists of rage
He stands in youth despite his age
He’s walked the ice and witnessed the floe
Refusing to worry of his time to go
Defiance resides in his eyes
Like storm clouds dotting morning skies
He will not bow he, will not bend
He takes his time to meet the end
He fears nothing on his own
Intimacy though chills his bone
Alone he stands against the wind
No bad choices may he rescind
Perhaps one day he’ll find his faith
Until the end he stands the wraith
 Jul 2014
You have left the girl I love
Like a shade that has given up
The you I write poetry to.
The you I cry for and treasure.
The you
I search for.
You, the you I miss.
I am beginning to realize
That you may not stay with one person.
That maybe you will live with me for a while
Behind the face of a girl I adore madly
And then at any moment
She may become scared of you
And cast you out
Evict you-
And by extension, me.
And then I must search once again for where you've gone
Who you've found a home with now.
I love just one person.
I love you.
But you
Keep moving.
You keep being forced away from me.
I've felt your love and it
Was all I ever needed.
And then you were torn away again
And I was alone
With the girl whose eyes used to hold your soul.
I was alone with her
And it is worse than death to understand that the person you love
Lives on
But has suddenly become something so new and different
So distant
That the only thing you recognize is her face.
It is confusing,
­Where are you?
Whose eyes have you found a new shelter behind?
Let me find you and love you before the cowardly humanity in her rejects you and leaves you homeless once more.
You and I
Are a tragic love story
Always almost there.
And I am sorry I spend so much time
Searching for you in people you've already left.
I see that face
Those eyes
I hear that voice and feel that soft skin
And I just can't believe you are gone from her
And I try and try,
The fool,
But.... she looks
So much like you still.
I miss you. I miss you like I'd miss a rib or one of my lungs.
I try to find you in the places you once were
Any evidence
Any little thing
Because I am afraid to begin anew
Looking for you in this cold
Enormous world.
I am angry at her for rejecting you
Like a bad transplant,
For killing the girl I love
By changing.
And I am angry at you
For not fighting harder.
Where are you?
Are you now?
The only person I have ever loved.
A shadow that disappears when you look directly at it,
A firefly leading me through a deadly dark world,
A dream I wake from far too often
Lonely and bereft.
Are gone again.
And I am too fragile to go searching without a light just yet
Checking every face for your spark
Peering into the abyss
That I know is mapping every inch and byway of my mind with cold eyes
Just because I feel that somewhere in the dark
You are waiting.
I am too fragile
And yet I can't stop
Can't give up
Can't rest:
I need you more than blood
More than lungs
I need you more than my precious sanity
That I trade by the sigh
More than time
That I sell by the grain
(It sure
Adds up.)
I don't want to be old
Before I know what your real face looks like
Before I look into your true eyes
And finally feel safe and whole.
You're looking for me
I can feel it.
And I am calling to you
My love
My universe.

*Who are you
This time?
 Jun 2014
Rob Rutledge
Tears vermilion reflecting the night,
St Elmo's fire burning bright,
Sea sick sailors pray for the light
Doomed and forgotten nets are dry.
Albatross soars, wings of flight
Guiding the lost with cries of gulls,
Let us laugh at their misfortune,
Styx flows too soon,
Gold on each eyelid
The Titans shall have their due.

Hyperion weeps to Neptune's view
As Icarus burns to seas of blue
And the sails catch on,
Enlightened by the
Dawn multifaceted hue.
Scarlet prism gems
Reflect the fallen, truth
Through crimson tinted lens.
 Jun 2014
Nat Lipstadt
since I wept poems freely,
from rise to set,
every breeze, every minute, each bladed grass,
a creation-emotion overtaking

the residue is
every pen dry,
every pencil nubbed,
every free and white
piece of paper,
even all the napkins,
Picasso scribbled

but this one compelled to
rise and set,
before you placed
with a gratitude that
needs no explaining,
a poem,
first and knighted as


a tired, benighted idea,
oft expressed,
that cannot be contained,
swelling up, chest burn bursting
and it's not yet 600am

but the sun demands
payment for admission to this
morning's performance,
which will never be rebroadcast

so in humility, I
offer up this scrap,
in hopes it earns me
one more show tomorrow
pleasing him,
by pleasing you

we write with many motives,
but this ticket is
for my friends here,
genuine camaraderie that is holy,
sourced from holy water,
"straight from the water"*
within our physical selfs

your arm unasked slung
over my shoulder,
your words my inspiration,
your demands, none,
other than give a listen

which is no demand,
but sweet sugar daily,
crazy stupid flooded
through words care crafted,
I have found so many
gentle kind
that without hesitation,
I find myself blessing us all
by repeatedly uttering
This is the poetry of this site
 Jun 2014
Paddy Martin
The butterfly and the bee pollinate,
the unknown flower of memory,
then fly off through the gaps,
of the spiders web into the blackness,
of the vast midnight of the mind.

Words shower down into a torrent,
that falls upon a bewildered numbness,
remaining incoherent, they flow on,
into the stream where perhaps a child,
will gather them and weave them into a melody.

Slowly the poet slides away, unnoticed,
into the mist of time and unconsciousness,
Hidden deep within the flower bed of memory.
an unknown flower not yet pollinated,
still waiting in the realm of the midnight darkness.

In the childs mind the sun shines brightly,
as she brushes the words she has taken,
from the stream of life, with the days light,
The poet breathes, renewed and alive.
so it is in the universal garden of life.
(c) 14 January 2011
 Jun 2014
B J Clement
Summer days are past and gone,
And colder days now hurry on.
The lily draws her  tender bloom
deep into the cloudy gloom, and
soft mists risen in the night,
turn to frost at dawns first light.
In the margins of the pond
The ice holds fast the frozen frond,
and under hill the mole curls tight,
safe and warm throughout the night,
pink paws, pink nose, a velvet coat,
all safely hidden from the stoat!
The swans, clothed in their purest white
glide, like ghosts in black of night
as safely on the lake they sleep,
while the coot and moorhen peep
in their dark and sombre suits,
from the tangled willow roots.
The fox that cunning red marauder
creeps stealthily along the border,
as the weakling winter sun
Announces a new day begun.
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