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 Jan 2015
Victor Marques

Antigos sonhos que se sonharam,
Amores que passaram.
Gotas de orvalho cristalino,
Destino que é destino.

Paixões turbulentas e calmas,
Cavernas que já foram cavernas,
Doenças que são grandes traumas,
Destino e paz às almas.

Sentimentos sem ter prazo,
Comboios no cais do acaso,
Saudades do tempo que passou,
Destino daquilo que fui e sou.

Avezinhas cantam belas melodias,
Suaves com suas crias,
Embalado na corrente do rio Tua que ainda corre,
Destino meu que não morre…

Alijó, 22 de Outubro de 1991
Victor Marques
Destino, eu, sou
 Dec 2014
Victor Marques
Close your own eyes,
Open your windows.
Your eyes will open letters of hidden secrets,
Doors will be open for you.

Forests with squirrels,  frogs and creative bats,
Doors in their own little lives,
knowledge not be published in our minds,
Doors closed and possibly open. ..

Life is for the wind,
For roses that you have any time,
Doors and windows closed for your love,
Riverside without anything,

Doors,  Doors angry foggy days,
Brilliant sunny,  wet and dark night,
Doors open at the atmosphere,
Windows close down with my fear.

Victor Marques
Doors, closed, open, opportunity
 Nov 2014
Victor Marques
Thanks for the first time I saw the light,
With care and support from mother,
Understanding the air and having a father.
Naked with abundance of the sky above,
I was born with tones of love...

Years of learning how to look everyone in the eyes,
Charming with friends and helping with smiles,
I know that I was a Child with different care,
I was born somewhere!

I love naturally with immense sense of grace,
I was born with a funny face,
Mountains with so many trees to grow,
Loving life in every blow.
 Oct 2014
Victor Marques
Everything is fine with the perfect gift,
Of the universe so perfect,
Perhaps more than we expect,
the lights on that we can quit,
romantic love to hear in a dark night,
stars shine all right...

oh.., yesterday gone forever,
future want a lift to get your hands,
violinist in the past support hardly fever,
university of the universe with no commands,
sun, paradise color of a golden brown hair,
Universe unknown , United but not fair. ..

back in time to go to eternity,
with no fear of death,  but totally free,
Universe unknown for human mind,
infinite,  unknown for mankind.

Victor Marques
Universe,  unknown,  infinite
 Oct 2014
Victor Marques
Gratitude for the rest of the day,
giving smiles away,
things are going well,
sinners with no bells.

Right now In your mind,
people will be around,
Doors and windows open tomorrow,
library of the universe,
Loving every human being in excess,
Banks without any money to borrow.

Leaves with the fear of being on the air,
Life is not always fair,
lions in the jungle with goats and lambs,
Loving life my dear friends.

Victor Marques

Banks without any money to borrow.
Living,  loyalty to life
 Oct 2014
Victor Marques
Leaves and the days without so much clarity,
falling  down for you and me.
Vineyards like a colourful rainbow up the sky,
leaves, leaves saying goodbye. ..

Birds singing a strange melody,
Pink flowers  and yellow bee,
leaves going away,
I rather want to bare and stay.

Wind an rain  with sad leaves,
no grapes, no figs...
We love naturally the beauties of  leaves falling down,
I watch them like an happy miserable clown.

Snow will comes in a very dark night,
Will cover all the leaves of a dynamic white,
Wolfs and bears still in their homes,
Kings and Queens in their thrones.

Victor Marques
Leaves, falling, down
 Oct 2014
Victor Marques
Vinhas nos dias de Outono
Quando da minha janela olho com sono,
Vejo vinhas ao abandono...
Quando da minha janela não  vejo flores floridas,
Olho para as folhas apodrecidas.
Me levanto com a vidraça embaciada,
Olho para um horizonte feito do nada.
As videiras imponentes e coloridas,
Despertam meio adormecidas.
Os ribeiros que desesperam junto aos salgueiros,
As rochas escurecem  com sorrateiros nevoeiros,
As vinhas parecem estar cheias de vida,
Eu me conforto com um  beijo de despedida.
Tantas e diversificadas  cores que me enchem a alma,
Solidão que ama e da calma.
Vinhas de um Outono  singular,
Folhas de par em par. .
Victor Marques
outono, sono, folhas, vinhas
 Oct 2014
Victor Marques
S. Francisco de Assis

Amor a todas as criaturas tu tinhas,
Santo de visão positiva e natural,
Da natureza e mundo animal.
Agora tu também e Santiago,
Que continua a pintar o bago.
S. Martinho faz meu vinho,
E tu olhas por minhas vinhas.

Tu criaste a devoção aos passarinhos,
Eu olho para a beleza dos seus ninhos.
Cantaram cânticos das harpas de Jacób,
Santo bendito de piedade e dó.
Pobrezinhos a Deus pedem pão,
E tu viste Deus em cada irmã e irmão.

S.Francisco de todo o mundo, de Asssis,
Juventude irrequieta que Deus quis,
És patrono da natureza e dos animais,
Deixa-me ouvir o cantar dos pardais…
S.Francisco, amor, animais, natureza
 Oct 2014
Victor Marques
True givers and receivers connected with Mother Nature
When I get back to my earlier days I can say that I’m a very lucky man.
To be alive is also a great way of getting the most important reward for doing things in harmony with God's grace. Every day we receive sun, rain for free.  We plant seeds and the only thing that we do is taking care about them and they will give you the chance of see the beauties of our mother nature.  Harvest time will come to pick up the reward of lots of caring about insignificant grains. Every second the universe shows to us the miracle of life.
       During the day we can have clarified so many different types of light, colorful sky, green or blue waters, golden horizons like purple, rainbows in a sunny day.
The perfect gift of having a good day it's a great moment in our daily routine.
In modern t times men lost the ability of giving in so many senses. Clear like transparent water should be used  with any questions about honesty,  loyalty,  love. ..
         To give isn't a big deal for so many people.  They are asking for something else. ...truly stunning true givers have a strong feeling of being able to give without restriction.  They do that for love to all brothers and sisters.  In addition to this I can see that a giver is much more appropriate for me than the receiver.  Smiling to get your returns is strictly forbidden.  Every time you have received a gift you thank the the giver with words of encouragement, wishing the the best luck .I would really love to know what you think about it?     Can you believe in giving a good idea to someone, helping individuals to join the group of friends that lovely give in a pure way?
       In addition to this receivers wait for the prey all time.  They don't understand why givers are happy and healthy.
They want to achieve things the same way as a poor man buy tickets for winning the lottery.
More closely you are with people who want to share experiences, thoughts, feelings more happy and enthusiastic you will become in a couple of years.
To choose is something that is not a problem for each human being. .. We have been made so far by civilization, different types of cultures, difficult to see however how men are fighting and killing each other for stupidity.
I believe in one single color of skin, one God, one big nation of people loving each other in peace,
Victor Marques
givers, receivers, givers gain
 Sep 2014
Victor Marques
Falo com Deus em Sentimento,
Rogo a Nossa Senhora do Rosário.
Perdeu-se o Sonho, meu lamento,
Tiveste teu calvário.

Douro e Tua sem altiva voz,
Descendente de meus avós.
Videiras sem uvas amadurecidas,
Paisagens queridas.

Sonolentos dias que amanhecem,
Flores que florescem.
Vida que sofre com quem tanto labutou,
Vinha que seu filho amou.

O sangue nas veias doridas,
Noites esquecidas.
O amor do Pai que nos assola,
Violaõ com toque de viola.

Cordiais Cumprimentos.
Victor Marques
amor ,pai
 Sep 2014
Victor Marques
How to understand the importance of being alive
Wake up in the early morning without anything to say about,
Look forward to hearing from you my friend and would like to know what are your thoughts in the end of a sleeping night.
To live is the best way of getting the most important reward for your support and encouragement.
I tried to access myself and put some quality in the mystery of being alive.  My melody will be able to offer you amazing words of wisdom regarding  the importance of being able to get your free time to live your own lifetime.
     We all are aware of mortality, we believe some in eternal life or can you deal with death in a fare way. ?
Of course not...we started to make sure that everyone will be in touch with the fear of being out of life in a certain period of time.
Life's is wondering why you should have so many worries, so much trouble, so much pain, presumably the pressure on your own. ...
As life goes on I just don't know what to expect from me and to deal with so many different ways of getting the most of things, the most of life.
      People are going through the process of setting difference in others people life. We have been made so far much progress in helping others to support important causes.  Men will wonder why some are so confident, positive, and so grateful.
In our lives experience we can find givers and receivers.
I love them all and try to keep it simple and intuitive.
     Sometimes it can be found on the air gratitude, love from the heart.  Life is a good thing indeed.  Deep in so many senses. Clear like transparent water.
I really don't know what you think about your own life and the place where you can find life in general.
      I wake up every day full of life. People have to look close to the right to monitor the content of your choice to love and hug the offers of being able to care about life.
      So look at the moment when you were born,  your name was probably pronounced.  Your parents laugh  with tears.  Your life started with joy.
Victor Marques
life,  death
 May 2014
Victor Marques
Graças a Deus
Você deve agradecer a criação de Deus?
Como um ser humano humilde Estou sempre grato a tudo que meus olhos podem ver e minha mente pode ou não poder entender.
Vejo a vida como um presente muito precioso. Não me pergunte porquê, cada pessoa é que deve ver e abrir os olhos para todas as belezas da natureza, do universo.
      A Criação de Deus é cheia de amor e carinho. O homem nunca vai ser melhor que nosso Senhor no espírito do verdadeiro amor. Seu Filho Jesus
morreu pelos nossos pecados.
Dias virão e a mortalidade permanecerá como o grande segredo para a espécie humana. Novas descobertas mostram o poder do Espírito Santo.
Como um verdadeiro crente eu vejo Deus como amigo, como uma luz que está sempre ligada, como o melhor arquiteto que planeou o mundo e fez isso de uma forma esplêndida.
      Quando eu semeio sementes não consigo ver nada. Eu me preocupo com as sementes, coloco a água, trato tudo com carinho e acredito verdadeiramente que a época da colheita virá como uma recompensa. Deus deu tudo para o homem. A cada momento peço paz, o respeito e o amor verdadeiro por toda a criação de Deus.
        Eu sou abençoado por me dedicar ao cultivo de uvas no Vale do Douro. Bendigo Deus pela minha família, amigos e por ter Deus todo o tempo na minha vida. Estou sempre grato por tudo o que rodeia no Espírito da criação de Deus.
Amor á natureza ao Universo, amando cada ser humano como Deus ama será o ideal de toda a criação.
Deus abençoe a todos
Victor Marques
 May 2014
Victor Marques
Close to nature, close to God.
The rainbow up the sky,
saying hello, saying goodbye!
Rivers with solitude,
Children asking for food.
Close to nature, to you my friend,
Loving everything in the end!
Gratitude with smile on your face.
Nature full of grace.

Days of rain and sun,
Close to nature again, and again...
God the universe embraces,
All countries, all races.
Close with infinite care,
Fog is on the air,
The birds sing in melody,
Flowers, honey and the bee.
Victor Marques
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