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 Feb 2012
JK Cabresos
Bunch of rotten words has already been said
which could sometimes bring us to distant places,
I guess now is the time for me to give up,
to abandon and to sacrifice my selfish emotions;
because under the rhythm of my breath
we're only making every piece of our voices apart:
because at the corner of my mind,
we came up breaking each other's fragile heart,
I might miss the memories we ought to build
yet I'll try to love you no more throughout the years...
© 2012
 Feb 2012
JK Cabresos
I used to see you shine all through the melodious night,
accompanied by stars surround the sweetest sky;
but now, I'm watching you slowly fading ---
with tears beneath each pale moonlight.
© 2012
 Feb 2012
JK Cabresos
I'm no poet.
I'm just a man
with boring words.
© 2012
 Feb 2012
JK Cabresos
Whatever I act,

invariably misconstrued;

my fragrance --- vanished!
© 2012
 Jan 2012
JK Cabresos
my greatest creation
every time i fall
to  my own instinct,
my loveliest breath
every time i'm suffocated
from that garbage of tears,

here, i could do anything
my heart desires:
i could burn the rain,
i could freeze the fire;
no one can hurt me,
i control everything
like turning every sunset
into sunrise,


the coffee on my metal cup
is now getting cold,
i should drink it up
before i will lose the day;
the alarm clock above my head
is now shouting so loud,
i should better wake up ---

to face the reality...
© January 20, 2012
 Jan 2012
JK Cabresos
Laments of sadness
in the middle of serene nights,
fragmented hearts
wrangle scrambled minds;

shadowed mistakes, open wounds,
profound mysteries of once reality,
myriad eyes failed to perceive
the intrinsic meaning of a poetry;

arbitrary decisions can lead
loud confusions to imprint,
but an ink of a poet's pen
evokes concealed feelings.
© January 17, 2012 (2:31 a.m.)
 Jan 2012
JK Cabresos
The clouds will be the shed
of my fears, my feet will walk
across the horizon; no one
can defy me beyond these boundaries
for here in my life, my story
I am the protagonist.

The rivers will dry. But dreams
will never falter, for if love
is the nuisance, I shall bury
it deep in the ocean. Then without guffaws,
I can vacate freely to the aspired place.
I whine. I cry. I fight.

Everything will be colored so perfect
except my shadows (beautiful lies
are my only enemies). In this
borrowed time, I will ratify myself's
journey to be better than the best
for my choice is my destiny,
for I am the protagonist.

People. I let them criticize me.
I let them purchase my real worth.
I let them discover the other side of my being;
I will bring tomorrow today, and rainbows
shall stand still in the midst of frozen rains
for here in my life, my story
I am also the antagonist.
© December 31, 2011
 Jan 2012
JK Cabresos
Imprinted on beautiful
Rivers ran through
my veins,
As I tried to bite off
more than one can chew;
To every music,
I danced
But I cut my tongue,

Even at the depths of
my despair,
Good things were dead,
worsts were born;
I was distorted by lies
because I lied too
So I cut my tongue,

In every rhythm of
my breath,
I tried to re-build
those memories,
Still I could not.
I might hurt people
with my words,
Better cut my tongue
into pieces.
© January 9, 2012
 Jan 2012
JK Cabresos
Let the cold wind
of the night serenades
the earth,

Let the golden moon
surrenders the shadows
captivated by fears,

Let the little voices
whisper words for joy;
rejoice fate,

And let my hallow soul
celebrates on my
beloved death.
© January 1, 2012
 Dec 2011
JK Cabresos
Because of that love,
I loved.
Because of that love,
I cared.
Because of that love,
I hid.
Because of that love,
I changed.
Because of that love,
I tried.
Because of that love,
I compelled.
Because of that love,
I condemned.
Because of that love,
I lost.
Because of that love,
I lied.
And because of that love,
I cried.
© December 23, 2011
 Dec 2011
JK Cabresos
As the skies kissed the moon,
the light which will let me perceive
my shadows scrawled with scars;
as I will walk through these roads,
the wind which will touch
my skin with tears,

it will be hard to breathe
but my mind will not stop breathing
and my heart will be filled up
with gallons of water,

I will cry beyond these walls,
I cannot stand still
'til my last teardrop falls,

when our fingers will not fit anymore.
when the spark fades through
the midst of darkness,
when our hearts will not beat as one,
when you run out of voice to call,
I will hold you still
'til my last teardrop falls,

as every memory will be burnt
into scattered ashes,
as every word uttered
will only compromise goodbyes,
and ---

as the skies kissed the moon,
the light which will let me perceive
my shadows scrawled with scars;
as I will walk through these roads,
the wind which will touch
my skin with tears,

when fragile moments were gone,
you will remain beautiful ---
and I will love you still
'til my last teardrop falls.
© December 20, 2011
 Dec 2011
JK Cabresos
I can hardly bring myself to sleep ---
     my pillows are still so wet
I'm drowned on the ocean of tears,
     from these hours I should forget;
Pretending I'm still holding on,
     but it feels so different
And now I have nothing else left ---
     for you to break.
© 2011
 Dec 2011
JK Cabresos
I was crying in peace
I was silent in wars:
I swallowed easily my pride
I spewed out my doubts,
I offered my eyes to you, dear
I hoped to catch butterflies when it rains
I kept my antique love ---
I knew that I don't know much about this;
I was buried alive
I was buried alive.
© 2011
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