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 Aug 2012
Cary Fosback
Dearly departed, we are gathered here today
To gaze in quiet wonder at the beauty of the grave
To remark in awe and gander at the body that here lies
And to spy the stiffened cheekbones beneath her sunken eyes
How pretty can a smile be when placed upon her corpse
While the fruit she has brought us leaks at life's divorce

But the truth is not a tragedy that we have underwent
And timing is imperfect, but in our breast is evident
So let us gather here to celebrate the Joyus Chorus' call
Let's join our hands to embrace the death of one and all
Really depressing poem guys, I'm sorry for that. Sadness has been a theme as of late.
 Aug 2012
Cary Fosback
a pale night

two more estranged
in the passing of time forgotten
promises mistimed

and eternity can end in an instant
a sudden death to tumors long malignant
(let us remember the error of our ways,
the taste of blood when suckling an open wound)

it's new nihility embodied
and shortness of breath
when looking at night's pearl eye

drown out in stillness
double-time, my heart
frantic, my lungs

so beautiful and toxic
our morning flower dies
 Aug 2012
Cary Fosback
The sweat runs softly down the wall
The sounds so helpless, Siren's call
The night still young for dreary eyes
The warmth of breath in adored despise

Believe it or not, I know
How this ends and where I'll go
Believe it or not, you know,
I've deep delight in things unknown

The breathing walls are soon stripped bare
In vulnerable newness and patient stare
And a change so slightly hangs in the air
And the walls drip seed still unaware

A heart beats faster, lights turn on
Reckless disaster when night is gone
And the sweat will dry, the breathing cease
After the moment's tension release

Believe it
Believe it or not, I sow
A traveling in this windy road
Believe it or not, you show
The strangest compassion in your soul

My heart still flutters at your kiss
& in each beat that it must miss
I think how the walls pulsate new
With the very thought and deed of you
 Aug 2012
Cary Fosback
I like to snort coke
The feel of carbonation
As it's in my nose.
 Aug 2012
Cary Fosback
I know a man who smokes to die
With cobalt smog on his breath
Breaks his back to live a lie
Sweats himself to faster death

His dreams replaced with picket fences
His life replaced with a wife
Her needs placed in his defenses
Her heart that causes all his strife

He traded it in for minivans
He placed his hope between her arms
In the end his body stands
In his mind his ego breaks

I know a man who smokes to die
Who died too young, he’s in his prime
He gave up the spirit without a fight
And saw the light without a sign

At the end of the road, an end foreseen
At the end of the day, a bed to rest
A white wedding with his best dressed friend
A man smokes away his domestic best

Just like his dad, his cigar is lit
Just like his dad, his party’s done
It arrived today, his bridle and bit
It happened this way: he’s daddy’s son

I know a man who smokes to die
He became something he detests
The pearly life suburbanite
His last cigars were laid to rest
The last of his adventure died
With his smokes now in his chest
 Aug 2012
Cary Fosback
These nightmares you have, you hold in your heart,
The times now long past,
Will tear you apart
When all that you hold, down deep in your soul,
Are feelings you have of things that you know

Scarlett laced liquid runs through each bone
To the twitch of the eyes that turn you to stone
With every breath exhaled
Your heart beats the eulogy
And the tempo is slowed

The creatures fear as you lay in your bed
Are the firstborn of fright you hold in your head
By manifest loathing in the things that you’ve seen
In things that are done and places you’ve been

The tears down your eyes are like chills down your spine
In the sadness that’s shown and fear in its kind

The look in your ocean-sprayed eye betrays your still hands
And relay the soft meaning your lips could demand
 Jul 2012
Victor Marques
Rio Tua

Olho o rio que corre suavemente,
Nobre povo, paisagem estonteante,
Castanheiro terra singular,
Janela aberta para te comtemplar.

As montanhas descem para ti rio tua,
Imagem linda sem igual,
Pareces não ser rio, ser o mais lindo postal,
Rio maltratado pelas gentes de Portugal.

Quando me levanto te olho com amor,
Encontro Deus nosso Senhor.
Os melros e pintassilgos entoam afinadas melodias,
E tu rio Tua te abandonas junto às penedias.

Grande Abraço.
Victor Marques
 Jul 2012
Victor Marques
People colored with no break,
Different mind, different faith.
Jewls of the horizon up the sky,
Identity to sell  or buy?

Children from so many places,
No home, no laces.
Wars with brothers,
Soldiers with mothers.

Identity of the humble ones,
Be yourself because you can.
Words of globlality,
Identity of  you and me.

Identity of the people that you don,t know,
The world will blow.
Identity of the ones that love and care,
I will stay and stare.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
global, identity of mind
 Jul 2012
Victor Marques
O Zé-ninguém da minha escola

Olhos tristes e sempre meigos,
Faltam-te doces beijos.
Hesitante e por vezes calmo,
Sentes o belo salmo.

Rouquidão dum velho pastor,
Teu sorriso encantador.
Resposta por vezes certa,
Galo que te desperta.

Insegurança desmedida,
Rosto facetado pela vida.
Incompreendido nesse mundo teu,
Tens o carinho que Deus te deu.

Tens o nome de António, de José,
Percorres o País de lés-a-lés,
As tuas vitórias são grandes conquistas,
Que não são sociais ou políticas.

Victor Marques
 Jul 2012
Victor Marques
A vida que nos conta histórias

A vida que nos embala,
A flor que não fala.
O vazio que tenho no peito,
O respeito que é respeito.

A vida que nos enrola,
A modéstia que assola.
A humanidade do ser humano,
Seja grande ou pequeno.

A vida que conta histórias,
A recordação tem memórias.
A dignidade de quem é corajoso,
Seja ateu ou religioso.

A vida que nos acalma,
A tristeza de alma,
A sensatez de alguém humorado,
Viver não é pecado.

Victor  Marques
 Jul 2012
Victor Marques
A treze de Maio

A fé de milhares de peregrinos,
Oram ao Deus menino.
O aroma das rosas, flores benditas,
Deus nos honra com suas visitas.

Em prece suplicante,
Passam nos locais sagrados,
O caminho nunca é fatigante,
Quando os passos são compassados.

Cânticos suaves, hinos de amor,
Todos em seu redor,
Virgem Maria, nossa Mãe!
Teu regaço é feito de bem.

A treze de Maio apareceu um dia,
Vistosa, brilhante nossa Mãe Maria.
As giestas já estavam floridas,
Francisco e Lúcia colhiam as preferidas.

Victor Marques
 Jul 2012
Victor Marques
Os campos floridos

Campos esverdeados, giestas amareladas!
Cumes de montes perdidos, pedras maltratadas.
Árvores que exalam perfume,
Fogo que arde sem lume.

Campos que avisto solitário,
Searas de trigo ao toque do vento,
Paisagens celestes de momento,
Ervas deste santuário.

Um céu azul desolado,
Paisagens do passado,
Coisas sem sentido,
Um roxo comprometido

Campos que se vão embora,
Primavera os namora.
Verão quente, Outono doentio,
Inverno intolerante e frio.

Victor Marques
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