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 Dec 2019
Brody Blue
Love is all that’s good
In this realm of night and day.
We walk hand in hand,
Two lovers in light,
Till pale bones strewn in the rain
Is all that is left.

If not for the left
Turns that turn the tide from good
Cheer, to solemn rain,
Every given day
Would be fully filled with light,
None spent hand in hand.

But I fear the hand
We’re dealt will not leave much left,
Not a beam of light,
Much less something good.
And so now we brave each day,
Stoop and pray for rain,

Then when comes the rain,
Remain inside with our hand
Folded like the day
Each night, right and left,
Conflating fear with what’s good,
The dark with the light.

Love does not make light
Of those icy sheets of rain,
Nor thinks they are good,
But lends you a hand
And helps you take what you’re left
With, bright'ning your day,

Making every day
In spite of its darkness, light.
When nothing is left
Of the solemn rain,
Again hand in hand,
You’ll see it was good.

Thru that day of rain,
The light from your lover’s hand
Left you feeling good.
 Dec 2019
Brody Blue
Not until you learn
To be kind to fellow man,
Who, unlike the sun,
Still has much to find
In the shadows cast by good
Intentions of will,

Can you thrive and will
Everything you come to learn
Be fruitful and good.
For in every man
Is a universe to find
That outshines the sun.

For under the sun,
Where immense heat halts all will,
Nothing you will find,
Nothing you can learn,
Competes with the heart of man
When within is good.

Man is all that’s good.
By man alone is the sun
Understood, as man
Utilizes will
And has tamed the beast to learn
To name what he finds.

In nature, you’ll find
It knows no such thing as good,
And you will soon learn
The indifferent sun
Has no heart, no soul, no will,
Near the likes of man.

In the heart of man
Resides all courage to find,
For courage is will’s
Resolve to do good,
As unlike the deathless sun:
Only man can learn.

Man has all the good
You can find beneath the sun,
For, by will, they learn.
 Dec 2019
Brody Blue
When I learned your love
Was now not mine for all time,
I disarmed my heart,
Because I thought life
Was what you saw with the eyes,
Not what you could feel.

Now, all I can feel
Is loathsome hatred, not love,
For my trickster eyes
That looked into time
Without seeing any life,
Neither soul nor heart.

And yet, still my heart
Beats on, till the day I feel
How swift is life,
And learn I need love.
I will beg of you this time,
With blood in my eyes,

With blood in my eyes.
Fragile is my lonesome heart;
Help me thru the time
So I learn to feel
Once more the fullness of love,
And how to live life.

For to have a life,
You owe the light of your eyes
And sweet breath. What's love
To a pale-green heart?
Not even worms does it feel,
Unimpressed with time,

Unexplained by time,
And knowing that dream called life;
How bad it did feel!
With blood in my eyes,
I beg you, take it to heart
That you have my love,

When in time, my eyes
See life in anothers' heart,
And it's me you love.
This is a sestina made up of six pairs of haikus, and a single haiku at the envoi.
 Dec 2019
Brody Blue
When I met you, love,
On last April's fourteenth day,
While on that month long
Road trip, we got lost,
Found a bar, and went inside
With an empty hand.

I fulfilled my hand
That night, when I met you, love.
You snuck me inside
Your room night and day;
I must admit, I got lost.
But not for too long.

‘Cause the road is long
Ahead; and a bird in hand
Is worth two you’ve lost.
When I met you, love,
It was on the fourteenth day,
And you stayed inside.

And you stayed inside
For just way too ******* long.
Windows shut by day,
Lights at night in hand.
That night, when I met you, love,
Were you just as lost?

That night, we were lost;
At the bar we sat inside.
When I met you, love,
I still had a long
Way to go. But bird in hand
Was worth two that day

Till there comes the day
When I’ve found what isn’t lost,
That a bird in hand
Is worth two inside
The bush. It’s been so long since
When I met you, love,

That day spent inside.
I lost you; it took too long
For your hand in love.
This is a sestina made up of six pairs of haikus, and a single haiku at the envoi.
 Dec 2019
Brody Blue
Today is the day.
To yesterday, pay no mind.
Soon it will be night
When darkness rules things.
Whose corpse falls in the street, left
For buzzards to find?

Is it yours they'll find?
No. It won’t be yours to-day.
Leave for god what’s left.
Mercy? pay no mind.
You’ll find justice in the things
You will take to-night.

Soon it will be night
With a cloudy sky. You’ll find
Darkness will rule things,
Till the coming day.
To the sirens, pay no mind.
They have no song left.

Burn what they have left
To the ground. Light up the night.
Don’t pay any mind
To secrets they find.
They’ll be back at work some-day
Soon, and forget things.

And someday soon, things
Will be back like when we left.
Today’s not the day;
Soon it will be night.
At dawn, corpses they will find;
Mercy? pay no mind.

Mercy? pay no mind.
Go! Find justice in their things!
Take what you can find!
Burn what they have left
To the ground! Light up the night!
Till the coming day,

Pay no mind; what’s left
Are things to be had to-night,
Till the coming day!
This is a sestina made up of six pairs of haikus, and a single haiku at the envoi.
 Dec 2019
Brody Blue
There may come a time
When I go out of my mind,
Lest I see a light
From above shine thru,
And all renewed ‘neath the sun;
Then the sky may fall...

Summer’s turned to fall,
And soon will come winter-time,
A cloud covered sun
Robs wonder from mind;
Until the spring comes thru
Blessing us with light.

Though spring with its light
Will come, first will come the fall.
Go the whole way thru,
It soon will be time
To learn the limits of mind
Lies under the sun.

And under the sun
Is where you stand in the light;
So keep it in mind.
Summer’s turned to fall,
And soon will come winter-time.
Go the whole way thru.

Go the whole way thru;
Look toward tomorrow’s sun.
You will find no time
For the bright spot-light
When you wake up and it’s fall.
It will blow your mind.

If spring’s on your mind,
I’d advise, don’t think it thru.
First will come the fall;
A cloud covered sun
Will block out all of the light,
Then will come the time,

Your mind in the sun,
And shining thru it, the light.
But fall comes, this time.
This is a sestina made up of six pairs of haikus, and a single haiku at the envoi.
 Dec 2019
Brody Blue
Puzzling the will
Time immemorial, love
Floods the realm of time.
Midday thru midnight,
Hearts attempt to blind the mind,
Till souls fall headlong

Into hell’s pit, long
Before our determined will
Submits to our mind.
Nothing comes from love
By lovers in endless night;
Swiftly moves the time

Till there is no time,
And the days that once seemed long
Turn forever night.
What good will your will
Be if there’s no soul to love?
So keep it in mind,

Your limited mind,
That in unlimited time,
All but for your love
Will not last for long.
You won’t live to see your will
Brighten someone’s night

Lest you brave the night
With the might of your own mind,
And by strength of will,
Disregard all time
So long as the day is long;
Only then will love

Truly be true love.
For even a stormy night
Is not for love long.
For love’s of the mind,
As the heart cannot bear time
Nor implement will

That love has in mind.
Thru the night and for all time,
Love lasts long past will.
This is a sestina made up of six pairs of haikus, and a single haiku at the envoi.

— The End —